Chapter 8: Fate

Our Wish

"Look! I saw a shooting star!" She hopped out of the bench and pointed to the sky excitedly.

The girl at the bench giggled while watching her. "You know about wishing upon a shooting star?" The girl asked.

She came sitting back beside the girl as she nods. "Yes, I do. They said it will come true."

"Want to try?"


They both clasped their hands and make their wish with their eyes closed.  The night is so quiet and peaceful at the moment, with only two of them there letting their souls become one with nature and its creator.

"What are you wishing for?" The soft voice makes her turn her face, staring at the owner for a sec.

"Wish.." She mutters slowly. They were staring at each other now, as their hairs softly got blown by the night breeze. Still, they wouldn't move an inch from their position.


How I wish I can say that

"Hmm?" The girl still waited patiently with her cute smile never leave that pretty face.

"Secret~" She winks.

"Ahh~" The girl hit her shoulder playfully. 

"Tell about yours first. Then, I will tell mine." She tries to make a deal.

"Mine?" The girl's expression changes to the one she can't explain as she stared at her.

"Yes. Tell me yours"  She became impatient. It was shown because of the way she swayed her both hanging legs on the bench.

"I wish for..." The girl stares at her while leaning closer.


In no time, she felt a soft lip met hers. Heat rose from her stomach to her heart and reached her face at that moment as their lips closing in together. She can't feel any of her body except that soft lips slowly brushed hers in a smooth, fascinating way. 

The girl parted her lips away and their foreheads collided with each other. Trying to calm violent heartbeats inside and their breathing.

".. you to be mine.." 




She gets up quickly with her heart thumping so hard like there's no tomorrow. 

"It was a dream..? IT WAS A DREAM?!" Yena punches her bed while groaning in frustration.


Her phone is still vibrating at the side of her queen bed. She quickly grabs it and slides the screen up to answer the call.

"Why Yujin why... I'm in my sweet dream, you dog.." she speaks with her hoarse voice.

"Sorry to disturb your sweet dream, unnie but DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IS NOW?!" The high-pitched tone at the end forces Yena to bring it away from her ear as her face scrunched up.

"You don't have to say it loud like that, stupid. What's wrong with the time tho.." she checks the time and the date on her phone screen before continues "It's 7.50 a.m. and it's Saturday you dog. Why did you disturb my sweet weekend.." She falls her back onto the bed while massaging her forehead to get rid of the dizziness due to the sudden wake-up. Low blood pressure.

"Unnie.. Did you forget our annual camp? It's today, unnie!" 

Suddenly the phone gets snatched by someone. 

"WHERE ARE YOU STUPID DUCK?! EVERYONE IS HERE AND WE WILL DEPARTS ON 8.30 A.M SHARP! ARE YOU STILL IN YOUR 'SWEETDREAM'?!" Hyewon's angry voice got Yena snapped back to reality, 

"Oh ! Why didn't you guys didn't call me earlier?! !" She jumps out from the bed and rushes to her wardrobe to take out the backpack and just puts whatever she sees at that moment in hurry.

"We already called you like ten times! Now get your here faster before Chaeyeon ask the driver to pick you up in front of your house!"  There's a mixed voice laughing behind, probably towards Hyewon's words just now.

"! Don't you guys dare! I will be there in 10 min.. No! 15 minutes! ! Bye!" She hangs up right away and rushed to the bathroom, almost stumble at the door.


"Alright guys, 10 minutes before we depart, final count by each club, starting from the right, inform your counting to the student council members." All the students got startled by the loud voice coming from the megaphone out of sudden.  

"This old man.." Hyewon curses in her mind. 

The students are in chaos and no one can stop them. The excitement blooms inside them as they are gathering on the field. 

"Yena unnie is not here yet?" Wonyoung and Minju approach the field and track group. They are just wandering around to kill the time of waiting. At that moment, all the boys from the club can't escape from getting stuck at their beauty. They are too bright in this early morning. 

Ahn Yujin rolls her eyes towards the reactions while both Chaeyeon and Hyewon shake their heads towards the question.

"Whose luggage is that?" Minju captures the sight of big grey luggage in front of the place where Yujin is standing. 

Hyewon stops her lollipop and brings her finger to point at herself.

"It's mine. Why?"

Both of the tall girls can't hide their shocked faces.

"90% of the content are snacks. Trust me!" Yujin claims. "Yeay! We gonna have a lot of snacks!" She suddenly becomes clingy to Hyewon.

Hyewon shows her disgusting look. "As if I'm gonna share them with you." She shoves the younger away. Yujin pouts right away while stomping her feet.

"But it's really huge." Wonyoung is still staring at the luggage, trying to imagine the amounts of snacks getting packed inside. 

"Yeah! It's big enough to stuff that stupid duck later." Don't know if she's really serious with her words or not. Hyewon looked calm continued stuffing her lollipop inside .

"Should we call her?" Wonyoung suggested but three of them reply with a heavy sigh.

"Already. Now just waiting for a miracle to happen." Chaeyeon answers on their behalf.

"Wonyoung, Minju! The members are searching for you both. You guys miss the counting." A familiar voice approach from her behind. Chaeyeon quickly turns to her.

"Field and track club, counting please." Sakura doesn't shift her eyes to anything other than the list name that she has been holding all this time. She can't look at her. She knows she will lost to those eyes. 

"You really ignore me this whole week, Sakura." 

I'm sorry.

"I don't have time for this.." Sakura mumbles. "Counting please."

"You ghosted me just like that without giving me a chance to explain?" She's still eager to settle.

Okay, I will give you chance.

Sakura takes a deep breath. She looks up to the face she has been longing for all these days but her ego betrayed her.

"Alright.. Explain." They are staring at each other with mixed feelings inside but the similarity is they miss each other. 

" I-"

"Chae! I bought the breakfast~ Let's eat together~" A cooing voice is approaching.

A few seconds later..

"What's wrong?! Hey! Let me go!" He got dragged away forcefully by Hyewon and Yujin. 

Chaeyeon massage between her forehead. Her frustration kicked in.

"I think that already explains it all." Sakura looks back at the list name with an emotionless face.

"Wait! Sakura.."

"Sakura! Already finish counting?" Irene seongsaenim calls. She looks so fine with the white loosen shirt and black tracksuit matched with her ponytail.

"One more club, seongsaenim." Sakura sends a gesture combined with her soft smile.

"Alright, make it quick. The busses are waiting outside the gate." 

Sakura obeys immediately.

"Field and track club, all members here?" Sakura shifts her attention towards one of the boy members standing near to them.

"Only Yena is not here." the boy answer on Chaeyeon's behalf.

"Is she joining or not?" Sakura glances up back to Chaeyeon. Act as nothing happen but inside, it hurts like hell and she is confused why.

An upset feeling can be seen through Chaeyeon's eyes. "She is." She answers with a weak voice.

They heard hard fast-moving footsteps approaching. "SORRY. FOR. LATE!" The duck throwing aside her backpack and bows repeatedly to everyone nearer to her. She's still huffing hard.

"Alright. It's complete now. Thank you for your cooperation, captain." Sakura walks away, leaving Chaeyeon behind with unsettled feelings. "Wonyoung, Minju! Go back to your line!" she calls the younger. The beauties quickly tagging behind as this Sakura unnie can be so scary sometimes. They leave with a pitying look sent towards Chaeyeon.

"We really have a job." Hyewon mutters as she resting her hand on Yujin's shoulder. They all witnessed the tension and sorrow between those two. Yujin nods. She can't deny the fact Her heart breaks seeing the sad face of their captain. This is not Chaeyeon they knew.

"Before that, let's settle this troublemaker first.!" Hyewon  neck-locked the exhausted duck in front of them.

Time to settle~

 Yujin is getting ready.



The mood inside this bus is so calming and quiet. Well, It can be expected. This bus is assigned for Music Club and Fashion & Modelling Club. They are not as chaotic as the others. Most of them spending time on the bus sleeping or listening to music while appreciating the scenery outside the window. Same goes for them, Wonyoung and Chaewon already doze off but MInju and Yuri are on their phone, chatting with each other even though their just side by side but with different sitting partners.


I'm so envious of you

As you should *flip hair

She looks so cute from here.

Watch this.

Minju promptly turns her face to Yuri, just to witness Yuri convince the older to rest her head on her shoulder. The older hums half asleep and quickly embrace. It triggers Minju's annoyance when Yuri puts her tongue out playfully afterward.


I swear you are the most annoying person. ever.


Wait for my revenge later 😤😤

I'm scared 🤡🤡

Tsk~ btw what's the progress with Hyewon unnie?


Yeah~ She's your secret admirer, right? Did unnie take a move or anything?

She's just being her usual self. About the secret gift, I think she just does it as a good senior or friend to me.

Ah come on~ you are so boring! 

Sorry for being a boring friend~

No girl, listen! You know what? This is a perfect time to find your love. Who knows you will be going out with her?

You mean with Yena unnie?

Alright ~Alright~ with Yena unnie. This is our chance you know!

In other words, you want me to help you with Chaewon unnie?

And I will help you with Yena unnie. Deal?

Both of them look up from their phone and sharing eyes contact with each other, Yuri with an uncertain expression while Minju with her grin and double decking eyebrows.

"Come on~ it's a good deal." Minju leans forward and whispers while being wary of her surroundings. 

"You are so annoying." Yuri rolls her eyes. 

"I know~ but Yuri, think carefully first." Minju won't undo her plan. Her puppy eyes are on action to persuade her best friend.

"Ah~ fine! This time if you got distracted.." Yuri shows her gesture of threatening.

"I  won't disappoint you, ma'am." Minju salutes with her determined face.

The driver is not aware of the small bump and ends up knocking it causing the bus to shake. It wakes up most of the students including Chaewon. She groans frustratedly and parting away from Yuri's shoulder. She holds her back neck upon the sore feeling of it. 

Minju and Yuri pause their bickering when they caught Chaewon are looking at them with half-shut eyes.

"What happened?" she asked in confusion.

"The driver hit something, unnie but it's okay now." Yuri told her.

Chaewon hums. She's still sleepy but she thinks she won't get a deep sleep like before because of the jolted awake just now. She leans back resting her body and glance to her left watching Yuri and Minju. Wonyoung seems not bothered by the surroundings. She's like a baby sleeping, looking peaceful.

"What are you guys talking about?" Chaewon decides to join the conversation.

"Just random things, unnie. Killing the time." Yuri answers. Her eyes stealing a glance at Minju, attempting to give the hint.

I'm helping you now. 

I got it! 

"Unnie, is it hurts you so much?" Minju asks concerned.

"My neck? Nah, just a bit sore."Chaewon beams a smile. 

"No. I mean is it hurt you so much? Falling from the sky.


"You are an angel, right?"

Cold chill hitting the atmosphere.

I'm gonna pretend like I don't hear anything. 

Yuri closes her eyes quickly, can't bear the mood. Her toes curl up.

How about Minju?

She's desperately want to jump out of the window.



[While in another bus]

"How many times I need to tell you guys? I'M NOT THE MAFIA!" Yena's about to throw her tantrum at the backseat of the bus. 

"You are so suspicious, unnie!" Yujin opposes her words.

"It's already written on your forehead, MAFIA~" Seungkwan banters with a mischievous laugh.

Yena pouts so hard at the point you can tie her lips. "Shut up, you Mafia!" She looks so done with everything at the moment.

"Should we kill her now?"

"You guys gonna regret this! I've told you Seungkwan is the Mafia! I know already!" She tries her luck for the last time, hoping they will change their mind but nope. Not today.

"Alright, let's kill her. One. Two. Three."

"Ah it's a good weather to die today." Yena surrenders. No points to defend anymore.

Everyone is voting on her.

"The police has been killed. Mafia wins."


Seungkwan celebrates his win right away and Yena already stands up and about to throw her fist towards him.


"Unnie! You only give useless clues all this time! What's with 'forever alone and ugly'? You are digging your own grave!" Yujin complains.

"Yah! It refers to him! Forever alone and ugly! Why can't you guys get it?!"

"They choose you because you suit them more. Please accept the fact." The members are laughing so hard at the remarks from Seungkwan.

"Yah! Yah!"

Their bickering would never end but everyone is enjoying it so much. Hyewon is minding her own business, muching her snacks while scrolling her phone.

"It's a bad idea to let our club combines with the Taekwondo club. They can't be controlled." Jaeyong takes the empty seat beside Chaeyeon. It supposed to be Yena's but she's busy at the backseat.

Chaeyeon just gives a hum in response. Her eyes still fixed on the scenery outside the window, trying to throw out all the mess inside her mind and heart.

"What's with that sorrow face?" her cheek got poked and she turns facing him as her reflex, showing her half-smile.

"This must be about her this morning right?" Jaeyong stretches his arms up and rests them behind his head while gazing at his close hoobae.

"She really ghosted me, Jae." Chaeyeon calls him informally because he's the one who insists about it. He don't like any closer friend of him treat him formally even though they are younger than him, he doesn't want to feel there's a gap between them.

"Why she act like that suddenly? All this time I just heard fluffy things from you and now, this happen?"

Chaeyeon sighs heavily before answering. "She thinks me and you are together."

"What? That's nonsense. Just because we are close?"

Chaeyeon nods.

Jaeyong is in disbelief but he got calm quickly as he ruffles her hair. At the same time, he remembers his previous action. "Wait, did I screw up everything this morning? When I call you for breakfast?" Chaeyeon doesn't respond to the question so Jaeyong takes it as a Yes.

He facepalms and sighs. ". I'm sorry sis."

Chaeyeon shakes her head. "It's okay. the feelings are not reciprocal." She chews her inner cheek. "She falls for someone else already."

"For real?!" Jaeyong is dumbfounded. "She knew your feelings towards her, right?" 

Chaeyeon brushes her fingers through her long hair. "I'm not sure. She claimed that I didn't say or admit anything about it to her. Were my actions not enough to prove it?" Her fists balled tightly as her eyes staring blankly outside the bus window.

Jaeyong smile. Now he understands the situation. "She's confused with her own feelings." He said in a calm, unhurried voice that captures her attention right away. 

"What do you mean?"

Jaeyoung his chin, showing his state of thinking. 

"Why she allowed herself doing all the fluffy things with you if she already falls for someone else? Unless she's a keeper." He shrugs at the end of his words.

Chaeyeon frowned so hard as she tries to process.

"I'm sure she's not that kind of person. I believe she's still confused about her feelings. So that's your job to help her figure it out." He taps the younger's shoulder.


she got pinched at the bridge of her nose.

"I'm sure you know better what to do." He smirks. 

"Alright, guys! We already arrive! Get yourself ready and make sure you don't leave anything on the bus including the trash or I will make you regret your first day here." Hyungdon seongsaenim stands up facing the students. His voice hardened as he spoke but no one pays attention to him. They can't be controlled at the moment due to overwhelming excitement arouse among them. He ended up walking out from the bus with a grumpy face.

Everyone knows it's a good campsite from the first sight. Being surrounded by mountains and forest with good clean air to fill each lung, the song of sky-borne birds and insects, they know there is a clear stream nearby from the sound of flowing water can be heard clearly as they walk up to the assembly point. They know it will be such tiring camping as they notice a lot of outdoor facilities like wall climbing, flying fox and others. It's expected to have such a luxury camping site with complete facilities, they are an elite school with an expensive fee after all. 

"Those school-like buildings there." Yujin points at the direction of the buildings. "We will sleep inside those instead of tents?" 

"I think so. With our numbers here, I don't think we can fit all in the campsite there." Hyewon gestures her fingers at the sight of campsite with a big canopy at the middle, surrounded by equipments and space for tents, barbeque party and other essential thingy. Hyewon is so sure of sleeping inside a dorm or room as she didn't see anyone here bringing tents, unless this campsite owner already prepare all for them.

"If it's a dorm, and we get paired with modelling club..." Yena double-jack her eyebrows towards Yujin beside her and got elbowed right away.

"Don't give me a fake hope, unnie." Yujin rolls her eyes but deep in her heart, she's desperately praying for that golden chance.

"It's not a crime to wish for it. Pray hard, puppy." Yena's having fun teasing the younger while tapping her shoulder playfully.

While waiting for the next cue from their seongsaenim, the students kill their time studying their surroundings, chatting and goofing around each other. The peaceful and relaxing place is filled with their laughing and talking voices.

As they are goofing around each other, Yena catches a glimpse of two younger girls from the music club not so far from her standing place. They are probably talking about the campsite with Minju and Wonyoung, as their eyes checking up their surroundings. Yena draws in a long breath to calm her thumping heart as she steals a glance at the girl who appeared in her 'sweetdream' this morning.

"Guys." Chaeyeon suddenly speaks out after that long silence she gives since on the bus. They all notice that no one dares to point it out as they want to give her time to clear up her messed-up mind.

"Yeah?" Three of them pay attention to their team leaders.

"What's this serious matter?" Jaeyoung also slipped into the conversation.

[On the other side]

"Is that sunbae we are talking about previously?"

Every one of them turns around and their eyes darted on the serious-talking group. Not gonna lie, some of them take this chance to look at the one they fond of. Wait, actually all of them.

"Yeah, that's him." Chaewon answers with her head nodding. They are still observing especially at Chaeyeon and Jaeyong.

"They are really close." Minju comments with her widenned eyes. 

"I might misunderstand right away seeing the way he stares at her." Yuri adds.

"Omo omo." Wonyoung cover in shock. The other three looks confused with her reaction and Wonyoung quickly swaying her hand pointing at Sakura who's standing beside Irene seongsaenim. She's facing Irene seongsaenim but her pupils are flaring at those two. Without herself knowing, her hands squeezed into fists.

"It's like watching a tragic love drama from here." Chaewon comments. 

"I hope it's a happy ending."

"Pity Chaeyeon unnie. It has been a week they are not talking to each other." Wonyoung pouts. 

"Yeah.. Sakura unnie being tsundere all the time. We all know she likes Chaeyeon unnie. She just can't hide it." Yuri folds her arms, still watching the drama.

"I wonder why didn't they just confess to each other? Is it hard?" Chaewon tugged at her earlobe, thinking of her own question. She never experience this kind of situation before.

Later, She receives a heavy sigh from the youngers simultaneously.  "It's really hard, unnie." They shook their heads together.

"Alright guys! Please pay attention here!" Irene seongsaenim speaks out through the megaphone, capturing all the attention not just because of her voice, but her endless beauty too. "Thank you! So we are here at Ilsan Campsite for our annual camp. As you can see we are surrounded by forests and your safety is our priority. Please bear in mind to always follow the rules and instructions given.." She continue to brief all the important rules and introduces a few instructors and guards on duty for the camp. 

"The guard looks so fierce than the tiger inside the forest." Ahn Yujin whispers to her unnies. 

"And of course! Boys and girls will sleep seperately." A loud groan can be heard from the crowd after she said it. Some are joking and some really mean it.

"I'm glad I'm a girl." Yujin adds again as she rests her chin on Hyewon's shoulder. She's already feeling bored standing there for a long time. 

"Right now, student council's members will distribute the schedule and room keys to each club. Don't lose them okay?" 

Sakura start walking to the clubs she was assigned for to distribute the schedule and room keys. Everything is okay until it's Field and track club's turn. Her heart is about to explode as she approaching the targeted girl. 

"Here is your schedule and room keys. You guys can choose your roommates among the club members." She glances up to the girl but the reaction she receives is not what she expected.

"Ok. Thanks." Chaeyeon take all the items without even looking at her and walks away to the club members. 

Just like that? As if I'm talking to a stranger. She avoided my eyes too.  

Sakura stands there awkwardly for a while, before going back to the front for other task. 

Why should I be concerned about it?  


The corridor is filled with an excessive noise of students talking, shouting in joys mixed with the sound of luggage getting pulled.

"Woah! I can't believe this kind of room would be here, in the campsite at the center of the big forest." Yena exclaims when she throws her sight around their room. It feels like stepping into one of the hotel room except for the two bunk beds and no toilet inside. The room is so comfortable for them and smells nice too.

"The scenery from here is also nice." Chaeyeon opens the window wide, letting the fresh air come in while she enjoys the beautiful view outside.

"The upper bed is mine~" Ahn Yujin climbs the stair to make the upper bed her territory. They start to unpack their things except Yena. She is not bothered by it and just laying down on her bed at the upper side. Hyewon claims the bottom one.

"It's 11.30 a.m right now. What time we should gather back at the assembly point?"  Yena asked.

"12.30 a.m for the first activity. It's ice breaking and then we have some outdoor activities." Chaeyeon checks back the schedule.

"What time we will eat then?" Hyewon show her dissatisfied face. 

"Unnie, you won't be starving with those supplies." Yujin tittered at the sight of snacks scattered around their room. The room already look messy with their things. 

Yena and Chaeyeon drops their jaws. "Woah~ this is heaven." Yena hops out from her bed and take a look of those snacks with sparkle eyes. She didn't expect Hyewon would bring this much.
"Can I eat this?" She ask cutely as she grab a pack of jelly. 

Hyewon give a hum of approving. She is busy arranging her small pillow and clothes on the bed.

"Unnie~ I want it too!" Yujin jumps from her bed and open towards Yena to be fed. Chaeyeon stepped away from the window and joins them too. As they enjoying the jelly together while discussing random stuff, they heard a yell followed by mixed voice of laughing from outside their room. Four of them turn silent for a moment and send their stares at each other.

"Those voices are familiar." Hyewon gestures with a thumb towards the door. 

"They are surely in good mood."  Chaeyeon comments with mouth munching the jelly deliciously.

"The rooms are facing each other, right? Are they our club members too?" Yena asked.

Chaeyeon tilts her head as she tries to recall the name list. "I'm not sure about it."

"Let me take a look." Yujin rushs to the door and opens it slowly and takes a peek from it.

At the same time, she heard the door cracking sound from the front room. It's being opened too.

Suddenly, Wonyoung appears.



Out of curiosity, the others get up and storms to the door to see what happens.

"Oh, Wonyoung and Minju!" Chaeyeon greets.

"Eh?! You guys share the same room?" Yena notice the presence of Chaewon and Yuri too.

"Yeah, because it's only two of us here so Sakura unnie let them to share with us." Wonyoung explains further.

Chaeyeon try to find the figure of Sakura inside and Minju notice her right away.

"Sakura unnie shares the room with other student council members to make it easy for them to do their tasks together." Minju points at the right direction of the corridor and their eyes follow. "That's her room. The last one." Sakura's room is beside the main stairs.

" I see.." Chaeyeon utters in a low voice.

"Nice! This is so good. We can hang out together before sleeping hours later." Yena suggests.

"Sounds good!" Yuri agrees.

Yujin can't hide her wide smile as happiness sparkles inside her. And it's not only her feeling that way.

This is the fate!


Hello, guys. Sorry for delaying the update. Hectic week for me. Hope you guys can be patient. Thank you for your upvotes and comments. They really boost my mood and motivation in writing. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter and stay tuned for more moments of them.

It starts to bloom~ what is 'it'? 😏😉

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My favorite story overall~~~~ HyeYul endgameee
Heyboiii #2
Chapter 27: This story is really nice thank you for updating it!
Chapter 27: 💖💖💖💖💖💖
ssamyenahn #4
Chapter 27: Yayyy you updated🎉🎉🎉. I hope that Yena would give Chaewon a chance 😭😭😭. My ssamyen babies~
1767 streak #5
Chapter 27: hello authornim, i'm fine with whatever, go at your own pace. don't feel pressured because this is your story that you are sharing with us.
Chapter 27: 2, :)
Loving_eclipse #7
Chapter 27: 2, i prefer the longer updates, you can take your time, we'll wait for you ^^
ssamyenahn #8
Chapter 27: 2
just take ur time, we'll still be here to read whatever u write
Loving_eclipse #9
Chapter 26: I don't know what's happening and I'm intrigued 😳
ssamyenahn #10
Chapter 26: yay ssamyen~