Tricking their Manager

From 2208 To 2008

"Uh . . . the maknae brought his girlfriend" Leeteuk faked a smile and pointed at Kyuhyun

"WHAT?!" Kyuhyun and Vanesa both yelled as the man stared at them

Manager's POV

I hear alot of noise coming from the studio room . . . I guess the boys are being . . . well boys . . . why are they such kids? Whatever . . . I might as well go and tell them to go back to work . . . Hah~

I opened the door and as soon as I looked inside something was wrong . . . there was a girl in a very strange outfit . . . and she was . . . well Sungmin had his arms wrapped around her?!?!?! What the heck is going on?!?! They all began laughing . . . I guess they didnt notice me . . .

"What's so funny?" I asked them all as my brow arched high . . . let's hear what they have to say

"Uh~" Leeteuk twiddled with his fingers then pointed at Kyuhyun "the maknae brought his girlfriend"

. . .

WHAT?! WHEN DID OUR MAKNAE GET A GIRLFRIEND?! . . . but wait! Sungmin had his arms around her . . . this makes no sense . . . Kyuhyun would've gotten mad . . . or at least any man would've . . . plus they're on different sides of the room . . . totally far away from each other . . . hm~

"WHAT?!" I heard Kyuhyun and the girl yell . . . so Im guessing they arent a couple . . . or they dont want anyone to find out . . . hm~

"HYUNG!" Kyuhyun gawked at Leeteuk as he pointed at the girl "Why in my right mind would I go out with this chic who thinks she's from the year 2208?!"

"I am from 2208!" the girl rolled her eyes crossing her arms as she sshifted her weight on her right leg "Plus! Ive already got a fiancee! And a very good one if I say so myself! I do have my standards!"

. . . Wait--! Did I hear correctly or did she say she was from the year 2208?! Is she crazy or something?!

"Excuse me~" I smiled at the girl and she turned to me with a large grin plastered on her face

"Dae~?" she tilted her head . . . Okay???? Let's see what she has to say

"Oh--!" she held her hand to and curtsied "I forgot to introduce myself! I am Song Vanesa. The imperial princess in the year 2208. I came to this time by mistake. Sorry for my rudeness~"

"Ah~" I rolled my jaw and looked her up and down "Min Hyo Rin?"

"Eh-hem!" she coughed "I am Song Vanesa. Min Hyo Rin is my ancestor~"

"Sure~" I nodded rolling my eyes . . . this girl is out of her mind crazy . . . I never thought Min Hyo Rin was insane

"Im serious!" she poubted then stomped off

"Is it okay if she stays with us?" Leeteuk gave me a pleading look and I sighed . . . uh~ HECK NO!

"No" I shook my head and they all hung their heads low . . . are they really that into this wack-job!

"Why not~?" the girl puffed her cheeks . . . okay~ she goes from nut-case to aeygo like *snap* that!

"Im not having a girl stay in the dorms" I reasoned "Plus you already have a place~"

"But it's Kyuhyun's girlfriend!" Leeteuk looked at Kyuhyun then back at me "Please hyung! For the maknae~!"

"He doesnt even seem like he wants her there~" I crossed my arms shaking my head . . . Why do they want a girl in the house this badly?

"Please hyung!" they all begged . . . AISH! NO IS NO!

"Fine" the words just came out of my mouth without me realizing . . . WHAT DID I JUST SAY!

"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" they all cheered and buried me in hugs . . . These boys really~ but there is one condition for me to say its okay . . . I'll choose . . .

"She can stay only if she and Kyuhyun are a ' thing '~" I gave them all a serious look and everyones gaze turned to Kyuhyun and Vanesa who were on seperate sides of the room . . . nowhere near each other . . . and Sungmin was huggling Vanesa sweetly . . . They are not a ' thing ' . . . Kyuhyun and Vanesa that is . . . It's totally obvious! She cant stay~ Poor girl

"Oppa~!" Vanesa smiled ever so sweetly at Kyuhyun . . . wait a sec! She SMILED SWEETLY at KYUHYUN?! They were like sending each other shock waves just a moment ago! What the heck happened!

"Hm~?" Kyuhyun arched his brow and smirked at her . . . This is so confusing~! AHHH!

"Come save me~!" she hid in Sungmin's hug and I guess she . . . blushed?!

"HYUNG!" Kyuhyun yelled at Sungmin . . . Now he's angry? What the heck happened to being mortal enemies a moment ago?! Didnt he say that he would never go out with a girl like her?! And didnt she say she had a fiancee? Unless . . .

"YOU TWO ARE ENGAGED?!" I blurted out making everyone stare at me

Vanesa and Kyuhyun's eyes widened like ten fold! they looked totally lost and shook their heads super fast

"MARRIED?!" I stepped back and they looked at each other and made disgusted faces

"No!" they said in unison

"Then what?"

"Couple" Vanesa bit her lip and looked up at Kyuhyun

"Yeah~" he scratched the back of his neck and threw his arm around her shoulder

"Then I guess she can stay~" I shrugged "Just dont let her get caught and no big problems!"

"Yes!" everyone bowed and I left the room . . . my boys are too much for me~ WOW!

Vanesa's POV

"BLEH!" I pushed Kyuhyun's arm off me and ran to Sungmin . . . he's my new bestie in this era~ hehe! it sounds fun saying 'era'~

"Hm?" Sungmin looked at me and I huggled him

"Help me~" I gave Sungmin my best puppy-dog eyes and pointed at Kyuhyun "I dont wanna be his couple person!"

"Araso~" Sungmin hugged me and kissed my forehead "I'll protect you!" . . . cutie pieX)

"I wanna protect her too!" I heard voices and looked at everyone around me . . . everyone but Kyuhyun! HAHAXD

"Hang on!" Kyuhyun held out his hand . . . What now mister hot shot?!

"BWOH?!" they all yelled at the maknae . . . serves him right! HA!

"When are you going back to your home?" he sneered at me . . . why is he so mean!

I thought for a while . . . I think that when Ka was telling me about the time machine . . . she said it had to be in the exact same place and the way to transfer through time was by pushing buttons and stuff . . . but the stupid contraption is broken! It broke somehow when I came to this new place! UGH! What do I do?! The technology here doesnt work for a time machine! Ka~! Hurry up and get me out of this scary era~!

Wait! Where was the place that I landed?! Maybe I can go there and fix things and go back!

"You!" I dashed towards Kyuhyun and tugged him by the collar

He gave me the stupidest look ever! BWUAHAHA~! ^^

"Where did you find me?" I stared into Kyuhyun's eyes sternly


Sorry for the late update! Its kinda short . . . yes . . . I know:( Plus~ I know its a boring chap and its kinda confusing too . . . sorry~ (T~T) Please comment and Thank you~!!!!! (^~^) 

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#1 have to keep reading :)
;~~~; ok i wanna see what happens next nao ;~~~;
DomoChocolate #3
Kaaaa!!!!! Another cliffhanger!!!! I like your story it doesn't have a cliched storyline and the plot is very original. <br />
<marquee behavior="alternate">please update soon!</marquee>
soon...hopefully....whenever i can get ont the other laptop that is..... X) haha. so i'll try updating tomorrow. expect maybe two updates if i do update tomorrow....cuz i'll be in a spontaneous and weird writing mood....haha XD THANK YOU ALL! for being patient :) ....maybe
ruby28 #5
please update soon<br />
pretty pleaseeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
okay:) i feel like i shall update:) i have good ideas too...hopefully they dont fade and air and stuff. lolXD
pretty please with a cherry on top upddate really really soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ruby28 #8
update soon please :)