Sharing the Room

From 2208 To 2008

Kyuhyun's POV


So let me tell you all whats happened if you dont already know.......well....I have to......I have to......I cant say it! This is way too frustrating! I dont wanna share! I dont wanna! I dont wanna! I DONT WANNA!


"Are you okay~?" a girl next to me tilted her head trying to be people...I didnt sleep with some random girl...this girl here is crazy 2208 girl......*shakes head*......Im so tired.....I wanna sleep.....but my room only has one bed....ONE BED! So much for only sharing a ROOM....we have to andd I mean we HAVE to share a BED!.......Im not gonna sleep on the ground! I work hard!....*poubt*.....


"Im fine!" I opened my closet up laying down futons on the ground and snatched the pillow off my bed.......yes girls....and maybe guys...if you go that way....sorry but I dont.....but Im just too nice and I cant let a girl sleep on the ground....I mean I still have my man side of me thats caring....*smile*.....even if this chic is crazy.......


"I'll sleep here!" I pointed to the ground where my futon and pillow laid and she stared at me.........SHE HAS BEEN STARING AT ME FOR THE ENTIRE TIME SINCE SHE GOT UP HERE NOW!.........and now she's shaking her head...she's been doing that for some time now too.....staring...shake head...staring....shake it a custom in the future or something to stay alive?!....well it annoys the heck outta me!


"Youre not gonna fight me for the bed?" she blinked....she broke her stare! WOW!


"N--" I looked up and saw another bed.........FAR AWAY from my bed.....very far far as possible.....which was like one foot away.....haha.....sorry I got a small room....*smirk*....


"What's that?!" I pointed at the bed that came out of thin air......SERIOUSLY! It wasnt there a moment ago! I sware my life on it!


"A bujjie......" she she that tired?.....awe~ how.......What was I going to think about?!.......ah nevermind youre all probably annoyed by how much Im fighting over wheather I should be thinking about this chic or not....well sorry Im not!.....*evil smile*....but Im thinking about you.........................hehe *smirk*.....sorry but I think of all my fans......but maybe not the way youre all thinking.....sorry......*bows*....mianhe--


"What are you doing?" the chic broke me from my thoughts......Im sorry for her not knowing how important you all are....she's crazy....dont listen to a thing that she says! She's crazy I say...but a cute crazy one.......I have to admit it sometime soon...but that's the last time.....I wont speak about her being know ever again....


"Nothing...." I sighed and pointed at the bed "Where'd you get the bed?"


"Bujjie~" she corrected me.......if that even is correct...she must name all her stuff or something.....AISH! This chic~!


"Well explain to me what a 'bujjie' is~" I sounded sarcastic while I was putting the futon away


"A bujjie is like a bed......" she came over and helped me fold the futon and carry it into the nice? what's this warm feeling inside of me......Ah~ who cares! Im hungry and I know that....


"But it well hovers..." she bit her lip ".....according to the owner's wish......"


It hovers? Like seriously hovers?! Like in GAMES?! I wanna-- WAIT! She's probably tricking me......and if she isnt I oughtta act cool about this.....*sigh*.....I wanna see it hover...*poubt*...


"Really~" I used my normal tone of voice so I didnt sound too surprised "That's cool...I guess~"


"It's an old model though~" she smiled as I looked up "I liked the way that these beds looked" she ran her fingers through my bed post and rim staring at my bed "You see...alot of people hated this century since you guys had the most freedom and well....since you all were so lucky to live in peace...." she looked up at me "Everyone hated this era since everyone was so carefree and they practically banned all usage of items from the 21st century....." she took a step closer to me "...but I didnt care....Im the princess so I was able to get through the stupid stuff and well use a 21st century styled bujjie....I liked the 21st century....I even use your dialect.....If I didnt like it...then I wouldnt be speaking to you right now...."


She seems kinda sweet right now.........but what if--.......what if she's just saying this to get on my good side...I shouldnt believe her.....yet.....not yet at least.....*sigh*....


Vanesa's POV


I love the 21st century!......*sigh*.....but Father and Mother and everyone HATES it! UGH! They dont see what a wonderful thing it was.....but I am kinda happy that I was brought here to the 21st least I can communicate with the people here....*smile*....Kyuhyun has been looking at me for some time now...I mean yeah I was staring at him before...but that's because he has a weird shirt on...I think there was a girl on it....and was she not wearing any clothes?! Im not going to look at his shirt anymore! *shakes head*...........but what if he's a ert?.....maybe just a peek?.....URGH! No!...*shakes head*.....*sigh*....I wonder how long Im going to stay in this century for?


"Kyuhyun~" I looked at him as he snapped out of his he has been staring at me......creepy.....sorry boy...but I have a fiancee waiting for me at home....I dont think that you will break my bond with him...not with the way you've been treating me....


"Y-yeah~" he looked away from me and walked towards his clooberknock......uh-- closet.....*nods* bad.....


"What are you--" I walked over towards him and then turned around completely in like a millisec of a millisecond...I!'s were so cool...but back to the subject about turing around!...I turned around because Kyuhyun was taking his shirt off! He was literally taking it off! Like stripping himself!.........This era is gonna eat me alive with everything Ive seen so far....boys shirtless....guys stripping....NOT IN A BAD....well not the way youre all thinking.....*sigh*...even though you wanna see that.....yeah...I know your dirty little minds! Dont think I didnt study the 21st century and I didnt find out about these stories of!....I thought it was going to be a love story about a girl and boy.....judging by how the boy looked a whole lot like a girl...a GIRL!....but no~......the boy just had to not be a girl and something that rotted my eyes away happened while I was reading.....Kim Bae walked in and saw me reading and he wanted to read....that's what happened.........................DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT TOOK FOR THE BOTH OF US TO SNAP OUT OF THINKING ABOUT THAT EVERY TIME WE SAW EACH OTHER?!.....*shakes head*....Wow~


"Im changing...." Kyuhyun made me come back to my senses and I stared at him........yes he was shirtless.....and he did have abs......but he was kinda white there....he coulda been a little tanner but at least he had abs!.....I kinda wanna feel em now....that sounds kinda.......stalker-ish is what you all say right?......well if you were me...and your fiancee didnt let you touch his abs....and I will say he has VERY nice would wanna feel the guy in front of you if he had abs and he was shirtless.....but since you all...or most of you love Kyuhyun you wouldnt even think about what I thought would just go up to him and feel all you want! hahaha....poor Kyuhyun


"Okay~" I walked up to him and poked him in the hard!'s rock solid!....Woah~


"What are YOU doing?" he looked down at me as I poked him again and he giggled....awe....he's kinda cute if he laughs *smile*


"Poking your abs~" I poubted while poking him some more and he began laughing.....a LOT


"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!" he laughed and I found myself laughing with him.......and I kinda toppled on top of him because I was a klutz and I tripped over his shirt that was on the floor but I pulled him down with me making him land on top of *cough* you all know how we ended up right? *cough cough*


"Sorry..." he got off of me and brushed his jeans


"I should be the one who's sorry~" I laughed a bit taking off my hat brushing the dust off of it "I mean I did pull you down~"


"Yeah~" he scratched the back of his neck and chuckled a bit......he's actually kinda cute...if you see him this way you'd think so too.....*smile*


"I need to change...." I bit my lip and looked at the door "Is it okay if you...."


"S-sure~" he stuttered walking over to the door as I ped my dress...............Why isnt it ping?.............Why isnt it ping?!......................This! URGH! Really now?!...........I turned around and saw Kyuhyun still in front of the door.....he didnt leave?....Why didnt he.....Wait! He can help me....even though it is a bit embarrassing.....I mean Kim Bae hasnt even touched me yet......*poubt*......and I dont wanna be impure but I need some help...and I dont see any maids around....*sigh*


"Kyuhyun~" I made it so my back was facing him but I kept my head turned over my shoulder and he turned around looking at my back.....and I think he gulped....haha....he must be like me.....*cry*...this is gonna be hard then......*cry*


"D-dae?" he looked back at the door knob and I held my dress up


"Could you...." I swallowed my pride " me take off my dress?"


"W-what did you say?" he looked at me with widened eyes....*sigh*


"Could you help me take off my dress?" I looked back at him with pleading eyes....not the kind to do THAT stuff....I didnt wanna get stuck in my happens often with me........Im not FAT!.....I just cant really get the zipper down all the way....or get it up all the way....I have short arms okay~


"W-why?" he stared at me......I need some help with this guy....a growing boy should want to see--........scratch that!....I dont want him to be a ert! I hae to share his room so I wanna stay innocent until the day I get married.....*sigh*


"I cant the zipper~" I whined and I heard footsteps walking towards me


"Th-this zipper?" he touched my hand and I felt a shock


"Y-yeah~" I nodded and he pedd my dress dont be getting any nasty thoughts into your head! He's helping me change! Only because I NEED the help.....not because I WANT him....and I dont WANT him to do this....but it needs to be done..........WOAH--!


"Cold!" I jumped around and he looked away from me turning his head totally to the right....and he kept staring at the right....awe~ is he blushing?...cute~!


"S-sorry~" he mumbled and I turned back around holding my dress tightly with one hand and grabbing his hand with my other leading it to my zipper


"It's okay...." I chuckled uncomfortably "If you could please continue~?"


"Y-yeah" he nodded and ped my dress as I felt hiss cold hands on my ....His hands are ULTRA COLD!




I whipped my head around and so did Kyuhyun and we saw at the door a bunch of guys piled in a bunch on top of each other.....falling into the room......falling......meaning they were listening in........meaning they probably got the same thoughts all of you had!.........Oh....How WoNdErFuL?!





Sorry for the stupid chappie....but did anyone watch It's Okay Daddy's girl? gonna watch it again cuz I just love it that much!....and sorry its not finished yet T^T....but yeah......*sigh*.....Im sorry this was a kinda LONG and stupid chappie but its kinda supposed to be funny....I think I add in too much detail sometimes....and I think that sometimes I just cant contain my thoughts and I type it all out! Aish! This mind of mine! Hmph!.....*poubt*...but I was listening to Let's Not by Super Junior KRY this entire time now~.....I love this song! hehehe~......Im gonna go now! Annyeong! Bye-bye!


aniimeefann out! "\[^w^]/" 


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#1 have to keep reading :)
;~~~; ok i wanna see what happens next nao ;~~~;
DomoChocolate #3
Kaaaa!!!!! Another cliffhanger!!!! I like your story it doesn't have a cliched storyline and the plot is very original. <br />
<marquee behavior="alternate">please update soon!</marquee>
soon...hopefully....whenever i can get ont the other laptop that is..... X) haha. so i'll try updating tomorrow. expect maybe two updates if i do update tomorrow....cuz i'll be in a spontaneous and weird writing mood....haha XD THANK YOU ALL! for being patient :) ....maybe
ruby28 #5
please update soon<br />
pretty pleaseeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
okay:) i feel like i shall update:) i have good ideas too...hopefully they dont fade and air and stuff. lolXD
pretty please with a cherry on top upddate really really soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ruby28 #8
update soon please :)