
Dancing with the Devil

A/N: Writing about the entirety of the Running Man experience would take up too many chapters, so I've decided to shorten things a bit in order to move on with the other plot details, such as what that mysterious character has in store for our heroine, Heejin. Hopefully I can get to that within the next 2 chapters. Sorry! Also, if you have any suggestions for how I should improve my writing, please do share! Take care, my readers!

Heejin's POV

Now only 2 minutes were left on the clock. Hyunjin, soon joined by Seohyun, was giving everyone a quick tour of the clinic.

[Seohyun]: "Ok. So now, you have the choice of either going to visit some of our current patients behind the double doors to my left, or you can choose to visit the nutrition and surgery rooms for the animals behind the double doors on my right. I will be showing you to our patients, while Hyunjin shall guide you guys through the nutrition and surgery rooms."

Upon hearing this, Haha, Jihyo, and I gave a quick glance at each other. We decided to split up in order to cover the most area. I volunteered to go with Hyunjin, because why not? 

This area was behind closed doors, suiting the first part of the clue. With a bit over 1 minute left, all of us were in a silent panic. As if Hyunjin sensed this, she quickly ushered Haha, I.M, and I to the nutrition room. As soon as the doors opened, we were hit with the strong aroma of different types of food mixed together. The scents of dog food, cat food, wet food, and dry food blended inside the large sky blue room. All the food containers were in a medium-sized cell, locked off with a key. How odd, for it to be locked off in such a manner...


[Hyunjin]: "That's our food cell. Currently, we've stocked up more than usual, because we are planning on adding a wing where adoptions are available. We have it locked because the animals here would get into it otherwise. Of course, since there are gaps in the bars, the animals are able to smell it anyways. Their noses and ears are much more attuned and sensitive than ours are. Some animals are conditioned to react to the sound of the bag opening. Sometimes, by the time I have I opened the cell and the bag of food, some of our patients have already arrived at the door."


Hearing this, Haha and I steal a glance at each other, wondering how we should proceed. With a quick glance at my watch, we have only 1 minute left.


[Hyunjin]: "Any questions?"

"Dr. Kim, is there any way that you can quickly unlock the food cabinet and show us some food bags?"

[Hyunjin]: "That's a weird question to ask, but sure. It's almost time to feed our avian patient's anyways."

[I.M]: "Avian?"

[Hyunjin]: "That's the fancy name for birds."

[I.M]: "Oh! That's pretty cool. May I feed some avian patients?"

[Hyunjin]: "Sure! You can help me set up some millets for the parakeets. Just let me unlock this cabinet for Heejin-sshi here."


From her coat with numerous pockets, Hyunjin reaches into her pocket and takes out a small keychain containing a few keys. Making her way over to the cabinet, she takes out a bag of bird feed. I take a  peak at it, pretending to look at other things too as I walk around. To my dismay, there isn't a running man sticker on it. I guess we really are going to have to give up a tool. Looking over to Haha, it's obvious that he's thinking the same thought. With a light sigh, we move on. 

Picking up on the distraught atmosphere, I.M comes over to me, lightly rests his hand on my shoulder, and looks into my eyes with concern. Meanwhile, from the corner of my peripheral vision, I can see Haha making his way over to talk to Hyunjin. However, Hyunjin's eyes aren't focused on Haha. She's looking at I.M and I. For a transient moment, our  gazes meet and I take some time to admire her. Sadly, the moment is broken as Haha talks to Hyunjin and I.M thoughtfully taps me on my shoulder.


[I.M]: "Heejin-sshi? Did you hear me? I was wondering if you are ok?"

"Oh yeah. No worries I'm fine. Sorry for concerning you. Just spaced out for a moment hahaha."

[I.M]: "Ah, ok. Well please make sure you get some rest. If I can help in any way, even though we are on different teams, please do tell me."

"Thanks! I'll keep that in mind"


With that conversation out of the way, we turn around to see Haha and Hyunjin patiently waiting for us to finish. 


[Hyunjin]: "Ok! So now that you are finished with your conversation, I talked to Haha and this is how we are going to bring the food to the animals before you all leave for your next challenges. Haha asked if he could pour the bird feed into some containers, and I agreed. Don't worry I.M-sshi. There are a few birds that prefer to be hand fed. Heejin-sshi, you will pour some dry cat food for our feline patients, and I will handle the canine patients after you guys depart. I.M-sshi, have you ever fed a parrot before?"

[I.M]: "No, but I really want to try! Can the parrot speak?"

[Hyunjin]: "I'm not 100% sure. I'll have to ask the owner for some assistance with that. Alright guys! Let's get pouring please!"


Grabbing the small bag of cat food, I watch impassively as the individual small pellets clink and clang against the metal feeding dish. Unexpectedly, a shiny keychain shaped like a calico kitten falls into the dish. I immediately stop pouring and grab the key. Flipping it onto the back, sadly the trademark R is nowhere to be found. There is only the engraving of the word 'bread' on the back. Something in my gut tells me that this belongs to Hyunjin...


"Hyunjin-sshi,  I found a key in the cat food. I thought that it might belong to someone who workd here."

[Hyunjin]: "Oh! That's were my key went! Thank you for finding it. I've been trying to find that key ever since this morning!"


Hahaha this morning? She was obviously lying, but it's not like either Haha or I.M would know that she was flat out hammered last night.


[Hyunjin]: "Well, let's not stall any longer. Time to feed the animals!"


As I walked over to the cats in their play room, my thoughts drifted to which tool we would have to give up. I looked at the clock one last time. My team had 5...4...3...2...1...and that was it. We ran out of time. Dammit. Looking into the camera, I shared my thoughts: "The revival armband was useful, but it only applied to Haha. The name tag reduction one should probably be kept. Oh well. At least these cats are adorable! They're the staple pet of lesbians haha. I've liked cats, but have always wanted a pet rabbit for myself. That would rather suit my nickn-"

A sudden sandpaper like feeling runs along the side of my hand, forcing me to stop. Shifting my gaze away from the camera and down towards my feet, sharp yellow eyes and pointed ears stare back at me. 


"Oh wow! That cat looks just like the mature version of the cat on Hyunjin's keychain!"

"That's because it is."


I jump at the sudden voice. I hear a chuckle at my reaction before seeing Seohyun-sshi walk into view.


"That cat is a stray. She brought the cat in a few weeks ago and has since become enamored with it. I can understand why though. The cat is very smart and affectionate towards her. In fact, let me show you something. Hey Cali! Go fetch something for Heejin here."


The calico cat hesitates for a moment before turning around and going into it's small house on the cat tower. I look over at the camera in wonder, to which the cameraman only shrugs. Seconds later, the cat returns with a small container in its mouth and drops it at my feet. What is this cat?! Is it a dog in disguise?!

Opening the container, I see yet another keychain with a key. Except, when I flip it over this time, the classic R is there. Unable to believe my eyes, I look around incredulously. 


"Congrats! You got the extra hidden item!"

"Wait what? Seohyun-sshi, I thought that my time ran out?"

"Oh nah. You handed Hyunjin's calico kitten key to her before the time ended. You were also inside this room, quite literally, 7 second before the time limit. Congrats!"

"Well this is great! I have to tell the others! Thank you Seohyun-sshi! I can leave now, right?"

"Not before I tell you what the clue is and let you choose from 3 tools. Here is the clue."

Congratulations! You have successfully found the secret relic! Here is yet another clue for you!

You cannot change this mole or fit them into a mold. They are who they are.

And, as for the tool, find the special room during name tag elimination to get it. In order to open the door, at least 2 members (regardless of team) must be present in the hallway.

"Here's the twist. You can either tell your teammates about this secret relic, or, if you are suspicious of them, you can keep this to yourself. Your choice. Now go on. Everyone should be finishing up and in the waiting room. Hyunjin and I will be cheering for you!"


Trying to retain my joy in order to not reveal too much, I take a second to calm down before walking out of the room. Should I tell them or not? If I don't tell them, then we still have to give up a tool, right? I'll just tell them. We're a team anyway, and I don't want to lose another tool.


Fast forward to the name tag elimination...


[PD]: "Alright. Since today has been full of surprises, here is one more. Instead of playing with the teams you have now, you will instead be playing with partners. In other words, 6 pairs of 2. All the tools that you earned during the relic hunt still apply though. Here is one thing to be careful of. As you are aware, there are 3 moles. These three moles will be split up, meaning that half of the pairings will have a mole in them. 3 more clues about the moles have been scattered throughout this north wing of the mall. The only way for the moles to win is if the final pairing standing has a mole in the team. If the final pairing standing has a mole, then that mole must rip the name tag of their partner The winner will be receiving 2 Hanwoo beef sets. But, before I announce the new pairings, here are 2 clues that everyone will hear about the moles. Listen carefully!

1) All the moles are well acquainted with music.

2) This mole is traditional. A few letters should be enough to get their attention.

Now, onto the pairings. 

Haha and BM, Sechan and Kwangsoo, Seokjin and Jaeseok, Jihyo and I.M, Jungkook and Somin, and Heejin and Ryujin. The strategy on how to play is up to you all. you may share your clues with others if you want to. Good luck everyone! "


Stealing a glance at Ryujin, I can see that she is just as surprised as I am. Come to think of it, I'm almost 100% sure that she is one of the moles. She is an idol, so she is well acquainted with music. The other clue, about being oneself that cannot be fit into a mold, seems eerily similar to the lyrics of Wannabe. I think the crew essentially just gave away that Ryujin is a mole. Oh well. How am I supposed to handle this situation? Moreover, working with her again is going to be...complicated. How am I supposed to find the secret room with her around me?


"So Heejin, I guess we are working together. Also, let's just talk about the clues and tools that we got."

"Dropped the honorifics I see. No problem. We're essentially the same age anyways. I only have 1 benefit, which is the fact that my name tag is 25% smaller, as you can see. As for the clues, my clue claims that the mole goes to the gym much more frequently than the average person. That's the only one my group got. I'm assuming your group didn't get any?"

"Yeah. Both of our groups went overtime, so only your group and I.M's group got clues the normal way. I heard that you guys were able to spend your extra time at a vet clinic visiting and petting animals. During that time, we did an extra challenge to earn 1 clue, and I memorized the clue. It says that another "natural habitat' for this member is on a savanna. That essentially gives it away that it's Kwangsoo. Giraffe and savanna? Makes since. As for familiarity with music, he has appeared in lots of music videos and likes music?"

"Hmm, I agree. He is somewhat suspicious. I'll keep that in mind. I have no idea. let's stick together. Based on the clues I got, Jungkook might be one of the moles. He is quite acquainted with music, since he was an idol a while back with Turbo. He's also someone who goes to the gym a lot. Then, listening to you mention the savanna clue, lions live on the savanna too. For now though, what shall our strategy be? I've watched past episodes, and I have seen pretty much everything."

"Should we try to form an alliance with another group? What about ace Jihyo?"

"That might be a good idea. Jihyo was on my team before, and she doesn't match any of the clues I got at least. I.M was also pretty nice to me...but then again I don't know who to trust at a time like this."


She didn't defend Jungkook at all when I suspected him... she probably would if they were another mole. Certainly, she wouldn't be dumb enough to urge us to compete against Jungkook. She did accuse Kwangsoo though, so he most likely isn't a mole? But then she suggested to work with Jihyo, who doesn't fit the ballot for mole at all. Could it be I.M who she actually wants to work with? he somewhat fits the ballot for mole...

Arghh.....this is all so confusing! Should I just confront her about the fact that she is, most likely, a mole? I don't think she would take that well. In any case, I'll just keep to myself for now. For now, we can work together. There were 5 minutes left before we had to officially start filming the name tag elimination challenge. The crew members were gearing up for some grueling exercise while carrying the camera. Taking this time off, Ryujin led me to the bathroom so that we could speak in private.


"Ok. So now that we are alone, hi. It's nice to see you again. Can we just agree that during this time we won't let any past feelings come between us?"

"Sure. No emotional interference from the past. Got it. To be honest, I didn't even know that they were going to show the clip of me singing at first either.

Oh well. No use in crying over spilled milk."

"That's fair. Can I have your phone number?"

"Why? Would PYJ approve of this? I'm not trying to get sued."

"PYJ actually told me that it was ok. Trust me. I think he might have actually set me up to meet you. When I asked if he knew who would be filming today, he didn't tell me you would be here."

"Not sure if I believe you at all. Plus...wouldn't you asking me for my number cause bad press if anyone heard? Korea isn't exactly the most accepting, ya know."

"I know, but I still want it. We're childhood friends Heejin. We were even something more at some point. Can't you do something for such a close friend?"

"Look Ryujin... Although we aren't dating anymore, I'm still worried that you will get bad press. I don't want you to get hurt."

"I promise to be extra careful. C'mon Heekki. For me?"

"Don't Heekki me. Why didn't you ever answer any of my messages or calls?"

"My company didn't allow us to do much as trainees. You know that. We can still use social media,

but PYJ told me about the Dispatch incident a few weeks before our debut actually. I understand what you went through now. 

"Well thanks I guess. I just want to know one thing. Answer me and then I'll consider whether or not to give you my number."

"You've grown to become more stubborn over this past year, huh? Alright. What's your question?"

"Do you still have feelings for me?"


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DubufulKoala #1
Chapter 13: ❤❤❤
Chapter 11: Interesting ʘ‿ʘ
Chapter 10: 2jin vs 2jin! And if hansol comes here to ruin heejin he will be fighting me \(`∆`)/
Chapter 10: Ahhh. I am assuming this is a 2jin (heejinxhyunjin) fic...but I really wouldn't mind if it was 2jin (heejinxryujin) lol. Really looking forward to see the story progress ♥️
Chapter 9: Well done!
ItsAllAboutDatSUGA #6
Chapter 9: Nice song recommendations!
Also, I see that the competition for Heejin's heart is going to be more complicated than I originally expected.
Your portrayal of (the QUEEN) Ryujin is interesting. Keep it up!
Bucinyujin #7
Chapter 7: Whoaaa. This is a good 2jin fic i've ever read. Keep going author-nim. Good job
Heda_black #8
Chapter 7: Oh my God, Ryujin and Heejin, mixnine feeling!
khT_Fvr #9
Chapter 4: I don't get how this fic has less than 1k views combined...