
Where My Demons Hide

I watched her for a moment untilthe sound of a dog barking in the distance startled me into transforming back in to my human form. I darted behind a treeas she looked up and prayed she didn't see me. I hated dogs so much...or did I? I guess it was just built into what I was, afterall everything had to have some sort of weakness.
I peered round from behind the tree, she had gone back to her book. I decided at that point that it was probably best that I leave, but I had nodoubt that I would ne back.

I liked being outside at during the evening and night time hours, it was so peaceful and relaxing and I enjoyed the alone time. Every day was always so busy and hetic, I needed time to recharge and reading helped me to do so.
Although tonight felt different, I had the strange sensation that i was being watched, I was that on edge that a dog barking nearby nearly caused me to jump out of my skin. I shook it off and went back to my book, it probably didn't help that I was reading about ghosts. I eventually decided to give it a rest for tonight and head back inside.
Eventhough it had panicked me, I was intreigued to find out if I was really being watched or not.
I'm weird I know.
I smiled to myself, my very own paranormal investigation, this was going to be fun.

'Oh Sooyoung don't be silly' my mom sighed
'I don't care what you say, I'm doing it' I said.
'You are not camping out in our front yard, you aren't a child anymore'
I frowned 'How does that make me a child?'
'I'm not having this conversation with you Sooyoung'
'Good, see you in the morning' I smiled and stepped out into the night air.
And I was greeted by a small fox
I tilted my head and smiled.
'Hello there' I whispered and knelt down 'you can come closer if you like, I won't hurt you' it came a little closer 'there you go see? all good. where did you come from hmm? we don't usually get foxes in this area' the animal seemed to raise its eyebrow at me 'not that it's a bad thing' I added quickly 'welcome to the neighbourhood' I reached out to pet it, to my surprise it let me do so.
It had pretty eyes, they looked a golden hazel colour, unusual I thought  but still beautifulnone the less,very specific.
She, I decided my friend was female, seemed comfortable with me and even leaned into my pets. I smiled.
And then I yawned.
'I think we've come to the conclusion that it was you following me reh?' I said and then yawned again 'I should probably be goign to bed now' I crawled into my tent and then looked back 'I'll see you soon thought okay?' then I zipped upthe door and that was that.

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hanz316 #1
Chapter 9: sorry to say, but this ending is kind of weird.. i mean, none of the issue is settled
1. how will joy settle the issue with her mom?
2. how about seulgi's mom?
it's a good story, but the ending feel rushed imo
hanz316 #2
Chapter 8: damn, that was fast..
and both moms are kind of annoying.. one is a homophobes, and the other, i don't know what it's called, racist? anti-human? whatever..
hanz316 #3
Chapter 5: damn seulgi.. that was cool..
hanz316 #4
Chapter 4: wait, is joy a normal human or something else? why did she just keep teleporting?
hanz316 #5
Chapter 4: so short.. '_'
hanz316 #6
Chapter 3: oohh.. fast update.. and i am still confused.. lol
hanz316 #7
the story is interesting.. although i am still confused as in, what is seulgi actually?