

Ga eul had started to train and prepare for taking over the GGOOM corp.

And there had also been a lot of offers for her, a lot of photoghraphers wanted her to model for them. She was also asked to endorse a couple of products, but she was hesitant.

Kim bum: why don't you accept the invitations?

ga eul: I'm scared of something

kim bum: like what?

ga eul: my friends don't know im rich.

kim bum: ohh,..why don't you tell them?

ga eul: I'm scared..

kim bum: what?

ga eul: im scared that if they found out ive been lying to them all these years, they'll get mad at me and never talk to me.

kim bum: *chuckle* don't you think your being stupid?

ga eul: mwoh?!

kim bum: I'm sure your friends are smart enough to understand the situation. plus, PAST IS PAST, whats done is done.

She just sighed and drank the latte

kim bum: tell me about them..

ga eul: huh?

kim bum: tell me about your friends..please?

ga eul:*smile* well, about jandi..she's my bestest bestfriend in the entire world, she was my first friend when i transferred to Seoul. She would always save me against the bullies that want to take my lunch, and then she would do this gigantic roundhouse kick and they would all run away *giggle* and she still does that up until now.

kim bum: mwoh??

ga eul:*chuckle* yeah, unbelievable right?

kim bum: she's like a kicking machine! i could already imagine her kicking you if you don't tell her the truth soon.

ga eul: yah! don't be like that, she loves me and would never kick me.

kim bum: how about those boys? they look rich.

ga eul:*sigh* well, them? their the FAMOUS F4.

kim bum: wait..i think ive heard of that group before, four years ago..

ga eul: jandi's husband is the leader of the F4, the heir to SHINWAH. His name is GU JUN PYO

kim bum: yes! thats right, i remember. all four of them are famous and rich right?

ga eul: yeah, and the second one is YOON JI HOO. the grandson of the former president of S.K (south korea)

kim bum: whoa, your friends are big time!

ga eul: yes, and theres SONG WOO BIN. i supposse you know him?

kim bum: yup! his dad is well known here.

ga eul: yeah, well he'ssort of my guy besfriend.

kim bum frowned as she had forgotten they were once bestfriends, before ga eul transferred to Seoul.

kim bum: I assume, that guy you kissed was SO YI JEONG? the famous potter, and self proclaimed CASSANOVA, am i right or am i correct?

ga eul: all of the above.

kim bum: what happened between the two of you?

ga eul: well, i guess you could say the country bumpkin fell for the cold hearted cassanova. It all started when jandi and jun pyo were having troubles with their relationship, we often go to a fake date just to get them together, and apparently i started to have feelings for him.

kim bum: And he?

ga eul: he loved someone else that time, but when jandi and jun pyo were finally on their way to their happy ending, he went to SWEDEN to clean himself. And when he got back, he became my boyfriend, but then..

kim bum: he fooled you and didn't stop his cassanova ways?

ga eul: ne, so i broke up with him..and he realized

kim bum: he's nothing without you and he needs you back in his arms and he loves you so much?

ga eul: hey! your not the one telling the story here!

kim bum: sorry, i just like finnishing people's sentences. continue

ga eul: yeah, like you said. And then, his father arranged a marraige for him, which totally broke my heart even more, he told me he wont marry her but.. i don't know, i shouldn't even care..

kim bum: is that the reason why you returned? to forget about him?

ga eul: one of the reasons..

kim bum: whats the other reaosn?

ga eul: to prove myself to his bastard father that i can be worthy of his son, and Im not who he thinks i am..i'll attack him by storm and he wont even know what hit him.

kim bum: your planning on ruining your ex-boyfriends bussiness?

ga eul: ...not exactly..i just, wanna

kim bum: slap him on the face and say "look who's laughing now? look who's the rihcer dog now" am i right?

ga eul: well put.

kim bum: i told you, im good at finnishing sentences.*chuckle*

ga eul; I still love him..

kim bum: so, your close friends with the F4. we could make a partnership with SHINWAH *laugh*

ga eul: *giggle* stop kidding with me! *hit KB*

kim bum: how was life as a commoner?

ga eul: its frustrating, but fun.

kim bum: did you miss us?

ga eul: who? you? or everyone

kim bum: everyone!

ga eul: oh,*giggle* of course, there never came a day when i didn't wish i could be with my parents, grandpa and everyone else.

kim bum: okay then, how about me?

ga eul: of course i missed you! silly, why wouldn't  I? jandi is my first friend when i transferred to Seoul but, your my very first friend ever since i was born!

kim bum: aaww.... how sweet, you still the same sweet little sneezy girl i met back then?

he stood up, went infront of her and pulled her up and hugged her

kim bum: i missed you.*hugging GE*

ga eul: *hug back* i missed you too*smile*


He went back to his seat and smiled at ga eul


ga eul: so, how was life while i was gone?

kim bum: well, aside from always running away from my bodyguards. I achieved a lot of things *smile*

ga eul:*giggle* really?

kim bum: yeah, i'll start with my daily routine. first, sneak out of the mansion, second run all the way to school sometimes i ride my bike, and then run away from my fangirls *wink* after school, i finally let my bodyguards get me and fetch me home, then i snneak out at night.

ga eul:*laugh* you still do that up until now?

kim bum: sometimes *laugh* but since i already work now, i enjoy the rest of the day by myself taking pictures. and FYI, i don't have bodyguards now!

ga eul: want me to model for you?

kim bum: yeah? you sure?

ga eul: yeah sure! just for you,

kim bum: how would you like to be the center piece of my exhibit next month?

ga eul: next month?

kim bum: please??

ga eul: don't push it.

kim bum: im sure by that time you've already told them about everything? a secret can't be kept hidden you know.

ga eul: we'll see, we'll see. but for now, the only thing i can do for you is to let you take pictures of me.

kim bum: okay, thanks!











yi jeong: im sorry but your not the one i love.

so hee: i thought you didn't know how to love.

yi jeong: you thought wrong, someone taught me how.

so hee: you can't do anything about it. the invitations have been sent..appa told me were getting married next month.

yi jeong: i wont marry you.. if you want, you could marry my father instead

so hee: *slap YJ* bastard! you've no respect.

yi jeong: only to the people i dislike. now if you'll excuse me, i have a soulmate to find.


Yi jeong met up with woo bin at their lounge, together with ji hoo and jun pyo. Jandi was busy

yi jeong: did you find her?

woo bin: jae kyung has already stepped foot at every city and every town in Macau, every corner and she wasn't there.

jun pyo: she lied.

ji hoo: but where could she be?

woo bin: I'll have my men look for her.

yi jeong: good idea don juan.

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Chapter 23: So cute! ^^
BellaDoanOfficial #2
Chapter 23: Please make a sequel!
Chapter 23: Sequel please
Chapter 23: Awww it's going to be better if it have. long more chapters but still it's really amazing authornim
i like this story so cute and admirable!
This is an amazing story~ :D
awesome :)
Such an amazing story!!! Your reall really good I admire your writing!!! >.< You made laugh, cry and scream for joy! :D I really really loved ur story :)))))
ijustlovehim #10
Wow great story! Fighting! :>