The Future

From 2208 To 2008

--January 2nd 2208--

--Ka's House--

"Why are you taking so long?!" Kim Bae yelled at Ka

"It's not my fault! I have to come up with the plans again!" Ka yelled back

"URGH!" Kim Bae pulled his fingers through his hair

"What now?" Ka glared at Kim Bae

"What do you mean?" Kim Bae frowned

"Bae" Ka sighed "She'll be fine"

"How are you so sure?" Kim Bae rolled his eyes

"It's Vanesa" Ka smiled lightly "You know how she is. She can take care of her--............"

"What can she do?" Kim Bae darted his eyes at Ka

"Uh...........nothing" Ka scratched her head lightly

"What?" Kim Bae squinted his eyes

"'s nothing really" Ka shook her head

"What's wrong?" Kim Bae stood up

"What do you mean? Nothings wrong" Ka bit her lip

"What do YOU mean?" Kim Bae rose an eyebrow

"Im the one asking. Not you my little dongsaeng." Ka turned around to face him then went back to her blueprints in the making

"BUT I ASKED FIRST!" Kim Bae stomped his foot on the ground shaking the room

"..............Why are you so loud?" Ka spun around in her seat to face him again "Do you act this way when you're with Vanesa?"

".................maybe" Kim Bae mumbled under his breath

"Oo~" Ka smirked "Bae. She doesnt know your bratty side does she?"

".................maybe" Kim Bae poubted lowering his head

"I wonder how she'll react when she finds out that her fiancee is a BIG BRAT?" Ka chuckled

"You wouldnt" Kim Bae's head shot up

"Never know~" Ka shrugged

"Then Im gonna tell Umma!" Kim Bae crossed his arms

"Tell Umma what?" Ka turned away from Kim Bae tapping her pencil over the new blueprints

"That you're making fun of me..............." Kim Bae puffed his cheeks

"Go ahead. I'll tell her you're bothering me" Ka waved behind her back for Kim Bae to leave

"And I'll tell Umma that you had a pillow fight already" Kim Bae grinned "And your Math test came out with an A 'plus'"

"Thats not true though.................somewhat" Ka whipped her head around to glare at Kim Bae whispering the last part to herself

"She'll believe me though" Kim Bae smiled in triumph

"No she wo--" Ka pushed herself up to her feet as her chair fell over "You better not!"

"I wi~ll" Kim Bae walked out of the room singing

"Dont!" Ka yelled

"Then will you tell me why I shouldnt worry about Vanesa?" Kim Bae popped his head back into the room


"Fine then................." Kim Bae shrugged and ran down the hall screaming "UMMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL YOU ABOUT NOONA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"KIM BAE!" Ka ran out the door

"Yes Noona?" Kim Bae tapped her shoulder and smiled childishly

"I'll tell you" Ka sighed walking back into her room

"So what's wrong with my girl?" Kim Bae smiled widely tilting his head

"Her personality shows the way she'll survive" Ka shook her head in defeat

"But she's got a good personality!" Kim Bae defended Vanesa "She's just a bit..........out there sometimes"

"What if she's in some time like the future?" Ka rolled her eyes "She'll be fine yes. She might even be back here before I finish"

"Okay..........." Kim Bae nodded "What's so bad then?"

"But if she goes to the past........" Ka sighed "During the war will be tricky. She could be dead with her personality. Someone would probably kill her because of the way she demands that people believe she is who she is. I mean a girl saying she's the World's Crowned Pincess, not very likely to be accepted"

"I guess........"Kim Bae frowned

"And if she goes to the 21st century!" Ka yelled

"What?" Kim Bae blinked

"Time would be distorted." Ka shook her head "She wouldnt want to leave the 21st century. You know how much she LOVES that time period. *sigh*"

"Then hurry and finish the Time Machine!" Kim Bae tapped Ka's desk with the blueprints on it

"Miss her, huh?" Ka clicked her tongue

"The moment she hid from me, I missed her" Kim Bae frowned


"You're way too dramatic Bae" Ka laughed at Kim Bae


"But I miss her" Kim Bae poubted "I love her"

"I know you do." Ka chuckled "But I think you two are such a funny little couple. Aha~"

"Noona" Kim Bae frowned

"Okay......I'll work on the blueprints!" Ka pushed Kim Bae out of her room "Just leave me alone little lover boy"

"Fine Noona." Kim Bae sighed "But when you're finished you have to tell me first"

"Of course" Ka nodded and closed the door on Kim Bae's face

"Vanesa...........I want to talk to you...........I want to see you...........I miss you...........I love you" Kim Bae walked down the hall out of Ka's house staring at his watch as he pressed a button that allows one to call another "But why cant I call you?!"


So............I updated. and Im going to Chicago right now to go to China town and the Aquarium ^^ And im in the car right now typing.......kekeke. so the pillow fight is actually a BAD THING. LIKE uh..............s..........e..........x..........and me and my friends use that word as codename. lol. and aha....ka and kim bae are brother and sister and ka is older than kim bae. ahahaha. but yeah.......this chapter was just to say whats going on in the future......ahaha. ka takes a lo~ng time to figure out about the blueprints and ahaha.......vanesa and ka are close friends kinda a reason to why vanesa ended up liking kim bae and kim bae liking vanesa :) they all kinda grew up together and idk. its a cute story. i'll add it in sometime! kekeke~ but yeah.....thanks for reading my story........and uwahhhhh! im happy with all of you who do makes me smile and feel happy inside CX ahaha.......comments and subscriptions are always good for me. thank you all! *slight bow* and on to china town! my first time to china town! YEE-HAW! annyeong! byebye!

aniimeefann out! [>.<]/"

PS : I went to Chicago yesterday and it was AMAZING! Yes. It was freezing and cold and such but I got to go to China Town and I got a phone chain thinger on my phone that is actually my star night sign thinger.....horoscope? i dunno but i think im cancer and i was gonna get a hello kitty one but i wanted the angel with more stuff on it and i dunno i shouldve gotten them both! >__< URGH! Oh well im happy with what i have.....maybe ill get more next time ^^ ahaha......and ahaha....pillow fights............BWUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! peace out ya'll and GOOD MORNING! byebye! annyeong! [^v^]/" 

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#1 have to keep reading :)
;~~~; ok i wanna see what happens next nao ;~~~;
DomoChocolate #3
Kaaaa!!!!! Another cliffhanger!!!! I like your story it doesn't have a cliched storyline and the plot is very original. <br />
<marquee behavior="alternate">please update soon!</marquee>
soon...hopefully....whenever i can get ont the other laptop that is..... X) haha. so i'll try updating tomorrow. expect maybe two updates if i do update tomorrow....cuz i'll be in a spontaneous and weird writing mood....haha XD THANK YOU ALL! for being patient :) ....maybe
ruby28 #5
please update soon<br />
pretty pleaseeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
okay:) i feel like i shall update:) i have good ideas too...hopefully they dont fade and air and stuff. lolXD
pretty please with a cherry on top upddate really really soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ruby28 #8
update soon please :)