chapter 12 Chaeyeon x Sakura


The drive was just as quiet as the first time, but it wasn't as awkward. It felt more peaceful, comfortable. I took a glance at the two of them. They just sat there, Chaeyeon lookin ahead, sitting upright and leaning against her seat, while Sakura sat next to her, looking at Chaeyeon's face. She had a look on her face that reminded me so much of Yujin and Nako.


And yet, hers felt different. It felt more, restrained. Mature, even. Maybe that's the difference in experience, or long distance. They just felt more subdued, but I could still feel the same amount of love they had for one another as Yujin and Wonyoung did. Sakura's gaze was fixated, only having eyes for her partner. The passing lights reflected of her eyes were bright orange/red, the same colour as her warm affection for her partner. I didn't want to ruin the atmosphere, letting Sakura sit there to admire her girlfriend. I can't just barge in and start a conversation. Not this time anyway. I'm sure she just wants to spend some quality time together, and not have to spend it with some LJber driver interviewing them. They feel different than the couples I've met so far, so I got to treat them as such. I didn't have to stay quiet for too long anyway. The next drop off point wasn't too far away. The roads were empty so it made it even faster to get to the location. We drove up the dirt road, approaching the top of the hill. I could see a huge pine tree growing in the middle of a clearing that overlooked the city below us. The view absolutely stunned me. I didn't know about this place, and I damn near regret not knowing about this place sooner. The night sky was only illuminated by the moon, but the clearing was still pretty bright from the city lights in the distance. It wasa good grey line in between nature and urbanization. I parked the car just a couple of feet away from the tree, keeping clear of the green clearing around it. I didn't want to ruin such a beautiful place with this hunk of junk.

"You can just stay here. We're not going to go far. We'll just be there near that tree."

She didn't even wait for my response, instantly flinging the door open and dragging Chaeyeon out into the open night. I leaned back and watched as the two of them ran out towards the tree, Chaeyeon in Sakura's hand. Their silhouette was the only thing moving in the still night. I my radio and started turning the volume up. The melody of Ed Sheeran's Supermarket Flowers drifted into the night. The volume was turnt up to the maximum, meaning Sakura could hear. She turned around to look at me, bowing her head ever so slightly, as though to thank me. She turned back to face Chaeyeon. They stared at each other for a couple of minutes, letting the melody of the song and the nature embrace them.

 After a minute or two, they started dancing. It was a slow dance, a simple sway from left to right. As the piano picked up its tempo, so did her, expanding her circle. The silhouette danced around the tree, the lights from the night sky barely illuminating the faces. Sakura was smiling, her eyes closed in wonder and elation. Her hand movements were graceful, her footsteps refined and elegant. They obviously grew up dancing, learning the craft long enough to be able to perform such a beautiful choreography on the spot.

Without me realising, I felt a hot streak trailing down my cheeks. My hands reacted instinctively, wiping the tears that were running down my face. It wasn't even a tear or two. I didn't know why, but my tears just kept falling.

As the song came to an end, so was their dance. Sakura stood right beneath the tree, crouching down with Chaeyeon next to her. They were digging something underneath the tree finally pulling something out. I guess that's their time capsule. It was a small box, just a tad smaller than a shoe box. They opened it up and pulled another smaller box within it.

Even from where I was, I could tell what it was. I felt the edges of my lips curling up. So that's why she wanted to
come here. The two of them walked back to the cab, their prize in hand. They entered the cab, Sakura panting from the
dance routine she did.

"You got what you came for?"

She merely nodded her head, putting up the ring box in her hand and showing it off to me. She turned to face
Chaeyeon one more time, a smile again forever etched on her face. Her eyes had a different feel to it this time. I
could just feel it.

"So where to now?"

"l don't know. I just want a place to sit back and relax. I want to spend some more time with her tonight."

"Well... I think I know just the place."


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reigngrey #1
Chapter 20: Not gonna lie i was surprise to that you chose sian as eunbi’s partner.

Keep going i really love these stories.
reigngrey #2
Chapter 15: Wow…. No wonder. . . There is no ‘speaking chaeyeon”….. but it hurts. . .

You will be fine sakura.

Looking forward for the next chapter