Are you like friends now?

Not just an accident



“Yah Yunhee.” Sangmin returned home while I was still working on that new mix. “Do you carry around that phone for show? How about picking up sometimes?”


I nodded absentmindedly without taking my eyes off the screen. I forgot I had thrown it somewhere after Mblaq left.


“I’ve been calling you for ages.” He said annoyed. “Hey, did someone came here while I was gone? The front door was half open.”


“Those guys that saved me last night came over to see how I was doing.” I tried making it sound like it didn’t had any importance.


“The idols?!” Sangmin asked confused.


“No idiot, the other guys that saved me.” I rolled my eyes. “Of course it was the idols, who else would it be?”


“So?” He sat next to me. He had curiosity written all over his face.


“So what?”


“Are you like friends now?” He asked.


I shrugged. “How am I supposed to know?” Oh brother, please just stop asking…


“You are so not cute.” He sighed. “Here I am trying to make conversation and you just don’t seem to care.”


“Ok fine!” I scoffed. “I got the number of two members, but that’s it.”


Suddenly, my brother’s expression changed. He was looking worried now.


“Yunhee, you should be careful. Remember the last time you got involved with an idol? It was-“


“I know.” I decided to cut him off before he kept talking about stuff I definitely not wanted to remember. “I’m not as stupid as I used to be. There won’t be a second time so just stop making me remember.” I just snatched my laptop and my phone and stormed back to my room. Sangmin you dummy.


I threw myself on my bed and took a few deep breaths. Without thinking about it, I was already staring at my contact list once again. Come on, Yunhee. Don’t be a coward and just send them a stupid text message. I decided to do it quickly before I regretted it.

To Seungho:

Here is my number…let me know when you think of something!


To Joonie<3:

This is my number…if you think of something let me know!


Yeah, the messages weren’t such a big deal, and I pretty much sent the same thing to both of them, but what was I supposed to say? What my brother said. It’s better if we get involved as little as possible with each other. Then my phone ringed. It was a new text message form Joon.


Thanks^^ I’m at photo shoot right now. Aren’t I just handsome??


The text came with a self-taken picture of Joon. He was wearing a black suit and was biting his lower lip. Confident much?


I held on to my phone a little longer. Truthfully speaking, I was kind of hoping Seungho would text me back, but he didn’t. Maybe he’s just busy.


Ugh. So what if he never texts back? It’s not like we’re in a relationship or anything. We’re not even friends.


I rolled to my side and hid my phone under my pillow so I could stop thinking about it. This used to happen every time when Bang Min Soo was around…


Back when I was in high school, I used to spend all my time in the abandoned music room. I say ‘abandoned’ because, in a school were everything is about grades and books, no one had any time for music. For a couple of years I was the only one who ever went there, until one day Bang Min Soo appeared.


(flash back)


I stared at the stranger who was sitting in front of the piano. I had never seen anyone in this room beside myself. Is he new in the school?


“Oh.” He said when he noticed me. “I didn’t see you there.” His looked around my age.


“What are you doing here?” I blurted out.


“So you mean it’s prohibited or something?” He raised an eyebrow. “Maybe that explains why no one comes here. Ever.”


“N-no, that’s not what I mean.” I explained. “People in this place are just too busy trying to be the next Einsteins that they hardly even walk by this room.”


“Well, that’s a shame.” He smiled beautifully. “I think I’m starting to like it here.” The way he looked at me made me want to stay forever.


“I’m Yunhee from class 2-b.” I introduced myself.


“I’m Bang Min Soo from class 2-a. I just transferred to this school.”


After that we kept running into each other several times. We found ourselves waiting for each other all the time: when school ended, at lunch breaks, at the music room, etc. Everything seemed perfect.


We started dating a little after. When he told me he was a trainee at T.O.P. media, I couldn’t be more proud. Min Soo, who loved music more than anything, was actually aiming for his dreams. He was the one who inspired me to start mixing. God, I loved him so much. And I thought he loved me too, until one night he came over to my place.


“Yunhee.” He said. There was some sort of bitterness in his voice than sent chills down my back. “I think we should stop seeing each other.”


“What?! Why?!” At first I thought he was joking, but that punch line never came.


“I’m debuting soon, you know. I just don’t think I can focus in my work while I’m seeing someone. It’s really for the best.” He explained. He didn’t even looked upset, which made me cry harder.


“I d-don’t understand.” I sobbed. “You know I support you more than anyone. I’m fine with not seeing you all the time.”


“I’m sorry Yunhee.” He said.


Liar. He wasn’t sorry at all.


“Please, don’t do this.” I was practically begging. How pathetic. “You were the one who inspired me to do what I love. I looked up to you. Please Min Soo…” For a moment, I thought I saw a tear coming down his eyes, but it was probably just my wishful thinking.


He turned around quickly and began to walk away, but before leaving he said something that really made me realize how far away he already was from my reach.


“It’s not Min Soo.” He said coldly. “From now on it’s C.A.P”


(End of flashback)


Up till now I’ve never called him C.A.P once, and I hope I never have to call him anything ever again. With time I got over him, but it was harsh. I still remember when he debuted as leader of this group called TEEN TOP. It broke my heart, but I learned to understand his reasons for leaving me. Even if I don’t want to see him ever again, I forgave Min Soo long ago.


That was the first and last time I got my heart broken, especially for an idol.


Then I heard my phone ringing again. But this time, it was an actual call.


“Hello?” I answered.


“Yunhee? It’s me, Seungho.” He said. His voice sounded so cool even on the phone.


“Oh hey.” I smiled. “How is that photo shoot going? Tired of being good looking in front of a camera already?”


“How did you know I was in a photo shoot?” He asked. “Are you following me or something?”


“Please, I have better ways to waste my time other than following you.” I answered me. I heard him chuckle. “I’m kidding. Joon texted me.”


“So he did huh.” It's probably just me, but I think he sounded a little annoyed.


“Yeah, a little while ago.” I shrugged that weird feeling off and tried changing the subject. “So why did you call?”


“Right.” He remembered he had called for a reason. “I think I thought of something you can do to repay me.”


“So tell me then.”


“Not so fast.” He said. “Just meet up with me tomorrow and I’ll tell ya.”


“How about you just tell me now and we avoid the whole meeting part?” I joked. Well, I half joked. Meeting him would definitely make me think of stuff I shouldn’t think about.


“Is that the way to talk to your savior?” He gasped dramatically. “Those are my conditions and I’m not changing them. I’ll mail you the address. Bye!” Then he hung up.


Idols are so stubborn.


-At Mblaq’s photo shoot location-


“Hyung, your weird smile is freaking me out.” Mir said. “Why are you so happy anyway?”


Seungho ruffled Mir’s hair. “None of you business, Mir.”


“Don’t be like that! C’mon hyung, tell me!” Mir insisted.


“It’s probably a girl.” G.O. butted in. Thunder and Joon were with him.


“Seungho having girl drama? Not in this life.” Thunder punched G.O. playfully. “He is too cool for that stuff.”


“Is it really a girl?” Joon asked nonchalantly, but there was some concern in his voice.


“Maybe.” Seungho answered. “But it’s not like we’re dating or anything. It’s just friendship.”


That second all the Mblaq members lost it. Well, almost all.


“Are you serious?!” Mir asked. “Who is the girl? WHO IS IT?!”


“I knew you were a man after all.” G.O. grabbed his hyung in a headlock. “Spit it out! Do we know her?”


No one noticed Joon had gone a little silent.


“You guys are a bunch of animals.” Seungho laughed. “Now lets go, we have to finish with the photo shoot.”


“Yah, don’t think we’ll forget about this.” Thunder warned, but they all went back to work.

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HAHA cheondung and the plant, g.o with snsd and mir with the furniture XD LLOOOOOOOOOLL
ohhhh cheondoong talking to a plant *dies*
hahahaha drunk MBLAQ would sooo be fun ^_^
and it's okay joonie you can cry on my shoulder if you'd like ^_^
hahahahah XP

ohhh the scandals >.< they better not hate on her
or else i'll beat some anti butts!!! XP

hahahah awesome job ^_^
Wahhhh <3 :3
omg i can't wait to read about that performance
that'd be sooo cool seeing a DJ mixing it's war
especially if it were a girl like yunhee ^_^
and i'm glad she stood up to CAP
yeah you go girl!!! hahahaha

wahhhh awesome job
I really loves Joon in this chapter! he does know how to reach out to a girl.....!!! Seungho sorry!
dummy pabo seungho!!!!!
why would you do that?!?! >.<
just for that i hope joon does steal her away XP (just kidding i want joon for myself hahaha XP)
but awww jooonie
heheheh serious joon is y
but dorky joon is <3 rawr hahahah

this was another awesome update ^_^