Thoughts of the week 29 Nov


Apparently my academic results are falling due to lack of revision, severe procrastination, and idk if theres sth to do with inclining drive. You might think it's irrelevant. But I do think about him for a long time every day. And my results are telling me to stop doing this.


Though I doubt I'll say this again when he comes into the classroom during math lessons looking hot as hell ( I find him hot as hell). Love is blind, I could tell everyone about this after liking Korean idols and now falling for this insanely hot math teacher.

 Your brain does know he doesn't look that good, isn't as good as you think, but your heart just won't stop beating faster when he appears. And one thing different from the past experiences of liking Korean idols is, my math teacher is real. 

It's when I really stop controlling myself; if I run out to the teachers desk in math lesson, I can actually bite him and kiss him. 

Just saying... of course I do not have the nerve to do this. And I still have remaining sense in my brain that pulls me from doing this. 

Therefore I just inhale deeply and look up closely sometimes when he passes beside me in math lesson, stare at his body and everything while he's teaching... Every body feature of him does remind me of the Greek male gods. I should keep the secret of picturing him to only myself. But it is true that I can see the exposed arm muscles when hes rolled up his sleeves, the back body and waistline shown under his shirt, do look like the body of a Greek male god.


Maybe this is a teenage girl's fantasy, very extra and crazy.


Anyhow, I will keep control of myself, focus on my studies (focus on math lessons more specifically) (look at him less often to keep myself harder to get) ....(if he actually pays attention to me so it will be some sort of push and pull) (wishing to play the 'pull' right now) 


Mhmmm.. I'll continue to write and upload. I'll expect less and focus more on other stuff, to be a more vibrant, smarter and hard working lady, that deserves to be loved more. Ok. This is a little too much. Time to sleep. Tomorrow's my geography organized test. Best luck to me xx

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