The Top Floor

Kai-ya and His Straight Boyfriend


Taemin's eyes followed the seemingly never ending skyscraper all the way to the top. It was huge. And somewhere in there, Jinki was hiding. He had the perfect plan to get the guy while protecting his casual cool, hitting two birds with one stone. He was going to pass him by, like it was a total coincidence, telling him he was only there to meet Suho for some reason or other, and Jinki would be reminded how lovely he was and couldn't help but fall for him all over again. Bulletproof plan.

He waltzed in, determined, taking long elegant strides until the security gate rudely beeped at him and blocked him with its see-through walls. Hmm. He noticed a woman heading through the gate two slots to the right of him. He did a 180° and smoothly tailed her as close as he dared, trying to hitch a ride through the gates. And he almost made it, but they closed right in his face, beeping angrily at him. The security staff at the entrance desk gave him an incredulous look, as if to say 'really, dude!?'.

“Yes, ehm, hello, I need to get in.” he went over to them, pointing at the elevators inside the gates.

“Who are you here to see?” a very polite, young security guard asked him. The uniform was kind of uni so he wasn't sure if it was a girl or a guy, but whichever it was, (s)he was very good looking.

“I'm here to meet the CEO, Suho.” he realized he had no idea what Suho's surname was. Maybe he had introduced himself at one point, but he couldn't for the life of him remember what it was. Lee? Kim? Park? Instead of playing the odds, he had just skipped it. It sounded a bit weird, but he was confident he had gotten away with it. He subtly winked at the security person, shamelessly using his charming wiles to persuade the poor, unsuspecting security guard.

“Do you have an appointment?”. Hmm, maybe it was a robot and thus could not appreciate his natural charm.

“Eeehm... no.” he chuckled softly, sending him a sweet smile.

“I advice you to make an appointment and come back. Thank you and have a nice day, sir.” the security guard smiled equally sweetly.

How frustrating.

“You don't know what you're doing... me and the CEO are like this.” Taemin crossed his fingers to show the tightness between him and Suho. He wasn't lying, since he was tight with Kai, he was automatically tight with his boyfriend, even though his boyfriend had no idea he was dating Kai. Haha. What a weird and wonderful thing life could be. “He's not going to be happy that you didn't let me in.” he gently warned him.

“Mhm. If you are indeed like 'this', you shouldn't have any problem with getting an appointment, sir.”.

Ahh, this guard was worse than the bouncers at the VIP clubs.

He took out his phone. He had Suho's phone number since Suho had called him when Kai and him had fallen out. Before he had time to think about it, his finger had pressed the call button.

“Taemin? Is Kaya alright?” Suho's voice sounded concerned. He had answered after only one ringing.

“He... She's fine, she's fine! Are you at work, by any chance?” Taemin quickly asked.

“Uhm, yes?” Suho had no idea what was going on.

“I'm downstairs, can you beep me up.” he asked him without any kind of explanation, the security guard was listening.

“Okay, hang on, I'll notify security.” Suho simply said and hung up. Taemin gave the security guard a playful 'I won' look.

Wait for it.

The phone at the desk rang.

“Yes? Yes sir, yes sir... yes, yes.. sorry, sir... yes, right away, sir.” the guard said apologetically and pushed a button, the gate slot next to the desk turning green. He beckoned with his hand for him to go through, bowing with his head.

“Toldya!” Taemin stuck his tongue out at him, giggling. Victory tasted sweet. That security guard probably tasted sweet as well, but he had no time, he was on a mission.


Taemin's eyes grew two sizes the moment the elevator opened on the top floor. He could see the whole of Seoul out the enormous windows. What a view!

A desk with three secretaries greeted him, one of them opening the extravagant door for him, leading him into a huge office. Wow. He had underestimated how much of a big shot Suho was. He wasn't just a CEO, he was a fancy CEO of a company that apparently was doing very well. Kai had caught a big fish.

“Taemin! Come in! Come in! What are you doing here?” Suho stood up from his humongous desk, welcoming him with a friendly smile. How did the saying go again, humongous desk...? Or was it cars?

He told him his genius plan to seduce Jinki by forcing Jinki to make the first move, all while thinking it was his own idea in the first place.

Suho laughed heartily. “You need an access card for all the floors here... I don't know him that well, but I know he's really smart, so I'm not sure he's going to fall for it.”.

“But you can try.” he added with a chuckle, handing Taemin an employee pass with level 4 clearance. “4th floor, Creative Logistics.”.

“I owe you one!” Taemin grinned.

“I'm going to hold you to that!” Suho let out a dorky giggle.

“Hang on, come see me after you're done, I have an idea of how you can pay me back.” a mysterious grin took over Suho's face.


Taemin's heart danced the most intense part of the Swan Lake choreography as he beeped himself through the door as if he was just another employee. He glanced over the village of cubicles, the top of Jinki's head catching his attention right away. That was one nice head.

He straightened himself out, loosening up his muscles, as if he was going on stage to do the performance of a lifetime. He casually walked down the corridor, in character as an office worker. A quirky yet charming office worker. As he walked past Jinki's cubicle he flicked his hair away from his face with a subtle head jerk. He was doing some of his best work, but Jinki didn't even notice him. Crap. What now? He couldn't really walk past him over and over until Jinki finally tore his nose away from the computer screen.

Hmm, he looked around. He had to think fast, people were starting to give him looks, like he didn't belong there.


He found the break room at the end of the corridor and slipped inside. There were a couple of people there already, drinking coffee and talking about some report. Taemin felt as if he had stepped straight into a TV show about the daily struggles of office life. He gave them a friendly nod, and helped himself to a cup of instant coffee and a biscuit.

“Oh, hey, are you the new intern?” a very take charge-like woman asked him. . He just smiled.

“Come on over here, join us! We won't bite.” a little pudgy girl chuckled cutely.

And so he went over to them, and they ended up in a lively discussion, with him pretending to have some idea of what they were talking about. It was kind of fun.

The door made a creaking sound. Taemin glanced in the sound's direction, swallowing a gasp. Jinki had entered. Ah, he had forgotten how pretty he was. Those cheekbones were worth millions.

“Oh!” Jinki stopped in his tracks, his jaw falling to the floor as he pointed right at him.

“Oh, hey! Fancy meeting you here... wait, do you work here?” Taemin pretended to be surprised. Offense was the best defense.

“Have you already met our new intern? Don't you think he's cute, I could just eat him up.” the chubby girl giggled, pinching his cheek.

“Intern?” Jinki looked confused. “I thought you were a ballet dancer?”.

“Hehh.. eee... uhm... I'm just a part time intern, you know, a ballet dancer's career doesn't last forever, you've got to have a backup to fall back on.” Taemin started making stuff up on the spot, trying to save face.

“Oh, okay.” Jinki shrugged, looking at him intrigued.

“OMG, are you a ballet dancer! You have to give us a sneak peek.” the woman who meant business told him. She didn't really give him a choice.

He did a small part from the piece he was working on, although the space in the break room wasn't optimal and he wasn't wearing very cooperative shoes.

“Woah!! Amazing!” everyone clapped.

Jinki stared at him. “You're really good.” he gave him the brightest and absolutely cutest smile he had ever seen, before returning back to work without asking him out, or explaining why he had never called him. How frustrating could one guy be!? But he noticed something in his eyes, he was definitely interested.


“You have to make me a part time intern in Jinki's department.” Taemin announced after barging into Suho's office.

“Huh? I'm not sure there is such a thing as a part time intern.. and why? Can't you just ask him out?” Suho asked, clearly not understanding a thing about human interaction. Ugh, Kai had been right, he was so old-fashioned.

“Ehm.. but yeah, I'll see what I can do. But if I make it official, you have to show up then...” Suho made a note on a post-it.

“Awesome.” he grinned. “What was the favor you were going to ask me?”.

“Ah! Can you make sure Kaya is available next Friday night, and take her to this address without telling her she's meeting me there. It's a secret.” Suho's face lit up with excitement. He handed him a memo with an address on it.

“Oh, and the dress code is fancy!” Suho gave him a secretive wink, thinking he looked like James Bond when he looked more like a stuffy businessman with a twitch in his eye.


“Sooo... you're buying me a dress?” Kai peered his eyes at Taemin, not convinced at all. Suho had texted Taemin that he had left his credit card information at an upscale boutique, rambling on about not being a chauvinist pig that made decisions for his girl, so he was supposed to bring Kaya there and let her pick out a dress herself. This was all seeming a bit much in return for letting him work for free at Suho's company.

“It's part of a promo deal with my company, you get it for free.” Key, Taemin's stylist friend and ex-fling who had tagged along with them, expertly lied.

“Cool!” Kai grinned.

They spent the better part of an hour trying out dresses, Kai had started to sweat from changing his clothes hundreds of times in record time. The sales woman stared at them with a suspicious look and finally went to make a call.

A moment later she came to fetch Taemin. “Excuse me, the phone...” she pointed back at the counter.

“Hello?” Taemin had no idea what was going on.

“Hey, it's Suho. The manager of the boutique said there was a guy trying on dresses? Where's Kaya? Is everything alright?”.


He had to think fast.

“Uh... Kaya couldn't get out of practice, so I just took Kai with me instead... they're a similar size and he knows her taste.” he told him, impressed with his brain for coming up with such a believable excuse under pressure.






“What are we doing here?” Kai asked Taemin as he got out of the cab. It had something to do with Suho, since he was all dolled up as Kaya. But Taemin hadn't wanted to tell him anything, no matter how many times he asked, he just said it was a surprise. He had sent Suho a subtle spy-message, trying to get him to slip up and accidentally tell him something about what was going on, but he acted really aloof and just said he was busy at work.

“Go to the top floor. Later!” Taemin pulled the door of the taxi shut and waved through the window as the car started moving.

“Wait! What? You're not coming with me?” he yelled after him, stupefied. He was standing all alone on the sidewalk, a fancy drag princess, wearing a way too pricey dress. He got an ominous knot in his stomach. Everything about this was weird. Usually Suho was adamant about picking him up for dates. Had he been so busy at work that he had needed Taemin to take him? But why not tell him then. What kind of surprise required all this secrecy?

He entered the lobby of the building in front of which Taemin had abandoned him. It looked nice. Maybe it was a hotel. Kai got a pang in his stomach. Suho hadn't rented a hotel room for them, right? He had told him he wanted to wait until marriage. He didn't think just because of that phone thing, that he was ready to take things to the next level? He didn't expect... Kai's blood froze. He was going to kill Taemin.

A woman in a tidy uniform came to greet him. She bowed and handed him a bouquet of flowers and a tiara, which she then proceeded to place on top of his head. Was Suho secretly a prince of some unpronounceable country and this was his way of telling him he wanted him to be his princess?

The woman escorted him into the elevator, pushing the topmost button. It was the most awkward elevator ride of his life. It seemed endless. He tried not to panic. What horrible square mess was Suho getting him into now? He had specifically told him he hated surprises. If he was here as himself, he might actually have enjoyed this. But as Kaya, he couldn't afford to be caught off guard. It hadn't been easy to hide his identity up until now, it took careful planning and caution, and even then he had had some near misses. Now he was heading into the unknown, no idea what he would be facing. All bets were off.

The elevator opened and the woman beckoned him to step out. Apparently, this was as far as she went. Not having any other option, he got out of the elevator, looking around for the nearest exit. He noticed he was standing on a red carpet, just like a movie star. And not just that, there were rose pedals strewn along the carpet and candles lighting the way, like a tiny runway. He kind of felt like a contestant on the Bachelor, wearing a sparkling dress and a tiara, having won a solo date with the hunky rich guy who had yet to pick his favorite from the harem of girls he was being offered, staging extravagantly romantic dates to divert their attention away from how shallow their fake prince really was. Although Suho was neither shallow nor fake. And for him, Kaya was the only one. Unfortunately for Kai, since he needed him to have space in his heart for him as well, not only Kaya.

He reached the door at the end of the red carpeted walkway. He took a deep breath to steady his nerves before opening the door slowly and hesitantly.

Kai's stomach twisted into a pretzel when he saw Suho standing there in front of him on the other side of the door. He was wearing a tuxedo with a bow tie, looking like a million bucks. He was so handsome he took his breath away. His very own Prince Charming. He wanted to run into his arms. He longed to kiss this gorgeous guy who was looking at him like he was the luckiest guy in the universe. And he was allowed to, he reminded himself, not quite believing this amazing guy was actually his boyfriend, but something stopped him from rushing over to him.

He finally noticed his surroundings. Suho was standing in the middle of an explosion of decorations. There were balloons, candles, roses, glitter, the whole shebang. It was extravagant but elegant. There stood a small table by the window with a romantic candle light dinner for two. Beyond the window, a romantic night view of Seoul decorated with its thousands and thousands of lights set the ambiance. Kai was starting to get an inkling of what was going on, but he desperately hoped he was wrong.

He turned his eyes back at the incredibly handsome Suho, who was shaking like a leaf, he was so nervous. Ah, what a cutie. But it really did look like... Kai's chest felt heavier and heavier, making it tough to breathe. He wondered if he should run. He had clocked the emergency stairs on his way in, he could bend down to undo his sparkly diamond shoes, which he was really hoping weren't real diamonds, and just run, like his life depended on it. He was a dancer, he was confident he would be able to outrun Suho. Although Suho was really fit, so there were no guarantees. But what then? Was he just never going to see him again? Either way, this could only end in disaster.

Kai was too curious to run.

He took a step inside and the door closed behind him.




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Chapter 23: Just for letting you know: it’s 2023 and this is still one of my fav sukai ffs!! I hope you update it someday 🖤
Gostaria que você atualizasse... mas se não ocorrer deixo os meus parabéns para a história. Os personagens foram ótimos!
Chapter 23: Wow! Foi perfeita!
Chapter 23: I love this story I need more!! Please, you're so talented!! Wee need more 🥺🥺🥺🥺🖤🖤🖤
Uutllaaak #5
Chapter 18: Happy 9th anniversary!!!!!! WE ARE ONE! EXO SARANGHAJA
When will u update? I really miss this story and I want to see Mai happy T.T...
Pls update!!!!
kIapaucius #7
Chapter 23: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh
JasseOxOL #8
Chapter 23: Sigueee plsssss
lovedust716 #9
Happy 2021!!!!
I love this fic so much!!!!
Chapter 23: Omg....this got me. I really hope you would continue. You don't give any hint tho you would ever discontinued. I will hold on to this small hope inside of me that you would continue this as much as how small Jongin's chance to have Junmyeon falling and accept him as a whole. You're so incredible. You really give me a view of someone's experience that went thru that hardships as lgbt community. That Kai's pov really hurts me so much. It hurts me eventho I never experienced anything as this or particularly been in love before. And you really accentuates on Kai's part a lot. He was hurt a lot. He wants Junmyeon to see him to love him as who he is. It hurts me knowing that someone's out there might experience this too. I am someone who never thought of fallin in love cuz idk im weird or maybe depression dont bring me lights onto seeing how beautiful love is. Cuz i barely love myself enough. Duh, it's another story but here i am indulge myself into some beautiful amazing fiction to distract myself taking my breath away. I leaned a lot from your writing. Love can be so painful too. Love is genderless. Im sorry for my bad English, English isn't my native language im very svck at it. I really hope there's hope for this fic to continue and hope for their relationship. This fic would be lingering in my mind for quite sometime im sure of it! Im sure i wouldn't sleep thinking of this fic. It's too good and unfinished. Anyway, hope you're doing good wherever you are. Out of all everything, ofc it's you matter the most. We always have something to mind. You're not doing this for a living. I totally understand that too. And if one day you'll come up with updates id he so grateful. And either it would be finished or not i hope you'd let us know,at least I'll get prepared for it. Thanks happy new year to you.