Chapter 13

Dream Being In Full Bloom


The next morning you met up with Lily around 10am and the two of you started out by shopping a little.

At first Lily had been very shy and quiet but she slowly warmed up and relaxed as the day progressed and the two of you found out more about each other.

“What about this one?” You held up a pastel green knee length summer dress.

“I can try…” Lily answered and you handed her the dress before she went into the fitting room. Soon after she came out in the dress.

“It really fits you! How is it?”

“It’s nice to have on since the fabric is soft and I do like the colour,” She looked in the mirror again and down herself before deciding. “I think I’ll take it.” You smiled as she went in and put her own clothes on before she paid and the two of you could continue your shopping.


“So do you meet your brother’s friends often? If you don’t mind me asking…” You said as the two of you where having lunch.

“Not really… I’ve seen pictures of him together with Wei Chen and another of his good friends, Yu Haoming, - From a drama they all starred in - but I only first met Wei Chen yesterday…”


“Well… I go to school in our hometown and since it’s a long way from both Beijing and Shanghai, where he works, I don’t see my brother often…”

“I see…” There was a short pause. “I don’t remember meeting a Yu Haoming yesterday… Was he there?” Lily shook her head.

“My brother told me that there was an accident at the set of the drama he was filming and he suffered second degree burns, so he is recovering from that… Though I think my brother mentioned something about a comeback some time next year…?”

“Wow, second degree burns? Sounds serious…” Lily nodded.

You decided to change the subject and instead asked her about the drama the three of them had been in.

It was obvious that Lily was proud of her brother and saw him as a role model.

“I hope that when I’ve finished school this year I can move closer to him… I might find a college either in Beijing or Shanghai so I can meet up with him more regularly.”

“I know how it is… I have three sisters and the oldest I’m especially close too, but just like your brother she lives a little away, so I don’t meet her often but we do talk over the phone a few times a week.” Lily smiled. She was glad to have met someone that understood her and that wanted to befriend her though her quietness.


After your lunch you decided to go watch the Olympic arenas from the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

You had always had a soft spot for sport and enjoyed playing different types of sport. You had played soccer, softball, tennis, and badminton, handball – the Danish national sport – and since your uncle bred horses, you sometimes took a ride on them too, plus now you had started running and training at the local gym.

It was nice to have Lily with you since she knew a little about the places and where it was located plus she was fluent in Mandarin so she could translate to you if there was something you didn’t quite understand.

At the end of the day you had gained a very good friend and you promised each other to keep in contact, when you would go home the next day, by exchanging emails.


8am and you arrived at the airport. Your flight was leaving at 10am for Helsinki, Finland, where you would spend 2 hours before taking another plane for Copenhagen, Denmark.

You felt sad since you quite liked this place and you had met so many people you liked but you had to go home…

You checked in your luggage before heading to a little café to get some breakfast. You hurried to finish you breakfast and took your cup with latte with you towards the gate.

“Hey!” You exclaimed in surprise as a hand grabbed you by the wrist and dragged you to the side. “Mff Chn” You said through the hand he had put over your mouth. Wei Chen smiled and took away his hand.

“Couldn’t let you leave without saying goodbye.” You returned his smile and hugged him.


“For what?”

“For everything! I’ve had a great time here and some great experiences and a lot of it I can thank you for.” His smile broadened.

“I’m glad we met.”

“Passengers for the Helsinki flight at 10am please go to gate 3 to board the plane.” A woman’s voice said over the radio system.

“I have to go now…” Wei Chen nodded before he kissed you.

You gave him a last smile before saying goodbye and began walking to the boarding gate. Before going to the plane you looked back and took a last glance at Wei Chen.


A/N: Yay! Got another update done~ 

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Jessiejiu #1
Ohhh!! zui xihuan de geshou, Wei Chen.......hey! why wont you post it on wattpad?...for more reads :D
Chapter 20: Oh my......finally you have complete your fics!
You did it great Amaliya!
Everything just nice and simple.
Congrats~ :)
Chapter 12: Hey, i just saw your update!!!!!!!
Good and i like this chapter! So sweet of him~
Ummm, just a deep kiss isn't really enough for an M rate... but I'm so glad you finally updated!!!
Finally both of them wanted to show their love, i think is fine for this chapter. Glad that both of them are one step close to each other now. :)
Aww...both of them has started to develop their feelings......
Haha I will try update tomorrow after my exam :)
Update!!!! :)
The graphics are pretty cool... the shade of pink is nice.