Prove yourself to me

Not just an accident


The kiss was unlike anything I’ve felt before. It was so gentle, almost like a feather brushing against my lips. He pulled back a little, our noses still brushing, and smiled gently. He leaned in once again and I closed my eyes just as he did. This kiss was different. He pressed his lips against mine just a tad harder than before, but it wasn’t urgent or rushed. It was soft and loving.


When our lips parted I just kept staring at him. I couldn’t believe it had taken me so long to realize I fell for him from the very beginning. But now I’ve put myself in danger again; this time I don’t think I can handle being betrayed.


“Yunhee?” Seungho caressed my cheek with the back of his hand.


“Now you’ve really done it, Seungho.” I grabbed his hand and pressed it against my cheek, the corner of my mouth touching his fingers slightly.


“Done what?” He asked confused. “Did I do something wrong? You didn’t wanted to-“


“You made me fall for you, idiot.” I smiled. “I’m giving you my heart so don’t go around playing with it. Got it?”


“Loud and clear.”  He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me towards hi chest, and I buried my face in the crook of his neck.


“Kiss her again, you moron!” I heard G.O. urging Seungho. They were “hiding” behind some fake plants at the end of the bar.


“Shut up you idiot! We’re going to be found out.” Thunder covered G.O.’s mouth with his hand.


“A bit too late for that.” Mir laughed when he noticed Seungho and me staring right at them.


“Aw, you guys!” G.O. came over with his arms open. “I feel like I’m marrying off both of my kids.” He hugged us so hard I was having trouble breathing.


“You’re so embarrassing, G.O. hyung.” Mir looked around to make sure no one was watching the little scene.


“I can’t believe this is finally happening.” Thunder patted his hyung in the back.


“Oh shut up.” Seungho said bashfully, but he was still holding my hand tightly.


“Hey look who just arrived. It’s those Teen Top boys.” Mir pointed out on purpose. Everyone looked at me and waited for my reaction.


“Are you expecting me to do something?” I asked the three of them.


“Not really.” Mir averted his eyes. “I was just saying.”


“What are they doing here? Aren’t half of their members minors?” Thunder looked at them quizzically.


“The sponsors of the concert rented the whole place for the night. There should be no problem unless they start drinking.” Seungho explained. After that there was an awkward silence and Seungho kept sending silent messages to s jut with his eyes. GO. Laughed when he understand what his leader was trying to say.


“Lets leave this two love birds alone for a while. We are definitely getting a drink.” G.O. said and pushed everyone towards the other end of the bar.


“Are you going to talk to him?” Seungho asked as soon as we were left alone. He was looking uneasy.


“Why would I ever go to him?” I replied.


Seungho released my hand let out a disappointed sigh.


“You still haven’t gotten over him have you.” He grumbled, it was more a statement than a question.


“You think I still have feelings for him?” I asked, outraged.


“Then prove me wrong.” He arched his eyebrows and crossed his arms defiantly. “Go and settled things with him. Show me he can’t sway your feelings anymore.”


“Fine.” I took a long zip of my drink and slammed de glass against the counter. “I’ll do just that.”


Seungho covered his mouth with his fist, trying hard to keep from laughing. “Go on then. I’ll be waiting for you.”


I scowled at him one last time before walking to the table were Min Soo was chatting and drinking happily with his fellow members.


“Yah, Bang Min Soo.” I poked him in the shoulder and he spun around to see who it was.


“Who is that girl, hyung?” A younger member .


“Hey, isn’t she that DJ that performed with Mblaq?” Another one said.


“She is! Oh my God, would you do a song for us too?” The one that looked like the maknae pleaded.


“Boys, knock it off.” Min Soo ordered. Then he got on his feet and put his drink down. “It’s weird for you to come looking for me.” He said to me.


“Come, we’ve got to talk.” He grabbed his armed and dragged him to a quitter table. I wonder if Seungho is watching.


“What is it?” Min Soo asked while taking a seat in front of me.


“Why did you dump me?” I blurted out. I wasn’t really going to go there, but it just came out. Maybe I really needed answers after all.


“It’s complicated.” He tapped his fingers against the table, one of the ways to know if his feeling uncomfortable. “You won’t understand.”


“Why do you have to be so dramatic? Just say it.” I said impatiently.


Min Soo closed his eyes, threw his head back, and sighed deeply, as if he was about to do something he definitely did not wanted to do.


“Listen.” He leaned forward and clenched his hands together in front of him. “Love life and idol life are not a good combo. They can force me to say things I don’t want to say or make me do things I’d rather not do. It’s basic knowledge among idols. Would you imagine what it would be like if I had to spill every detail of my relationship on a broadcast? They would never leave you alone, Yunhee.”


“I was prepared for it, Min Soo.” My voice trembled. This is why I hate seeing him, it makes me remember how hurt I felt. “I was ready to take all of it as long as you stayed with me. You knew that.”


“I know.” He looked down at his hands. “That’s why I had to do it. You were too good for me, Yunhee. You’ve always been too good for me. Watching you encouraging me every single day reminded me of how little I ever did for you. It was just not right.”


“Liar. Don’t act like you did it for my sake.”


“But I did.” Min Soo insisted. “I loved you so much. Even today, I think of how things would’ve turned out if we were still together.”


“Stop it, Min Soo.” I was so close to tears it was embarrassing. “That’s enough. I’m sorry I ever asked.”


“I won’t stop.” He raised his voice. “Think about it. If we had the chance to start over, wouldn’t you take it?”


“I wouldn’t.” I answered without even thinking too deeply about it.


“I don’t need an answer now. I just want you to keep me in mind.” He half-smiled.


“I can’t do that Min Soo.” I shook my head.


“And why is that, Yunhee. Isn’t it because you’re afraid of realizing you still care for me?” He reached out to take my hand, but I pulled it back immediately. I jumped of my chair and got ready to walk away.


“Wait. Before you go I have to tell you something important.” He tried to stop me, but I just kept walking.  “I heard Mblaq’s track went missing right before their performance.” He said a bit louder.


I froze on the spot and spun violently to meet his eyes.


“If you had something to do with that, Min Soo, I swear to God I’ll make you pay.” I said coldly.


“I respect Mblaq as much as you do, so no, I didn’t do it.” He said. “But after you left me standing in the middle of the back stage area, I went to find you at Mblaq’s dressing room. I didn’t see you, but I did see some guy rushing out with a CD in his hands.”

“You mean someone stole it from Mblaq’s room?” I was shocked.


“I’m just saying what I saw.” He shrugged. “He probably knew Mblaq’s manager is the one that holds on to the track until the last minute.”


Someone wanted to sabotage their performance? But why?


“Be careful, Yunhee.” Min Soo warned me. “Show biz is much more dangerous and deceiving that we let the public know.” Then he calmly walked back to the table where s were.


I should go and warn the boys as well. There’s no way in hell I’m letting someone mess with them.

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HAHA cheondung and the plant, g.o with snsd and mir with the furniture XD LLOOOOOOOOOLL
ohhhh cheondoong talking to a plant *dies*
hahahaha drunk MBLAQ would sooo be fun ^_^
and it's okay joonie you can cry on my shoulder if you'd like ^_^
hahahahah XP

ohhh the scandals >.< they better not hate on her
or else i'll beat some anti butts!!! XP

hahahah awesome job ^_^
Wahhhh <3 :3
omg i can't wait to read about that performance
that'd be sooo cool seeing a DJ mixing it's war
especially if it were a girl like yunhee ^_^
and i'm glad she stood up to CAP
yeah you go girl!!! hahahaha

wahhhh awesome job
I really loves Joon in this chapter! he does know how to reach out to a girl.....!!! Seungho sorry!
dummy pabo seungho!!!!!
why would you do that?!?! >.<
just for that i hope joon does steal her away XP (just kidding i want joon for myself hahaha XP)
but awww jooonie
heheheh serious joon is y
but dorky joon is <3 rawr hahahah

this was another awesome update ^_^