chapter 3 Nako x Eunbi


"Seems like you two had fun?" 

I walked over to the two, slumped by the stairs of the hotel. Not exactly a view you'd expect at such a high end establishment. Especially not from someone as supposedly elegant as Nako's date. I slung her free arm around my shoulders, relieving Nako of some of the weight. I looked down at this drunk woman around my shoulder. The stench of wine was strong. Guess they had some real strong liquor. Her face was barely red, probably all the make-up. Her eyes were closed, dozing off in such a nonchalant manner. Guess even in her drunk state, she tries to be "elegant." 

Really doesn't work honestly. 

"Alright, buckle her up Nako, I'll drive slowly so you guys don't get motion sickness." 

I strapped myself in, instantly adjusting the radio channel. By this point, the radio was my only source of relaxation. The familiar tune of a Big Bang's song filled the car, surprisingly a ballad. I peeked a glance at my rear view mirror. Making sure my passengers were fine. Nako's date, Eunbi I believe, was all strapped in, but she was leaning down on Nako's shoulder. Must be pretty un-comfortable for her.... Considering the height difference. 
Nako definitely didn't mind. She looked delighted, that her date was leaning on her. To be fair, that's a heart fluttering moment so I guess I can under-stand what Nako's feeling. 


"I'll be honest, I didn't think you two would be getting drunk at such a fancy restaurant."

"Yeah, well neither did."

A slight giggle escaped Nako, amused at the whole situation.

"I didn't think she'd get so drunk from wine. I always figured she was a strong drinker."

"Looks like you're wrong."

"Guess I am..."

"That's fine. You can't know everything about a person, right?"

I kept my eyes, forward, watching the empty road in front of me. The silence and the emptiness of the road was cathartic, complementing the warm silence within the cab itself. I took another glance, watching as Nako swept Eunbi's hair out of the way, admiring her face. 

"You really like her huh?" 

"I can't even be bothered to hide it right now honestly." 

She looked up at me, making eye contact with me through the rear view mirror

"I mean, she's probably 90% of the reason why I wanted to come the Korea in the first place." 

"How did you two meet anyway? If you don't mind me asking."

"By this point, I think you kinda deserve leeway in this."

We both shared another laugh, feeling a little camaraderie for some reason.

"She was my tutor actually. She volunteered at my school for a while, and she taught some of the students there dance and Korean. I was one of them."

Nako adjusted her shoulder a little, trying to get Eunbi more comfortable. 

"I'd like to believe we hit off since the beginning. We talked, we exchanged numbers, and eventually, I believe we got close. I'd come over to her dorm, she'd come over to my house. Hell, most of the time we wouldn't even be studying Korean like she's supposed to be." 

My eyes strayed towards Eunbi's face, who was pretty stoic throughout all of this. was slightly open, breathing through rather than through her nose. And somehow, I saw the edges of twitch, as though smiling in her dream. 

"Eventually, at some point, we had to split. She had to come back to Korea. And it was at that point that I realised, I was in love with her. The thought of not meeting her anymore, to not have her in my life in some form or another, just tore my heart apart. So I tried. I tried all I could to keep our bond alive. Even if it's all a waste a time, even if it's a futile attempt." 

She suddenly took out her phone, admiring it. 

"Ya know, this phone of mine is pretty new. But the trouble I had to go through was ridiculous. Because I had to keep all the messages I had with Eunbi in my old phone. I had to do it. I had to keep all of our old texts. Those were the only things I had of her. Till now that is." 

I stared outside, the sight of the streetlamps slowly passing by as I listened to Nako. It was cute. Their little love story. It was a warm feeling, unlike the cold breeze chilling the people outside. And yet... 

"So you came here... To confess."

There was silence, only the sound of the radio and rain filling the air.

"Well... I guess not anymore. I don't think I can do it with how she is now." 
She had a regrettable smile on her face, as though resigned to fate. Guess that's my cue. 
I slowed down as I parked by the road, right next to a convenience store. 


"Go get her some hangover medicine. She might need it when she gets back home. And who knows, it might sober her up."

"Wait... you mean..."

"Yes. You know exactly what I mean. You came here to confess, and you're gonna do it. So go. I'll take care of her here." 

".... Thanks!" 

The gently leaned Eunbi's head against the door, before exiting. She even closed the door gently. She really was whipped. A couple of minutes passed, before I turned around.

"So how long you gonna keep acting?" 

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reigngrey #1
Chapter 20: Not gonna lie i was surprise to that you chose sian as eunbi’s partner.

Keep going i really love these stories.
reigngrey #2
Chapter 15: Wow…. No wonder. . . There is no ‘speaking chaeyeon”….. but it hurts. . .

You will be fine sakura.

Looking forward for the next chapter