Chapter 19 Yuri x Yena


We stood there, looking at the so called intruder that stepped into our little argument. Or should I say intruders.

"How long you guys been standing there?"

Yuri, Eunbi and Sian stepped out into the open, all three standing in front of us.

"Probably somewhere in the middle. Around the part you two started punching each other."

Sian quipped, sipping on a can of coke at the same time. Eunbi smacked her arm, trying to get her to 'act' serious, probably. I stood back up, dusting the dirt off my shirt and pants, trying to get my bearings back. I felt a sting on my cheek, making me wince. Guess the adrenaline rush is wearing off. Damn, Yena actually does pack a punch. Before I could even say anything, Yuri ran forward, pushing me aside and approached Yena. She practically jumped on her, hugging her and cupping her face. I was just left in the dust, rubbing my throbbing cheeks, while that little dumb duck gets babied by the same person she supposedly hurt. Ain't that the irony? I turned back, approaching Eunbi and her partner.

"I told you to meet us at the carpark. How'd you guys even find us here anyway?"

"Oh, the girl at the convenience store told us. She said she saw you walking this way all angry and stuff when we asked. She even gave me free coke to make sure you're not in some kind of trouble." 

Sian explained the can of coke she has in her hand, stretching it out to me, offering me a sip. 

What's there to refuse? 

I took it, taking a sip myself. I couldn't help but wince a little, realising a small cut next to my lip. Guess I took my damage than I thought. 

"Here. Use this." 

Eunbi pulled out some bandages out of her bag, some hello kitty bandages and alcohol swabs. 

"Thanks, but I can do that alone. Just hand me the bandaid."

I pulled the bandage out of her hand, fully capable of handling my injuries myself. Not like it's too serious. Just a scratch, a bruise. Nothing more. I've had worse.

"So, how'd your talk go?" 

'Well, take a look." 

I turned around, looking at Yuri and Yena. For a while, they just stood there, staring into each other's eyes, admiring one another. Yuri caressed Yena's face, her touch soft and gentle, cupping her face. She had a shadow of a smile on her face, her eyes filled with Yena's reflection. Yena was enamoured herself, as though forgetting everything we just talked about. She had a smile on her face, the gall on her to be able to relish the good in this situation. They stared at each other, slowly inching closer together, their faces merely centimeters away from each other. It almost seemed like they would make up, and make out, when Yuri pushed Yena back, shaking her head as though snap-ping out of it.

"No No! I'm supposed to be mad. At you!"

She turned around, her voice getting louder as she blamed the girl sitting in front of her. She was trying to tap into her anger again, as though finding something to blame.

"I thought you talked to her about this?'"

I turned to whisper at Eunbi, who was just standing there calmly, as though expecting this to happen.

"I never said that. I just told you to watch, and im telling you keep watching. Jesus, you're impatient."

"Calm down bud, here have another coke." 

Sian handed me another can of cola, as though she had a stash with her somehow. The two of them turned to face the Yena and Yuri, as though watching a weekend drama on the television. Hell, Eunbi had her own can of cola in her hand. 
Well, if ya can't beat'em, join'em. I turned, expecting the worst. 

"Yuri, I-" 

"No, no, no, no I am NOT letting you sweep this up like you always do." 


"NO YENA! I am not going to let you gloss over this like it's nothing! I've had enough!"

Yena kept quiet, unsure what to say.

"I am, EXTREMELY pissed at you. Royally. Like you can't even believe how pissed I am at you right now."

"I think I can guess..."

Yuri stopped in her tracks, turning to face Yena again, this time her eyes red with anger and tears.

"You... Was what you said true?"

Yena looked up, somewhat apprehensive to face her partner.

"How much did you hear-"

"Doesn't matter how MUCH I heard, what matters to me is WHAT I heard, and I heard everything near the end."

Yuri's voice went low, almost a whisper as she recalls what Yena said, her tears streaming down her face. Yena simply looked down at the ground, her own tears staining the sand beneath her. 

"Did you really mean what you said Yena? How much was the truth?" 

Yena kept her silence, unwilling to say anything, unwilling to expose herself any further. Yuri went down on her knees, so that their eye levels matched, so that they were on the same eyelength. And yet, Yena refused to look at her. Yuri cupped her face, forcing her to face each other, and still Yena tried to look away, her eyes wandering away from the one person she needs to. I've had enough of that damn pride of hers, coming this close to throwing the can of coke I had in my hand at her. But before I could do anything, someone stepped in.

"You know, if you keep that up, you ain't gonna keep her, no matter how much you want to."

Sian stepped up, approaching the couple. I looked at her, noticing that facetious attitude of hers somehow replaced by something more... Serious. 

"Who are-" 

"Let's skip the whole 'who you, why you' thing and just focus on the real problem yeah? Why are you being so stubborn?" 

"I just- I don't know how to..."

"You don't know how to explain yourself? Really? We all heard what you said like 10 minutes ago. So let's start with that yeah." 

Sian walked past the two of them, sitting on the bench I was sitting before.

"You said you weren't worthy for her, that she deserves better, that you can't marry her cause then you'd just be making her 'lose her smile'. Your words right?"

"... Right."

"Right. Now, you wanna know why I call bull on that?"

"What- That wasn't bull?! I wasn't lyin-"

"Relax. I didn't say you were lying. Truth be told, I totally believe ya when you say that. I totally see you believing all that. But that doesn't mean it still ain't bull." 

That left Yena stunned, speechless. She was just opening and closing like a dumb little goldfish.

"You say you don't deserve to marry her, that you think she deserves better, and yet you don't want to let her go, you don't want to leave her or let her leave you. C'mon, you're just as selfish as you are selfless. What are you doing?! Why you conflicting yourself?? Choose a side. Stay... Or go."

Sian took on last sip of her cola, before standing up, crushing the can in her hand and letting out a small growl, as the carbonated drink stung . She walked away, leaving Yena with an ultimatum. 

"Well, time to go hun. And you, you're the driver so I'm guessing you gotta stay but try to give them some space yeah. Don't think you have to do anything anymore."

She walked up to us, her happy-go-lucky demeanour back in full strength. She placed her hand on my shoulder, as though sympathising with me, before turning to Eunbi. 

"Cmon hun. Wedding day's coming and we got a lot of things to settle."

Eunbi stayed back a little, watching her partner walk off ahead to look for a bin to throw her can away. She turned to me, whispering to me. 

"You know, I don't know how you got involved in this counselling thing, but I think you're doing a good job of it."

She gave a pat on the back before walking away, a small wave at me.

"By the way! You're invited to the wedding too!"

I just smiled, waving at her as she walked away. I took a sip of cola, before I remembered there was another couple behind me. I turned around, ready for some sort of screamfest or an ugly scene. Instead, I see Yuri facing away from Yena, who was standing behind her, shame and guilt all over her face. 


Yena tried to call out, to reach out to Yuri. She reached her hand out, before pulling it back at the last minute.

"Look... I know I've been stupid, that I've been making hard on you but..."

Yuri kept quiet, trying to fight back the urge to turn back, to face Yena, to accept her apology before she could say it, like she always does. 

"I know I cant take back what I've done, what I've made you feel. I won't blame you if you hate me, if don't want to see me anymore. Just... Just know that, I never once wanted to hurt you. What I felt was real. I really did... Re-ally did like you." 

Yena took a step forward, finally gathering the courage to let herself open up, to accept herself.

"What I said was true, that I didn't feel worthy. That I wasn't enough. But what that lady said was true. I was be-ing selfish. I didn't want to let you go. I... I wanted you by my side. It's true that I can't accept commitment, not yet. I'm still scared of it, to share my life with another, to be re-sponsible for someone other than myself. Hell, I can't even be responsible for myself yet, so it doesn't make sense for me to want to take care of another person. And yet, the only person I could ever feel that way is with you. The only person I can imagine myself settling down with is you... And I'm scared." 

Yena stood behind Yuri, her hand hovering above her shoulder, deciding whether to hold her, to have her. 

"I'm sorry." 

"You idiot." 

That was enough to get Yuri to turn around. The apology. That was all that she needed to break her walls down. Yuri turned around faster than she realised, pulling Yena into her embrace. 

"You idiot! Why didn't you say anything? I thought you trusted me enough to say this? I thought we had something"

"We do. I just-"

"Shut up will you and just hold me."

Yena bit her lips, hesitant at first, before accepting Yuri in her arms, embracing her tightly.

"I'm willing to wait for you, no matter how long, you dumb duck..." 

Yena finally smiled as she heard that, a burden on her shoulder relieved. She snuggled into Yuri's neck, whispering into her ears. 

"I guess you're the answer I've been looking for." 

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reigngrey #1
Chapter 20: Not gonna lie i was surprise to that you chose sian as eunbi’s partner.

Keep going i really love these stories.
reigngrey #2
Chapter 15: Wow…. No wonder. . . There is no ‘speaking chaeyeon”….. but it hurts. . .

You will be fine sakura.

Looking forward for the next chapter