chapter 7 Yujin x Wonyoung


I walked into the café, finding one next to the window. Perfect I didn't even bother going to the counter to get coffee. I'm here for a different reason. I'm not here to have a cup of coffee or tea. Actually, I just don't have the money for it. I just looked at the prices and I'm just taken aback.

10 bucks 8 bucks for a cup of coffee?! Either that's some fancy stuff, or economy's gotten so bad that coffees a luxury.

I sank into the chair, noticing the soft cushion on it. I looked around, admiring the outlay and aesthetic of the shop. It was bright and colourful, but also retro. It was hip, but also classy, if that was even possible. Coffee shops nowadays are so fancy. The smell of freshly roasted coffee beans wafted in the air, mixing in with the peculiar smell of wooden floorings and walls. The sound of laptop keys pressing as writers type out their new blog posts on their laptops occupy my ears, a sound common to these types of environment. I felt relaxed despite myself, my body going limp against the leather cushion of the chair I was in. I took out another lollipop from my jacket, my mouth craving something since the smell of coffee was making my mouth salivate. I turned to look out the window next to me, looking down at the trampoline park beneath me. My eyes scanned the entire park, trying to find the two girls. The place was sur-prisingly packed, for a Monday evening. Granted, they were mostly young kids and the occasional couple, but it was still pretty bustling compared to what I had in mind. 

Couples were having fun playing around with one another, chasing and jumping around with smiles on their faces. The typical hand holding and back hugging as they bounced lightly with one another side by side. Guess Mondays aren't as depressing as people make it out to be. Either that or this is their way of beating the Monday blues. 
I finally spotted the two kids, playing around near one of the trampoline floors. They were facing one another, jumping and smiling. Yujin was jumping energetically, per-forming some kind of stunt or performance as she jumped. I don't know whether it was some kind of trick kids nowadays do, or whether she was just committing body gags, but it didn't matter to Wonyoung.

Wonyoung, of course, was beaming from ear to ear, laughing at whatever Yujin was doing. She wasn't jumping as high, merely rebounding from Yujin's strong jumps. That girl was having the time of her life watching Yujin have fun, and honestly, that smile was contagious. I couldn't help but smile myself, a warm feeling in the pit of my stomach. Yujin put her hand out, gesturing for Wonyoung to hold her hand. The moment she grabbed Yujins hand, she pulled Wonyoung close, hugging her and making her laugh out loud. The two of them started jumping in circles, watching each other and laughing, not caring about who around them was watching. Not that it mattered. The people around them were watching them adoringly, somehow enamoured by the tender scene in front of them. Certainly, it was a sweet scene, and it definitely went well with the lollipop I was on.

At this point, I was having a sugar overdose. I might get diabetes from all this honey. Maybe it wasn't so bad, to be slightly dependant on some-one else for a little bit of happiness. I mean, I've only ever depended on me to keep myself happy. I've felt ecstatic or whatever around other people, and not like I've had a special someone to make me all buttery and melty. Watching other fawn over one another have always made me feel bitter more than anything else. Not out of jealousy or envy, but rather alienation. I've never felt what they feel, and most of the time, I doubt I ever will, so it al-ways weirded me out seeing them so happy being in the arms of someone else, rather than be comforted in their own. Maybe it's just me.

But watching Wonyoung, I couldn't help but see it in a different light. She was so happy, her smile practically plastered on her face It didn't feel condescending or anything. It was so innocent and pure, that I couldn't help but feel my heart grow a couple of sizes. I was happy FOR her. The two of them were so young, probably experiencing love for the first time together, and not understanding what it was. But unlike me, who knew that first loves didn't last, that what I was feeling was just a fleeting emotion, the two of them were living in the moment. They were in love, and they were going to revel in it. It didn't matter to them what would happen in the future. Cause to them, what was happening now was more important. 

I guess I was too busy daydreaming cause next thing I knew, I lost sight of the two of them. I had a mini heart at-tack, surprised at their disappearance. I mean, these were two really tall kids. It was hard to miss them. And yet, I managed to lose sight of both of them. And from where I was, it was basically like playing a real life version of where's Waldo. 

I was about to stand up and go down to look for them when I finally spotted something. From the corner of my eye, I saw Wonyoung running excitedly, carrying a drink and churros in each hand. I guess they were hungry and the kid went off to buy something to eat. She was skipping down the path like a kid, excited to show off her snacks to whoever it was. She suddenly stopped, looking around to look for her date. She looked adorable, like a tall meerkat looking around. I felt my chest tingle, absolutely enam-oured by this lovable little kid. I noticed Yujin as well, just a couple of feet away, waving at Wonyoung to come over. She saw Yujin, and ran over to her direction, but she wasn't looking where she was going. A couple of kids older than her, maybe in college or some-thing, suddenly turned the corner and ran into her. The cup of coke spilled over his shirt, and the churros flying over. The group of guys started making a fuss, shouting and crowding around Wonyoung. I noticed Yujin running over to her, to try to pull her away. Yujin stood between the punks and Wonyoung, her temper flaring. Wonyoung, who was obviously scared, hid behind Yujin, not daring to look up or say anything. Yujin was ready to square up, an-gry at the punks who were obviously trying to bully the two younger girls. I looked around but no one was willing to help these two girls. I sat there, watching everything unfold. Well isn't this a problem. I stood up, putting my jacket on. Guess This Uber driver's gotta go and save the day. 

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reigngrey #1
Chapter 20: Not gonna lie i was surprise to that you chose sian as eunbi’s partner.

Keep going i really love these stories.
reigngrey #2
Chapter 15: Wow…. No wonder. . . There is no ‘speaking chaeyeon”….. but it hurts. . .

You will be fine sakura.

Looking forward for the next chapter