Chapter 17 Yuri x Yena


'Well, didn't think I'd see you again."

The woman stood in front of me, leaning against the door frame. She was in comfortable clothes, a simple tee and sweatpants, all under that sleeping robe of hers. She looked at me, confused at what I was doing here. 

"Yeah well, it's Seoul. We were bound to run into each other one way or another."

She looked past me, looking at Yuri who was standing behind me, her meek figure trying to hide her presence in front of this charismatic woman. 

"Right. Well, that's Yuri, and I kinda brought her here cause she needs help. And you're the only person I know whose, ya know..."

"What, is this a thing now? You being a counselling Uber driver?" 

"You don't know the half of it..." 

My mind was reminded of the events the past 3 days. Those long, long three nights. 


I turned around to Yuri, finally introducing her.


"Yuri, this is Eunbi. She's the one I was talking about."

I gestured with my hand, signaling her to approach the older girl. Yuri took small steps, as though scared of the woman standing before her. Or maybe she's shy. Either one. Guess it's a normal reaction, especially when you're meeting 'her' for the first time. Yuri put her hand out, still facing the floor.

"H...Hi... Sorry for th-the trouble..."

Well at least she has manners, despite her shyness.

"Don't just stand there, come on in. I'll get you some juice "

Eunbi, of course, let us in, ushering us to her dining room. I followed behind, not exactly sure whether to accompany them or to just draw the line and go back. Instead, Eunbi gestured at me to come in, leading me in with Yuri. We sat around her dining table, a rather lush wooden table in front of her kitchen. I took a second to scan her home, taking note of her house and the little details I could pick out. She was definitely living rather modestly, but she wasn't short on cash either. Everything was brand new, but it wasn't extravagant. Just essentials.

"So, what brings you two here?"

She placed a cup of tea in front of us, before taking her seat opposite me. I looked at Yuri, letting her take the lead in this. I mean, this WAS her problem. Instead, she just kept quiet, trying to find the words in her head. I'm not one with a lot of patience so I decided to step in.

"Yeah, well, she has a slight problem with her partner and it involved the whole wedding shtick." 

"I see." 

Eunbi took a sip of her tea, leaning back into her chair. She turned to face Yuri, who was still feeling a little apprehensive. 

"You mind telling me what happened?"

Yuri kept her silence for a second or two I could see it in her face, her mind trying to find the words to properly convey the matter.

"My girlfriend. She's been avoiding talking about our future. She keeps changing the topic whenever marriage comes up. And the worst part is, she keeps pulling pranks with the whole proposing thing, not taking it seriously. I'm sorry. It all sounds stupid when I said that out loud but it's just..." 

"It's okay. I understand." 

Yuri looked up, shock on her face as she heard Eunbi relate to her. Eunbi was just smiling, sipping on her tea. 

"Surprisingly, I might have more in common with you than we thought."

"Why is that?"

'Well, my fiancée, she had the same problem too." 

Just as she mentioned her fiancée, we heard the front door open. 


A lady walked into the kitchen, carrying two boxes of pizza in her hands. She stopped dead in her tracks when she no-ticed Yuri and I sitting with Eunbi.

"Oh... I didn't know we had guests... I don't think we have enough pizza..." 


Eunbi shot out of her seat, hugging her partner in front of us. They had a small snuggle, forgetting their guests for a second. 

"Oh right. Hun, this is Chaewon and Yuri. They came down to talk about something. Guys, this is my fiancée, Sian."

Sian gave us a small nod, her face beaming as a way to welcome us to her house. I looked at her, the lady that won over Eunbi's heart before Nako could. Yeah, I can see why they became a couple.

'Well then! Why don't we talk over pizza? I don't know if we have enough, but I'm pretty sure we can cook something up for our guest's right?" 

She walked into the kitchen, placing the pizza on the dining table. 

"Go and help them with what they need to. I'll go cook us all dinner yeah?"

They shared one more small kiss, before Eunbi came back to sit with us. I had to fight the urge to roll my eyes, opting to just close it instead.

"So, where were we? Oh right, the similarities. Well, like I said before, my partner there, she was doing the same thing, kinda. She would constantly avoid the talk, not wanting to bring it up even when we were alone. She would constantly shrug it off as a joke, not take it seriously and all. She even faked a proposal a couple of times just to mess around with me." 

They both looked at each other, somehow, a slight bond forming right in front of me. Yuri listened, her attention fully on Eunbi. Of course she would. Almost everything said by Eunbi was almost identical to her situation.

"How did you put up with it? Werent you mad?"

"I was. I got really pissed. Hell I think that was probably the biggest fight we had?"


Sian's voice boomed out from the kitchen, obvious she was listening in to the conversation. Her outburst elicited a giggle from Eunbi, now seeing the incident as nothing more than just a memory. 

"So why did you two make up? What happened?" 

'Well, by that point, I had already made up my mind that she was the one for me. For some reason, I was willing to wait. I knew she was gonna do it eventually. I trusted her love in me. I just needed to wait."

"How could you be so sure? I mean..."

"I get you. But, I don't know. Maybe I was just way too deep into her. I would have waited for years if I had to."

"So why did she wait so long. The avoiding, the jokes?"

"Well, it's just her defense mechanism. Sian isn't exactly the feely-feely type, rather just doing whatever she wants at her own pace. She just needed time to properly convey her words to me. So I gave her the time."

Eunbi rested her chin on her hand, staring into the kitchen, her eyes wandering around as she watched Sian prepare the ingredients for whatever she was making.

"So what made you propose for her for real?"

I shouted back into the kitchen, trying to get some kind of progress with this conversation. Might as well get the other side of the story. 


Sian shouted again from the kitchen, her voice booming, bouncing off the walls in the room.

Jesus she's loud. 

She came out of the kitchen for a second, leaning against the wall, a potato in her hand.

 'Well, I just thought I had to stop being a coward. I saw how much she wanted it, and yet she was willing to wait. It just hurt me. I didn't want her to beat herself up for me. So I thought, 'let's do it"

She gave a wink at Eunbi, before walking back into the kitchen. I didn't realise a sigh escaped my lips, my gag reflex starting up again.

"You think my girlfriend will be the same?"

Yuri asked, her face hopeful and serious.

"Maybe hun. By the sound of it, your girlfriend is the type to joke around a lot. She might be the type to not do these sappy things too well. So just give her time I sup-pose."

Eunbi reached out, holding Yuri's hand in hers. I just sat there, uncomfortable at the whole situation. This was definitely out of my depth. I wish I could just walk outside right now.

Guess God really does exist. My phone started ringing, a familiar number flashing. I walked out for a second, intending to speak privately. I mean, I don't exactly remember the number, but it might be someone I know. 


"Ah great. Yeah uuuhhh... This is the person that booked an uber about 30 minutes ago? You took my girlfriend, and then left me?" 


"Right... ah can you tell me, did you drop my girlfriend off somewhere? Did she give a different address to the one I gave you? Cause she's not at her home and I want to make sure she's alright."

"Ah, yes. She's with me right now actually. She wanted to get a drink so I brought her to a place I know."

"Ah... Can you give me the address?"

I looked over at Yuri, who was talking to Eunbi, spilling her heart and pain out.

"I don't think that a good thing Yena"


"It's me. Chaewon."

"Wait, what are you-"

"Look. Your girlfriend's kind of busy, trying to understand stuff right now. And you are the problem. After the stunt you pulled, I'd like to stay away from you too." 


"Yeah, you get what I mean now?"

"But... I need to see her. I need to apologise."

"More like you need a goddamn beating. The hell is wrong with you?"

"I... I just-"

"Ya know what, screw it. Meet me at this location. We're going to have a talk."

"And Yuri?"

"She'll be fine. She has her own counsellor. And you, You need a little talk with me." 

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reigngrey #1
Chapter 20: Not gonna lie i was surprise to that you chose sian as eunbi’s partner.

Keep going i really love these stories.
reigngrey #2
Chapter 15: Wow…. No wonder. . . There is no ‘speaking chaeyeon”….. but it hurts. . .

You will be fine sakura.

Looking forward for the next chapter