episode 4

in a trance ♦ seven companies make one group ♦ chapter 3 is out!

   Another step


The lights of the dorm as Mingxia sat on the couch on her laptop, Hyejin jumpping holding a hand over her heart spotting the girl that was previously in the dark. Chaemin yawning as she exited their shared room, going to the bathroom.

"Have you been out here all night again?" Hyejin whispered to Mingxia, as she went to the kitchen, the other shrugging. "Any idea for evaluation this month?"

Another shrug.

Chaemin exited the bathroom in her school uniform, greeting the two quietly as Hyejin pulled out the breakfast Mingxia made for the younger. The Chinese girl joining the two in the kitchen at the table while Hyejin reheated up the soup on the stove. 

"Any ideas for the evaluation?" Hyejin whispered to Chaemin, as she glanced over her shoulder at the younger sitting at the table with Mingxia. 

"Not really, the only songs I can think of are popular ones." Chaemin said, the two nodding in agreement. 

"Oh My Girl?" Mingxia offered, the other two blinking at her for a second, before slwoly nodding their head.

"We can ask Aika unnie, since shes a fan of them." Chaemin suggested, Hyejin nodding along.

"Thats not too bad, the others and I will watch some of the performances today and narrow it down." Hyejin said, as she stirred the soup. Chaemin and Mingxia's room door opening Yebin walking out yawning and stretching.  Mingxia getting up to grab an extra plate setting and a bowl of rice for her as she greeted the three sitting in the chair beside Chaemin. Hyejin filling her in on their idea.



Mingxia, Yayin, Aika and Yebin sat in one of the vocal rooms together, going over the lyrics, making sure they were pronouncing the words correctly. Hyejin, Chaemin and Jaelin were admist figuring out positioning and part distribution. Shots of the girls beginning their rehearsal process, showed.

JUNE 2020

"We were focused, what else could you expect?" Yebin joked, chuckling.


"Myungsa and Yinnie, are hiding something. They are always disappearing together." Aika said as her and Yebin sat in a small resturant, the camera at the end of the table angled slightly to show the two as they ate.

"I don't think I've thought much of it since they are more comfortable with each other." Yebin stated, Aika nodding agreeing with the younger.

"True, they could just be closer."


JUNE 2020

"It's not that I was jealous that they were spending a lot of time together without us. I was just curious to what was going on." AIka said, looking off to the side and chuckling the camera panning to Mingxia shaking her head with a smile.



"Don't strain your voice too much. " The vocal trainer warned Yebin whom nodded while sipping some tea. As Yayin sat beside her, nodding as well.

Hyejin and Jaelin entered the practice room to see Mingxia on her laptop again one of the sound engineers talking to her, the younger nodding and tapping on her laptop. Jaelin and Hyejin both shared a look of interest, the two walking slowly behind them to get a peak on what they were doing. The sound engineer smiled at them in greeting, as they both tried to peak at the younger's laptop.

"What's all that?" Jaelin asked, curious as to what all the files on her computer and hardrive were. 

Mingxia looked at her and shut her computer.

"Can show us?" Hyejin asked giving her puppy dog eyes.


"What do you mean no?!?!" Hyejin pouted crossing her arms, not liking the secret keeping.

Mingxia sighed as she put her laptop away.

"I'm attending a music school, composing songs are part of our finals." Mingxia explained, the older two nodding in understanding.



Chaemin laughed as she sat in class her camera on her desk, she chatted with a few of her classmates during their breaks. Paying attention in class, and even praticipating in gym class to some extent. She waved at the camera as she ate lunch, in the classroom with a friend or two.

"One of the older trainees makes you lunch everyday?" One asked, in confusion. Chaemin nodded, not being able to tell the whole truth.

"When are you gonna post the videos on YouTube?" Another asked, Chaemin shrugged.

"I'm not too sure yet." Chaemin answered.



"Thankfully we don't need to do much shopping this time around." Yebin said, laying on her stomch on top the couch, the camera facing her.

"Myungsa is actually sleeping." Jaelin said in shock sitting on the floor by Yebin as Hyejin brought out some fruit. Their phones all buzzing simultaneously, the three sharing a look before pulling out their phones and unlocking them to see a message in their group chat with their managers.

"Evaluation location has been changed, performance will be out in public in Hongdae. As a busking performance." Hyejin read outloud, the three sharing a look of confusion, as to why they were being shown to the public.



The seven stepped into the crisp night air, in black and red quickly walking with one of the producers. The seven looking around as Manager Moon followed behind them at a distance. The staff had finished setting up a speaker system and a sign saying it was a busking filming. The seven bowed and greeted the small crowd of people that had gathered.  Getting into position, and taking deep breaths. 


Aika -> Arin
Jaelin -> Mimi
Hyejin -> Seunghee
Yebin -> Binnie
Mingxia -> Jiho
Yayin -> Hyojung
Chaemin -> Yooa

After finishing they rushed away in full embrassment, bowing shyly as they headed back to their van. 

Septemner 1, 2019

 Mingxia waved in the camera as she entered their shared room to finish getting ready, she checked her phone, picking it up to answer a call.

Yes?” She answered in Mandarin, scaring Aika at the language change. “Yeah, we have the tickets.” She said, the other looking confused into the camera, as having never heard Mingxia speak in her native tongue in the last few months, besides to Yayin. “No, we don’t need any protection. No one knows us, yet.” Mingxia smiled on the phone and laughed. “I know. Good luck. Bye.” After hanging up, she looked at the Aika whom was looking at her in awe.


“I don’t think we have said, where we are going.” Jaelin pointed out as the four walked together.

“SEVENTEEN sunbaenim’s concert!” Hyejin cheered from behind Mingxia whom smiled and laughed at her excitement.

“It’s the final day, too. I can’t believe we are able to attend.” Aika said, holding the camera squinted at Mingxia in suspicion. “How did you even get tickets?!?!” She exclaimed scaring Mingxia, whom put a finger to .

“Secret.” She smiled, causing the older three to shake their heads in disappointment of her not telling them. “Ah.” She said, opening the backpack she was carrying, and handing them each a lightstick.

“Why do you have so many?” Hyejin asked, honestly concerned about how much money she was spending.

“These ones are pretty.” Mingxia said, as they reached the venue.

The four got to their seats, greeting those they were sitting beside. One of them greeting Mingxia enthusiastically, she returning the smile. The other three looking at him curiously, Jaelin hitting Aika whom was beside Mingxia.

“Isn’t that Dino’s brother?” She whispered, the other shrugging.


Footage of three just in general shock and amazement of the senior group performing on stage. While Mingxia bobbed her head along with a smile, and doing the fanchants. Each of them taking mental notes to help improve their performing. After ‘Hit’, the girls sat in amazement hearing the fans all sing together.

“I want our fans to do that, too.” Jaelin mumbled to herself, as Mingxia smiled and swayed side-to-side.


After the concert ended, the girls stood to leave when a staff member came to them. Greeting Mingxia and the rest of them, Mingxia following them motioning the others to come with her. Stepping backstage the girls looked at each other confused, and even more confused as Seventeen all cheered once the group got in eye sight.

“Li Xu!” Jun cheered, running and hugging Mingxia whom laughed and returned the hug. THE8 pulling them apart and hugging her instead.

Did you guys enjoy the concert?” He asked, in Mandarin, pulling away from the younger whom nodded.

“You guys have inspired us some more on stage.” Aika said, as staff asked Mingxia to take a picture with THE8, S.Coups smiling and waving to Aika whom he trained with a bit.. The two posing identicially, the girls looking at each other confused.

“Ah. I guess we should formally introduce you guys. This is my older brother, Minghao or THE8, and seventeen sunbae. And these are a few of my members for the project group, Aika unnie, Jaelin unnie and Hyejin unnie.” Mingxia introduced the two teams. The guys of Seventeen bowing, the girls bowing in return.

“Let’s get a photo of the two together.” One of the manager’s of Seventeen suggested, the girls going to stand behind where Seventeen sat in chairs and on the floor.



The seven sat int he practice room stretching and waiting for the trainers to come in with their evaluation results. Aika watched as Mingxia laid on the ground with her legs in the spilts and Chaemin leaned on her back. Yebin and Jaelin were helping each other stretch as Yayin and Hyejin did vocal warm ups. The doors opeing, as the familiar trainers stepped inside, greeting the girls whom rushed to stand bowing politlely to them. 

"First off, good work!" The dance trainer said, clapping with the other two trainers beside her. 

"The MR recording was nice and smooth, from what the sound engineer said. Mingxia, you heped with producing and directing the girls a bit?" The vocal trainer asked, Mingxia slowly nodding.


August 11, 2019

The seven entered the recording studio greeting the sound engineer, whom smiled in greeting to them. The girls taking a seat on the couch in the small studio, Mingxia sitting in the chair beside the engineer.

"When we found out Mingxia was studying music production our preception of her changed." Hyejin's voice rang as the six watched as Mingxia put her hair up . 

"Let's start from the beginning." The engineer directed the girls nodding, Mingxia motioning Yebin to go in the booth. The older nodding, and heading in, carrying her water bottle. 

"The original is gonna be the guide, but sing as yourself." Mingxia noted, Yebin nodding as she put her headphones on. 


"It was a great performance. You have all showed great growth as a team." The vocal instructor noted. "We would like you girls to cover a boy group next, any concept or year." 

"We hope the next journey will go smoothly." The rap trainer added, the girls nodding and bowing as the trainers took their leave. 

"What group should we do?" Yayin asked, once the doors were closed, the group sitting onto the floor. 

"We've done, SM, JYP, and WM. What if we did another one of our companies?" Aika suggested, Hyejin nodding in agreement. The others following suit.

"BTS?" Jaelin suggested the others thinking, Mingxia slowly nodding.

"That could work." Hyejin said, agreeing wiht the older.

"Don't they have three rappers?" Yebin asked, Jaelin nodding.

"I'm mostly a rapper." Jaelin pointed out, the others nodding.

"I had rap training as well." Yebin added.

"I did some training." Yayin stated with a hand in the air directing attention to her. 

"You have?" They all questioned kind of shocked by the main vocalist.

"In Big Hit most are trained to be capable of a multitude of positions." Yayin said, the others in awe of her speaking so clearly for a long period of time. 

"Well that settles that. What song do we want to do?" HYejin asked, pulling out her phone looking at the list of tracks from BTS.



"Today is a special day." Yebin said holding the camera in the van, Mingxia sitting behind her on her phone, Aika on her right and Jaelin beside Yebin. "We are heading to the Big Hit studio, which is our first time going there. I'm excited, you guys?"

"I am, I haven't been to many other companies." Aika stated, nodding her head. Jaelin agreeing as Mingxia nodded.

"We're meeting Chaemin, Yayin and Hyejin there, right?" Jaelin doubled checked with Manager  Son whom was driving.

"Yep, Manager Moon is almost there." He stated, the girls nodding.


"Why am I nervous?" Yayin asked, the other two chuckling at the Chinese girl as she held the camera.

"I'm nervous too! This is the first time I'm going to another company building to rehearse." Chaemin said leaning forward in her seat resting her head on the back of Yayin's seat. 

"I think we all are. Plus this is the home of BTS, and our Yiinie." Hyejin stated, beside Yayin, as Manager Moon pulled up to the building entrance hidden from the public. 


The seven walked into one of the practice room, and quickly got ready to rehearse. Chaemin and Mingxia were leading the choreography portion as they both picked up choreo fast. The two were polishing a bit of the chorus when the door opened, the seven focusing and not noticing the presence int eh room until Chaemin went to start the chorus again and jumped and screamed in shock. 

"I'm so sorry, I thought you guys heard us come in." J-Hope apologized, alongside Jimin, CHaemin also apologizing as the others greeted them. 

"We just wanted to stop by and see how you girls are doing." Jimin said, smiling as the girls stood before them. 

"We've picked one of BTS' songs for our evaluation this month." Hyejin stated, the boys nodding. 

"How about we watch what you have so far?" J-Hope suggested, the girls nodding excitedly.


After the girls showed them, the two stepped in and helped polish certain parts. The senior idols showing them some of the ropes, before sitting down on the floor with them, as the girls' managers brought them in food.

"How is the project so far?" J-Hope asked, drinking some water, Yebin passing Yayin her food along chopsticks for Chaemin.

"It's going well." Hyejin said politely, opening her food container.

"It's just awkward and all new for us all." Aika stated, the boys nodding along.

"When we were first formed it was awkward too, but you all have it a bit harder since you never met until now." Jimin siad, the girls nodding. 

"It's gonna be a rough road, that's for sure. How long is your contract?" J-Hope asked, the girls thought for a second. 

"3 years, 1 year of training and 2 years of promoting. Not an exact date though." Jaelin recalled,  everyone nodding along.

"Well, thats our signal to leave." Jimin said as their manager stuck his head in the doorway. "Feel free to let us know if you have any questions or want some advice." He said, waving as the girls stood to bow to them. 



Chaemin yawned and waved at the camera outside of the recording studio as she walked inside, greeting the sound enigneer and Mingxia, whom sat at the desk. Yebin in recording for her part of the MR, Chaemin sitting on the couch beside Yayin whom was on Mingxia's laptop with headphones on. 

"That's good. I think that's all your parts." Mingxia spoke to Yebin whom nodded, "Let's listen back to the whole piece." She said, Yebin nodding again before exiting the booth. The 2000 liner joining the other three members in the room, the four nodding along as they listened to the final piece. Mingxia gave Yebin a thumbs up once it ended, Yebin thanking the sound engineer before heading off to dance rehearsal with the older three.

"Do I get learn why I'm here, now?" Chaemin asked leaning on the table infront of her and yayin as Mingxia turned around in her chair as Yayin passed over her laptop. 

"Ming Ming, has been working on a few songs for a part of her classwork. One of them both our sound engineer and producer both liked. I worked on the demo in Chinese but, we need someone to help with the translation a bit." Yayin said, Chaemin tilting her head in confusion.

"Why me? Why not Hyejin unnie or Jaelin unnie?" Chaemin asked, looking between the two.

"First, we need you to listen to it." Yayin said.

"See if you can visualize a performance." Mingxia said, turning back around to the desk plugging her laptop in. After a few seconds, music filling the room. 

To keep it a suprise, enjoy NCT127's 'Kick It'.



The girls bowed as they entered the dance studio two rows of hanging clothes on one side of the studio, the girls sharing looks as a team of five stood by the clothes. After setting their stuff down in the cabinets against the wall, the seven greeted the team again. Manager Son walking in, greeting the team as well.

"ONE Label has put together a stylist team for you guys to work with. They will be styling you girls for your evaluations for now." He explained, the girls nodding in understanding. 

The girls took turns changing into different outfits, the stylists pinning the clothes for alterations and changes. 

Chaemin sat with Yayin and Mingxia while Jaelin and Aika were being fitted, Hyejin and Yebin sat together watching over their last practice.

JUNE 2020

"Having a stylist team working with us, started to make this feel real." Aika said, Jaelin nodding beside her.

"The next thing would be having a go to hair shop." Jaelin joked, Aika chuckling. 



"Today's the day." Yebin said, to the camera they walked past as they headed into the studio. Chaemin opening the door, bowing while covering in shock, bowing politely. The others having almost the exact same reaction, the camera panning to J-Hope and Jimin sitting alongside their trainers. The girls standing before them, bowing together in greeting, after placing on nametags on to their legs they stood waiting for the trainers to let them begin.

"Alright, what did you prepare this month?" Their rap trainer asked, acting like he had no idea.

"Fake Love by BTS sunbaenim." Aika stated, smiling and bowing slightly again to J-Hope and Jimin. 

"Let's get started then." The vocal trainer announced the girls getting in the starting position.


Aika- Jin
Jaelin- RM
Hyejin- Jimin
Yebin- Suga
Mingxia- V
Yayin- J-Hope
Chaemin- Jungkook


The girls bowed again after finishing, Jimin and J-Hope clapping with smiles.

"I think we can all agree it was a job well done." The dance trainer said, looking at the others beside that nodded as well. "J-Hope and Jimin-shi, what did you think?"

"We met them only a few days into rehearsing this song, and they were already catching on pretty fast. It was done really well." Jimin said, giving the girls a thumbs up. "Hyejin-shi did a great job covering my part."

"It's an honor to be able to do it." Hyejin said, the girls holding back chuckled and giggles at the Canadian getting awkward.

"The dance was executed well, and Yayin-shi definitely surprised me along with Jaelin and Yebin-shi, I didn't know there were three rappers in the group." J-Hope said, looking to the trainers whom chuckled.

"Yayin is actually the Big Hit trainee." The rap trainer pointed out, the two idols looking at her and greeting her again. 

"Shes representing us very well then, good job." J-Hope said, getting up and giving the younger a high five, before sitting back down.

"Now, to discuss the next evaluation. Since you have all gone beyond our expectations over the last few months, ONE Label has decided for you all to prepare for a mini showcase. One before idols and executives like when you auditioned." The vocal trainer said the girls fidgetting.

"This time they will be voting on positions, after watching you perform 4-5 songs. 3 group songs, and 2 unit songs. We have already broken units up, along with demos selections needing to be made." The dance trainer continued, the girls nodding.  "Thats all for us, today. Good work." The team of trainers adn the two from BTS bowed as they left the room. The girls cheering on succeeding again. Hyejin and Yebin both attatched to Chaemin squishing her cheeks as she smiled brightly. Jaelin and Aika laying on the ground as Yayin and Mingxia whispered together obviously anxious with the upcoming task.

"Unnies, their doing it again." Chaemin muttered through squished cheeks, the girls turning to the two Chinese members.

"WHats going on with you two?" Hyejin asked, a motherly tone coming out the others glancing at her before the other two.

"We should let them listen." Yayin said in Mandarin, Mingxia biting her thumb nail before nodding, going to grab her laptop. "Ming Ming, has a few songs we think we could perform for this showcase. Thats if you guys like them." Yayin filled the others in, Chaemin rubbing her face as Yebin had finally released her.

"The two I've heard are really good." Chaemin said, the others nodding sitting on the ground as Mingxia sat with her laptop, her harddrives attatched to the back. 

"They are mostly in Mandarin." Mingxia said, before starting the first one. The girls' eyes widening as elevator music played over it, concealing the actual music they were listening to. Aika smiling as Mingxia, Jaelin nodding along, Hyejin moving along to the melody and Yebin swayed along.

"I've never heard K-Pop music like this." Jaelin said, in general shock this is what classical music listening Mingxia created.

"That's why I want to do it, we already stick out why not lean into it." Mingxia said, the girls nodding.

"I think its good." Aika said, smiling more giving Mingxia a thumbs up.

"Lets listen to a few you have in mind and narrow it down from there?" Hyejin asked, the others nodding.





"At the end raise your tone a bit." Mingxia said, in full producer mode, Hyejin sighing both responding.


"Why didn't you tell us?" Yayin asked, her eyes reflected how hurt she felt.
"I didn't want you to only like because of my siblings."


"Happy Birthday!" The other girls yelled popping confetti while, one held a cake.


"I had always felt a bit out of place and lonely even when I was in my company. After meeting these girls, it just feels right and I feel like this is my place now."





author's note.  I hope everyone enjoyed this (long) chapter!! Anyways, stay safe everyone!

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Chapter 25: Thanks for the new chapter! I haven't been on here for a while so I didn't comment last time. Can't wait to read more!
Chapter 25: Thanks for the update, I’ll try to post a proper comment another time.
Chapter 25: I love BEcause! Looking forward to see how trance will execute it
Chapter 23: Thank you for the update! Chaemin teasing aika about her crush was really nice hehe
Chapter 21: Yay for another chapter!
Chapter 21: Thanks for the chapter! I’ll try to comment properly soon but I’m really looking forward to what happens with Hyejin.
Chapter 19: thank you so much for the update.
they debuted and the showcase is so good. the fact the idols who chose them were in a different room and monitoring them. i hope they liked it!
i can't wait to see what happens throughout their time together <3
Chapter 19: Thank you for the update! Trance has finally debuted and I’m so happy for them, can’t wait to see their journey unfold!
Chapter 17: Thanks for the update! The mafia game was really cute hehe
Chapter 16: Glad to see an update :)