I'm okay, silly

Not just an accident


The first thing I felt when I woke up was a sharp pain in my forehead. Without opening my eyes I touched in carefully and sure enough I had a huge bump. What happened?


Then everything began to come back to me. The alley, the man that attacked me, Mblaq saving me…wait. Mblaq saving me?! I snapped my eyes open and sat up. I was back in my room.


“Yunhee!” My brother rushed to the side of my bed and kneeling beside me. “Are you okay? How is your head?”


“I feel like someone smashed a baseball bat against my head, that’s how.” I said sleepily. “What happened? I remember being attack and then…nothing.”


“You were attacked by some sick bastard.” Sangmin said through gritted teeth. He was angry. “Lee Joon and Seungho from that Mblaq group saved you. When they brought you unconscious my heart almost stopped you know.”


“I’m okay, silly.” I patted his head.


“If something had happened to you I swear-“ But he stopped in mid sentence. “From now on no more skirts, or heels, or revealing shirts. And don’t ever think of going to that alley alone ever again. Got it?”


“Yes~” I agreed. No skirts? Yeah right.  “What time is it?”


“It’s morning already. I closed early last night because of what happened.” He explained. I felt a pang of guilt in my chest. Closing the club early, no matter the reason, is always bad publicity.


“Hey don’t worry about it.” Sangmin always managed to read my mind. “It’s not like people will stop coming just for one incident. You are my first priority.”


“I love you idiot.” I hugged him. He returned the hug carefully to avoid touching my head.


“I have to go out now and take care of some business.” He said while getting on his feet. “Will you be alright all by yourself?”


“I’m not five, Sangmin. Go do whatever you have to do.” I told him.


“I’ll come back as fast as I can. Try not to move around much while I’m gone okay?” Then he left.


I got out of bed as soon as he closed the door behind him. I took a quick shower, threw on some shorts and a plain black tee, and went downstairs with my laptop.


The club looked like a completely different place in the morning. It felt more like a huge living room rather than, well, a club. Even if I live upstairs, this floor felt like the most important part of my home. I sat at the bar and placed my laptop on top of the counter. It was time to start working on a new mix. Before I could even put my headphones I heard people entering the club.


“I’m sorry, but we’re closed right now.” I said in my club voice. “But you’re welcomed to drop by tonight!”


“Um, is it not a good time?” A familiar voice answered me. I almost fell off my chair when I saw who decided to come by this fine morning. It was no other than that idol group that came last night, Mblaq.


“It’s you!” I shouted.


“Surprised?” That Lee Joon character smiled. They were all wearing casual clothing, which took me by surprise. I always thought idols wore flamboyant cloth wherever they went.


“W-What are you doing here?” I got up form my seat, not really sure of what to do. Should I welcome them? Offer them something to drink? What?!


“You scared the living hell out of us last night.” Seungho chuckled. “We just came by to see how you were doing.”


“Oh…” I nodded.


“Yeah, this two wouldn’t talk about anything but coming over to check on you. You should have seen have seen it.” Mir wrapped one arm around Joon and the other around Seungho. Both slapped the kid in the head.


“So…how are you feeling?” G.O. asked. “Seriously, when I saw Seungho hyung and Joon carry in an unconscious girl…God…lets just say that them being the heroes wasn’t the first thing on my mind.”


“I’m perfect, thanks to my two knights in shinning armor.” I teased. “Why don’t you guys sit? Do you want something to drink or…”


“Nah, it’s okay.” Thunder refused politely. “We have schedule in a few minutes.”


“Yeah sorry we can’t stay for long…” Joon said, sincerely looking sorry.


“Take care okay?” Seungho added. Then they turned around and began to walk toward the exit.


“Wait!” I sprinted and grabbed both Joon and Seungho by the arm before they could leave.


“Thank you.” I said softly. I was not good at this whole ‘thank you’ thing, but they deserved the effort. “You saved my life back there. If there’s anyway to repay you, please just tell me.”


“Give me your phone for a second.” Seungho requested. I wasn’t sure of what he wanted, but I still took it out of my pocket and handed it to him. After a few moments, he gave it back to me.


“There.” He said pleased. “I added my number to your contact list. Text me your number and I’ll let you know if I think of something. Promise?”


“A-are you sure about this?” I asked him in case he made the mistake of handing me his phone number.


“Yah! No fair!” Joon stomped his foot. He snatched the phone from my hand and save his number as well. “There.” He said proudly.


I heard someone clear his throat. It was G.O.


“Um, I don’t want to interrupt anything, but we really have to go now.” I had completely forgotten the other three were still there. They were looking at us with weird grin in their faces.


“Oh please go then.” I said. “And if you ever have some free time please come to Oz again. I’ll buy you all some drinks.”


“Free drinks? Those are dangerous words, girls. I hope you remember them.” Joon chuckled mischievously.


“I will.” I promised. “Now go, I don’t want my saviors to be late for work.”


After they left I spent hours looking at my new two phone contacts.


-Seungho xxx-xxxxxx

-Joonie<3 xxx-xxxxxx


They are so different from what I thought idols would be like. Except for the incredibly handsome looks…


Geez Yunhee, don’t get any weird ideas now that you got famous friends. They probably act like these around every girl….right?


With that thought in mind I threw my phone somewhere where I couldn’t see it and then went back to my laptop.

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HAHA cheondung and the plant, g.o with snsd and mir with the furniture XD LLOOOOOOOOOLL
ohhhh cheondoong talking to a plant *dies*
hahahaha drunk MBLAQ would sooo be fun ^_^
and it's okay joonie you can cry on my shoulder if you'd like ^_^
hahahahah XP

ohhh the scandals >.< they better not hate on her
or else i'll beat some anti butts!!! XP

hahahah awesome job ^_^
Wahhhh <3 :3
omg i can't wait to read about that performance
that'd be sooo cool seeing a DJ mixing it's war
especially if it were a girl like yunhee ^_^
and i'm glad she stood up to CAP
yeah you go girl!!! hahahaha

wahhhh awesome job
I really loves Joon in this chapter! he does know how to reach out to a girl.....!!! Seungho sorry!
dummy pabo seungho!!!!!
why would you do that?!?! >.<
just for that i hope joon does steal her away XP (just kidding i want joon for myself hahaha XP)
but awww jooonie
heheheh serious joon is y
but dorky joon is <3 rawr hahahah

this was another awesome update ^_^