
Where My Demons Hide

Something was different, I felt stronger than before, more in tune with myself, less clumsy.
Seulgi on the other hand seemed a lot more slugish than usual and I was worried, even more so when I accidently saw that one of her tails was gone.
'Seulgi, tell me the truth. I need to know what's going on?'
She sighed 'when I saved you, technically, I died once, I gave you my missing tail, a new life as it were'
As she spoke, I looked over my shoulder and saw it as clear as day, a beautiful red fox tail.
'You died to save me?' I asked with tears in my eyes.
'I would use all of my lives and all of my powers if it meant that you would be okay' I told her.
'But mine isn't gold, if it's yours, shouldn't it be?'
'The colour is dependant on age and amount' she replied. Made sense I suppose.
'Wait, so does that mean I'm a Gumiho too?'
'Of sorts yes but because you were made and not born, you are slightly different, it's never happened before, you're completely new, there's going to be a lot to figure and find out'
'Sounds like fun' I said and she hugged me.
'We'll figure it all out together, it's you and me and I'm going to look after you no matter what happens'
My turn to hug her.
I'd never had someone care about me so much, I felt like crying I was so happy.

Of course it was a risk doing what I did but it was a risk I would take again and again and now that Joy was like me in some ways, maybe I wouldn't have to worry about her so much.
I promised to help her understand and use the powers that had been transfered to her when I'd saved her and now that she was more powerful, people wouldn't try to pick on her as often as they used to and back off.
I would always be there for her whenever she needed me, she was the most important thing in my life, she was my family now...I paused for a moment.
'Joy, maybe we shouyld go back and see your family' I said.
'No' she replied 'my mother is the reason we're in this situation now'
'But surely that just goes to show how important it all is' she sighed.
'You're right,of course you're right' she hung her head and I took her in my arms
'don't worry, if things go wrong, at least we know where we stand but you will regret it if you don't at least try'
'I guess so'
'And don't worry, I'll be right there with you the whole time no matter what'
She turned and buried her face in my shoulder and I kissed her hair lightly
'Everything will be okay, you'll see' I said softly.
I didn't hear her reply because her voice was muffled by my clothes but it seemed like she agreed with me.
I took her hand and we wondered together to the rest of our lives....

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hanz316 #1
Chapter 9: sorry to say, but this ending is kind of weird.. i mean, none of the issue is settled
1. how will joy settle the issue with her mom?
2. how about seulgi's mom?
it's a good story, but the ending feel rushed imo
hanz316 #2
Chapter 8: damn, that was fast..
and both moms are kind of annoying.. one is a homophobes, and the other, i don't know what it's called, racist? anti-human? whatever..
hanz316 #3
Chapter 5: damn seulgi.. that was cool..
hanz316 #4
Chapter 4: wait, is joy a normal human or something else? why did she just keep teleporting?
hanz316 #5
Chapter 4: so short.. '_'
hanz316 #6
Chapter 3: oohh.. fast update.. and i am still confused.. lol
hanz316 #7
the story is interesting.. although i am still confused as in, what is seulgi actually?