Chapter 19

The Fate of The Four
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The night quickly went by for the three individuals inside the supreme general’s temporary chamber and soon, they were woken up with the blinding light shining behind the doors as well as the sounds of horn blaring. The supreme general woke up from her sleep first and immediately scanned her surrounding, only to find the two royal siblings still sleeping at their respective positions. She, then, folded the thin linens that she used for cover before proceeding to wake up the two royalties.

“Jeongyeon, Hyun-ie, wake up. It’s morning already. We should get ready to return,” the supreme general uttered repeatedly whilst shaking their bodies rather vigorously.

Soon, the two royal siblings woke up from their slumber and began readjusting to the bright light and their surrounding.

“How can I fall asleep here, Seul unnie?” Royal Princess Bae asked almost instantaneously after she realized that she was not inside her chamber.

“Well, you tell me, Jeong-ie. I came back to my room last night to find the two of you sleeping in my bed,” General Kang answered rather nonchalantly.

The royal princess seemed to think really hard as she tried to remember the events that occurred last night that might have caused the current condition to happen and that was when she realized that the supreme general’s whereabouts were unable to be located for many hours.

“Where were you the whole evening, Seulgi unnie? The two of us were searching for you everywhere,” Royal Princess Bae questioned the supreme general upon coming to a consciousness.

“Didn’t Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Im tell you anything?” General Kang asked back with a confused look, only to be met with the royal princess’ act of shaking her head, prompting the supreme general to continue, “Well, Lieutenant Generals Son and Myoui alongside Her Royal Highness’ Head of Maid and myself decided to have a discussion regarding your mission’s matters, Sash, and we decided to take the route of a secret underground tunnel as our entrance and exit plan. The tunnel was quite long in distance and it took us some time to go to the other end of the tunnel and returned. That’s why the four of us had been missing the whole evening and the fact that I returned very late at night.”

“Are you sure that the plan is fool-proof?” Royal Princess Bae asked worriedly after the supreme general had finished explaining the details of the well laid-out plan.

“I’m pretty sure that nothing will go wrong here, Jeong-ie. Just write those letters wholeheartedly and let us be the ones to make sure that it will reach your lover’s hands,” General Kang stated reassuringly, causing the royal princess to quickly jump towards the soldier and gave the latter a loving hug before saying, “Thank you so much, Seul!”

The supreme general slightly ruffled the royalty’s hair before replying back, “Hey, I’ll do anything to make you happy, little sis.”

“Wow, you’re already calling me ‘little sis’. Hey, Joohyun, when will you marry this soldier over here? If I’m not smitten and in love with Nayeon, I would have totally get this person here to be my lover,” Royal Princess Bae uttered after putting up a mischievous look and smile, causing the supreme general to just blush upon hearing and the crown princess to be pissed off at her sister’s words.

“Just scram out of here, Jeong-ie. You still need a lot of preparation before your return! You better go now,” Crown Princess Bae answered back in an annoyed tone, prompting the royal princess to quickly get out of the supreme general’s chamber as she didn’t want to incur her sister’s wrath early in the morning.

“I’m totally sorry for what Jeongyeon said to you, Seul. You know that her actions can be out of hand most of the time,” Crown Princess Bae hastily apologized at her girlfriend with a penitent expression.

The supreme general shook her head a few times before replying back, “Hey, it’s alright. I’m alright, Hyun-ie. May I suggest that you head back to your own chamber and prepare for our returning trip?”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’ll head back now, then. See you later, Seul,” Crown Princess Bae answered in a rather dejected tone as she wanted to spend more time with her girlfriend.

The crown princess began to walk out of the chamber before suddenly halting her steps, which undoubtedly confused the supreme general, and lightly pecking the supreme general’s rosy lips.

“What was that for?” the supreme general queried almost instantaneously after realizing the seemingly weird action done by the crown princess.

“It’s a morning kiss for today’s good luck and happiness,” Crown Princess Bae answered truthfully with a seemingly blinding smile that radiated contentment and warmth before continuing, “I’ll head back now, Seul. See you later after all of my business is done.”

The crown princess went out of the room and returned back to her own chamber whilst the supreme general began packing up her belongings for the trip back. Due to the mountainous amount of stuff that they carried, it took all three individuals quite a long time to finish packing up all of their stuff, with their respective royal maids, except for the supreme general, helping them. About three hours after they had separated, the three went out of their respective chambers exhausted as they had just finished packing all of their belongings back. The two royal siblings went out first before being joined by the supreme general at the steps in front of the crown princess’ chamber.

“How did we even bring this many stuff?” Royal Princess Bae asked exhaustedly after all three had reunited.

“Yeah, I don’t remember asking the royal maids to bring us this many things,” Crown Princess Bae said concurrently, agreeing upon her sister’s rhetorical statement.

“Well, we’re going for at least 2 months for this trip, so it’s extremely reasonable to carry this many stuff,” General Kang opinionated to reply the two royal siblings’ statements.

The three individuals continued their conversation until it was abruptly cut by the presence of Lieutenant General Son, who instantly half-kneeled before the royalties’ presence.

“Your Highnesses and General Kang, Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Im is requesting for your presence in her study room right now if that is possible,” Lieutenant General Son Chaeyoung reported after her presence was recognized by the three individuals.

Hearing her girlfriend’s name immediately lit up the royal princess’ mood, prompting her to hastily reply, “Lead the way, lieutenant general.”

The two older people just shook their heads in disapproval upon the royal princess’ childish action, however the latter didn’t seem to care about what her sister and best friend had thought. The three, then, followed the lieutenant general and was lead towards a room near Crown Princess Im’s own chamber.

Lieutenant General Son knocked hastily upon arriving at the front of the door alongside the three individuals, prompting the sole person on the other side of the door to ask, “Who is it?”

“It is Lieutenant General Son, Your Royal Highness. I am already here with Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Bae, Her Highness Royal Princess Bae, and General Kang, just like you requested, Your Royal Highness,” Lieutenant General Son answered, in which the person from the other side of the door replied, “Let them in, Chaeng-ie, and please just leave us alone. Dismiss the guards in front of the door. I believe that General Kang can take care of my safety for the time being.”

“Right away, Your Royal Highness,” Lieutenant General Son shortly responded before dismissing the royal guards standing guard in front of the study room and instantly leaving the premises after opening the doors for the two royal siblings and Bae Kingdom’s Supreme General.

Out of habit, the supreme general instantaneously half-kneeled upon the younger crown princess, causing the latter to frown heavily upon such treatment and state, “What did I tell you before, Seulgi unnie?”

That question snapped the supreme general back to her mind as she quickly stood up from her position and straightened the clothes that she wore, earning the snickers of the two royal siblings who just looked upon her.

“Hey, what did I tell you before, Nayeon?” Crown Princess Bae mischievously retorted, prompting a sigh and an audible apology to be quickly spoke by the supreme general, “I am truly sorry, Your… I mean Nayeon.”

The slip of almost saying ‘Your Royal Highness’ by the supreme general to the younger crown princess instantly made the two royal siblings laughed even louder as if to signal the younger crown princess with the statement ‘I told you so!’. This, however, caused the supreme general to only shot intense glares to the two royal siblings, who quickly shut their mouths upon seeing such scary look from the soldier. This time, the younger crown princess burst into a series of laughter after seeing the interaction of the three individuals from the Bae Kingdom, who immediately shot the former a disapproving look, causing her laughter to quickly be ceased as well. The four, then, delved into an awkward atmosphere with only silence covering the air.

Trying to change the mood inside said room, the supreme general initiated, “So, Nayeon-ie, why do you call the three of us here?”

This snapped the younger crown princess out of her trailing thoughts as she answered, “I just wanted to hang out with the three of you before your return back to Bae Kingdom, but before that, how was the meeting and planning yesterday?” directing the last question towards the supreme general.

“Uh, yeah. The plan had been completed and we decided to use the underground tunnel as our pathway in and out of the castle’s and kingdom’s borders. I am truly optimistic about the security and the success for this mission, Nayeon, so you have nothing to worry about,” General Kang uttered optimistically to reassure the younger crown princess about her safety.

“I’m glad if you think so. By the way, I want to say that I am very grateful that you want to take this mission despite knowing how dangerous it can be,” Crown Princess Im spoke in an extremely appreciative tone.

“Hey, I’ll do anything to make you and my little sister here happy, Nayeon,” General Kang said with a calming smile.

“Little sister?” Crown Princess Im instantly asked upon realizing the calling that the supreme general used for the royal princess.

The question made the three other individuals scratched their napes almost simultaneously, prompting the younger crown princess to look at them weirdly.

After some time of exchanging glances, Crown Princess Bae decided to respond by saying, “Well, the reason that Seulgi is calling Jeongyeon ‘little sister’ is because Seul and I are dating for several weeks now,” earning gasps of shock to form from the younger crown princess’ face.

Crown Princess Im immediately engulfed the older crown princess and the supreme general in a hug before uttering excitedly, “Gosh, I am so happy for the two of you! Well, then let’s spend the rest of our day here celebrating both of our relationships!” and standing up from her position, heading towards the door of the said room.

 “Yeah, I know that you’re all excited, my love, but where are we heading to right now?” Royal Princess Bae instantly asked upon seeing her girlfriend’s action.

This caused the younger crown princess’ steps to come to a screeching halt as she decided to think on what they should do for the rest of the day.

Suddenly, a seemingly brilliant idea came to mind as she proposed, “Hey, what about we head out outside of the castle and have some fun? It’s been quite some time since I last went out of the castle grounds alone.”

Although the two royal siblings were extremely happy about the proposition and instantly agreed upon it, the supreme general, on the other hand, was reluctant to agree upon embarking on that trip, causing her to rebut, “But, are you extremely sure about doing this? From what I have learned, the streets of Im Kingdom aren’t exactly in the safest and fittest condition as of this moment, Nayeon.”

“But I want to

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I am very sorry for the late update :( Just finished exams and everything. I hope you guys enjoy this short chapter!!


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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 20: update more please author nim 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Chapter 12: LMFAO, those two charlatans are about to have the stuns of their lives!
1764 streak #3
Chapter 20: i'm glad seulgi thought things through joohyun point of view, but now there's another dilemma heading their way!!!
Chapter 20: Seulgi did the right thing by thinking further about her decision to help 2yeon. It was really inconsiderate of her to immediately think and decide to help without calling into mind Joohyun's reaction and side of things once word reaches her of the situation. They just got together recently and Seulgi's already out there giving more attention to someone else's relationship instead of her own with Joohyun. Their relationship is still a fledging and should be given more priority than anything else. Seulgi already thought of its importance when she further weighed her decision to help 2yeon. That alone should be enough for her to think fast and give the right amount and correct information regarding what happened when Yeri made a move towards her. Now isn't the time to be righteous and considerate or forgiving to others. Her relationship with Joohyun is more important just like she told Joy, so it should take precedence over potentially covering and protecting Yeri from Joohyun's ire. Seulgi already ed up a bit with her stunt of not considering Joohyun's feelings regarding 2yeon's matter, she should strive harder to be better, more anticipatory and careful of Joohyun's feelings, as well act more like a lover towards Joohyun and not as a general of the army. Get her priorities sorted. She already made Joohyun afraid for her well-being when she decided to help 2yeon and worried of her safety due to her recent sudden disappearance. She's got to put more effort in assuaging Joohyun's fears, calm her down from all of the recent happenings, and reassure Joohyun of her love towards her.
1764 streak #5
Chapter 19: Wow this was cute! Just 4 people and 2 hidden additional people out having a double (triple) date!
PilotIsMyJob #6
Chapter 17: Know what? 2yeon and Seulrene is my ultimate lovely and favorite pairs..when you bring their character here with amazing plot of stories, just made my day beyond happy. This is mindblowing. I had fun while reading this..for that, I want to say thank you..I hope that Bae kingdom and Im kingdom can merge again like before..
Gayandi #7
In the characters it's written as izone but i couldn't find them in the story till now....
cupcaketree123 #8
Chapter 15: Ohh the cat‘s out of the bag!! Hahaha well, now i wanna see the confusion unfold xD
1764 streak #9
Chapter 15: The two finally meet in their real identities! What will happen now? They were going to reveal themselves soon but it was reveal sooner then they thought!
1764 streak #10
Chapter 14: ok! i totally knew that nayeon was nabong! with every reveal to johyun unnie, when she goes talk to her sister would she soon catch on??? i guess i'll find out soon!