Chapter 16

Dream Being In Full Bloom


A few days into 2013 school started again. You talked with your friends about presents and Christmas Eve and about everything else that had been happening during your Christmas break from school.

“Ay, ___, Mike is here.” Your twin nudged you and looked towards the classroom door. You sighed.

“Him again!” You mumbled to yourself and irritated stood up from your seat and made your way over to him. He smiled. You couldn’t stand that arrogant and over confident smile he portrayed right now.

“What?” You said irritated.

“Why haven’t you answered my phone calls?”

“I don’t have anything to talk to you about.”

“Just wanted to know how your vacation was? Have you broken up with that guy yet?”

“Why? Why are you so interested in that? Who I’m dating has nothing to do with you!”

“It does when we’re getting back together.” You balled your hands into fists trying to suppress the anger starting to rise.

“We won’t get back together so don’t bother me anymore! Please!” With that you turned around and stomped over to your seat again. Luckily he wasn’t in your class so you should look at him.

“What did he want?”

“He wanted to get back together.” The others looked surprised.

“Don’t he know you have a new boyfriend?”

“He wanted me to break up with him! Can you believe him!?” You said, your temper rising.

“I hope you don’t mind me asking, but why was it again the two of you broke up in the first place? I mean you must admit Mike is pretty hot.” You sighed again.

“He might look good but his personality .”


“Welcome to our school! I hope you will have three good years here with new friends and classmates and learn more both academically and socially.” With that the principal started a new period in your and your new classmates life – high school.

It didn’t take long before you got to know all your new classmates and found some you matched with and enjoyed being with, your twin included.

It didn’t take many days before you got to know Mike, who was in one of the other classes. He seemed nice and friendly and the two of you didn’t have a hard time to think of things to talk about.

After a short time the two of you were practically inseparable. Well, until a month later when he had taken you with him to a party. Everything was fine until he got too much to drink.

“Babe, shouldn’t we find a more private place?” He asked bringing you up to his body with an arm around your waist. You could smell the strong scent of the alcohol.

“Mike, please release me.” You squirmed trying to get him to loosen. “I think it’s better if we get you home so you can sleep.” He sneered.

“Don’t spoil the fun! Loosen up a little.” He tilted your chin to kiss you. This time you were able to get away from his grip.

“Stop this, it’s not funny, I don’t like it.” He took you by the wrist and dragged you to a more private area before pinning you to the wall.

“Stop this!” You said again getting more and more uncomfortable with the situation. He leaned in closer to you.

“I just want to have some fun.” He whispered into your ear before he started to kiss you down the neck. Again you tried to get him away but he was too strong, it hurt your wrists, and his weight against you body made you unable to move.

You felt his hand creep up under your shirt. “Stop!” You said but as this didn’t happen you said it louder. Third time it finally got trough to him but not with the right reaction. He stopped what he was doing for a short moment only to look at you. You didn’t recognize the look in his eyes. They were angry and wild.

You suddenly felt a stinging pain on your left cheek. You eyes widened as you stared at him.

“Shut up ! You talk too much!” You finally gathered all the strength in your body to push him away.

“We’re through!” With that you hurried away before he could get you. Your wrists hurt and you could see some bruising.

-oOOo End of Flashback-oOOo-

“I can’t believe he could change so much just after a few drinks! He never came across as someone who could be violent…” You said after finishing your little short story about your past with Mike. 


A/N: Another update :D Not many chapters left XD hehe I should be able to finish the story before the end of next week :D What do you think of you ex-boyfriend Mike? More will come with him ;) hehe

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Jessiejiu #1
Ohhh!! zui xihuan de geshou, Wei Chen.......hey! why wont you post it on wattpad?...for more reads :D
Chapter 20: Oh my......finally you have complete your fics!
You did it great Amaliya!
Everything just nice and simple.
Congrats~ :)
Chapter 12: Hey, i just saw your update!!!!!!!
Good and i like this chapter! So sweet of him~
Ummm, just a deep kiss isn't really enough for an M rate... but I'm so glad you finally updated!!!
Finally both of them wanted to show their love, i think is fine for this chapter. Glad that both of them are one step close to each other now. :)
Aww...both of them has started to develop their feelings......
Haha I will try update tomorrow after my exam :)
Update!!!! :)
The graphics are pretty cool... the shade of pink is nice.