remembering the past


Ga eul sat on the bench in her backyard, she looked at the flowers, glanced at the sun, she felt the warm breeze pass through her hair.

ga eul: huh! what was i thinking? a new beggining? its better to avoid him now, while we continue to pretend we just met. pretend this whole sorry thing never happened.

She just did it to escape her consience, it was the best thing to do in that moment. she felt sorry for him.

but she wondered why she said those words when he got hit, flashbacks came running back to her mind

the screaching car

the running people

her making her way through the crowd

ji hoo running

"dont you ever do this to me yi jeong! dont you dare die! you cant leave me!"

ji hoo: that ga eul,..where did those words come from?

He took a sip of his tea, he kept having flashbacks of the accident too, and he couldn't erase the memory of ga eul panicking over his friend, he felt something wierd was going around ga eul. was it just a reflex? was it just a worried expression for a friend, or ex-boyfriend?or did it mean something else?

ji hoo: if i were her, i'd probably be the same. But to say "dont leave me?" i wouldn't say that unless......she still has feelings for him?

he was talking to himself, alone inside his clinic. He was the smartest among the F4

ji hoo: but..i cant blame her if she still has feelings for him. They just broke up. but she did say she ran out of love? ah! she's so hard to read.


ga eul continued to remember the days when it was "him and her" she remembered the memories they had together, their sweet moments, happy moments, sad moments and quarreling moments.

she went back to the day yi jeong arrived from sweden

"teacher said her lover is in SWEDEN"

the date after that, the long talk.

the bouquet toss, and the garter toss. the confession of the cassanova

she sighed at the thought of remembering it, she remembered the day after that

she was walking along the streets of yi jeongs studio hoping to see him, but then she was given a great shock when she saw two ladies arching their arms on each of his arms.

"i fancy you so much" that was what he said the night at jandi and jun pyo's wedding

she hid herself while yi jeong and his girls were still far away. she couldn't believe her eyes

she remembered the day after that, she asked him if she could have dinner with him and she even wore make up that day but he refused, and said he's busy. Then she found out he was going to meet eun jae

ga eul: i knew im not the one, but i still didn't want to lose him. he never really had an interest on me, from the time i gave him chocolates, he already told me im not his type. i was just too stubborn to believe it, maybe soulmates arent true after all.

a tear escaped from her eyes when she remembered the day she confessed her true feelings to him


ga eul: a million times a day, i think of you. then i see you with other girls, even if i wanna cry, im keeping it in. i thought you said you liked me? is it that hard to eat with me once? you said you forgot her, but why are you still meeting her? sunbae..your a really bad person*cry* you dont know how i feel. just trust me for once, i could do good too

she waited for his answer, but instead he laughed

ga eul:yah! why do you keep laughing? do i still seem like a baby to you? im a girl infront of you!....araso, i know now. im still not it.

she turned her back and started walking but he caught her hand and pulled her back

yi jeong: ga eul yang...dont you see it? huh?! are you blind? im afraid to love you! im afraid to hurt you..thats the reason why i hang out with other women. your too good to be hurt so much.

ga eul: sunbae...

yi jeong: now all my efforts have gone to waste, i failed. because now, ive fallen deeply inlove with you

end of flashback

yi jeong sat in his couch drinking canned drinks, he turned off the t.v and dropped his head on the top portion of the couch

yi jeong: i broke my promise..i hurt her..i warned her...she really loved me back then..but, i only knew how to recieve love and not give it back, im such a bastard.

narang baphanbeon meokneunge
geureohge himdeulgayo
ijeossdamyeonseo honjaramyeonseo
geu eunnin wae mannanayo

ajik naneun andoenayo
manhi bujokhangayo
hanbeonman nal mideobwayo
naega jal hal su issneunde

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Chapter 23: So cute! ^^
BellaDoanOfficial #2
Chapter 23: Please make a sequel!
Chapter 23: Sequel please
Chapter 23: Awww it's going to be better if it have. long more chapters but still it's really amazing authornim
i like this story so cute and admirable!
This is an amazing story~ :D
awesome :)
Such an amazing story!!! Your reall really good I admire your writing!!! >.< You made laugh, cry and scream for joy! :D I really really loved ur story :)))))
ijustlovehim #10
Wow great story! Fighting! :>