
Where My Demons Hide

'Sooyoung! you're going to be late for school!' my mom called from the front door.
I yawned and stretched , good job I was already dressed then. I smiled to myself.
I made my way to my first class when something, or rather someone caught my eye.
She must have been a new student because I was sure that I had never seen her before but it was eyes I noticed first,they were a beautiful golden colour.I fellt like I'dseen them before but I couldn't quite place where.
The rest of her was beautiful too, I had to force myself to stop staring at her in case she ended up noticing me and thinking I was some kind of weirdo.

I know it seems pretty strage of me to want to go back to school andact like a normal person but I didn't really have that much to do anymore so why not?
It might even be kind of fun
I was wrong, it was awful, it was even worse than the rest of the town, it was so corwded and it smelt funny.
'Just stick it out' I told myself 'you've been through worse than this'
I stopped suddenly in my tracks causing another student to bump into me.
'Watch it' she huffed at me but I ignored her.
She was here, the same girl, the one who had been so nice to me. She glanced in my direction and I turned away quickly hoping that shedidn't see me.
What was happening to me?
I had never had this problem before.
I was used to being alone and even enjoyed it.I was powerful and feared. I was respected and revered by all sorts. I was a Queen.
What had happened? Why was this girl making me feel this way?
Beofre it would be because I wanted to take her over, to become her, to use her as my own...but this time was different, this time, I wanted to protect her, to look after her, like she was my own child.
Was that it? a motherly instinct after over a hundred years of beong alone?
No, this was something more and I wasn't completely sure that I liked it all that much. It made me feel vunerable and exposed, like I was waiting to be attacked.

I'd lost her, she had just disappeared. I sighed to myself.
I wanted to get to know her, I knew how hard it was being the new student halfway through the semester.
But there was something else too.
I felt drawn towards her, as if I knew her already or we'd met before, I couldn't explain it.
But I made myself promise to find out what was going on...well try to at least...
I sighed again.

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hanz316 #1
Chapter 9: sorry to say, but this ending is kind of weird.. i mean, none of the issue is settled
1. how will joy settle the issue with her mom?
2. how about seulgi's mom?
it's a good story, but the ending feel rushed imo
hanz316 #2
Chapter 8: damn, that was fast..
and both moms are kind of annoying.. one is a homophobes, and the other, i don't know what it's called, racist? anti-human? whatever..
hanz316 #3
Chapter 5: damn seulgi.. that was cool..
hanz316 #4
Chapter 4: wait, is joy a normal human or something else? why did she just keep teleporting?
hanz316 #5
Chapter 4: so short.. '_'
hanz316 #6
Chapter 3: oohh.. fast update.. and i am still confused.. lol
hanz316 #7
the story is interesting.. although i am still confused as in, what is seulgi actually?