First time

Take Me Away

The nurse pushed the wheelchair into the ward. She placed it next to Kevin’s bed as she proceeded to draw the curtains to let some sunlight into the room. Kevin stirred in his sleep.

            “Kevin, it’s time for your treatment.”

            Kevin slowly opened his eyes. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he sat at the wheelchair placed next to his bed. His heart was beating fast; was he nervous or was he excited? It was his first day undergoing chemotherapy, despite hearing the grumbles of some patients, he decided, if it was the best for his health, he’d abide to anything.

            The nurse slowly pushed Kevin into the chemo suite where rows of comfy sofas are arranged neatly; each space with dividers for privacy. Each space equipped with machines that assist in the chemotherapy session. There is a television in one corner of the room, attached to the wall; but the volume is set very low and the shows are never interesting.

            Kevin watched as the nurse finds the vein to cannulate thus drawing some blood from Kevin. She then left him laying on the lazy boy recliner, waiting for her return. After awhile, she came back to attend to Kevin, smiling the sweetest smile, probably to assure him how painless it is. Kevin smiled back. The nurse hooks the IV that contains saline on the port that was surgically implanted on Kevin’s chest. It was then followed by some other drugs that Kevin has no clue about and finally the chemo drugs.

            “I’ll leave you to rest,” the nurse smiled as she cleared her things and left the chemo suite.

            Whatever the drugs that were inserted into his system, it really made him feel exceptionally tired, like all his energy drained from him. All he wants to do is sleep, leaving the pain as his dreams took him away. Just as he was about to drift away, a familiar figure stood by him. Kevin took in his scent and recognises the persona right away.

            “Eli…” Kevin called out, his voice weak, fatigue reigning over him.  

            “Hey, how you feeling?” Eli responded, his voice soft as he leans in to Kevin to ruffle his hair before sitting next to him.

            “Like ,” Kevin murmured as he finally gave up and drifts away.

            It hurts to watch his best friend lay there, in pain while all he could do is watch him by the sidelines, helpless to the situation. Eli stared at Kevin who was sleeping peacefully, if only God would take away all his pain and suffering. Just how much joy and happiness can this boy bring to the people around him; like how he did to Eli. How just his presence have the power to lift up Eli’s foreboding soul. To watch it all taken away from him, it’s devastating.


A/N: im sorry for lack of updates. i feel like i should just throw in another chapter because i feel bad. im sorry for it being short. i'll make up to it, promise! <3 HAHA. but writing this chapter is like taking a walk down my past. i have a loved one with cancer, but he loses th battle. D: so yeah. its rather emotional. iloveyouall! <3 thanks for subcribing and commenting!

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Chapter 20: AWWW this story made me teary!!! wtf omgg that was super good really sad but happy ending. I really loved it :)
I read this at school and... Luckily I was alone at the class. I cried like a baby, like really.. with loud sobs. That was so.. omg.. I just..
TheShinyWobbuffet #3
I CRIED LIKE HELL AND IT'S YOUR FAULT!!!!!!! WAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TEARS ARE STILL DRIPPING DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is so moving... I'm listening to Te Amo but I can't even hear the music!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T_T
Okay...I cried again like hell T___T it was sooo beautiful.
Thank you for writing this story and share it with us. It was really an unforgettable experiece ^^
Keep working :)
it is really hard trying to read this while 3:30 is playing on the radio (crying her eyes out)bwhahahahaha!!!!!
SEOULster #7
i cried my heart and eyes out T_______T
omgee my Elvin
I cried my heart out T___T
pls write an epilogue
kian86 #10
Epilogue pls I can't stop crying....