Chapter 6

The Fate of The Four
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The Queen went inside the carriage positioned at the front while the two royal siblings got inside the carriage located right behind their mother’s. The supreme general and the three lieutenant generals took their rightful positions before commanding the other soldiers and royal maids accompanying in the trip to also be at their own positions. Still on her horse, the supreme general rechecked the condition of the troops, supplies, and transports, before giving the command for the castle gates to open and their trip to officially commence.

According to Lieutenant General Park Sooyoung’s calculation, the Bae Kingdom's entourage would approximately arrive at the Im Kingdom’s castle grounds after a week of road trip, provided that they only took a full day to rest and stop.

At the spear of the convoy, Lieutenant General Son began questioning worriedly, “Do you think we’ve got all situations under cover, Seul-ah?”

The supreme general seemed to be very conflicted with her second-in-command’s question, however she bluntly answered, “I really think that we can’t really say that we have thought of everything although we came up with like two dozens of possible circumstances. There’s always elements of surprise in everything. Ugh, I hate that kind of uncertainty!”

“Well, I just hope that this courteous trip will not end up as a bloody mess,” the lieutenant general opinionated truthfully, earning a sad but hopeful nod from the supreme general.

Back inside the carriage of the two royal siblings, they began to have a conversation of their own as the crown princess started, “Jeong-ie, what do you think the Im Kingdom’s castle looks like?”

“Well considering that our kingdom is far greater than theirs, I bet their castle is smaller and more unattended than ours,” the royal princess answered smugly, causing the crown princess to just shook her head and gave her sister a look of disapproval.

“That’s not something nice to say, Jeongyeon-ie,” the crown princess uttered a concerned advice at her younger sister before continuing, “What do you think the people will be like? What do you think their crown princess will look like and behave like?”

“Well, I bet they’re not going to be nice people because I hear several rumors that the Im Kingdom is a barbaric kingdom and King Taecyeon likes to kill wild animals and drink their blood. I bet their crown princess will just be an ugly looking woman, who’s probably in her 40s and would be lucky to have any guy trying to court her,” Royal Princess Bae Jeongyeon stated her most ‘honest’ opinion in the most unemotional and unconcerned tone.

“Goodness sake, Jeong-ie. Can you be subtler when you're trying to vent out your frustrations? I know that you don’t approve of this trip, but can you please, for the sake of Father and Mother, try to behave properly in there? Please don’t bring your roller coaster like emotions and rude demeanor during our tenure in there. Do you get it, Bae Jeongyeon?” Crown Princess Bae Joohyun warned sternly at the younger.

The royal princess immediately rolled her eyes after hearing her sister’s words and replied mockingly, “Yes I do understand, Your Royal Highness Bae Joohyun.”

“Good, I am glad that you comprehend my words, my dear Jeongyeon. I’m going to head off to sleep for a while ‘cause my body’s just very tired right now. Please wake me up in a couple of hours, Jeong-ah,” the crown princess uttered with several yawns interrupting the way she stated the last sentence.

The crown princess, then, laid down on the carriage’s soft bench in a fetal position and soon drifted off to sleep in only a matter of a few minutes. The royal princess, who seemed to have her entire energy be sapped out of her body, opened the carriage’s upper door and poked her head out of the opening.

Lieutenant General Park Sooyoung, who immediately took notice upon this action, approached the royalty and asked, “Do you need anything, Your Highness?”

The royalty, who instantly buzzed out from her daze after hearing the lieutenant general’s words, answered with a comfortable smile, “I’m alright, Sooyoung-ah. Thank you for asking. It’s just that I don’t have anyone to talk to right now since Joohyun unnie decided to sleep for a couple of hours.”

The lieutenant general cleared before continued asking, “Do you want me to call General Kang here, Your Highness? Just so that she can accompany you right now, since I do not really know what to talk with you.”

After hearing the general’s name, the royalty’s face suddenly lit up, which was enough of an answer for the lieutenant general to ride her horse towards where the general and her second-in-command were located.

“Why are you here and not guarding Her Highnesses’ carriage, Sooyoung-ie?” General Kang instantly questioned as she took notice upon the lieutenant general’s presence.

“Her Highness is extremely bored right now since Her Royal Highness decided to sleep. She requested me to ask you if you can accompany her, Seul unnie. I’ll stay here with Seungwan unnie to lead the convoy while you go back and company Her Highness,” Lieutenant General Park explained the reasons for her actions.

The general, without any hesitation, paced to where Lieutenant General Park Sooyoung was posted, causing the royal princess’ face to lit up with glee.

“Your Highness, you could have just chatted with Sooyoung instead of requesting her to call after me,” the supreme general commented as soon as her position was fully set.

“Hey, don’t blame me, Seul unnie. She volunteered herself to call you since she said she is too hesitant to talk to me,” the royal princess rebutted, trying to explain herself from any misunderstanding.

“So, since I am here right now, what do you want to talk about, Your Highness?” the supreme general asked as she diverted the conversation back to its original intent.

“I can’t think of anything to talk about, actually,” the royal princess stated shortly, causing a confused expression to be painted on the general’s face and awkward silence to fill the air between the two.

“Your Highness,” the supreme general called in a softer tone, prompting the royal princess to just look at the older weirdly.

“Yeah?” the royal princess slowly answered in a confused tone.

The supreme general opened for a split second before closing it back again without even producing any sound.

When the older opened and re-closed mouth again, the royal princess questioned again, “Okay, you’re creeping me out right now, Seul unnie. What do you want to ask?”

“Promise me first that you are not going to shout or make any snarky comment after I ask you the question,” the supreme general sternly stated as she looked upon the royalty with face glimmering with hope.

“Yeah, yeah, I promise. Now what do you want to ask me, Seul unnie?” the royal princess hastily promised as she was extremely curious as to what the supreme general would have to say.

“How do you know when you fall in love with someone?” the supreme general blurted out rapidly, causing a hearty amount of loud laughter to come out of the royal princess’ mouth.

Due to the younger royalty’s action, the crown princess almost woke up from her comfortable slumber and the supreme general’s expression immediately turned bitter and uneasy.

“It’s a really nice one, Seul unnie. You got me,” the royal princess commented after her series of chuckles had ceased.

“What do you mean by that, Your Highness?” the supreme general asked confoundedly after hearing the royalty’s weird response.

“Wait, are you really asking me that question? For real?” the royal princess rhetorically questioned the general’s seriousness, in which the latter just replied with series of innocent nods.

“Don’t you remember my reputation, Seul unnie? You could’ve asked Seungwan unnie or Sooyoung-ie for that matters,” the royal princess stated whilst putting up a ‘what the heck’ expression.

“Oh yeah, right, I forgot,” the supreme general said back after coming to a realization of the royal princess’ dating track record.

The supreme general scratched the nape of her neck awkwardly when the royal princess began interrogating the former, “But humor my curiosity for once, Seul unnie, who is this special one that the almighty Supreme General Kang Seulgi smitten with?”

“It is nobody, Your Highness. I was just asking,” the supreme general stutteringly answered whilst looking down at the sandy ground under them.

“Yeah as if I’ll believe that, Seul unnie. I’ve known you long enough to know that when you lie, you will always avoid eye contact,” the royal princess stated obviously before continuing, “But alright, I’ll bite. Can you try to describe this hypothetical dreamy person of yours?”

The supreme general contemplated on whether or not she should just tell the royal princess about her feelings and asked for her opinion.

“Well, first of all the person is shorter than me and is extremely good-looking in my eyes. That person also has a body that is to die for and a personality like a goddess. There’s nobody in this world that has a better looking face than that person. I love that person so much until I can sacrifice my life for that person,” the supreme general confessed shyly to the royal princess.

“With that description of yours, I can totally, with absolute certainty, rule myself out of the equation, which is very comforting,” the royal princess joked before resuming, “Is it someone that we both know?”

The supreme general contemplated on whether to answer the said question or not for quite a while, which she eventually answered with only a slow nod.

“Well, let’s see who this dreamy person of yours may be. We can rule out all three lieutenant general of yours since the two are practically married and the other is the same height as you. We can also rule out that ex-boyfriend of yours because he’s dead during the previous great war,” the royal princess began mumbling out her opinions.

The royal princess continued on and on until she accidentally blurted, “Well, we can also rule Joohyun unnie out of the equation, because…” however her words were stopped when she realized there was no reason for her to eliminate the crown princess from the list of possible people that stole the general’s heart.

“Hold up, we can’t rule Joohyun unnie out. She fits the bill of your description. Is it her? Is Joohyun unnie the one you fall in love with, Seulgi unnie?” the royal princess concluded after half an hour of rambling out her thoughts.

The supreme general immediately put her right hand on the royal princess’ mouth before whispering, “Yes, it is her, so can you please be quiet now and keep it between us? Your Highness.”

The royal princess blankly nodded in approval, cueing the supreme general to remove her hand and return back to her initial position.

The royal princess kept on stating, “Oh my gosh, it is really Joohyun unnie,” over and over again with a kid-like happy expression forming continuously on her face.

However, this caused the crown princess to slowly drift awaken from her sleep when she heard her name being called unceasingly. The supreme general, who instantly took notice of this, cleared several times to notify the royal princess about the crown princess’ current state of consciousness.

Nevertheless, the royal princess seemed to not take notice upon the supreme general’s intent and kept repeating her ‘chant’ for another minute or so, prompting the crown princess to eye on her younger sister weirdly and on the supreme general confusedly.

“First up, why do you keep on repeating my name in that sentence, Jeong-ie? And secondly, why is Seulgi here and not in front with Seungwan?” the crown princess finally asked, breaking the royal princess from her little bubble state of mind.

“Gosh, sis, you shocked me,” the royal princess uttered with a horrified expression, before returning to her gleeful and silly expression a few seconds later.

“Her Highness requested of my presence, Your Royal Highness, hence here I am,” the supreme general explained as she eyed the royal princess intently, cueing her to come up with a solution for the crown princess’ first question.

When the royal princess just shrugged nonchalantly, the supreme general sighed deeply before answering spontaneously, “When you were asleep, you made a weird face, Your Royal Highness, and Her Highness could not believe that you made that expression since she never saw you fall asleep.”

“Oh, really?” the crown princess rhetorically stated while the royal princess just gave the supreme general an ‘Are you for real?’ look.

“We are both sorry that our boisterous actions disturb you from your sleep, Your Royal Highness. We promise that it will not happen again,” the supreme general apologized when she saw the crown princess’ semi-awoken expression.

“No, no, it’s alright. It was about time for me to wake up as well, Seulgi-ah,” the crown princess quickly stated, trying to remove the guilt from the supreme general’s expression.

“Hey, say that for yourself, Seul unnie. I’m not sorry for what I’ve done. Besides, if you allow Joohyun unnie to sleep any longer, it means that she’s a hibernating bear,” the royal princess abruptly commented with an irked tone, causing the supreme general to just stare at her attentively.

“What did you just call me, Jeong-ie?” the crown princess now asked in a raised and more displeased tone.

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I am very sorry for the late update :( Just finished exams and everything. I hope you guys enjoy this short chapter!!


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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 20: update more please author nim 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 12: LMFAO, those two charlatans are about to have the stuns of their lives!
1765 streak #3
Chapter 20: i'm glad seulgi thought things through joohyun point of view, but now there's another dilemma heading their way!!!
Chapter 20: Seulgi did the right thing by thinking further about her decision to help 2yeon. It was really inconsiderate of her to immediately think and decide to help without calling into mind Joohyun's reaction and side of things once word reaches her of the situation. They just got together recently and Seulgi's already out there giving more attention to someone else's relationship instead of her own with Joohyun. Their relationship is still a fledging and should be given more priority than anything else. Seulgi already thought of its importance when she further weighed her decision to help 2yeon. That alone should be enough for her to think fast and give the right amount and correct information regarding what happened when Yeri made a move towards her. Now isn't the time to be righteous and considerate or forgiving to others. Her relationship with Joohyun is more important just like she told Joy, so it should take precedence over potentially covering and protecting Yeri from Joohyun's ire. Seulgi already ed up a bit with her stunt of not considering Joohyun's feelings regarding 2yeon's matter, she should strive harder to be better, more anticipatory and careful of Joohyun's feelings, as well act more like a lover towards Joohyun and not as a general of the army. Get her priorities sorted. She already made Joohyun afraid for her well-being when she decided to help 2yeon and worried of her safety due to her recent sudden disappearance. She's got to put more effort in assuaging Joohyun's fears, calm her down from all of the recent happenings, and reassure Joohyun of her love towards her.
1765 streak #5
Chapter 19: Wow this was cute! Just 4 people and 2 hidden additional people out having a double (triple) date!
PilotIsMyJob #6
Chapter 17: Know what? 2yeon and Seulrene is my ultimate lovely and favorite pairs..when you bring their character here with amazing plot of stories, just made my day beyond happy. This is mindblowing. I had fun while reading this..for that, I want to say thank you..I hope that Bae kingdom and Im kingdom can merge again like before..
Gayandi #7
In the characters it's written as izone but i couldn't find them in the story till now....
cupcaketree123 #8
Chapter 15: Ohh the cat‘s out of the bag!! Hahaha well, now i wanna see the confusion unfold xD
1765 streak #9
Chapter 15: The two finally meet in their real identities! What will happen now? They were going to reveal themselves soon but it was reveal sooner then they thought!
1765 streak #10
Chapter 14: ok! i totally knew that nayeon was nabong! with every reveal to johyun unnie, when she goes talk to her sister would she soon catch on??? i guess i'll find out soon!