제 12 장: In line

The Fruit of our LOVE

Its been another month passed since the last time Hani and Heechul had seen each other, because of their busy schedules the two cant fix a date for them to hang out, sometimes they update one another through their sns or they exchange how are you’s in text.They both dont know when they will get to work again together, or coincidentally Hani will be a guest in certain shows that Heechul could also be there, chances are so low,they are silently praying that their schedules wouldn’t be a conflict anymore.Well they’ve been heard, just with one article posted online, Heechul made a decision to see Hani in person whatever it takes.



“Hyung hyung!!! Pali!! Check this article online!” Ryewook rush out from his bedroom as he head in the living room where Heechul was peacefully taking his nap.


“What is it again? Iam not in the mood to listen with another news about that new video game release, I cant buy it in person, stupid schedule” Heechul complained as he covered his face with pillow.


“Well about that the new video game will be release next month, base on the article Ive red they still have to fix some bugs” Ryewook said.


“Thats good” Heechul simply replied.


“But thats not what Iam talking about! Come check this out!” Ryewook said in panic as he was trying to show Heechul the article shown on his Ipad but Heechul was still fighting back to sleep.


“Just say it! I will just listen” Heechul whined.


“Ey it will not be thrilling anymore if I spill it to you, you have to see this with your own eyes!” Ryewook insisted.


“Ayst jinja, arraso what is it?” Heechul forcely sat down as he rub his eyes trying to look at the ipad that Ryewook’s was holding.


“Ill hold the ipad incase acidentally you—“ Ryewook suppose to continue but he was startled from the middle because of Heechul’s reaction.


“WHAT?!” Heechul was now widely awake.


“Hani of Exid and Junsu of JYJ reportedly had broken up, both of the entertainments confirmed, it was due to their busy schedules”


“Yah! Hyung! Where are you going? We still have schedule!” Ryewook shouted as Heechul was rushingly heads out from the front door leaving the worried Ryewook on how he will explain to their manager that his out just to be with his love of his life.


Wait, before anything else, lets go back to what really actually happens the last time Hani and Heechul seen each other.




“Oppa” Hani said, with a worried look into her eyes.


“Oh?” Heechul simply replied, though too many questions into his head right now but still he manage to stay calm, he will let Hani do the explanation he thought.


“Are you okay?” Hani asked.What does she mean about being okay? Having Hee Ni on his arms or the confusion on his head at the moment?


“Of course she’s not that heavy” Heechul chuckled, hiding his real emotion.


After they’ve bumped each other from the lobby and found out that Hee Ni is with Heechul, Hani decided to call her members that she found her daughter and telling them to go head first straight at their dormitory because she will take Hee Ni first at her parents home.Hani and Hee Ni suppose to grab a cab but Heechul insisted to drive them home cause he brought his own car.They are now heading to the broad casting parking lot where Hee Ni was peacefully sleeping on Heechul’s arms and Hani was following them from behind.


Once they reach where Heechul car’s was park, Heechul handed Hee Ni carefully to her mother.


“Oppa are you sure its okay?” Hani said before Heechul could get in the driver’s seat.


“Hee Yeon nah of course dont worry okay? Ill take the both of you home, can you tell me the address?” Heechul calmly asked as he went inside the driver’s seat as well as Hani and Hee Ni at the passengers seat where the child is still sleeping on her mother’s embrace.


“Arraso, its near gangnam do” Hani said.Heechul nod in reply as he start the engine, along the way no one initiated to speak up, Heechul was silently driving surely have so many thoughts on his head while Hani at the back just looking out the window probably thinking on how she will explain to Heechul, will she tell him the truth?.



“We’re almost near oppa, that black gate” Hani pointed and they’ve have stop as soon as they arrived.Heechul insisted to get Hee Ni from Hani so she wouldn’t have the hard time in opening the gate, Hani agreed and they eventually went inside.Its just a simple house probably 4-6 family members can live.


“Where can I put her?” Heechul asked referring to the sleeping Hee Ni.


“Oh follow me” Hani said.They went in into a very cute bedroom, it has pink walls and stufftoys near the bed header.Heechul carefully place the child, Hee Ni surely was a heavy sleeper.


“Ahm oppa you can stay for a minute, you want coffee? Its cold outside” Hani offered.


“Okay” Heechul smiled.He didnt tend to reject Hani’s offer because Heechul thought it will definitely the time that Hani will explain, hopefully.


As the two heads to the living room, they were startled to the young lady rushingly went inside from the front door, she’s probably a year younger than Hani.


“Unnie! Unnie! Where’s Hee Ni? Did you found her? Its already night! Where is she? Where’s my daughter??!!” So Hee hysterically asked to Hani.


“So Hee yah calm down, we found her” Hani said as she calm down the younger one.Once Heechul met So Hee’s gaze, he wondered why do she looks so familiar and he realise she’s the lady whom he saw with Hee Ni last time at the carnival.


Heechul was too confuse now, did he just heard calling Hee Ni her daughter? So the little girl probably have two mothers? But its just either Hani or that So Hee is the biological mother of Hee Ni, he will definitely listen to Hani’s explanation to have peace of his mind, he thought.


“Omo, are you Heechul of Super Junior?” So Hee exclaimed.Heechul bowed in greetings.


“Unnie what brings him here?” So Hee whispered to Hani.


“He found Hee Ni” Hani smiled.


“Oh kamsahmnida, please be welcome have a sit have a sit” So Hee thankfully said as she guided the visitor to the nearest sofa.


“Ahmm So Hee, Hee Ni’s at her bedroom” Hani said to So Hee, she notice that Heechul was uncomfortable because of So Hee’s stares the young girl probably had star struck.


“Oh ahmm thank you again” So Hee bowed as she look at Hani telling that she should talk to Heechul, Hani nod as So Hee went straight to Hee Ni’s bedroom. 


“Ill just get some coffee” Hani said as she heads to the kitchen,Heechul nod in reply.


Leaving Heechul at the living room, he cant help his eyes roam around the whole living room, he spotted at the left side all the awards that Hani have received this made him smile,it made him so proud, his smile getting wider as he saw Hani’s childhood photo in one frame, down to the pictures where Hani’s with her brother and some of family pictures but only one picture really caught his attention, Its Hani and Hee Ni the picture looks like it was taken not so long ago, its obviously at the park where green grass and trees are the background it was just too cute that Hani and Hee Ni wear the same clothes.


Heechul thought that he’s totally convinced that Hani could be the biological mother but it made him confused again as he spotted another picture where So Hee and Hee Ni in one picture its when So Hee fed Hee Ni while she was on her walker, the last picture where the whole family taken during christmas day.He swear the pictures he saw didnt help at all to clear his mind, he guess he just have to wait Hani to speaks up.


“Here you go oppa” Hani sat beside Heechul and handed him some coffee.


“Oh gumawo” Heechul smiled.


“I know you must be confuse by now” Hani said in a worried look.After Heechul took a sip on his coffee he attentively face Hani and ready to listen.


“Its okay Hee Yeon nah, Ill listen” Heechul smiled, he’s making sure that Hani shouldn’t feel nervous in telling him.


“Ahmm how do I start, right Ill just have to straight to the point” Hani said, Heechul was so ready to accept no matter what the truth is, he just hope Hani cant sense his nervousness in listening to her.


“Iam not Hee Ni’s biological mother” Hani couragely said.Heechul dont know what to feel upon hearing Hani, did he just heard her right?.


“So Hee was her mother, the one you saw earlier, Soo Hee was my cousin that made Hee Ni my neice, she was pregnant at the early age, mom and dad decided to accept Soo Hee into our house once she gave birth to Hee Ni cause her parents that time were having the hard time to accept the fact, I decided to take also responsibility to the child, I brought her to the broadcasting station earlier cause So Hee file an overtime on her work, no one can look after her since mom, dad and Tae Hwan were not at home, I also sustain her needs and she called me eomma” Hani explained and genuinely smiled to Heechul.


“Oh” Heechul honestly dont know really how to feel, so Hani’s saying that Hee Ni was not her biological child? Then she’s also the one who sustain and take care the child from the day she was born? Heechul thought that So Hee and Hani’s cousins relationship were really amazing. Also he felt relief that he didnt get Hani pregnant the day of their past blind date and disappointed that Hee Ni was not his child, of course who wouldnt want a daughter like Hee Ni, the child was already a special place on his heart, he thought. 


“Now that explains, you make me nervous” Heechul chuckled.


“Oh why it made you nervous?” Hani chuckled.


“Ahm nothing hehe” Heechul nervously laughed, right he haven’t told Hani about that he was the guy he met during the blind date, he just dont have the courage yet.


“Thank you again oppa for being there at the vlive and you found Hee Ni” Hani gratefully smiled.


“Of course its nothing, she’s adorable” Heechul chuckled.This made Hani smiled.


“So maybe Ill head first” Heechul initiated to stand up.


“Oh right its already night” Hani said as she guided the way out from the front door and outside of the gate.


“Thank you again for this day Oppa” Hani smiled.


“You always sounded like we’re on a date” Heechul smirks as he’s already at the driver’s seat he just let his window down to bid goodbye to Hani.


“Is it? Well” Hani giggled.


“Please be home safe” Hani added.


“Of course I will, bye Hee Yeon just send my goodbye to Hee Ni” Heechul smiled and wave goodbye.


“Ne” Hani said as she wave back in goodbye.


Once Heechul is already far away, Hani went inside and let a big sigh, well that was a lot of courage to tell, she suppose to head upstairs but So Hee’s presence made her startled.


“Yah kamjagya! Why are you there?”Hani startled as she suddenly hold on the stairs handle.


“So you decided to keep it from him?” So Hee worriedly asked, little did Hani know So Hee was listening to the entire conversation they had.


Before So Hee could get home, Hani texted So Hee ahead of time that they already found Hee Ni and Heechul found her, Hani asked So Hee a favor that once she get home she should act or pretend and convince Heechul that she’s really the biological mother of Hee Ni, probably it worked from her acting and on how she emphasise the word daughter is.


“And how was it? He was convinced?” So Hee added.Hani nodded with a frowned on her face.


“Wah I should really deserve an acting award” So Hee giggled.


“And unnie Iam so amazed the way you tell him the story, you just change our roles” So Hee added.Hani just flip the story from what really it is.


Well her cousin knew that Hani was a bad liar but she guess people change in desperate cases with their desperate measures.


“You’re aware that he will definitely know the truth because he is your bestfriend? Right? He’s one of the closest person you knew” So Hee said.


“I know I know! and It felt me so bad that I have to keep it from him for now!” Hani sadly said, she just hate herself, she dont know if it is a good decision or not.


“Why? You just dont have to! Iam pretty sure he will understand unnie if you just tell him the truth, though I may not know that Heechul personally but upon seeing what relationship the two of you have, he will surely understand and accept you, the true you, and Hee Ni” So Hee said in her best understanding tone.


“I just..I dont know!” Hani madly said.


“You dont trust him?” So Hee asked.


“No no no its not that! I truly trust him So Hee, Oppa was really trusted person, its just I felt its not the right time to tell him about it” Hani sadly said.


“Well, I just hope that once he figure it out, the two of you wont get hurt” So Hee said with full of concerned on her face.


“Dont worry Ill tell him and let him understand in the right time” Hani weakly smiled.


“Alright if you said so, goodluck to that unnie, Iam sleepy so goodnight” So Hee smiled as she head upstairs.


“Ne, goodnight” Hani said.It made her thought to the things that So Hee just said, she just hope if the right time will come Heechul will listen and understand on why she kept the truth for now.





“Hee Yeon? Where are you? You have schedule today?” Heechul said to the otherline while he’s driving at the busy city of Seoul.


“Ahhm nothing oppa, Its sunday you know” Hani said from the otherline.


“Can you see me today? Ill send the address of the place” Heechul said.


“Okay? Why so sudden oppa? You dont have schedule?”Hani curiously asked.


“Ill just tell it to you in person” Heechul simply replied.


“Oh arraso, Ill be there” Hani said.


“Ne” Heechul said as he hanged up.




“Where you going young lady?” Solji asked while their leader comfortably watching television at the living room.She noticed Hani wearing hoodie, black cap and mask heading out to the front door.


“Oh just the convenience store unnie, Ill be right back” Hani smiled.


“Arraso, be careful” Solji reminded.


“Ne” Hani simply replied as she heads out.


Its true that its the nearest convenience store she will head to, but only at the back of the convenience store, Heechul texted the place and it was just near her place it can take just a few walk from the dormitory.Its been years since she lived in the neighborhood but ever since she didnt know that the place Heechul reffering to ever existed.Its already 7pm so its not that crowded at the place where she heads to, she stop once she reach the place, she turns her head left and right trying to find where Heechul is but then she heard her name.


“Hee Yeon nah” Heechul pop out infront of her.


“Oppa? Is that you?” Hani asked its kinda dim at the place they were at, Heechul was wearing black cap and a hoodie but upon hearing his voice Hani’s sure its him.


“Oh” Heechul simply replied and smiled.


“Out of all the place why here oppa?” Hani curiously asked.


“Now tell me Hee Yeon, did he hurt you? Did he cheated on you? What that jerk do to you huh? Imma punch him in the—“ before Heechul continues Hani let him calm down.


“Mwo? Oppa what are you saying? Please calm down” Hani said holding Heechul on his arms.Once she realise what Heechul trying to say, she laughed.


“Oh is it about the news today?” Hani laughed.


“Yah, why are you laughing? Are you crazy?” Heechul asked, when youre in a break up you should be feel sad right? he thought.



“Iam not, thats why I broke up with him” Hani giggled.


“Then why are you laughing?” Heechul curiously asked.


“Cause its been a week, yes I felt sad that time but moving on is a trend you know” Hani said.


“Why?” Heechul asked still confusion on his head.Hani giggled on how just still confused Heechul is.


“Okay, how would I explain it to you ahmm its just that if I will asked you, will you still continue the relationship if you feel that its not working anymore?” Hani asked.


“No” Heechul simply replied.


“Exactly, Junsu oppa was a nice person, but as the time passes by, I felt we only just labeled ourselves as girlfriend and boyfriend that time, we didnt tend to act one on what really in a relationship means, it has been clearly stated at the article due to our busy schedule we just rarely to have dates, And the spark just faded away, maybe Iam not the girl who is really meant for him” Hani explained and smiled.Heechul nod, thinking about the last phrase that Hani said, well maybe youre meant to the guy who’s infront of you right now Hani, he thought.


“Thats why you brought me here? To let out all my emotions? didnt you?” Hani giggled.


“Ahm oh” Heechul smiled and nod.


“I have something to show you” Heechul guided their way, it looks like a secret place.


“Where are we—woah” Hani was amaze on the sight she was witnessing, you can clearly see a sparkling small river under the moonlight, there are also beautiful fireflies flying around.


“Woah this place looks like one of that fairytale books I red for Hee Ni” Hani excitedly said, she was just so happy.


“This is one of my favorite place I guess Iam the only one who knew this secret place” Heechul proudly said, it made him smile that it made Hani happy afterall.


“What? How come no one didnt know this?” Hani laughed.


“Thats why you called it secret place makdonga” Heechul chuckled.


“Right” Hani giggled.


“You wanna take some rest? I brought picnic cloth with me” Heechul said.


“What? Oh you’re so ready to really give me some move on advise huh?” Hani laughed.


“Iam so ready with your rant” Heechul teasefully said and chuckled.As he place the cloth then they sat comfortably near where you can clearly see the beautiful scenery by the river.


“I told you Iam fine already!” Hani giggled as she playfully slap Heechul’s arms.


“Arraso” Heechul let a small laugh.


“This small river is connected to Han River” Heechul said.


“Jinja? How do you know?” Hani asked.


“The first time I saw this place, I have this feeling that this is connected to Han River” Heechul teasefully said.See that sense of Humour of Heechul that Hani really missed.


“What?! You almost make me believe oppa!” Hani laughed.


“What? Iam telling the truth! okay I research it and its said that this river is connected to the Han River” Heechul explained as he stands up and pointed the river.


“Arraso arraso I believe you now sit down” Hani laughed.


“But seriously makdonga you can shout, rant here and cry on my shoulders” Heechul seriously said.


“Its fine oppa, really , besides if I will shout I may loose my voice, We still have doing our comebacks you know” Hani giggled.


“Arraso you have the point” Heechul giggled.


“Thank you oppa, I really appreciate all of this, in leading me here to your secret place and making me meet you despite from your busy schedule” Hani genuinely smiled.


“You know you’re still important to me among those things”Heechul seriously said.The words utter from Heechul’s mouth made Hani felt fluttered, honestly what did she do to deserve a person like him, she thought.


“Thanks oppa, but how come you forget to bring foods with you when you have this picnic cloth huh?” Hani teasefully said.


“Ahm about that I forgot hehe, I cant wait to meet you and I cant make you wait in this dim place you know someone could snatch you” Heechul explained.


“Arraso, Iam just kidding” Hani laughed on how cute Heechul explained himself.


“Now tell me what do you want to do? At least that I can do cause I forgot to bring some foods” Heechul chuckled.


“Theres one thing I really wanted to do but you have to lend me your shoulders” Hani said.


“Oh okay its fine, what is it?” Heechul said.He was startled when Hani suddenly come closer and lay down her head into Heechul’s left shoulder.


“Can we stay like this for a while? I wanted to breath in, the fresh air, cause probably tomorrow we’re back on our busy schedules” Hani said while she comfortably lay down her head on Heechul’s shoulder as she closes her eyes.At least one night she’ll be able to be free from the busy life she have back from the city.


“Of course makdonga” Heechul genuinely smiled, or should I say Heechul’s winning smile are showing off under moonlight, the decision he made in not going to his schedule today was all worth it at the moment he’ll definitely get scolded by his manager but its fine, the moment he is right now can never been replace, its another night to remember.


Heechul was just glad that Hani’s taking it positively from the break up she experienced, because what Heechul worried is Hani’s might have a bubbly and strong image outside but she’s fragile inside he guess he’s wrong this time.Well he just hope that Hani cant hear his rapid beating of his chest and notice his red face.Well Heechul, now that Hani is single, your definitely in line, he thought.

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In line with au I made on twitter (@heenichild) & my lil gift to all HeeNi’s!🎉A whole new Heeni FMV! While reading d au you can watch d vid it will definitely give u d feels! Check it out! Link below👇🏻💕‬

‪Hani x Heechul - Best Friend (Jason Chen) https://youtu.be/yPaAnD6q_T4 via @YouTube‬


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hyukie_26 #1
Chapter 12: We need update pleaseeew im begging
eekarus #2
Please update ??? checking it everyday
Yayaya92 #3
Chapter 12: Thank you for the update..looking forward for the next chapter :)
eekarus #4
Chapter 10: Thanks for the update really enjoyed reading it! Looking forward to more chapters :))
Yayaya92 #5
Chapter 10: Nice story authornim. Really enjoyed reading yr story since there is not much hanixheechul fanfic. Hope that u can finish the story. Fightingg!!
Yayaya92 #6
Chapter 10: Thanks for the update..keep it up ????
NissinWafer1999 #7
Chapter 7: Author-nim thanks for the update, good luck with your writing. Fighting!!!
NissinWafer1999 #8
Chapter 5: Author-nim still waiting for your update. I'm very excited to see what will happen next to them. Thank you and God bless.
NissinWafer1999 #9
Chapter 5: I really liked the story more power to you author i'll really check this story everyday for updates thank you.
eekarus #10
Chapter 2: Love it!! Support!! Fighting!! ??????