episode 9

in a trance ♦ seven companies make one group ♦ chapter 3 is out!



   Another step

The two groups eyed each other as Chaemin joined them again, after recieving her role the producers called for their attention. 

"The first 5 minute search begins now." The main PD of Trance's crew said, starting the timer on the tablet, the group dispersing looking around. Hyejin linking arms with Chaemin as they walked into another room.

"You're a citizen right?" Hyejin whispered, as they searched the room together, Chaemin nodded then pointed to the main vocal whom nodded in agreence. 

"They're suspcious." Seungkwan said as he searched the main room where they sat, Jaelin and Mingxia on the same page as him, nodding along.

"If there is anything I learned from these games, it's if Hoshi is extremely vocal then he is innocent." S.Coups said to Aika whom nodded while they searched an office area. 

Vernon, Hoshi and Yayin searched another bedroom, eyeing each other.

"I feel bad. You girls aren't use to playing with us." Seungkwan said, as DK and Yebin searched different rooms. Mingyu checked under the couches in passing as Woozi joined Hoshi, Vernon and Yayin.

"I think we'll manage, we at least know each other well." Jaelin said, shrugging. 

The timer went off, everyone returning to the  main area. 

"Go ahead and send a response." The PD said, the group nodding pulling out their phones and sending a message.  "No one found the money. Heads down." The group put their heads down. "Mafia, raise your heads and decide who to kill first." A few moments before the PD nodded. "Heads down. Doctor who do you want to save? Okay. Detectives who do you want to check? Okay. It's morning. " They all raised their heads.

"Citizen, Mingxia was killed." The two groups looked and acted shocked as she pouted and motioned Chaemin to switch with her so she was sitting at the end of the semi-circle. "Search starts now." Everyone splitting up, Mingxia sighed and watched as Vernon and Hyejin searched the main room. 

"If it was one of you, I swear." Mingxia muttered, Vernon held his hands up signalling he was innocent. Hyjein shook her head, Mingxia eyeing the two as they searched. Mingyu and CHaemin walked down the hall together looking around.

"Let's spilt up and try and see if one of them are supscious." Chaemin said, Mingyu nodding as the two spilt into different room, Chaemin finding herself in the same room as Hoshi, Woozi, and Yayin. She eyed them, as she began her search. Mingyu walking into Jaelin, Yebin, Aika and S.Coups searching an office looking area. 

DK and Seungkwan huddled together in another hall whispering together.

"It's you, ISn't it." Seungkwan blamed the older, DK looking at him in disbelief before scoffing. 

"No. It's not. It's you." DK sassed, pouting as Seungkwan.


The groups returned sitting on the couches and chairs as they sent a response to the producers.

"No one found the money. Select one person to take out."

"Jaelin unnie!" She was barely looking." Yebin pointed at the older whom looked at her scandalised.

"What did I do to you? I looked more than you did." Jaelin said back, Hyejin held Yebin down as her and Jaelin playfully glared at eachother.

"Jaelin was suspcious last round too, wasn't she with Myungsa in here?" S.Coups asked, Seungkwan nodded.

"She looked like she was observing us, seeing if we found it or not." Seungkwan said, the others nodding.

"Aika unnie too, she was really awkward last round." Hyejin pointed out, S.Coups nodding along looking at the Japanese member that scoffed looking at the two in disbelief. 

"I got it!" Hoshi said stanidng everyone looking at him in shock. "Jaelin, Aika and S.Coups are mafia." 

"Why me?" S.COups asked in disbelief and shock, standing up, Hoshi calmly sitting back down.

"I just got the feeling." Hoshi said shrugging, Woozi beside him laughing and shaking his head.

"I'm now suspicious of Hoshi hyung." DK said, pouting in thought as Vernon nodded beside him. 

"Decide on one person." The prodcer said, the others looking at each other.

"We'll each say a vote." Hyejin said, directing the group, they all nodded.

DK-> Jaelin

Vernon -> Jaelin

Hyejin -> Jaelin

Yebin -> Jaelin

Aika-> Jaelin

S.Coups-> Jaelin

Mingyu -> Jaelin

Chaemin -> Jaelin

Woozi -> Jaelin

Hoshi-> Jaelin

Yayin-> Jaelin

Jaelin -> Yebin

Seungkwan -> Jaelin

"Jaelin, last words."

"This is ridiculous. I'm haunting whoever the mafia is." She said, shaking her head, as she went to sit beside Mingxia.

"Innocent citizen Jaelin was died." The groups mouths dropped open in shock. "Heads down." The shot focused on Jaelin and Mingxia whom sat infront of the cameras on the floor to see who is who. "Mafias choose who you want to kill." The two's mouths dropped open, Mingxia shook her head at the three, Jaelin gritted her teeth as she glared them down. "Heads down. Doctor, who do you want to save?" Jaelin made an 'x' at the camera and pointed to herself. "Okay. Detectives who do want to check?" The two girls smiled as Chaemin and Mingyu raised their heads, pointing, the two nodded their heads.

"Time begins now." 

Mingyu and Chaemin followed Aika, into the office room.

"We know your a citizen, we're the detectives." Chaemin cut to the chase as Mingyu kept a look out. "Hyejin unnie is one of them." Hyejin searched alongside Yayin and Hoshi in one of the bedrooms, Hoshi looking to Hyejin whom shrugged in response. 

Vernon and Seungkwan looked around as they pointed at each other in the main room the two infront of the cameras shrugged, Seungkwan playfully glaring at the two as they went abou ttheir search. S.Coups kept an eye on Woozi, as Yebin searched on her own in one of the offices. DK entering the same office the two having a stare down, Yebin squinting at him as he put his arms up in surrender. 


the groups returned to the main room, eyeing each other. 

"Someone found the money." The Producer said, after recieving their texts.  The groups looking on in shock even Mingxia and Jaelin were shocked. "They must keep hold of it till the mafia is all gone or, they die. If they die the mafia will win it back and get to hide it again." The group nodding along as he explained the last rule. "WHo are you suspecting?"

"Hyejin unnie!" Chaemin said standing, the older girl looking at her in shock. "I'll come forward as one of the detectives. If I die at night it's her." She said quickly everyone looking at the youngest in disbelief. 

"She wasn't looking in the bedroom either." Yayin spoke up, Hyejin scoffing at the two's accusation.

"I was!" Hyejin pouted.

"Seungkwan was really suspicious. He kept pacing in the hallway." S.Coups pointed out, as Aika nodded along. Hoshi slowly nodding on. 

"He did vote Jaelin-shi out too." Hoshi reasoned, eyeing the main vocal whom stood up.

"This is ridiculous."

"He was kind of spaced out while searching in the first round." Woozi said, Seungkwan flopped back on the couch mentally exhausted.

"Fine. Kill me. Let the mafia win." Seungkwan whined, the group shrugging. 

"Let's put it to a vote." S.Coups said to wrap it up.

Hoshi -> Seungkwan

S.Coups-> Seungkwan

Vernon -> Seungkwan

Chaemin -> Hyejin

Hyejin-> Seungkwan

Mingyu-> Hyejin

DK-> Hyejin

Yebin-> Seungkwan

Aika-> Hyejin

Yayin-> Hyejin

Woozi-> Seungkwan

"No one dies. Heads down" The group all sigh putting their heads down. "Mafia, who do you want to kill?" Mingxia and Jaelin shake their heads at the three. "Okay. Doctor, who do you want to save?" Jaelin made an 'x'. "Okay. detectives, who do you want to check?" Chaemin and Mingyu looked at each other before pointing. The two on the floor shaking their heads. "Alright, everyone wake up. Innoccent citizen Chaemin is dead." Chaemin shook her head as she got up glaring at Hyejin whom looked shocked. As the youngest sat with the other two.

"Money has gone back to the mafia. Citizen CHaemin had found the money. The mafia will move the location to a predetermined location. Time starts now."  The group dispersed again, Mingyu grabbing Aika and S.Coups pulling them to a room far away from the others.

"S.Coups hyung, is a citizen, we need to get Hyejin voted out." Mingyu said, as Hyejin and WOozi searched another office, Yebin looking under the desk. 

Hoshi watched as Seungkwan followed his every movement.

"I better not get tricked agin." Seungkwan warned the older whom looked at him in disbelief. As Vernon watched the interaction from the hallway, Yayin looking in the main room alongside DK. The search continued, S.Coups watching Hyejin, while Mingyu watched Seungkwan, Aika watching Vernon as the two searched the hallway. Each of them walking past anyone that wasn't Hyejin whispering that it was her.


The group returned, taking their seats.

"No one found the money. Who do you suspect?"

"Hyejin, CHaemin was killed after pointing her out." Yebin said, the older sighing. 

"Can we vote already?" S.Coups said, the producers looked at each other before nodding.

S.Coups -> Hyejin

Aika-> Hyejin

Mingyu-> Hyejin

Yayin -> Hyejin

Yebin -> Hyejin

DK -> Hyejin

Seungkwan -> Hyejin

Vernon -> Hyejin

Woozi-> Hyejin

Hoshi-> Hyejin

"Last words, Hyejin?"

"You'll really regret this." She said, whining the girls shaking their heads at her.

"Hyejin is.....the mafia." The group cheered, S.Coups holding his heart as everyone looked on in shock. "Heads down." Hyejin sat beside the three whom, all playfully hit her arms. "Mafia, who do you wish to kill?" Chaemin's mouth dropped open, and glared at Hyejin. "Okay. Doctor, who do you want to save?" Hyejin and Chaemin looked on confused as Jaelin made an 'x', their mouths dropping open after realising. "Okay. Detectives, who do you suspect?" Mingyu looked open and lglanced around as Hyejin watched with open. The girls nodding after he pointed. "Okay heads up."

"Innoccent citizen Dk is dead." DK gasped and held his chest as he slowly stood looking at the group in disbelief as he went to sit with the girls. "Time starts now."

"Who else is the mafia?" DK asked as everyone scattered, Hyejin smiling as Chaemin covered from veiw as she mouthed names to him, his mouth dropping open. "Seungkwan, is gonna be so upset. Who's the doctor?" He asked, Jaelin pointing to herself, he nodded. "No wonder no one was able to be saved." 

Mingyu, S.Coups and Aika gathered again, Mingyu looking around, both leaning in, whispering the next lead, the two looked on in shock.  Seungkwan and Vernon  searching the office, Hyejin searched last round. Woozi and Yayin searching the main room, Yebin and Hoshi searched the bedroom again.

"I also bet, that he's also mafia." S.Coups said after chiming in, Aika slowly nodding.

"I'll tell the girls." Aika said, breaking from them. The oldest entering the room Yebin and Hoshi were in, only to go to Yebin and whisper in her ear, recieving a nod. She walked up to Hoshi and whispered to him as well. Mingyu went to the room with Suengkwan and Vernon and got to two pause on their search to listen to him. S.Coups entered the main room, whispering to Woozi and Yayin the new suspect.

"Tell us, too!" Chaemin whined, The leader laughed and walked over to them covering his mouth from veiw, only visible to the group. They all shrugged as he laughed and shook his head.

"I wasn't expecting a yes or no. She wanted to know." S.Coups defended himself.


The group all took their seats.

"The money has been found." The group all looked around at each other in shock. "WHo do you suspect?"

"Can we vote first?" S.Coups said, seeming confident, the producers nodded.

Vernon -> Hoshi

Aika-> Vernon

Yayin -> Vernon

Yebin-> Vernon

Seungkwan -> Vernon

Mingyu -> Vernon

Hoshi -> Vernon

Woozi -> Vernon

S.Coups -> Vernon

"Last Words, Vernon?"

"WHat? I'm so confused." He said, blinking at s whom all gave him a thumbs down.

"Vernon is...... the mafia. The money remains with the citizens, we'll add more if you guess the last mafia member."

"Hoshi." Mingyu said confidently, the other sputtering in shock.

The producers shook their heads. "COngrats to Yebin for finding the money." Yebin smiled and danced in her seat. "COngrats to Yayin for flying under the radar as mafia." Everyone turned to the girl in shock, Aika and Yebin standing in shock looking at the younger girl.


Yayin bowed as she walked into the office, sitting before the computer.

"Today you are the mafia. Keep the citizens off your back, and away from the money." Yayin pouted in thought. "If Mingming is a fellow mafia member I'll be good, if not she'll notice right away." 

Clips of Mingxia watching Yayin during the first round played. 


"Congratulations Citizens, you win." The citizens grouped together cheering as the mafia sat off to the side, the citizens posing for the photo.


photo taken and posted by: jaelin

pictured: mingyu, s.coups, hoshi, dk, jaelin, mingxia, yebin

caption: the true winners (missing aika unnie, chaemin, woozi sunbae and seungkwan sunbae) 

thank you seventeen sunbae, for having fun with us!




"It's getting tiring, how much we keep getting pushed back."

"Are we worth all of this waiting?"

"I just want to be on stage already."




author's note.  I hope everyone enjoyed this (long) chapter!! Anyways, stay safe everyone!

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Chapter 25: Thanks for the new chapter! I haven't been on here for a while so I didn't comment last time. Can't wait to read more!
Chapter 25: Thanks for the update, I’ll try to post a proper comment another time.
Chapter 25: I love BEcause! Looking forward to see how trance will execute it
Chapter 23: Thank you for the update! Chaemin teasing aika about her crush was really nice hehe
Chapter 21: Yay for another chapter!
Chapter 21: Thanks for the chapter! I’ll try to comment properly soon but I’m really looking forward to what happens with Hyejin.
Chapter 19: thank you so much for the update.
they debuted and the showcase is so good. the fact the idols who chose them were in a different room and monitoring them. i hope they liked it!
i can't wait to see what happens throughout their time together <3
Chapter 19: Thank you for the update! Trance has finally debuted and I’m so happy for them, can’t wait to see their journey unfold!
Chapter 17: Thanks for the update! The mafia game was really cute hehe
Chapter 16: Glad to see an update :)