The Naughty Adventures of Low Self-confidence Boy and Alien Girl

"OOOOOUUUUUUUUUUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jonghyun cried as multiple security guards tackled him. “WHY ARE YOU TACKLING ME??!!!”

“Why did you jump on the stage and try to strangle our best money maker?” the stripping club manager asked while snapping his fingers in a z-formation and approaching Jjong.

“He’s always been jealous of me! At our strip college, he tried so hard, yet I was always a better stripper than him. And it was just…natural. The school even offered me a teaching position there. Did you know that Jjong? They offered me a job there!” Jo Kwon teased Jjong.

“THAT’S NOT TRUE! They only liked you for your money! All you did was bribe, seduce, and (literally) kiss your way to the top!” Jjong insisted.

“That’s how you make it in this business!” Jo Kwon continued, “And you know it, too. You KNEW that you didn’t have what it takes, so you dropped out of strip school and went to a regular college to study therapy. Isn’t that right, Jjong?”

“That isn’t what happened and you know it.”

“Oh, do I? Then tell me, Jjong, what did happen?”


Jjong’s Past…..Stripping college


“Jongyhun! Tell me, who is the greatest stripper of all time?” Jjong’s Strip History teacher asked him.



“Jo Kwon! Who is it?” the professor aksed.

“You, sir. You are so fabulous. YOU are MY inspiration! I hope to be as good as you one day!” Kwon answered.

“CORRECT! And you will, Kwon. I just know it!”




“Jonghyun, you have a phone call,” the principal told Jjong as he entered his office.

“Hello?” Jjong answered the phone.

“Jonghyun! This is your b-friend, Onew!”

“Onew, why are you calling me at school, silly?”

“I don’t want you to be a stripper!”

“Why not?”

“Because, I want to start a chicken farm!”

“I will NOT have a chicken farm.”

“You won’t be a stripper either!”

“You can’t tell me what to do!”

“Then be a therapist!”

“Okay. Bye.”


“Mr. Principal, sir. I’m dropping out of stripping school to be a therapist. Sooooo... bye.” Jjong told the principal. He gathered his things and left to enroll in therapy school.



“That was…beautiful,” Gary said with tears in his eyes. “You are my idol. Will you sign my ?”

“No,” Jjong replied.

“Jjong, you have way too much self-confidence,” Kwon said while shaking his hips. “Unlike that kid in the corner over there!”

“Are you talking about me?” Minho asked.

“Yes. Who else would I be talking about!”


“I have a friend?” Minho cried.

“My father said that friendship is a ten-letter word for LOSER!” Jo Kwon said.

“My father used to say the same thing...” Jjong reminisced.

“Okay. My father also said never to chug chimichangas,” Jo Kwon said as he shoved a non-fat, zero-calorie, carb-free churro down his throat.

“Mine did too," Jjong said, also shoving a non-fat, zero-calorie, carb-free churro down his throat. "He also said to wear extra glitter when going out in public.”

“OH EM GEE!!! SO DID MINE!” Kwon shouted while jumping up and down. “My father’s name was Choi Esteban Ricardo Franciso Enrique Alberto Miguel Antonio Voldemort Hottie With A Body Courtney Brittany Higardamus SIWON. “

“Oh my G… was mine.”

“Do you know what this means?” Kwon asked with his mouth hanging open.


“It means...we have the same father. We’re brothers.”




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P-PEANUT?! - Runs and hides -
i'm just as pleasantly confused as i had hoped!... possibly even more so... i can't help but hear the d;pkkl... cat typing!! again... i can't help but hear the 'deep in the night' to the tune of the one and only gunther... no no kiss on lips!
i'm still waiting!! hahaha
Ooo :O New reader here > < I hope theres a sequel :D This story's awesome. WEEEEEEEEEEEEE~
my day has been made... no no... my week!! hmmm, perhaps it's even in the top 5 super rad things that happened in the month of february!! i patiently await a night of sore ab muscles (ab muscles? that implies i have those) from laughing so hard and something close to a brain freeze from trying to understand what's going on!! your story is like a beautiful concoction of everything in the top shelf of my dresser, 3 avocados, a pink bow, and 14 oreo cream centers!! it leaves me wanting... needing more! mainlining a fanfic is probably a problem...

aka... i'm excited!!!<3
patchiee #6
IMISSTHISSSS!!!!!!!! Aaahhhh!! XD i'm so gladdddd u decided to make it live ;~; please do :( lol
oh good god!!! you haven't updated in forever, but i subbed with the wishful hope that this story will someday live again!!! i just read all 9 chapters out loud to anyone that would listen... including my friend, her mom, her dog, and possibly her 2 brothers! it made me laugh so hard that peeing on my friend's love seat was a serious concern!! i pressed the random story button and was graced with this nugget of super awesomeness! the coffee ordering scene was the best... no i might be lying, i think the revised song lyrics were better... i don't know... i don't know anything anymore after reading this... & i like that feeling!!!<3
Whoaaaa The Land Of Sweeeeeeeeeeeetnessssssssss its my bedroom hehe lol jk jk
Everything here makes kpop sense ! Lol this has got to be the best crackfic yet !! ^^