chapter 2 Nako x Eunbi


I placed my bowl of ramen back on the table, empty of its noodles. I leaned back against the plastic chair, looking up into the rainy night. The rain had briefly stopped for a while, but now, it's back to pouring again. Not like I mind anyway. I actually enjoyed the rain. Storms were always gave me a sense of comfort. The wind, the cold, the need for warmth. It's a really bizarre feeling. I like that feeling, the need for warmth. Not necessarily from someone else, but in general. I let a long sigh out, watching the smoke come out of my mouth. 

I looked down at my watch. It's been an hour or so and it was still pouring. Nako hadn't called me in yet so I'm guessing they're still having dinner. I looked out at the river, watching as the rain pelted on the river surface, the ripples creating a quaint visual under the orange lights from the bridge. Been awhile since I've been here. Always did enjoy coming down here by myself and just enjoy the river. It was different tonight though. Normally, despite bad weather, there'd still be couples walking around or huddling together.

Tonight, it really was just me. It was nice, I guess. It felt more  Solitary. 
I liked being alone. People seems to see that quite negatively but, I honestly don't see anything wrong with that. They say they'd feel lonely in that situation, but that's just it. I don't feel lonely. I LIKE being alone. There's a difference. Then again, maybe that's why I'm single. 

The ringing from my phone interrupted my musings. I looked down at it, reading the text. 

`We're almost done. You can come pick us up in 10' 
Guess that's my cue to leave. I stood up and entered the convenience store again, looking for some cider to wash the ramen down. That reminds me, I should probably get more mints. 

"You're new." 

I looked at cashier. She was a different one from the one that normally worked here. Heck he was just here an hour ago. 

"Ah yes, It's my first day here so..." 

I looked down at where her name tag is supposed to be. Guess she really is 

"Be careful. It's not always safe to work the night shift."

"Yeah well, same goes to you." 

She flashed me a grin, well more like a goddamn beam. There was no sarcasm in that, purely innocent and childlike. She really was wishing for my safety. I turned back, pulling out a coffee can and milk. I walked back to the counter. 

"Here, have this. Good luck on your first day." 

I tried to give my most sincere smile. I don't normally smile so it usually comes off as goofy. Which is why I don't smile most of the time. 



"Ah... thanks Chaewon. My name's —"

My phone started ringing just as she was about to say her name.

"Sorry! I gotta take this. Enjoy the coffee!"

Damn. Nako's got some timing.

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming, Nako..." 

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reigngrey #1
Chapter 20: Not gonna lie i was surprise to that you chose sian as eunbi’s partner.

Keep going i really love these stories.
reigngrey #2
Chapter 15: Wow…. No wonder. . . There is no ‘speaking chaeyeon”….. but it hurts. . .

You will be fine sakura.

Looking forward for the next chapter