I am right here

Not just an accident


Sorry sorry sorry for the late update! I just came back from vacation! Well here it is :) Enjoy and please comment and subscribe ^^


“You will enter the stage first, when you’re ready give us a sign and we will coordinate the lights and the special effects.” The light technician explained carefully.


“Understood.” I nodded.


“Mblaq is already in position. Do you have everything you need?” He verified.


“The mixing table is ready. I just need to plug in the laptop and check the speakers.”


“Good. Now go, it’s almost time.” The technician wished me good luck and went to his position.


They prepared a small platform at the back of the stage for me to work. Even if I like to be seen while I mix, this time it was better if I stayed at the back (in case something went wrong they won’t know who did it). I stepped carefully on the platform and plugged the laptop, but I nothing could prepare me for what I saw next. A sea of people like I’ve never seen before spread in front of me. The screams where so loud I could barely hear myself think. My heart began to speed up and I could feel the adrenaline pumping into my veins. I was in heaven.


I put my headphones on and gave the technician a thumbs up to indicate I was ready. He nodded in return and suddenly all the light went off. The show started when five figures emerged from the floor of the stage and I began playing the first part.


The performance was probably the most amazing thing I’ve ever witnessed. The boys adapted so well to my version of the song I felt like crying. I’ve never seen them perform live before, but they all dazzled me. The whole thing felt so surreal. When the song ended the crowd went crazy. They were screaming, cheering, clapping, and even crying. Truthfully speaking, I wanted to glue myself to that stage and never leave.


When Mblaq left the stage I threw my headphones aside and hurried to meet them backstage.


“GUYS!!” I ran like crazy when I saw them back in the dressing room area. I jumped on all five of them and we all fell to the ground.


“Well, well, if it isn’t the master DJ.” G.O. patted my head and laughed.


“You were freaking amazing!” Thunder complimented.


“Yunhee!” Joon hugged me tightly and got me on my feet. “You did amazing.”


“Guys, thank you so much. I mean-“ I was so happy I didn’t know what to say. A tear escaped my eyes and they all smiled. “You were so amazing out there.”


“You’re crying?! Oh come on, don’t go all soft on me.” G.O. pinched my cheeks. “We will get changed and then we’re off to celebrate. There’s an after party, remember?” He winked.


“We won’t take long!” Mir promised before they all went into the dressing room. All except for one.


“Yunhee.” Seungho said softly. “Thank you.”


“Why are you thanking me? It was because of you that I was able to debut.” I giggled uneasily. Once again, those piercing eyes were staring right at me.


“No. You were the one that made all of this happen. You saved us.” He reached out and grabbed on of my hands carefully. “You’re shaking.” He pointed out.


“I can’t help it. This is so…overwhelming.” I blushed. Then, he held my hand tightly with both of his hands and kissed it lightly.


“S-Seungho…” I said while trying to remember how to talk like a normal person. How is it possible that even after hurting me so bad he still manages to take my breath away?


“I know.” He smiled sadly and released my hand. “I know I did something horrible to you. Just give me one chance to explain.”


I stared at him while thinking of something to say.


“Please. I’ll do anything.” He repeated with a trembling voice and clenched fists.


“Okay.” I finally gave in. I hope I don’t regret this in the future.


Seungho flashed me the sweetest smile. “Thank you.” He said before heading to the dressing room with everyone else. I leaned by back against the wall and took a few deep breaths.


“Yunhee.” Some one called me.


“What do you want, Min Soo?” I immediately tensed up.


“You were great back there. Mblaq’s performance definitely out shone everyone else’s.” He said cheerfully. “Congratulations.”


“Is that something you should be happy about?” I said harshly. I was beginning to feel guilty for treating him like trash. Then again, he treated me like trash back then.


“The only reason I’m happy is because it was your song.” He leaned casually against the wall. The only thought in my head was slapping that confidence off his stupid face.


“Lets go!” Joon emerged from the dressing room followed by the rest of the members. They were all looking pretty elegant with suits on.


“Oh, Cap! You’re here!.” G.O. shook hands with the idiot.


“Congratulations! Your performance was off the hook.” Min Soo replied.


Seungho tightened his jaw and sort of glared at him.


“Is something wrong?” Thunder said after perceiving the atmosphere. Joon and G.O. exchanged confused glances.


“Nothing is wrong.” I said trying to hide my annoyance. “Shall we go?”


“Oh, you’re going to the party? I guess I’ll see you then.” Min Soo smirked. He is definitely doing this on purpose.


“I’d rather not.” I said politely. “Let’s go.” And I stormed towards the exit. I could hear the boys following close behind. They probably suspect something happened between us. Well, I guess they’ll know someday, just not today.


The party was in one of those expensive and exclusive lounges celebrities usually go to. Other groups where already inside drinking and chatting. They seemed to be having a good time.


“We’ll go and greet some friends, okay?” Joon told me.


“Will you be okay by yourself?” Thunder teased. “Behave while we’re gone.”


“Please just go.” I pushed them towards the crowd of idols and went to take a seat at the bar. I ordered a drink and began to zip on it absent-mindedly.


“Hey.” Seungho sat right next to me.


“Hey.” I said while putting the drink down. “Aren’t you going to say hi to your fellow idols?”


“Nah. I’d rather stay and talk to you. I still owe you that explanation.” He shifted on his seat and ordered a drink for himself.


“I’m listening.” I took another zip. 


“Okay.” He cleared his throat. He sounded pretty confident now. “Last time we were alone in the lobby, I really thought we would, you know, get somewhere.”


I blushed just by remembering, but nodded.


“Well, I thought everything was going perfect. Honestly, I’m not really sure of what I felt, but you made everything feel so perfect.” He continued. “But the, he came and ran into us. After that, you freaked out and left me standing there really damned confused.” He sounded a bit frustrated now. I guess part of it was my fault. “I thought you regretted being with me at that time, so I did what I did.” He finished. “I know it’s not an excuse, but that’s really what happened.”


“Seungho, I’m not really mad about what happened. I know it wasn’t completely your fault.” I said. “But I’ve been hurt before. Badly. I’m afraid that it will happen again.”


“It was Cap, right.” He said flatly. I nodded weakly. 


“What did he do?” He asked. “Yunhee, please tell me.”


And I did. I told him everything that had happened. How I met Min Soo for the first time, how we started dating and how he dumped me on my when he became famous.


When I was done I looked carefully at Seungho to see how he would react. He was looking…hurt?


“You thought I was like him.” He finally said. “You thought I would throw you away like he did.”


“And didn’t you?” I raised and eye brow. That definitely hurt him.


“I am not like that, Yunhee.” He said firmly. “I am not like him.”


You don’t know that. Fame can change people, you idiot. I averted my eyes from his, but he held my chin softly and made me look back at him.


“Stop looking around.” His voice sent a chill down my back. “Because I’m right here.”


Then he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me towards him. I was surprised at how strong but gentle Seungho could be. We were sol close that I could hear his heart beating.


“I am right here.” He whispered one last time before pressing his lips against mine.

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HAHA cheondung and the plant, g.o with snsd and mir with the furniture XD LLOOOOOOOOOLL
ohhhh cheondoong talking to a plant *dies*
hahahaha drunk MBLAQ would sooo be fun ^_^
and it's okay joonie you can cry on my shoulder if you'd like ^_^
hahahahah XP

ohhh the scandals >.< they better not hate on her
or else i'll beat some anti butts!!! XP

hahahah awesome job ^_^
Wahhhh <3 :3
omg i can't wait to read about that performance
that'd be sooo cool seeing a DJ mixing it's war
especially if it were a girl like yunhee ^_^
and i'm glad she stood up to CAP
yeah you go girl!!! hahahaha

wahhhh awesome job
I really loves Joon in this chapter! he does know how to reach out to a girl.....!!! Seungho sorry!
dummy pabo seungho!!!!!
why would you do that?!?! >.<
just for that i hope joon does steal her away XP (just kidding i want joon for myself hahaha XP)
but awww jooonie
heheheh serious joon is y
but dorky joon is <3 rawr hahahah

this was another awesome update ^_^