This was a bad idea after all

Not just an accident


“Where do you think you’re going?” Sangmin asked. He was leaning casually against the doorframe of my bedroom. The clock marked 8:30 PM. Almost time for work.


“Where do you think I’m going?” I said while applying concealer to my bruise. Of all places, it had to be in my freaking face.


“Well, I can tell you were you’re not going, work.”


“You’re joking.”


“I am certainly not.” He took a few steps inside. “Rest tonight.”


Rest tonight” I said in a mad imitation of his voice. “Are you out of your mind? You can’t tell me when and when not to work.”


“I hope you haven’t forgotten who owns this club.” He said smugly. I hate it when he uses the boss card on me.


“Just do whatever you want.” I crossed my arms and gave up to the idea of earning some money tonight.


“Don’t I always?” Sangmin could be a real sometimes. I hate to admit it, but he always gets away with whatever he wants. ‘Mom can I drop out form school?’ ‘Oh, go ahead son.’ ‘Mom can I open a club’ ‘Go right ahead son!’.


But why of all night did it had to be this one? Right when I needed something to keep my mind away from, well, stuff.


I got out of my nightclub outfit and cleaned any trace of makeup from my face. Then I slipped into my pajamas and laid in my bed. I wasn’t even tired but there wasn’t much to do. I reached for my phone and noticed I had one new voice mail. I pressed it against my ear and listened carefully.


What’s up? This is Seungho.” He was practically yelling. There was so much background noise I could hardly understand what he was saying. “About tomorrow, I was thinking if we could meet around one o’clock?


Hey, are you talking to Yunhee?” Joon’s unforgettable voice asked. “Give me the phone! I’ll talk to her!”


“H-Hey. What are you-” There was some sort of struggling. “Joon get off me! Hey stop-It’s just her voice mail!”


I was laughing just from hearing a stupid voice mail. Those guys sure are something.


Is Seungho talking to his girlfriend?!” Someone asked in the back.


Mir, could you shut up for a sec?”  Seungho said, then I heard a hitting noise. “Hello? Sorry about that.” He chuckled. “The place is called XXXX located in XXXX Street. If you stand me up there will be consequences! See ya.” The he hung up.


I replayed the message a few times after hearing it the first time, not quite sure why. There was something about his voice that was just mesmerizing. Stop it, Yunhee. You are just asking for trouble.


I turned the phone off and decided to switch the TV on, just to do something else aside from laying there.


We have special guests tonight!” The lady MC said enthusiastically. “They have gained so much popularity these past few months with their new hit single ‘Crazy’. Please welcome TEEN TOP!”


“Oh just shoot me!” I said out loud. I turned the TV off and smashed the remote against the wall.


I should start seeing regular boys for a change. Not idols or singers. Just ordinary boys that go to ordinary universities or have ordinary jobs. I’m done with idols. Well, I’ll be done with them after I meet up with Seungho tomorrow.



Next morning I woke up with a start. I looked at the clock next to my bed and groaned. It was 12:30 PM. I had thirty minutes before my meeting with Seungho.


I got out of bed with lots of effort and took a quick shower. I decided to wear a white tank top with a brown cardigan on top and black leggings. It was kind of cold outside so I added a scarf to the outfit. I was too lazy to wear heels outside the club, so I put on a pair of kedz shoes and headed downstairs.


“Hey were are you going?” My brother asked me on my way out. He was drinking some coffee while reading the newspaper.


“I’m going to join the mafia and sell my body for drugs.” I answered quickly. “Don’t wait for me up dear brother.”


“Have fun.” He said absentmindedly. He doesn’t really pay attention to anything when he just wakes up. As I closed the door behind me I heard him realize what I just said.


“Did you say mafia?” He shouted. “Hey-“


But it was too late.


It took me a while to find the place and I got lost a couple of times, but I somehow arrived safely (and on time). It was some sort of fancy apartment building. At the lobby, the girl in the counter glared at me as I made my way to the elevators. What’s her deal?


I arrived to the room I was supposed to go to and heard music coming from the inside. When I knocked the music paused and a very sweaty Seungho opened up. He was wearing a white tank top and black sweatpants. The sweat running down his body accentuated his muscles and made him look very attractive, to say the least.


This was a bad idea after all.


“Yunhee, hey.” He smiled while catching his breath. “Come in.” He motioned with his head to go inside.


“Yunhee?!” Joon jumped to his feet. “What are you doing here?” He tried to dry his sweat and comb his hair with his hands.


“I’m not sure myself.” I answered and turned to look at Seungho. He just winked in return.


“So this is hyung’s girl-“ Mir pointed at me, but G.O. covered his mouth before the maknae could finish that last phrase.


“How you doing.” He greeted with Mir still locked under his arm.

“Hello.” Thunder bowed. He was leaning against the back wall with a water bottle in his hand.


“So what am I exactly doing here Seungho?” I was already flooded with curiosity. Being in a room with five sweaty idols was not what I had in mind. Noy like I had anything in mind, of course.


“We’re in the middle of practice.” He replied.


“Yeah, I think it’s quite obvious.” I laughed uncomfortably.


“Have you heard of our new song ‘It’s War’?” He asked. I shook my head.


“Okay, then watch us first.” He said confidently. Everyone got up from the floor and lined up in the middle of the room, facing a huge mirror wall.


“Watch me carefully, Yunhee.” Joon winked from his place. Seungho smacked him in the head.


“Focus Joon.” He said.


“Yes hyung~”


“Press play.” Thunder said pointing and the stereo next to me. I took a seat and did as I was told.


The music started slow and Joon began singing. He really is as charismatic as people say. This side of Joon was really unexpected, and he kept looking at me through the mirror, which made me kind of blush.


Then Seungho’s part came. There was something special about him, really. At first you don’t really notice him. You tend to look at Joon’s body or pay attention to G.O.’s voice before anything else. But as the song goes on, little by little you start noticing how hard Seungho practices. His eyes become so penetrating it’s hard to look at something else. He starts off slow, but then BAM, he’s as noticeable as the others. Maybe even more.


When the song ended, I was still in some sort of trance.


“So?” Seungho asked. “Yunhee? Yunhee!”


I snapped out of it and saw how they were all laughing.


“We were that good, huh.” Thunder looked satisfied.


“Yeah, I tend to get that reaction from people.” Bragged Joon as he took a seat next to him. Up close he was even more handsome. His smile was just…perfect.


“It was awesome.” I agreed with them. “But what’s the point of showing this to me?”


“We have a presentation coming next week end. Many other groups are preforming as well, and I wanted to add something special to our performance. You know, to make it more interesting.” I was kind of getting the gist of things now.


“We saw your crazy skills last time we went to the club.” He continued.


“That’s right!” Thunder patted my back a bit too hard. “I swear we were planning on looking for you after your performance, but you know, things turned a bit…complicated.” He looked away bashfully. He probably didn’t want to make me remember something unpleasant.


Awkward silence.


“As I was saying.” Seungho cleared his throat. “We have the performance soon and I was wondering if you could add a twist to the original version.”


“Woah, that’s a great idea!” Joon threw an arm around his leader hyung.


“I know it’s not like a competition thing, but I really want to outshine the other groups. But keep it a secret between us.” G.O. confessed. ”We’re supposed to look like good sports, but everyone is out there to win.”


“Will you do it? Please.” Mir was doing the whole puppy eyes thing to me. It was working.


“Of course I can, but are you sure about it?” I met everyone’s eyes, but ended up looking straight into Seungho’s.


“We’re sure.” He nodded once. “We can meet here again tomorrow to discuss everything.”


“Why do I get the feeling you guys are setting up a date instead of a practice?” G.O. asked suspiciously.


“It’s not a date if we’re all coming. Right Yunhee?” Joon said.


“That’s right.” I agreed. “You guys will blow everyone’s mind in your up coming performance. Just leave this to me.”


“Perfect.” Thunder smiled. “Now I’m all pumped up.”


“Well, if that’s it I think I should go.” I got on my feet. “Thanks for trusting me with this.”



“I’ll walk you home!” Joon jumped up right after me.


“Actually.” Seungho smirked. “Joon, you have a variety show to go to, right?”


Joon cursed under his breath. “Right. Ugh I’d rather walk you home Yunhee.” He looked disappointed.


“No prob. You’ll walk me home next time.” I comforted him.


“I can take you home in his place. Aren’t I enough?” Seungho was suddenly right in front of me. He was considerably taller than me so he had to look down to meet my eyes. From that angle his lips looked so…


“Yunhee?” He snapped his fingers in front of me.


“Oh sorry, I was just dazed for a minute.” I looked at my feet.


“You tend to do that a lot.” He teased me.


“Shut up and put something warm on. You’re walking me home right?” I punched his arm softly.


“On it.”


I could feel everyone’s eyes on me, but when I turned to look at them they just averted their gazes.


“Hey Yunhee.” Joon walked to me while Seungho was getting changed. “Um, you can text me whenever you want okay? Remember that.”


Once again everyone was looking at me, this time I could even hear Thunder giggling.


“You’re so weird Joon.” I poked his forehead. “Of course I know that.” His whole face lit up as he touched the spot in his head I had just poked.


“Lets go!” Seungho called while holding the door open for me.


“See you tomorrow boys.” I waved at the while heading to the exit, were Seungho was waiting.

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HAHA cheondung and the plant, g.o with snsd and mir with the furniture XD LLOOOOOOOOOLL
ohhhh cheondoong talking to a plant *dies*
hahahaha drunk MBLAQ would sooo be fun ^_^
and it's okay joonie you can cry on my shoulder if you'd like ^_^
hahahahah XP

ohhh the scandals >.< they better not hate on her
or else i'll beat some anti butts!!! XP

hahahah awesome job ^_^
Wahhhh <3 :3
omg i can't wait to read about that performance
that'd be sooo cool seeing a DJ mixing it's war
especially if it were a girl like yunhee ^_^
and i'm glad she stood up to CAP
yeah you go girl!!! hahahaha

wahhhh awesome job
I really loves Joon in this chapter! he does know how to reach out to a girl.....!!! Seungho sorry!
dummy pabo seungho!!!!!
why would you do that?!?! >.<
just for that i hope joon does steal her away XP (just kidding i want joon for myself hahaha XP)
but awww jooonie
heheheh serious joon is y
but dorky joon is <3 rawr hahahah

this was another awesome update ^_^