
Where My Demons Hide

Something was wrong, I could feel it, I had to find Joy.
When I did find her however it looked like I was too late, I knelt down and picked her up cradling her as close to me as possible.
'Joy, please don't leave me, I can't loose you' I kissed her.
That's when I heard her.
'Do you really think that's a good idea?'
'I don't care, this one's different, you hadno right to hurt her mama' I replied.
'They're all the same, you're meant to be clever, you should know better'
'I love her and I'm going to save her' I said simply 'you were never able to control me when you were alive and you won't be able to now, I've always been more powerful than you' I felt myself changing 'I'm sorry you could never be proud of me, even now'
'Stupid girl' I felt a sear of pain across my cheek, my mother had scratched me, that was what had awakened my own powers in the first place, the anger and shock, we were never able to see eye to eye.
'I'm done, I'm taking care of Joy and if you ever try to hurt her again, then I'll kill you properly' as I felt Joy stir in my arms.
Then I turned and walked away

What was I going to do? I had to save her somehow, there had to be a way.
I could transfer some of my power into her' I said aloud. Sure it would make me weaker but at least she would be okay and it would be worth it.
I made up my mind.
'I love you Joy' I whispered and closed my eyes and concerntrated as hard as I could, this was the most complicated magic I'd done in years and would take rather a lot of energy to do but I had to save her, whatever it took, I couldn't lose her, I wouldn't lose her. 'Please come back to me Joy' I silently prayed 'please, I need you to come back to me'
I felt her stir again and then she slowly opened her eyes.
I looked down at her and she tried to smile but then she looked sad.
'Your face' I'd forgotten my mother had struck me 'what happened?'
'It's nothing,you don't have to worry about it' I kissed her 'everything's okay'
'What happened?' she asked.
'Someone didn't want us to be together' I replied, I didn't mention that that someone was my mother.
'So what did you do?'
'I ised my magic to save you' I said
'And are you okay?'
'Feeling a little weak but I'll be fine' but as I said that, I wobbled a bit
'Sit down Seulgi' she said and I obliged 'you're weaker than you're letting on, how much of your power did you use?' I shrugged in reply 'you shouldn't have done it'
'How could I not Joy? I can't ever think to be without you now, I had to save you;'she smiled.
'I love you so much' I kissed her again as she spoke.

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hanz316 #1
Chapter 9: sorry to say, but this ending is kind of weird.. i mean, none of the issue is settled
1. how will joy settle the issue with her mom?
2. how about seulgi's mom?
it's a good story, but the ending feel rushed imo
hanz316 #2
Chapter 8: damn, that was fast..
and both moms are kind of annoying.. one is a homophobes, and the other, i don't know what it's called, racist? anti-human? whatever..
hanz316 #3
Chapter 5: damn seulgi.. that was cool..
hanz316 #4
Chapter 4: wait, is joy a normal human or something else? why did she just keep teleporting?
hanz316 #5
Chapter 4: so short.. '_'
hanz316 #6
Chapter 3: oohh.. fast update.. and i am still confused.. lol
hanz316 #7
the story is interesting.. although i am still confused as in, what is seulgi actually?