That's how mature I am

Not just an accident


“You’re late.” Was the first thing Thunder told me when he opened the door of the practice room. “Was everything alright on your way here?”


“Yeah, I just overslept for a bit. With my job is kind of hard to be an early bird.” I went inside and noticed Thunder and I were the only ones there.


“Obviously, you’re not the only one that is late.” He closed the door behind me and sat on the floor with his legs crossed. I dropped my bag in the corner and took a seat next to him


“Where the hell is everybody?” I asked him.


“Dunno. Interviews, photo shoots, shows…who knows. I think G.O. said something about a spa, but I hope I just heard him wrong.” He said while spreading his legs wide and throwing head back. He sure was a relaxed person, or so it seemed.


“How come you are here so early?”


“I’ve been practicing my singing since this morning.” He waved a music sheet in front of me. “To tell you the truth, I think my voice is not that good.”


“What are you saying? You have a nice voice.” So even idols feel insecure some times.


“I guess.” He said, but he didn’t looked completely convinced. “Hey you have something on your forehead. Right there.” He pointed at the cut I had in my hairline.


“Oh yeah. I just had a small accident yesterday. No biggie.” I said while trying to cover it with my hair.


“Seems like your life is pretty dangerous.” Thunder laughed. “Or you are just accident prone. Or maybe just clumsy.”


“Hey.” Someone opened the door. It was G.O. “Am I interrupting something?” He looked at us suspiciously.


“Not at all. How was the spa?” I asked innocently.


“It was great. I’m glad I cancelled my actual schedule to go and-“ Then he paused. “Wait. How do you know about that?!” He glared at Thunder, but his fellow member just shrugged and took a zip from a water bottle he had in hand.


“Whatever.” He took a seat on the other side of the room. “So how’s life treating ya, dear Yunhee?”


“Good. But not as good as it is treating you, spa boy.” I responded.


“Yeah, funny.” He sighed. There was a silence, but then G.O. spoke again. “So spill it girl.”


“Spill what?” I looked at him confused.


“Don’t act dumb. What’s your deal with Seungho and Joon?” He crossed his arms and waited for me to answer. Suddenly, Thunder seemed very interested in the conversation as well.


“There is no ‘deal’ between us.” I answered.


“Wah, she’s blushing. How adorable.” Thunder teased.


“Oh c’mon. So who do you like best? The all-mighty leader or the muscle idiot? We won’t tell a soul.” G.O. promised. Truthfully, I haven’t had any time to analyze how I feel about those two. Seungho was cool and mature while Joon is sweet and cute. Hell, I don’t even know if I like any of them!


“Don’t be like this, guys.” I covered my face with my hands. “How about this. You mind your own business and I’ll take care of my feelings privately. Deal?”


“Fine, be stubborn.” G.O. gave up. “But we’ll find out eventually.”


“Yeah, you’re just delaying the inevitable.” Now Thunder was siding with G.O.


“You guys are-“ I started to say, but Thunder placed his hand over my mouth. Is he really telling me to shut up?!


Excuse me?” I said through his fingers.


Be quite for a moment and look at this.” He whispered. G.O. didn’t seemed to understand what was going on, but we stayed quiet anyway.


Thunder began to crawl towards the door, careful not to make any noise. The he slowly grabbed the door handle and with one quick movement he swung the door opened. On the other side, two bodies stood frozen. It looked as if they had their ears pressed against the door before Thunder opened it.


“Seungho hyung, Joon hyung! How nice of you to join us!” Thunder said sweetly. G.O. was now rolling on the floor; laughing so hard it looked like it hurt.


“Were you eavesdropping?” I gasped. They were hearing our conversation! This is so embarrassing. Both of them were blushing furiously.


“O-of course we weren’t!” Joon denied it with all his strength. “We were just…”


“We were just chatting out here.” That was the best excuse Seungho came up with, which made G.O. laugh even harder.


“You guys are unbelievable.” I said annoyed. “What were you expecting to hear, exactly?”


“I already told you! We weren’t spying on you!” Seungho shook his hands in front of himself.


Mir arrived in the middle of the commotion.


“What’s going on in here? Is G.O. having a seizure or something?” He asked.


“Whatever. Lets just get to work.” I rolled my eyes and went to fetch my bag with my laptop in it.


“Y-yeah, lets get to work.” G.O. said while wiping tears off his cheeks, Mir helped him up. Thunder was patting Joon and Seungho’s backs.


Once we were finally gathered in a circle I opened my laptop and showed them a bit of what I came up with.


“In this part, while Mir is rapping, we could try and change the sound a little.” It took me a while to explain everything to them, but they seemed pretty excited.


“This is so good.” Thunder said in awe.


“I’m gonna look so amazing with my new part!” Mir was practically jumping in his seat. “Not that I don’t look good now.”


I gave everyone a little more of “solo” time on purpose so they could be on the spot light a little longer. It was going to be perfect. I even added very tiny pieces of a couple of their past songs.


“How do you come up with this stuff?” G.O. asked.


“It’s not very easy, especially if you already have a choreography. I have to be carful not to change the beat too much so you guys can keep up with the dance.” I explained.


Joon and Seungho were paying close attention, but neither of them looked at me in the eye once. They must be pretty embarrassed about the whole spying thing. I was not really angry about it, but I’ll let them suffer for a bit longer.


“Should we practice with the new track then?” Thunder asked.


“You could start practicing while I polish what we got so far. It will basically be the same thing though.” I handed them a CD with a copy of the new track so they could go ahead and practice. Meanwhile, I threw my headphones on and started adding a few final touches.


By the time I was done with the mix and Mblaq with their practice, it was already already dark outside.


“Dammit, is that the time?!” I almost fainted when I saw I only had thirty minutes before my shift at the club started. “I’m out.”


“Want me to take you home? It can be dangerous to walk alone at this hours.” Thunder offered.


“Thanks but I think I can handle it.” I answered while packing up my stuff.


“Wait, Yunhee.” Joon stopped me before I could reach the exit.


“What.” I answered flatly.


“I’m sorry about, you know, us standing at the door.” He scratched the back of his head. Poor Joon, he looked really uncomfortable right now.


“You mean spying.” Thunder corrected. Joon shot him a look but finally admitted it.


“Well, um, yes.” He said quietly.


“That’s okay, I’m not angry.” I told him. “Besides, I can’t think of a reason you guys would want to hear what I was about to tell G.O., right?” Just suffer a little longer.


“R-Right.” Joon agreed, but you could tell he was not happy with his answer.


I said goodbye to everyone and made my way to the lobby. I was a bit disappointed by the fact that Seungho didn’t say anything to me at the end. At least Joon had the balls to admit his fault. Maybe I should really start thinking about how I really feel towards them.


I was just about to exit the building when I felt a grip on my wrist.


“Seungho!” I was surprised. “What’s wrong?”


“I’m sorry, okay?” He said panting. Looks like he ran all the way here to catch up with me.


“I told Joon it fine already, don’t sweat-“


 “No it’s not fine!” He cut my sentence off. He looked sort of angry. “I really was waiting for you to answer G.O.’s question.”


Okay, this is getting weird now. What is he trying to say?


“What were you expecting me to say?” I asked him, then I realized he was still holding on to my wrist. He took a step closer until he was inches from me. I felt like my heart was going to stop.


“That doesn’t matter.” He said softly, almost whispering. But it really mattered, for me at least.


“Seungho.” I whispered. “I-“


But I had no idea what to say. I had this urge to throw my arms around him and kiss those perfect lips, but I couldn’t do this to him. Not if I wasn’t sure of what I felt. And what if this was a misunderstanding and he didn’t even liked me?


I looked up and met his eyes. He was definitely waiting for an answer. His lips were slightly open, as if he wanted to say something but was holding back.


“Yunhee.” The way he said my name drove me crazy. Then my hand acted on its own and placed himself on Seungho’s cheek. He leaned slightly on my palm and closed his eyes for a moment. His skin was warm and soft against my touch. WHAT  THE HELL AM I DOING?!


“Hyung!” Someone called from behind me. It sounded like a whole bunch of people had just walked into the building.


But that voice…


I snatched my hand back and stepped away from Seungho. However, I couldn’t turn and see who had just spoken. Scratch that. I couldn’t turn around because I knew exactly who had spoken. I kept looking the other way so they wouldn’t see my face.


“Hey guys. I didn’t know you practiced here.” Seungho said in a friendly tone.


“It’s just temporary. The company rented an apartment here while they finish remodeling the real thing.” The voice explained.


My palms were sweating now. This voice it’s too familiar. I can't be wrong about this.


Bang Min Soo, what the hell are you doing here?!


“C.A.P. hyung, he is with a girl, we should get going.” Another member of his grouped urged.


Yunhee, you’re invisible, you’re invisible, you’re invisible. He won’t notice you. Just keep it cool. Right, because being at the edge of a nervous breakdown in totally being cool.


“Yeah, sorry for interrupting hyung.” Min Soo said before walking past us. Luckily, the idiot didn’t even took a second glance to see who I was.


“See you later.” Seungho said coolly. After we were the only ones left in the lobby, there was a deep silence.


“Yunhee.” Seungho grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. “Are you alright? You seem a little pale.”


I practically slapped his hand off.


“I-I’m fine. I just-“ I was stuttering like crazy, but I couldn’t help it. All my Min Soo memories were suddenly rushing back.


“Hey, calm down! What happened?” He placed both hands on my shoulders. I felt bad knowing he was genuinely worried. “Was it something I said?”


“NO!” I shouted at the top of my lungs. Even he was startled. “I, it’s not you, really. I just need to go right now. I’m late and…“ But I sprinted before I even finished talking.


Yeah, that’s how mature I am.

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HAHA cheondung and the plant, g.o with snsd and mir with the furniture XD LLOOOOOOOOOLL
ohhhh cheondoong talking to a plant *dies*
hahahaha drunk MBLAQ would sooo be fun ^_^
and it's okay joonie you can cry on my shoulder if you'd like ^_^
hahahahah XP

ohhh the scandals >.< they better not hate on her
or else i'll beat some anti butts!!! XP

hahahah awesome job ^_^
Wahhhh <3 :3
omg i can't wait to read about that performance
that'd be sooo cool seeing a DJ mixing it's war
especially if it were a girl like yunhee ^_^
and i'm glad she stood up to CAP
yeah you go girl!!! hahahaha

wahhhh awesome job
I really loves Joon in this chapter! he does know how to reach out to a girl.....!!! Seungho sorry!
dummy pabo seungho!!!!!
why would you do that?!?! >.<
just for that i hope joon does steal her away XP (just kidding i want joon for myself hahaha XP)
but awww jooonie
heheheh serious joon is y
but dorky joon is <3 rawr hahahah

this was another awesome update ^_^