Deep in toruble

Not just an accident


“You two looked pretty intimate.” Seungho said sourly as soon as I went back to the bar, where he was sitting. “Please tell me that the part were he tried to grab your hand was only my imagination.”


“Forget about him. We have more important things to talk about. Go get the others.” I said urgently.


“Huh?!” Seungho asked, confused. “What’s so important?”


“I’ll talk when everyone is here. Now go!” I pushed him. He turned and glanced worriedly at me before finally going to get the rest of the members.


“Whaaaaaaat up.” Mir came stumbling with his arms around G.O., who was laughing hysterically.


“Are you guys…drunk?” Seungho looked closely at Mir’s eyes.


“Oh Yunhee, are you crazy? How could I?” Mir laughed while planting a kiss on Seungho’s cheek.


“Mir, I’m over here.” I raised my hand. Mir gasped and pushed Seungho away, making him bump against a chair.


“Yunhee!” He came over and hugged me tightly. “Why is Seungho trying to take advantage of me?!” He sobbed.


“YAH! No messing with the panda’s girl, bro.” G.O. tried to smack Mir on the shoulder but missed and slapped Joon instead.


“What the hell you idiot?!” Joon shove G.O. away from him. “Where is Lightning, by the way?” He leaned on a table to stand straight.


“You mean Thunder?” Seungho corrected.


“I just said that, stupid.” Joon looked frustrated. 

“Shhhhh.” Mir covered Joon’s mouth with both hands and “whispered” to his ear. “He’s with that girl, remember? He told us to leave him alone!”


“Oh right!” Joon giggled and face palmed himself. “Silly me.”


I looked around to try to find Thunder, and when I did, I couldn’t believe what I saw.


Thunder was chatting happily…with a plant. He was laughing as if he was having the funniest conversation ever. I walked to him and pulled on his arm to take him where the others were.


“Yunhee!” He said. “You HAVE to meet this girl. She is the funniest thing EVUUR.”


“I bet she is, but everyone is waiting over there.” I pulled harder but he was reluctant to move.


“Wait.” He whined. “You have to meet her first. Her name is-“ Then he turned to the plant and asked her. “What did you say your name was?”


“Lets go.” I tried pushing him from the back.


“Now you’re ignoring me?! FINE!” He shouted at the plant. “Lets go, Yunhee. I don’t like her anymore.” Then he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to the others.


When we got back everything was chaos. Joon was trying to kiss Seungho while Mir and G.O. argued heatedly about something related to ramen.


“Everyone, STOP!” I shouted. “Jesus what’s wrong with you?!”


They just kept laughing and messing around while Seungho tried hard to keep them under control.


“Yunhe~” I felt someone throwing himself on my shoulders.


“J-Joon!” I jumped, startled. “Are you okay?”


“I am NOT.” He answered. “The girl I like chose Seungho hyung over me. Can you believe that?!”


I felt so bad at that moment. He was such a good guy and I hurt his feelings with my stupidity.


“I’m sorry, Joon. I’m so sorry.” I hugged him and leaned my head on his shoulder.  


“Naaah, don’t be.” He my hair. “I still get to be your best friend, right? Forget about the other three dunces.”


“You are my best friend.” I broke the hug and pinched his cheeks.


“And I can still make you fall for me!” He winked seductively before turning around and head to the dance floor.


“I called our manager.” Seungho panted. “He’s coming to pick those drunkards and take them home, we just have to- YAH! G.O.! LEAVE SNSD ALONE! MIR YOU CAN”T EAT FURNITURE!” Then he ran to prevent G.O. from forming a scandal and Mir from getting stomach sick.


“You know what?” I said to myself. “Hell with this. I’m going to enjoy myself tonight. Waiter, three tequila shots please.”


-Sungho’s POV-


After finally loading that buch of stupid dead weight on our manager’s car, I went back inside to find Yunhee.


I couldn’t believe we had finally made some progress. She was looking so pretty tonight in that blue dress, but looking at the other idols checking her out drove me crazy. Since her debut a few hours ago, three groups asked me for her number and other two companies wanted to sign a contract with her. Sorry guys, Yunhee is Mblaq’s exclusive DJ and MY exclusive girl.


The place was so crowded I couldn’t find her at first, but I finally caught a glimpse of her at the bar.


“Yunhee?” I sat next to her. “Sorry about that. Those guys get out of control sometimes.”


“Seunghoo~” She threw her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek.


“Y-Yunhee? Are you okay?”


“I waited for you for sooo long.” She pouted. Damn she looked adorable. “I thought you would leave me here.” A tear ran down her cheek.


“What are you crying for? I’m right here.” I wiped the tear away and whispered to her ear. “I won’t leave. Ever.”


“I know!” She giggled. “I really reallyyy like you. When you told me you were messing around with me, it hurt SO bad.”


It broke my heart to listen to her say that.


“I’m so sorry.” I her cheek. “I was an . I like you, too.”


Then she pulled herself up and crushed her lips against mine. Her warm breath against my mouth drove me crazy and I couldn’t help but pressing her body harder against mine while we kissed for the second time tonight. I slipped a hand around her neck delicately and felt her soft hair in between my fingers. Her skin was so soft and inviting. I moved my lips along with her and realized how much I yearned for her to only look at me like this forever. She slightly parted and I took the chance to slip my tongue in. Her hands gripping my back tightly made want to touch her more and more…WAIT!


I pushed her away softly and looked into her eyes. She was breathing heavily and her cheeks were flushed.


“I-I can’t do this, Yunhee.” I told her frankly. “You’re drunk. It’s not right.” That definitely hurt her.


“I knew it. You don’t want me anymore, do you?” Her lips were trembling and she looked at the floor.


“Of course I want you, love. But we will have time for this later. We can take it slowly.” I kissed her forehead. She nodded slightly, but I could tell she understood what I meant.


“I’ll take you home, okay?” I interlocked fingers with her and started to make our way to the exit.


I wasn’t counting on the million of paparazzi waiting for us outside. The camera flashes started going as soon as I set a foot outside the club.


“Seungho, over here!” They shouted.


“Who is that girl?!”




“Seungho! Look over here!”


I glanced at Yunhee and noticed she was covering her eyes from the blinding flashes. She was swaying back and forth and I knew I had to get her out of the spotlight.


“Seungho hyung, over here!” I heard a familiar voice coming from the back seat of a car that was parked don the sidewalk.


“Cap?” I squirmed my eyes to catch a better look of his face.


“Get in!” He said urgently. “Hurry!”


I didn’t have time to be picky about our driver so I took Cap’s offer and with much effort reached his car. I got Yunhee in first and then I slipped quickly next to her.


‘You guys okay?” He asked while looking at Yunhee. Why him of all people.


I wrapped a protective arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer to me. She rested her head on the crook of my neck and fell asleep in matters of seconds.


“You guys look close.” Cap smiled. “Are you going out?”


“Yeah.” I blurted. We weren’t going out exactly. At least not yet.


“Oh.” His features turned grim and he tightened his jaw. Don’t tell me he still has feeling for Yunhee even after dumping her?!


“Is she okay?” He asked tentatively.


“She’s just a bit tipsy. Don’t worry about it, bro. I’ll take care of her.” I said the last part louder on purpose so he can carve it into his brain. I’ll take care of her from now on.


“There were tons of photographers out there. Brace yourself, hyung, soon the articles about your new girlfriend will start popping up.” He warned with a smile.


“I know.” I grumbled. I bet he’s happy that I’m about to go through some serious . Rain hyung is going to skin me alive.


“Seungho…” Yunhee whispered in her sleep. I smiled like an idiot and leaned closer to her.


I’m ready to take it all as long as she stays with me.


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HAHA cheondung and the plant, g.o with snsd and mir with the furniture XD LLOOOOOOOOOLL
ohhhh cheondoong talking to a plant *dies*
hahahaha drunk MBLAQ would sooo be fun ^_^
and it's okay joonie you can cry on my shoulder if you'd like ^_^
hahahahah XP

ohhh the scandals >.< they better not hate on her
or else i'll beat some anti butts!!! XP

hahahah awesome job ^_^
Wahhhh <3 :3
omg i can't wait to read about that performance
that'd be sooo cool seeing a DJ mixing it's war
especially if it were a girl like yunhee ^_^
and i'm glad she stood up to CAP
yeah you go girl!!! hahahaha

wahhhh awesome job
I really loves Joon in this chapter! he does know how to reach out to a girl.....!!! Seungho sorry!
dummy pabo seungho!!!!!
why would you do that?!?! >.<
just for that i hope joon does steal her away XP (just kidding i want joon for myself hahaha XP)
but awww jooonie
heheheh serious joon is y
but dorky joon is <3 rawr hahahah

this was another awesome update ^_^