That was the on and only

Not just an accident


“So, which one should I wear?” I asked Sangmin while holding two dresses, one in each hand. He was dozing off in my bed with his legs spread wide.


“Yah!” I smacked him with one of my dresses. “If you’re going to be here at least make yourself useful and tell me which one looks better!”


“Why do you want my help with this? You’ve never taken fashion advices from me before.” He yawned and rubbed his eyes.


“You’re a guy right? Which one looks better in your manly eyes?” I held out the two dresses once again for him to see. One was a black and the other was electric blue. He raised his head form the pillow


“You, my sister, want me to tell you which dress makes me feel more attracted to you? There’s something wrong with you.” He said while laying his head back down.


“So…the blue one?” I tried to squeeze an answer out of him. Joon told me that afterwards there is gonna be some sort of after party and many idols are going. I don’t wanna look out of place.”


“Fine. Let me see.” He sighed and sat up. “Yeah, wear the blue one.”


“Thanks.” I blew him a kiss and went to the bathroom to change.


“So how do you plan to get there?” My brother shouted from my room.


“Cab?”  I shouted back while struggling to pull the zipper of the dress.


“No idol coming to pick you up? What happened?” He teased when I went back to the room and started to work on my makeup.


“Not today.” I laughed.


“You look great, sis.” He said out of nowhere.


“Aw, aren’t you sweet?”” I threw him a crumbled tissue in the face.


“I take my compliment back.” Then he fell right asleep. He was saving energy for work today since I won’t be there.



I was ready to go just in time. Not to brag or anything, but I felt awesome. My dress and my heels made me feel really pretty. Just you wait Seungho, I’ll show you what happens when you play around with me…


The concert hall was ridiculously crowded. It was like the club multiplied by a thousand. For a while I just swayed along with the crowd wondering where the hell was I supposed to go.


“Excuse me.” I poked a security guard in the shoulder. “Do you know which is the way to the backstage?”


“Do you have a pass, miss?” He looked at me sternly. I showed him the stupid pass and he led me right to the entrance of the dressing rooms.


“Super Junior, Kara, Big Bang, SHINee, SNSD, A Pink, B.A.P…” I read on the different doors while trying to find the right dressing room. “Where the hell is Mblaq?”


“Are you lost, miss?” Someone said from behind me.


“I’m looking for Mblaq’s…” But when I turned around I found G.O. staring right back at me. He had his makeup done and was wearing this tight black costume. He looked great. “Oh, hello!”


“It’s good to see you here! I wasn’t sure if you were coming or not because of, well, you know.” He said awkwardly.


“You thought I would miss the debut of my new mix because of a guy?” I scoffed and crossed my arms. “You definitely don’t know me.”


“I can see that.” He chuckled. “Right this way, miss. Oh and you look great, by the way.”


We walked past thousands of dressing rooms and I realized I was in a sea of celebrities. G.O. stopped to greet a lot of people that, from their looks and their clothes, were fellow idols. All of them stared at me kind of funny but then continued to have a chat with G.O.


“We’re here.” G.O. opened the door for me. 


“Hello!” Thunder walked over and pinched my cheeks.


“Yunhee! You look pretty tonight.” Mir waved from the chair in which he was getting his hair done.


“Thank you!” I waved back. “I dressed up just for you guys.”


Then I noticed that Seungho sitting on a couch with his headphones on. He smiled a little and that was it. He was wearing some sort of black bulletproof vest with tight leather pants and a few accessories here and there. That incredibly hot idiot was already making me go crazy.


“YUNHEE!” I received a surprise back hug from Joon. “I was beginning to think you weren’t coming.”


“Joon!” I jumped. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I come?” I said that part especially loud and clear for certain someone to hear.


“Ready to be mesmerized by me?” He said confidently.


“Always.” I replied while patting his perfectly styled hair.


“Since when did you two become so close?” Thunder asked deviously. He was definitely trying to make Seungho hear since he kept looking in his direction.


“Yunhee and I are meant to get along. I can’t explain something so natural.” Joon explained dramatically.


Seungho kept scrolling his IPod, but I could tell he was listening. He kept shooting Joon this ugly looks that made me laugh. Humph, he has no right no be mad at anyone right now.


“Mblaq, please come out for a quick interview!” Some staff member knocked on the door.


“I’ll wait for you guys over here.” I told them.


“No way. You’re coming with us.” Mir grabbed my wrist and pulled me out.


“Yah. Where do you think you’re touching.” Joon did a karate chop on the maknae’s hand.


The charm of this interview is that it would be some kind of backstage preview where idols would talk about their performances.


“Hello everyone! We’re Mblaq!” All of them said at once.


“This time we have a very special performance for everyone to enjoy.” Seungho said.


“We added a new twist to our song ‘It’s War’. Please look forward to it!” G.O. announced happily.


“A dear friend of ours helped us tons with new version. We hope we can perform it magnificently and make her proud.” Joon added with a smile.


I wasn’t expecting them to mention me in the interview so it made me very excited. I can’t wait to see them perform. While the boys finished wrapping up the interview, I decided to go and get some drinks for them. I’m sure I saw a mini bar with tons of drinks somewhere around here. I asked a woman from the staff where I could find some water bottles and she guided me to the mini bar I saw before.


“Five bottles please.” I told the guy on the other side of the counter. When I had all the bottles in hand, I turned around to leave and accidentally crashed against someone behind me. Unfortunately, it wasn’t just someone.


“Bang Min Soo.” I whispered. Now that I looked at him closer, I noticed he had grown a little since the last time I saw him. He was wearing a white sleeveless tux that made his muscles stand out.


“Yunhee.” He said as if I was the last thing he expected to see ever again. “I wasn’t expecting to see you here…”


I was tempted to just turn away and run for it, but it was enough. I was so sick of being afraid of getting hurt all the time; so sick of being afraid of him. I can’t keep hiding every time I see him, or start shaking as soon as I hear his voice.


At this point I was just pissed.


“Yeah, it must be hard for you to see something this unpleasant.” I responded. “Let me do you a favor and get my face out of your way.” I was ready to storm away but he stopped me.


“Don’t say that, Yunhee.” Min Soo said. “It’s just been so long.”


“Not long enough.” I was about to rip his head off.


“You look good.” He said with a tiny smile. I just stared at him in a are-you-being-serious sort of way.


“Are you mocking me? After all you did that’s all you’ve got to say?” I tried to keep my voice under control in order to avoid unnecessary attention.


“Look, I am very sorry for what I did to you that time. I really am.” He said softly. That voice used to made my heart skip, but not anymore.


“You have always been a great liar, Min Soo. I’ll give you that.”


“You don’t understand!” He was getting frustrated. He always got like this whenever I refused to listen to him. “I broke up with you for a reason. I swear to God I didn’t wanted things to turn that way.”


“Min Soo, just stop it.” I was very serious now. “I don’t want to know your reason or whatever for hurting me so bad. I got over what you did (kind of), but that doesn’t mean I will act like nothing happened. I am not like you.”


“Just let me explain.” He reached out to grab my arm, but I took a step back before he could even touch me. “Please.”

“Yunhee?” Seungho joined our little conversation. “The others are looking for you.” Then he noticed Min Soo standing right in front of me. “Cap, do you guys know each other?”


“No, we are just strangers. Less than that, actually.” I denied it.


“Don’t be like this Yunhee.” He said miserably.


“I have to go.” I told him. Then I turned away and left him standing in front of the mini bar. I heard Seungho catching up with me a little after.


“Yunhee.” He said, but I kept walking. “Yunhee!” He repeated.


“What.” I replied flatly.


“What happened back there? Do you really not know him?” He sounded concerned, but right now my blood was boiling. “Did he do something to you?”


“What if he did? Since when do you care?” I stopped abruptly. As soon as I said that, I saw hurt in his eyes.


“Just forget it Seungho.” I shook my head and kept walking.


“No, I don’t want to forget it!” He stood in front of me, blocking my path. “Last time it was the same. As soon as he appeared you lost it. Please, just tell me what’s wrong.”


I thought about it for a second. Maybe I should tell him what happened between Min Soo and me. But what if he’s just playing around again?


“Tell me one good reason I should tell you, Seungho.” I dared him. “Just one.”


“Because I care.” He answered without hesitating. I was looking straight into my eyes and for a second I just wanted to give in.


Damn it, he got me there.


“Seungho!” G.O. came running and almost killed about three people in the process. “Where were you two? You know what, don’t answer that. We have to hurry, It’s almost our turn to perform.”


I decided to watch the show from the side of the stage instead than going to where the rest of the audience is. I wouldn’t be able to hear the sound properly with all those screams anyway. The guys were standing next to me, ready to go.


“Good luck guys! Don’t mess up my debut alright?” I joked.


“We wouldn’t even think about it.” Winked Joon.


“Excuse me.” One of the staff members approached us. “I have bad news for you. We can’t find the track you gave us earlier. It’s gone.”


“WHAT?!” Thunder almost fainted. “What the hell is wrong with you people?! That CD had our special performance in it.” It was weird seeing him snap like that.


“Hey.” Seungho placed a restraining arm on Thunder’s shoulder. “Don’t we have another copy?”


“That was the one and only…” G.O. said angrily.


Everyone started to think of a solution to this mess, but things were looking pretty dark.


“I know!” Mir said. “Yunhee, you can mix it live!”


“Say what?!” I said.


“That’s a great idea! We have the pieces of the songs you used and all the alterations. You just have to put them together with the mixing table.” Joon grabbed one of my hand with both of his.


“Yunhee, please.” Thunder grabbed my other hand. I raised my head and looked at Seungho in the eyes. He gave me a confident nod, and just like that I knew I could do it.


“Okay, I’ll do my best. Just get me all the song pieces and I’ll make it work somehow.”


“I could kiss you right now!” G.O. jumped excitedly.


“But you won’t.” Seungho warned him.


Okay Yunhee, you have to keep all that drama out of your mind for now. Mblaq is counting on you. Don’t mess this up.

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HAHA cheondung and the plant, g.o with snsd and mir with the furniture XD LLOOOOOOOOOLL
ohhhh cheondoong talking to a plant *dies*
hahahaha drunk MBLAQ would sooo be fun ^_^
and it's okay joonie you can cry on my shoulder if you'd like ^_^
hahahahah XP

ohhh the scandals >.< they better not hate on her
or else i'll beat some anti butts!!! XP

hahahah awesome job ^_^
Wahhhh <3 :3
omg i can't wait to read about that performance
that'd be sooo cool seeing a DJ mixing it's war
especially if it were a girl like yunhee ^_^
and i'm glad she stood up to CAP
yeah you go girl!!! hahahaha

wahhhh awesome job
I really loves Joon in this chapter! he does know how to reach out to a girl.....!!! Seungho sorry!
dummy pabo seungho!!!!!
why would you do that?!?! >.<
just for that i hope joon does steal her away XP (just kidding i want joon for myself hahaha XP)
but awww jooonie
heheheh serious joon is y
but dorky joon is <3 rawr hahahah

this was another awesome update ^_^