Chapter 7: Escape

Our Wish

Song recommended: Beautiful feeling - Day6

She heard a knock on the door. 

"Yes?" Her eyes are staring at it through the mirror reflection. 

"Are you ready, Ms. Kim? They are waiting downstairs." Mr Hu speaks behind the door. 

Chaewon put down the blusher brush and check herself in the mirror for the last time. 

"I'm coming." She quickly picks up her sling bag that has been prepared on the bed. It was decorated with a minimal floral pattern on it, matching with her embellished one-shoulder mint colored dress. She had her hair tied up in a neatly rolled high bun, letting the bangs covering her cute forehead. A few strands of hair fall out but she just let it be, tucking them behind her ear. She makes her way to the door and when she opens it, Mr. Hu appears with a polite bow.

"You look beautiful, Ms. Kim." Mr. Hu lets out a tiny smile with his fatherly look, as he politely giving her way to walk first. Mr. Hu is about 50 years old, has been serving for Chaewon's family since she was a baby. His wife died from Cervix cancer at 30 years, in 5 years of marriage, leaving him along with no child. President Kim always asked him about getting married again, but he refused it. He loves his wife so much that no one can replace her. He cares about Chaewon so much like his own daughter. They talked a lot. Somehow Chaewon feels like she spent more time with Mr. Hu than her own parents.

"Thank you, I appreciate it so much." Chaewon smiles.

As they approach the stairs, Chaewon turns to look at him. "Mr Hu.. Will there be a lot of guests there?" Chaewon asked with a worried expression that can be seen clearly on her face.

Mr. Hu smiles. He knows the girl is feeling nervous about the dinner since yesterday. "Absolutely, Miss. There will be people you might not familiar with as they are from the new acquaintances of President Kim and Madam Kim. Are you okay with it?"

Chaewon sighs slowly. "I hope so."

"If you are feeling uncomfortable, just call me anytime, I will ask the driver to pick you up." Mr. Hu whispers and sending a wink that makes Chaewon giggle.

"I know I can depend on you, Mr. Hu." She gives him a tight hug for a few seconds. It really helps her to calm down and forgetting the nervousness for a while.

"Anytime, sweetie." Mr. Hu her hair carefully, not wanting to mess her well-done hairstyle.

They release the hug and start walking downstairs, meeting her parents in the living room. Both of them are sitting there while having a conversation, maybe talking about the dinner. They paused quickly when they heard stepping sounds approaching them.

"There you are, sweetheart. You look so beautiful!" Madam Kim gets up from her seat and giving Chaewon a hug. She cups her cheeks after that, staring at her with full of admiration.

"You really took after your mom. You looked like her during our first dinner together. I still remember her wearing the same colored dress" President Kim walks towards both of them and rubbing Chaewon's shoulder.

Chaewon smiles. "I bet I'm not as beautiful as mom." She giggles.

"Hmm .. Actually, you win." President Kim winks, sending his teasing smile to his wife, causing her to pout.

"Ah! Come on~ Give a chance to our daughter. As a good father, I need to always back up her." He hugs her waist and laughs.

"I'm giving you a chance today coz you are really shining tonight. I'm glad the dress really looks good on you." Madam Kim taps Chaewon's nose playfully as she lets out a chuckle.

Chaewon shows a cute giggle.

This is why I need to survive. For them.

"If everyone is ready, we can start moving now. The car is ready." Mr. Hu interferes but in a polite voice.

"Alright. Let's go." They make their moves to the car waiting in front of the main door, getting ready to bring them to the venue.


As expected of KK corporate, the place is surely glorious. Of course, it's 5-star hotel with an exclusive design that makes people know, whoever steps in here, they are surely not an average people. The ballroom is so beautifully decorated. As Chaewon steps in, she sees a big crystal chandelier spiraled down from the arching white ceiling, illuminating the glimmering golden walls and a floor so polished it looked like an iced-over lake. Everyone can see the dinner is so well planned from their first impression landing their feet here. It's already half filled with the invited guest and Mr. Hu was right. There's a lot of unfamiliar face here, making Chaewon feels nervous although it can be said that she's already used to this kind of event but tonight, it's like a new world with new people for her. Chaewon tries to maintain her smiley face along the time she get introduced to her parent's acquaintances, answering all the questions thrown at her as polite and modest as she could, like how she has been trained since child. Some of them also bring their successors and Chaewon can say that they are around her age by looking at their faces. 

As the foods are served as a buffet, the guest can freely get them and eat anytime they want. Her eyes wander at the foods served while standing beside her mother who's talking with one of the guests. She's not interested in their conversation. She smiles when cheese balls come to her sight.

Ahhh if Hitomi and Nako were here, they will drag me there to finish all the cheese balls.

"Sweetie, if you want to grab something or going anywhere, just do as you please, dear." her mother leans closer and whispers. She knows her daughter is bored.

Chaewon brightens up and excitedly approaches the buffet table.  She's drooling over the dessert there, struggling to pick the right one for herself.

Oh! I should take a pic of these and send them to the chatroom and create an uproar there.

She chuckles as she imagines the reactions she gonna get from these two. She takes out her phone to proceed with her plan and staring at her phone, waiting for the reply.

"Miss, would you like to have a glass of this?" A waitress offers her tray with a few glasses of rasberry juice on it, inviting Chaewon to grab one.

"Oh yes, thank you." Chaewon grabs a glass from the tray and takes a sip from time to time as she studied. Dulcet music coming through her eardrum. The harmony in it surely brings Chaewon into her own world.


Ahh seriously..

Chaewon beams a smile. The awkward one.

"So you are the daughter of KK Corporate? What's your name?" The man seems older than her. And the other one besides him might be his same age friend. She never sees them before.

"Chaewon." She answered, emotionlessly.

"Beautiful name. Just like the owner." He keeps getting closer to her while the other friend seems timid, just peeking from behind.

Chaewon didn't give any response to it. She just made her eyes busy looking at the buffet, hoping these guys will get bored and leave her alone.

But hher luck is not on her side. The guy still doesn't want to give up. "I'm Minhyuk. Do you know MotoCola? It's my family's company." He looks so proud announcing it.

"And I'm Wonhyuk. " The timid guy interferes. He bows politely.

At least the other guy knows his manner.

Chaewon replies his bow and just stay quiet.

"So.." He tries to make the conversation ongoing. "Are you still in high school?" He gets a nod in response. Not more than that and it's frustrating.

"You know.. let me get this straight.. I think we should get on a good term, you know? I think our parents we like it. It gives benefits to both families. So.. ehem.. Can I get your number?"

Chaewon looks up and stares at him blankly. No words coming from her. Just a stare. More like an intense stare. Want to know what's in her mind?

I wish I can give him a flying kick out of this ballroom.

"Did you hear what I said?"

"Sorry, I don't have it." she looks away and a sip of her drink. Hope he didn't notice her hand is shaking.

"Finally! You talk!" He exclaims while moving his hand through his hair in a frustrated way. "Come on~ don't be so cocky." he continues while smirking. He's too close to Chaewon right now.

Chaewon builds up her courage inside to defense herself. When she's about to open , she felt someone wrap around her waist and force her to turn back.


"Are you kidding me, young lady?!" The husky voice comes to her eardrum. Chaewon's eyes grew bigger when their eyes meet.  People around them start to give attention to what is happening right now.

"Ahh, my new blazer.." Yena wipes the juice stains off her blazer. She looked so pissed off.


"You should be careful with your surrounding, young lady, Yena spoke with a deep voice. In the meantime, she's trying to send some gesture to Chaewon but Chaewon can't capture it. Yena sighs shortly. She grabs the glass from Chaewon's hand and gives it to Minhyuk. Those guys are startled at their place. 

"Now, show me the washroom! You are gonna be responsible with this!" She intertwines her fingers with Chaewon's and drags her away from the scene.  Chaewon can't process what is happening right now but she just follows. 

It should be okay. It's Yena unnie.

Chaewon captures her mother in the crowds who are watching them as they make their way out of the ballroom. Chaewon quickly signaling to her not to worry. Madam Kim just nods and sends them away with a soft look. 

Minhyuk and Wonhyuk send each other a confused look. It happens so fast that they can't even do anything about it except staring at those girls who already disappeared from the ballroom.


"I didn't expect I would meet you here. You are our guests too?" 

Can I say I'm happy to see her here?

"Yah! I'm shocked too, you know. The first person I saw is you when I stepped into the ballroom." Yena is in disbelief. She is struggling to get the stain off, even though she already wash it repeatedly at the sink. "Ah forget it. I will just send it to laundry later." She gives up already.

"Sorry for that." Chaewon said while fidgeting in her place.

"Nah, not your fault. it was part of my plan to save you from those flirty guys. The question is, why it's always the scene of you getting hit up by a random guy whenever I see you." Yena takes off her blazer and puts it on the sink. she fixes her hair while looking at Chaewon through the mirror reflection.

And the question is why you are always the one who saves me?

Chaewon shakes her head.  "I don't know."

Yena turns around. "I'm kinda bored being here. The fact is this dinner, business stuff is not my thing.  These people are too formal." Yena complains with a frowned face. She randomly sways her arms around, showing her boredom. 

"Yeah. It's bothersome for me too." Chaewon lowkey admitting it. 

Suddenly Yena gains an idea. "Hey ! Let's escape from here!" She shows her mischievous smile. 

"Escape? How?" Chaewon questioned.

"Ah~ we don't have transport here." Yena leans her back against the wall with a pouty face.

"About that.. I can call my driver here." 

She brightens up again. "Good job, Chaewon ah! Cool! let's go!" Yena picks up her blazer quickly and In no time, Chaewon getting dragged by Yena out of the washroom. 

[In the car]

"Where would you like to go, miss?" Her driver asks politely.


They both are looking at each other. All this time, they just focused on their escaping plan from the hotel only, not this.

"Should I take you both home. miss?" The driver suggested as no one answer his previous question.

"Er.." Chaewon turns back to the driver but she hesitates. 

"Can you bring us to my house?  Here is the address." Yena shows her phone screen to the driver and he nods right away. The Mercedes black car departs to the destination.

"To your house?" Chaewon whispered. 

"Not 'exactly' my house." Yena winks. 

Chaewon frowned. She can't understand the hint given by the older. 

I will be just fine, right?

[In front of Yena's house]

It's a double-story house with a modern design. White color, with a lot of opaque glass. You can't see what's inside. But your jaws definitely will drop at the sight of it. As expected of the rich Choi Family.


"Should I wait here, miss?" the driver asked.

"It's okay. You can go first. I will call if anything happens." Chaewon replied with a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, sir. I will send her home with my driver later."  Yena speaks too. 

The driver obeys and left them both alone in front of the house.

"Home sweet home~" Yena takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly with a satisfied face that can be seen from her.

"Your house is cool." Chaewon compliments while her eyes wandering around. It's kinda private neighborhood. The house is well-built far from the busy roads and the city. It's a good place for someone that needs a peaceful life. 

"Isn't? I choose it myself." Yena shows a proud look. "It's near to our school too. I like it so much."

"Wait! You choose it? Means it's your own house? I mean you live here alone?"  Chaewon can't believe what she heard.

Yena nods confidently. She takes out something like a small remote control from her pocket and press on it. Then the gate opens itself. 

"Wait here. I will come back in 5 minutes. You can start counting now." Yena winks and runs to the main door and gets inside.

Chaewon hugs herself. She's indeed cold with the night breeze softly hit her skin. She still can't get over the new fact she learned about Yena.

How can someone this young live alone in this house? How did she manage herself? And how at the first place her parents allow her to get her freedom like this?

The garage suddenly opens and Yena appears with a black jacket covering her white long-sleeved shirt inside and her small red scooter. A cute black helmet already on her head covering her blonde hair.

"Hey! I'm back!" She stops the scooter beside Chaewon and hands in a pair of black sneakers to her. "Change to these. It's more comfortable." 

Chaewon obeys. "Am I gonna ride this with you?" She points at the scooter after finish her task.

"Yeah. This is part of our escape plan."  Yena shows a thumb up. She pats the backseat.

Me? Riding a scooter? I never do this before.

"Is it safe?" Chaewon asked with a doubtful face.

Yena rolls her eyes. "Are you doubting my riding skill?" She put on the helmet for Chaewon and help her to clip it.

"Just want to confirm." Chaewon wants to get on the scooter but she found it difficult because of her dress.

Yena notices this and quickly gives her a hand. "Step on this and hop up."

By following the given instructions, Chaewon successfully getting on it and sit facing the right side.

"Hold tight. The place is not so far. Bear with me." Yena starts to accelerate and leave the neighborhood.

For the first time in Chaewon's life, she feels like she got her own freedom. The wind blows on her face, it's so calming and fascinating. she feels like she's flying.

"How is it? You like it?" She heard Yena's voice slipping through the hard wind blowing.

"Yes!" Chaewon answered with a high-pitched voice. She's so excited on that ride that her heart can't stop thumping right now.

"I'm glad." Yena smile. She slows down her scooter, with her hand skillfully control the handbrake as they enter the town.

Chaewon enjoys the views of everything she could. The walking people, The moving cars, shimmering light. The sounds of the wind that harmonizes through her eardrum. She loves all of them. Without her realizing it, her arms hug the older's waist tightly like she doesn't want to let go.

Yena thought it's because she's in cold. "We are almost there." She enters a small road with a lot of parked cars and she found a good place to park her scooter.

"We are lucky tonight to find a good parking spot despite a lot of people coming here right now." She pulls off her helmet and helps chaewon with hers too.

After locking her scooter and keeping the helmets inside the seat, Yena leads the way to a road between the old buildings that bring them to a street food market.

"Welcome to heaven~" Yena spreads out her arms as she turns back facing chaewon.


Chaewon's eyes didn't blink even once as she studied the place. They are about 50M from the main entrance of the food market and Chaewon already sees a lot of food vendors lining up in front of her. There are a lot of banners hanging outside telling them about the food sold inside and from seeing the pictures, Chaewon's stomach already growling inside.

"Come on! I'm starving~" Yena gestures to her to continue walking but Chaewon pulls her arm.

"You aren't going in?" Yena lifts her eyebrow.

"My dress is not appropriate for this place. It's too obvious." Chaewon sounded timid.

Yena chuckles. She takes off her black jacket and puts it on Chaewon. She tucks a few strands of Chaewon's hair behind her ear spontaneously.

"There. You are good now. Let's go. I wanna eat tteobokki." Yena intertwines their fingers and leads Chaewon inside the food market."

Chaewon will not lie. The sudden actions of Yena make her flustered. Her heart starts to beat faster again. The warmness she received as they are holding hands convince her that she's gonna be fine with Yena at the moment.

They spent about half an hour inside the food market, fitting themselves in a flood of humans there looking for their desired food.

"I can't choose. There are so many of them I want." Yena already gulping her own saliva many times seeing these mouth-watering foods. 

"Didn't you say you want to eat tteobokki, unnie?"  Chaewon feels amused looking at Yena's reaction. She's like a lost child but actually lost in the flood of delicious foods.

"Ah! Right! Let's grab it first." They approach a food vendor selling it. 

"Ahjussi~ 2 big cups of spicy tteobokki please~ " She coos like a child. Chaewon can't help but let out a small laugh looking at her. 

"Alright, ladies~ will put a lot for you~" 

"Thank you so much handsome Ahjussi~" 

Their eyes are not blinking as they watch their foods being prepared in front of them. 

"Let's grab fishcake after this. I will pay for them." Yena hums a random song happily while trying to take her wallet from her pocket. Her expression change within seconds as she can't find what she's looking for. Her hands keep rummaging each pocket she has on her body.

Chaewon gets distracted by her action. "What's wrong, unnie?"  she asked with a concerned look.

Yena grins as she scratches her cheek. She leans closer to Chaewon's ear to whisper. "I think I left my wallet inside my blazer pocket."

"Here your Teokbokki, ladies~ It's 8,000 Won altogether~" 

Their food is already served.

"Chaewonnie... You got money with you?" Yena starts to feel nervous. 

It's Chaewon's turn to rummage in her handbag searching for her wallet. She got her wallet but only has 5,000 Won inside. They share their nervous look. 


"What are we gonna do, unnie? " Chaewon starts to feel scared. 

"You don't have money, young ladies~?" That question startled them both.

Yena shows her guilty smile. "I left my wallet at my house and my friend only got 5,000 Won with her, handsome Ahjussi~" 

They expect they will get scolded by him but instead, they got a laugh.

The Ahjussi leans forwards and gesturing like he's whispering to them. "Because both of you are pretty and my wife is not here yet, I will accept 5,000 Won for them~" He laughs after that.

Yena and Chaewon look back at each other again and the huge smile appears on their face.

"Thank you Ahjussi~ You are not only handsome but so kind~"  Yena speaks happily while giving the money to him.

"You are so good with words, pretty ladies. Don't forget to come here again with your pretty friends~"  He laughs.

They bow politely after that and leave the vendor with their food.

"Ah I love this place so much~" Yena can't hide her happiness getting her favorite food.

"Ahjussi is so kind too." Chaewon blows the hot teokbokki. They can't eat it yet as a lot of people there and it's uncomfortable to do so in front of the people. 

"I'm so sorry. I thought I already grab my wallet from the blazer. It will be more fun if we can get fishcake and ice cream too." Yena is feeling regretful for her clumsiness.

Chaewon giggles. 

Her pouty face is so cute. She has that clumsy personality too.

"Ah! Wait for a second! I think there's some money inside that jacket." Yena quickly searching for the pocket and they are amazed by the fact they found 20,000 Won inside the left pocket. Both of them cover their mouth with a shocked expression.

"Oh My!" 

"Chaewon! We can buy fishcake and ice cream!" 


'It's beautiful life~" Yena hums a song while tilting her head left and right happily. They are now at the riverside not so far from the food market.  They choose a bench that facing the river so they can enjoy the view while eating delicious food.

Chaewon keeps eating her mint choco ice cream quietly, appreciating her favorite flavor. It has been so long she didn't eat it since she moved to Korea. 

"Is it that good?" Yena stares at her.

"You want?" Chaewon offers a spoon of it but Yena refuses quickly with a disgusted face.

"I won't eat that toothpaste." 

"It's not!" Chaewon defense back.

"Woah~ that's the first time I hear your loud voice, and it's because of that toothpaste." Yena facepalm.

"It's mint choco, unnie."

"Toothpaste~ you should bring along your toothbrush so you can brush your teeth on the spot after eating it." 

"It's not, unnie!." Chaewon shows her grumpy face that makes Yena laugh so hard.

"Alright~ Alright~ Cool down~" Yena lifts both hands as a sign of surrender.

The only moment Yena will stay quiet is when she was eating. They both is focused on finishing their teokbokki as it's not good to let it get cold.

"Teokbokki is indeed refreshing food for us." Yena speaks with a full mouth.

Chaewon nods.

"Now I remember where I met you before. It was at H&M anniversary dinner two years ago." Yena recalls back her memories. "You are the one who duets with another guy on the stage, right?"

"Yes. You are right." Chaewon confirms it.

That time when I'm free to do what I love the most.

"You sure got a honey-like voice. You deserved to be in the music club. You should perform during the upcoming school festival." Yena sends her a sincere smile with a wink.

Chaewon looks down to the tip of the shoe she's wearing. "About that..." A heavy sigh can be heard from her.

"Hmm?" Yena wants her to continue.

She meets her eyes with Yena for a while before she moves her sight to the river. "I really love singing. I always do. But I don't think people like to see me on the stage." 

"Why?" Yena asked.

"They just hate whatever I do. Even if I stay quiet, I still being hated by people."

Yena just stares at the girl beside her without words. She wants to give a space for Chaewon to speak what's inside her heart.

"I try everything I could to satisfy them, even choosing to stay silent but none of them work. I don't know what to do anymore." Her eyes become teary and her voice crack a bit. She covers her face with both palms, trying to hide them.

The silence between them is filled with the sound of Chaewon sobbing. 

"You know.. We can never meets people's satisfaction around us. And we will never gain our own happiness if we live just to satisfy people around us." Yena rests her arm at the bench while staring at the night sky. 

Chaewon is still covering her face, but no more sobbing this time.

"No one can tell you what you have to do or don't. At the end, it's all about you. You create your own story of life. Not them." 

Chaewon feel her wet cheek getting poked. She looks up to the person beside her and receives a soft smile and stares from her.

"All those people are just jealous of you because you are just perfect, Chaewon. Ignore the haters, but appreciate the one who loves you instead." 

They are staring at each other as the time passed by. They are in their own world. 

"I don't know you can get this ugly from crying." Yena teased while pinching the fluffy cheeks of Chaewon.

"Wait for your turn soon. I will tease you back." Chaewon quickly wipe her tears off. Then, she wipe her hands on Yena's jacket.

"Yah! That's my favourite jacket, you know! Is that your mucus?!" Yena gets annoyed.

Chaewon chuckles. "Serve you right for calling me ugly." She sticks her tongue out and they both laugh afterward.

"I know you are not the quiet type since I met you before. You are just hiding your true self." Yena speaks sincerely. 

"Thank you for you words, unnie." Chaewon looks up to the sky. Just now it's dark, no stars can be seen, but now everything looks beautiful in her eyes. Her eyes falls on Yena who is reaching out for fishcake.  

Including you.


They safely arrived in front of the hotel.

"I guess the dinner already ends." Yena can't find her family car in front of the entrance anymore.

"Yeah. It's already 12.30 a.m unnie. We are lucky we didn't get caught because of the curfew." Chaewon passes back the helmet and Yena's jacket. 

"You won't be caught if you are with me. I'm pro at this."  Yena pats her own shoulder proudly.

"Say the one who forgets her wallet and almost get us scolded." Chaewon teased.

"Yah! Yah! That's just unfortunate. And it's because of you . I save your life, you know." Yena doesn't want to lose.

"Yeah, yeah, unnie. I appreciate it so much. Thank you!" She hugs the older so tight. 

"I can't breathe. Are you hugging me or killing me, young lady?"  Yena want to release the hug. Of course she's tsundere~

"Both." Chaewon sticks her tongue out and walks away to the hotel entrance while waving to Yena. 

"Bye~ see you at school~" 

[On her way to home with her parents]

Chaewon is humming a random song while scrolling her social media.

"Our sweetheart is in good mood." Her father speaks as he pat her head gently.

Chaewon shows her smile. "Am I?"

"Yes. You kept humming and singing. It's been so long since we hear you singing."  Her mother joins the conversation.

"Have you settle down with the girl before?" Her father recalls what happen earlier in the dinner.

"Ah.. It's all good. Don't worry. It just an 'accident'." Chaewon can't hide her giggles remembering their escape plan.

Her parents smile. They are glad to see their happy daughter is back. Must be something happen tonight that changes her.

"How was the dinner for you, sweetie?" Her mother asked.

"The best dinner ever."

[Writer's note]

Hello guys ! Sorry for taking so long to update. Actually, something 'crazy' happened to me for the past 2-3 days. I forgot I had final exam this week. Aigooo~ Luckily, I do it well. The power of last-minute study. Ahaaa~

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and the next chapter is the beginning of the 'love chain' . Eheee~ Stay tuned for it !

Congrats to our Yujinie being the new MC of Inkigayo~ Now we will have Jinjoo on our weekend. What a bless for Wiz*One. Should we have Jinjoo in upcoming chapters? Eyy~

I insert some pic to give you a clear vision of the story so we can get immersed more into it. Ahaa~ 


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My favorite story overall~~~~ HyeYul endgameee
Heyboiii #2
Chapter 27: This story is really nice thank you for updating it!
Chapter 27: 💖💖💖💖💖💖
ssamyenahn #4
Chapter 27: Yayyy you updated🎉🎉🎉. I hope that Yena would give Chaewon a chance 😭😭😭. My ssamyen babies~
1768 streak #5
Chapter 27: hello authornim, i'm fine with whatever, go at your own pace. don't feel pressured because this is your story that you are sharing with us.
Chapter 27: 2, :)
Loving_eclipse #7
Chapter 27: 2, i prefer the longer updates, you can take your time, we'll wait for you ^^
ssamyenahn #8
Chapter 27: 2
just take ur time, we'll still be here to read whatever u write
Loving_eclipse #9
Chapter 26: I don't know what's happening and I'm intrigued 😳
ssamyenahn #10
Chapter 26: yay ssamyen~