
Where My Demons Hide

What hadjust happened? Had me and Seulgi just become a thing? Part of me really hoped so. I looked at her and she smiled sweetly.
'I should get to class' I said.
'Okay, have fun' she replied 'I'll see you later on'
I headed to my next class but I already knew that I wouldn't be focusing on what was being said.
After classI gatherted my stuff and headed to the lunch room.
But before I could get there I was cornered by a group of girls that always seemed intent on making my life a living hell.
'Hey nerd' one called grabbing my backpack and pulling me backwards 'we know a secret about you' they giggled 'we saw you with that new girl, you looked very cosy' I sighed and tried to walk away but they pushed me against the lockers 'how dare you try and leave when we're talking to you' their leader said.
I didn't reply, it wasn't worth it. One of them grabbed me by the hair 'speak up freak' she said.
'Oi, leave her alone' a voice demanded, it sounded like Seulgi, I really hoped it wasn't, I'd hate for her to get caught up in this.
They dropped me and turned towards her.
'Who's gonna make us huh?'
Seulgi sighed 'where I'm from, we show respect to those that are better than us, but I guess that time is no more, pity really'
'You can't talk to us like that' they hissed 'get her!'
They charged towards Seulgi but she disappeared and then reappeared behind them and smiled sweetly.
'You'll have to do better than that' they her again and missed...again...I heard her laugh but couldn't see her at all.
Then the girls started acting wierd as if they were puppets on invisable strings and then they suddenly stopped and fell to the floor in a heap on top of each other.
Seulgi appeared in front of me and pulled me to my feet
'You won't bother Joy anymore, understand?' she said and they nodded in unison.
What the heck had I just seen?
Whatever it was, it was something to do  with Seulgi.
I should have been afraid but I wasn't at all, in fact, I was even more drawn to her than I had been before. She was a mystery wrapped up in an enigma.
I saw her eyeing me nervously.
I raised an eyebrow and she blushed.
'Are...are you alright?' she stammered.
'Yes I'm fine, thanks to you'
She looked away from me seeming ashamed, I turned her ro face me and she had tears forming in her beautiful golden eyes so I hugged her and her long silky hair.
'Shhh' I soothed 'it's alright'
Shewas the one that had saved me and yet I was the one comforting her.

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hanz316 #1
Chapter 9: sorry to say, but this ending is kind of weird.. i mean, none of the issue is settled
1. how will joy settle the issue with her mom?
2. how about seulgi's mom?
it's a good story, but the ending feel rushed imo
hanz316 #2
Chapter 8: damn, that was fast..
and both moms are kind of annoying.. one is a homophobes, and the other, i don't know what it's called, racist? anti-human? whatever..
hanz316 #3
Chapter 5: damn seulgi.. that was cool..
hanz316 #4
Chapter 4: wait, is joy a normal human or something else? why did she just keep teleporting?
hanz316 #5
Chapter 4: so short.. '_'
hanz316 #6
Chapter 3: oohh.. fast update.. and i am still confused.. lol
hanz316 #7
the story is interesting.. although i am still confused as in, what is seulgi actually?