I'll prove myself to you


After their drinking session, woo bin took ga eul to a club.

ga eul: what are we doing here?

woo bin: i want you to meet my kittens *wink*

ga eul: kittens?


Just then three girls approached them. They looked liked dancers at the club


ga eul: sunbae, are they strippers?

woo bin: uhm..no, they just look like catty women. thats why i call them my kittens.*chuckle*


The girls stopped in front of them and they greeted them

girls: woo bin ssi! its so good to see you here again, who's the girl?

woo bin: ga eul, this is sang mi, na young and ae hwa.

na young: or as these other girls call us.

sang mi: naughty

na young: nasty

ae hwa: y *peace sign*

ga eul: *fake smile* n-nice to meet you. im ga eul.

ae hwa: nice to meet you ga eul.

sang mi: is she your girlfriend woo bin ssi?

woo bin: no, were just friends. would you mind if i leave ga eul to the three of you?

ga eul: sunbae!

woo bin: don't worry ga eul, they wont bite you.

na young: yeah, we wont bite.

sang mi: yeah, we'll be nice to you since your woo bin oppa's FRIEND*giggle*

woo bin: see?

ga eul: sunbae..

ae hwa: what? you don't like us?

ga eul: no, no, no..its not like that.

woo bin: come on ga eul..forget about being innocent just this time. let yourself have fun.

ga eul: woo bin, i really don't have the guts!

woo bin: alright. girls uhm, just get back to her later okay?

na young: okay, ga eul remember, don't be shy around us.

ga eul just gave them a slight nod and a fake smile, she was used to being innocent. She and woo bin seated in the VIP Lounge

woo bin: what drink would you like?

ga eul: pi[cut]

woo bin: THE BAR. for her, and something stronger for me please.

ga eul: wha! yah! sunbae, i don't drink alcohol you know!

woo bin: come on ga eul..im just trying to help you express your feelings. be wild once in a while, or at least when your depressed.

ga eul: i.. don't know how to be like them.

woo bin: thats why i called up my kittens to teach you. come on, take it slowly.

Their drinks arrived and the guy put it on their table.

woo bin: *offer glass* drink.

ga eul hesitantly took the glass, woo bin nudge his head telling her to take a sip.

woo bin: stop being a baby.

and she drank all of it at once, woo bin chuckled.

woo bin: see? its not so hard.

ga eul: jandi's kicks will be on you if she knows you got me drunk.

woo bin: no doubt, and have some potters punches along with it too.*chuckle*

ga eul: your really a dog, woo bin sunbae.

woo bin: drop the sunbae thing..will ya? lets just enjoy the night.


A couple more sips and ga eul finally took naughty, nasty and y's offer, they took her form woo bin and they danced the night away, draining all of ga eul's worries away and being one of them just this once.

na young: okay, so tonight your gonna be one of us. forget your old self just for tonight.

ga eul: yeah!

sang mi: you need a name. something that you will be called everytime you step into this bar.

ae hwa: y, naughty, y and nasty.

sang mi: oh yeah! it fits her so well.

na young: great choice ae hwa! not too innocent and not to y.

aw hwa: like it?

ga eul: love it.*giggle*


woo bin watched as his female bestfriend had fun with his so called kittens

[yi jeong on the phone] - oi! woo bin ah!

woo bin: bro, before you scold me please be reminded that i am not trying to make a move on her, alright? im doing this as her guy bestfriend. she's just having fun. she needs it.

[yi jeong on the phone] - can i talk to her?

woo bin: no, i don't think you have the right to ruin her current mood. seriously, she's having fun.

[yi jeong on the phone] - yah! if you don't give her the phone i'll have jandi talk to you, im with jun pyo, ji hoo and jandi you know!

woo bin herad jandi's voice from the background threatening him saying "yah! woo bin ah! what the hell are you doing with my friend!" so he pushed the end call button and laughed.

Meanwhile the reborned ga eul danced along with woo bin's kittens to the beat of tata young's "Y NAUGHTY Y ME"




sang mi: woo bin oppa! come join us!

woo bin: yeah, i'll join you girls later!

sang mi: if you say so.


The girls continued to dance to the beat seductively and ily, except ga eul preferred to cross out the seductive part and just had fun dancing to it. Even though the guys all thought she also looked so seductive and y and gorgeous as well [of course, because she took off her coat and she was dressed up in a pink skirt and a cozy but y winter top]


ga eul: i pick all my skirts to be a little bit Y

sang mi: just like all my thoughts, they always get a bit naughty

ae hwa: when im out with my girls, i always play a bit Y

na young: can't change the way i am, y naughty y me!


Ga eul never had so much fun like this all of her life, who knew retarded women had this kind of fun! she went back into the lounge and pulled out woo bin to dance with them

na young: glad you could join us!

ae hwa: their feasting their eyes on ga eul!

woo bin: yeah, i noticed that too.

Woo bin danced along with the girls, and they were the center of attraction [people were still dancing though] this is why woo bin took ga eul here, because he knew she had to have fun sometimes, and he means a different kind of fun. sometimes, nice girls have to go into the world of the retarded people to learn how to be strong and also to learn how to handle theirselves in times of trouble.

Little did they know that yi jeong and the others had spotted them through the F4 GPS

ae hwa: ga eul, have you finally realized how much fun it is to go clubbing than staying home and being innocent?

ga eul was about to answer when


pppzzzzzztt! the DJ had stopped, the music stopped and everyone looked at them

ga eul: j-j-jandi-ah!

yi jeong: what the hell did he do to my innocent ga eul?!

jandi, yi jeong, ji hoo and jun pyo went over to ga eul who was hiding behind woo bin.

yi jeong: oi! woo bin, what do you think your doing to ga eul? huh?! *push WB*

na young: yah! what right do you have to scold our friend, and woo bin oppa?!

sang mi: *clear throat* hey nasty! their the F4!

na young: i don't care who they are! no one barges into my club and ruins the night!

sang mi: yow . tell her

jandi: oi! what are you girls talking about huh?! what did you turn my friend into?!

ga eul: jandi..

woo bin: hey guys, just chill! we were only having fun.

yi jeong: man, this is not GA EUL'S THING

ga eul: and what do you know about me?!

na young: yeah, what do you know about her?!

yi jeong: yah! she's my girlfriend stupid.

na young: yah! watch your mouth, i am not stupid. I AM NASTY, and these are my girls, NAUGHTY, Y AND Y *point GE*

jandi: what?! you renamed her?! ga eul, why did you let this happen? yah! you girls, don't get me wrong but, she is not one fo you.

na young: she is NOW.

yi jeong: ga eul, what are you doing?

ga eul: having fun?

ji hoo: ga eul, do you know what your doing?

jun pyo:  this is not what good girls do when their depressed.

jandi: you don't have to do this ga eul!

ae hwa: FYI, don't you realize she's sick of staying home being a goody two shoes being all innocent?!

jandi: ga eul ah..

ga eul: its just for tonight jandi. i just wanna have fun before i leave..

jandi: LEAVE?

ga eul: *gulp* oh ! i said it.

woo bin: ah, lets talk inside the VIP LOUNGE.


So they all went to the VIP lounge and cornered woo bin and ga eul

yi jeong: woo bin, why the hell did you have to bring her here?

jandi: and ga eul, the problem is not that big! you don't have to leave, yi jeong said so himself that he's not going to marry so hee!

jun pyo: she says it like she wasn't worried when i almost got married to jae kyung.

ga eul: who says im depressed about yi jeong marrying another girl?!! were done?! don't you guys get it? were not together anymore so why should i care? and why should he care about me?!

yi jeong: because i love you! i really love you, i don't like seeing you like this.

ga eul: well then, screw you! i don't need you, because ive already decided to be independent.

jandi: and where are you going?!

ga eul: jandi-ah, im sorry i lied to you..all these years. im sorry for keeping it a secret form you even though were already like sisters, i just had to keep it. It's the rule.

jandi: what are you talking about?

ga eul: i..can't say it right now. but i promise i'll tell you.

yi jeong: ga eul yang, your really leaving?

ga eul: yes,.

ji hoo: won't you atleast tell us where your going?

yi jeong: you really hate me that much ga eul?

ga eul: i..you just don't understand it. why are you doing this to me?

yi jeong: because i love you! and i want you back! but why are you doing this to me? your so hard to get!

ga eul: if you want me back,.prove yourself to me.

yi jeong: but how can i do that if your so far away!

ga eul: i have something to do.


[ga eul had recieved a million calls and text messages from her grandfather ever since she told her parents she's finally living with them, her grandfather misses her a lot and so he just can't wait]


ga eul: excuse me..i think i need to leave, woo bin sunbae, thanks for everything.

She was at the front door of their VIP lounge when she saw someone very familiar to her

ga eul: oh no..this can't be

F4: what's wrong?

ga eul: i..i..uhm..nothing, see you guys tomorrow! gotta go!

ga eul made her way out of the club without getting suspicious, she had seen her male childhood friend kim bum. He was looking for her for sure, and he saw her making her way out of the club so he followed her, the F4 and jandi also followed her outside.


kim bum: ga eul-ah! stop, i know its you.

ga eul didn't turn around to face him, instead she preferred being rude for the moment and talk to him facing her back.

ga eul: what are you doing here?

kim bum: your grandfather sent me fetch you.

ga eul: didn't i tell him i'll be there soon? you don't have to fetch me. you can go back.

kim bum: yeah right, like i could do that.

yi jeong: ga eul, who's that guy?

yi jeong had emerged from the back of kim bum, she decided to face them

ga eul: he's an old friend yi jeong.

jandi: old friend? i never knew about him.

ga eul: he's..kind of..a..person who has a connection with my private life. one that you never knew about.

kim bum: are they your friends, you[cut]

ga eul: don't call me that. and leave me alone.

yi jeong: what's your connection to this guy?

ga eul: he's just a friend yi jeong, i told you already.

woo bin: why does he want you to come with him?

ji hoo: and whats with your grandfather?

ga eul: I..i cant tell you *run*


ga eul started running away from them and kim bum followed her, and out of nowhere 10 bodyguards also chased after ga eul calling her something. So the F4 and jandi also chased after them, they were totally clueless and curious about whats going on.

Those men, were actually ga eul's bodyguards that her grandfather had sent to watch her, ever since she was sent to live with her auntie and uncle who jandi thought was her parents.

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Chapter 23: So cute! ^^
BellaDoanOfficial #2
Chapter 23: Please make a sequel!
Chapter 23: Sequel please
Chapter 23: Awww it's going to be better if it have. long more chapters but still it's really amazing authornim
i like this story so cute and admirable!
This is an amazing story~ :D
awesome :)
Such an amazing story!!! Your reall really good I admire your writing!!! >.< You made laugh, cry and scream for joy! :D I really really loved ur story :)))))
ijustlovehim #10
Wow great story! Fighting! :>