Chapter 6

Dream Being In Full Bloom


You smiled and breathed in the fresh air as you and Wei Chen arrived at the Bifengxia Panda Base.

You had been looking forward to this since yesterday when Wei Chen had told you that it was possible to visit and you had had difficulty falling asleep because of the excitement.

The two of you where met by a guy at the entrance.

“Hey Wei Chen, nice to see you again.” The guy said with a smile.

“You too, Jin.” Wei Chen then turned to you. “This is my friend from Denmark, ___.”

“Hello, nice to meet you.” You said and greeted the guy.

“Likewise.” He said and you felt him stare at you for a little longer than you liked. “Well, come with me and I will show you a little around.” He turned around and began walking. You and Wei Chen walked side-by-side right behind him.

The two of you had checked into a hotel earlier before getting a cab to the reserve. You would stay there for two days.

The guy, Jin, showed you most of the reserve while talking about the reserve, the pandas, and the area.

You found it interesting and you were clicking away on your camera getting pictures of everything – the pandas, the scenery and the buildings. You really liked this place.

“Are you ready to meet some of our pandas?” Jin asked after he had finished his tour an hour later.

You were surprised for a moment as to how quickly it were possible to meet one of the pandas but also that you were able to come so close to one. You had expected to just stand and look at them from a distance.

“Sure!” You said with a smile. Jin handed you and Wei Chen a blue coat to cover yourselves, white gloves and a something to cover your shoes before he showed you the way to two cubs.

You were getting more and more excited and as you came closer you took a few pictures of the small adorable panda cubs that looked curiously at you and Wei Chen.

“This is Mo Mo and Chi Chi, who were born here a year ago.” Jin told and pointed each out.

“How cute!” You squatted down and took a few pictures of the two cubs and before you knew it both the cubs had come over to you.

“Seems to like you.” Wei Chen said as he squatted down beside you.


“Let’s go out and eat together.” Jin said after a while.

You hadn’t realized it but the time went by quickly and you had already played with the panda cubs for two hours.

Jin gave you a smile, which made you uncomfortable. If you could you really didn’t want to have dinner with him.

“Sure why not…” Wei Chen answered and the three of you got a cab to the nearest restaurant.

As the three of you waited for your food you were happy that Wei Chen kept Jin busy with questions on how he was doing and about his job and old times.

You stayed quiet most of the time and as the food came you ate and mostly looked down at the plate trying to avoid Jin’s gaze, which frequently rested on you. You were happy that Wei Chen was there too.

“Excuse me.” Wei Chen said as the three of you had finished eating and were just chatting. He stood up and went to the restrooms leaving you with Jin.

“So,” Jin said and smirked. It gave you the creeps. “Are all the girls from Denmark as pretty as you?” Was he hitting on you?

“That’s not for me to decide.” You really hoped Wei Chen would come quickly.

“Do you have a boyfriend at the moment?”

“…” You remained silent.

“___, do you?” He asked again. You sighed in relief as Wei Chen came back at that moment.

“What did you say?” You asked Jin again.

“Nothing.” He mumbled a bit irritated. Obviously he didn’t like to ask when Wei Chen was there and of that you were quite happy.

“Maybe we should head back to the hotel as it is starting to get late?” Wei Chen asked you. “I’m sure you also have to get up early tomorrow, right?” He asked turning to Jin.

“Yeah I do.” Jin insisted in paying the bill and it seemed like he was trying to prove something for you.

“What’s wrong?” Wei Chen asked as the two of you had said good night to Jin and walked back towards the hotel.

“N-Nothing…” You answered. You hadn’t realized that you had been awfully quiet even after Jin had gone.

“You sure?” He asked concerned.

“Yeah.” You couldn’t tell him that you found his friend creepy and erted! Especially when you hadn’t known Wei Chen for longer and maybe Jin would be better tomorrow? Though you doubted it.


You sighed in relief as you bid goodbye with Jin and you and Wei Chen went back to the hotel the next day around noon.

As you had feared Jin hadn’t improved and you still felt creeped out by him but at least now you didn’t have to meet him again.

You stopped as something caught your attention.

“___?” Wei Chen asked confused.

“Do you know where this ‘Huanglong’ is?” You asked, as you looked over at him while pointing at the poster hanging on a board by something that looked a little like an information or tourist office.

“I do, its northwest of Chengdu… Why?”

“Well… I was just wondering if we could go see it before going back to grandma?” You said. “I mean only if you want to!” You added nervously. Would he be mad at you for suggesting it?

“Sure, why not.” He shrugged and smiled. He didn’t mind seeing some more and enjoy the days he got off before his training and work began again. 


A/N: Schoolwork is killing me! @-@ luckily there's only about a month left before I get off from school and my exams start and then I'm out and finished with high school :) By the way I have requested a poster and background from Ver-Sah-Tyle since I thought the one I made is kind of ugly and boring XD haha 

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Jessiejiu #1
Ohhh!! zui xihuan de geshou, Wei Chen.......hey! why wont you post it on wattpad?...for more reads :D
Chapter 20: Oh my......finally you have complete your fics!
You did it great Amaliya!
Everything just nice and simple.
Congrats~ :)
Chapter 12: Hey, i just saw your update!!!!!!!
Good and i like this chapter! So sweet of him~
Ummm, just a deep kiss isn't really enough for an M rate... but I'm so glad you finally updated!!!
Finally both of them wanted to show their love, i think is fine for this chapter. Glad that both of them are one step close to each other now. :)
Aww...both of them has started to develop their feelings......
Haha I will try update tomorrow after my exam :)
Update!!!! :)
The graphics are pretty cool... the shade of pink is nice.