Just asking

Not just an accident


It was still daytime when we began our trip back to my house. Seungho had to wrap himself in like a million scarves and put sunglasses on so people wouldn’t recognize him.


“Seungho.” I tugged on his sleeve. “Can you even see with all that stuff on?”


“Sort of…” He smiled, or at least I think he did because I couldn’t really see his mouth.

“Here.” Without really thinking about it, I wrapped my arm around his to help him walk without tripping on anything. His body tensed up as soon as it made contact with mine. When I realized what I had done I snatched my arm back.


“Sorry about that.” I looked away from him. But then I felt him grabbing on to me again. He was a bit hesitant, but he did it anyways.


“It’s better this way.” He said. After that we kept walking in silence. Awkward.


“So how’s everything in idol land?” I tried to start a conversation.


“Tiring.” He said honestly. “I love being a singer, but sometimes I wished everyone would just leave me alone for a sec.” 


“Are you saying I should leave you alone?” I brushed his arm off and accelerated my pace, leaving little Seungho behind.


“I didn’t mean that!” He came jogging after me. “You sure are a troublesome girl.”


“What? I’m too much for you to handle?” I said defiantly.


“Please.” He rolled his eyes. “I’m not such a softy.”


“Says you.” I murmured. Then I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket.


“Oh Seungho, wait a moment.” I opened my phone and saw a new text from Joon. I could feel Seungho peeking over my shoulder. I pushed him away from my back jokingly and open the text.


To Yunhee:

I’m so boooooored T.T I should’ve gone with you instead!! Seungho is not doing anything weird right? If he does I’ll beat him up for you! Byebyee^^

P.S. I hid a little something in your pocket!! Just in case. Use it wisely..



“Who was it?” Seungho asked as soon as I threw my cellphone back in my pocket. Sure enough, my fingers felt something that wasn’t in my pocket before. I decided to wait home to see what it was.


“Someone is a busybody…” I said while nudging him in the shoulder. “It was Joon.”


“What did he want?” He kept asking.


“To know if you haven’t attacked me in the middle of the streets yet.”


“That idiot.” Seungho scoffed. “Do you…talk to Joon a lot?”


“I don’t know. Why?” I looked at him confused. Why does he care?


“Just asking.” He shrugged.


“Could it be that Mblaq’s ‘too-cool-for-you’ leader is jealous?” I said jokingly.


“Right.” He snorted. “I have to now what my members are up to. That’s part of my duty as leader.”


Ah dammit, if I could only see his face right now.


“That’s the crappiest excuse ever.” I answered. “Oh we’re here already.”


We stared at the club’s front door for a little while.


“Do you have to work tonight?” Seungho asked.


“Yep. I have to make money somehow, right?” I said. “How about you?”


“We’re filming a commercial for this school uniform store.” He scratched his head.


“.” I giggled.


“Oh shut up.” He chuckled. He looked at his watch and hesitated for a second. “Well, I have to go now. Take care okay?”


“Yeah, you too.” I smiled. “See you tomorrow.”


He waved and then went back the way we came.


“Where were you?” Sangmin peeked over the bar. He was doing inventory of the liquor we had left. “I thought I said you would help me with this.”


“Sorry bro. I had stuff to do.” I sang.


“What are you so happy about? I doubt it’s because of the inventory.” He looked at me as if I was a freak.


“I just got an awesome job today. This is a huge opportunity for me! I CAN’T WAIT!” I ran and jumped on top of him. I hadn’t realized this was my chance to create a career out of what I love to do.


“I’ll repeat my question.” He gave a piggyback ride all the way to some couches and then dropped me off. I’m not a fan of sitting in the club’s couched. Who knows what people do on them at night? “Where the hell where you?”


I told him everything that had happened that day, except for my walk home with Seungho and all…


“Oh my gosh!” He ruffled my hair like I he used to do when I was ten. “That’s awesome news.”


“But?” He had that look in his eyes that told me he had something else to say.


“I don’t like you getting too involved with those idols.” He rested his head on my shoulder. “They have this crazy lives, they might end up hurting you without even wanting to.”


“I’m all grown up now, Sangmin. And it’s not like I’m dating any of them.” I pointed out.


“Riiight, and I’m not the owner of the most amazing club in South Korea.” My brother responded.


“Good to know you’re aware of that.” I retorted.


“Wow sis you can be a real doll some times.” He stood up from the couch and returned to his job. Sangmin is very sensitive whenever it comes to his dear club. It’s his weak spot; that and me of course.


“I’ll see you tonight bro.” Then I climbed the stairs and went to my room. I opened the laptop on my desk and went straight to work. This has to be awesome. I started by listening several times the song they’ll perform. I analyzed beats, rhythms, times, etc. The tricky part was coming up with that ‘twist’ they wanted without changing the original beat of the song, since they have to dance and all.


Then I remembered something important, Joon’s present. I reached into my pocket and took it out. It was a can with big bold letters that said Pepper spray. I couldn’t help but laugh at Joon’s dorky present. He must be thinking of what happened the night we met. I was going to text him, but I decided to call instead.


Yunhee?” Joon answered a second after I dialed. “You called!”


“Hello.” I greeted him. “Are you busy right now? I hear a lot of noise coming from your side.”


“Nah, we’re just on a break from filming the variety show.” He explained. “Wait, did you saw the present?


“I did!” I said. “I was calling to say thanks. You might save my life in the future, you know. Well, save my life again.”


Who are you talking to, hyung?” An unfamiliar voice asked in the background. Idols, they are never alone.


A girl~” Joon replied honestly.


Seriously?! I she someone I know?” The voice asked again.

I don’t think so. But I can introduce you to her sometime.” Joon had actually forgotten I was on the phone. “She is younger than you, Key.”


No way! Joon hyung you player.” This Key person said. Player, huh?


“Excuse me.” I decided to step in the conversation. “Am I interrupting something between you and this Key or…”


“No don’t go Yunhee!” He freaked out. “He is just a friend that’s filming with me.”


“That’s alright.” I told him. “Well I just called to say thank you. I have to go get ready for work now. Good luck with the rest of the filming!”


“Aw.” Joon whined. “Fine, but I’ll text you soon. Be careful!”


After hanging up I got changed to my working outfit and did my makeup. When I went down stairs there were already clients in the club.


“Late.” My brother said sternly. “Grab a tray and get to work. Go go!” He was still sore for what I told him this afternoon. Whatever.


The club wasn’t as crowded as usual. There was actually room to breath tonight. It was going to be rather peaceful tonight, or so I thought.


Moments later I heard the sound of glass breaking. My brother looked up from the bar, but I gave him a nod meaning that I would take care of it. He looked concern, but still nodded back.


When I arrive to place where the glass broke, I saw a guy holding another guy’s collar. They were about to beat the hell out of each other.


“Woah! No fighting in here boys!” I tried to pull on one of them, but he wouldn’t budge. I pulled harder until he finally gave a few steps back.


“You son a b*tch! SHE IS MY GIRL.” The other man shouted. He was absolutely furious. Fighting over a girl, so typical.


“If you have any issues take it outside! I mean it.” I was holding one of the guys tightly, but he started to fight me off. “SO WHAT?! SHE IS MINE NOW!” He shouted to man #2.


I couldn’t hold him off any longer; I had no other choice but to let him go. Suddenly, he grabbed a bottle from one of the tables and was ready to smash it against to other’s head. The good news is that he missed and hit the wall. The bad news is that one of the shards bounced of the wall and hit me right in my hairline.


Perfect. Just freaking perfect.


“HEY!” My brother finally appeared. He had a baseball bat in hand. “Get the hell out of my club. NOW!”

The two ran off before I could even take another look at their faces.


“Those s.” I grumbled by touching my forehead. It wasn’t very deep so it would probably heal in a couple of days.


“Are you okay?” My brother grabbed my chin in and turned my face both sides to see if there was any collateral damage from the fight.


“You got a cut on your forehead.” He said. “Why are you always getting hurt? Jesus girl. I’ll tell Sora to cover up for you. Go get that cleaned.”


“Yes boss.” Great. Another night I won’t earn a cent. 

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HAHA cheondung and the plant, g.o with snsd and mir with the furniture XD LLOOOOOOOOOLL
ohhhh cheondoong talking to a plant *dies*
hahahaha drunk MBLAQ would sooo be fun ^_^
and it's okay joonie you can cry on my shoulder if you'd like ^_^
hahahahah XP

ohhh the scandals >.< they better not hate on her
or else i'll beat some anti butts!!! XP

hahahah awesome job ^_^
Wahhhh <3 :3
omg i can't wait to read about that performance
that'd be sooo cool seeing a DJ mixing it's war
especially if it were a girl like yunhee ^_^
and i'm glad she stood up to CAP
yeah you go girl!!! hahahaha

wahhhh awesome job
I really loves Joon in this chapter! he does know how to reach out to a girl.....!!! Seungho sorry!
dummy pabo seungho!!!!!
why would you do that?!?! >.<
just for that i hope joon does steal her away XP (just kidding i want joon for myself hahaha XP)
but awww jooonie
heheheh serious joon is y
but dorky joon is <3 rawr hahahah

this was another awesome update ^_^