
The Naughty Adventures of Low Self-confidence Boy and Alien Girl

The road was silent; the only sound that could be heard was that of the wind blowing through the trees. The idols' faces were all dark as shadows of the night danced across the street under the glow of street lamps. One voice finally broke through the pressing silence. It said:


“Yippee,” Jjong replied to Kwon sarcastically.

“Don’t be such a downer, Jonghyun! I’m sure that this will be fun!” Taemin comforted Jjong.

“I hope so, Taemin. I hope so.”

They approached the large, medieval looking castle-like college and walked into the main hall.

“It’s just like Hogwarts,” Minho stated.

“Everything is not as it appears,” Onew said dreamily.

“Wow, Onew. That’s pretty deep,” Jjong complimented Onew.

“Yeah, I read it off that sign over there.”

They pushed open the large, wooden door standing before them only to reveal what no one would expect.

They gasped.

Behind the door was a CIRCUS of male strippers. There was The Elastic Wonder Gi Kwang on the ropes; The Zesty Jalapeño Zico as the lion tamer; The Fiery Hot Ball of Fierce That is so Fierce That No One Can Contain It…Zac Efron in the cannon ball; and The Wild Man Dongwoon riding an elephant.

“It’s….beautiful,” Key sobbed.

“It's….disturbing,” Minho grimaced.

“It's…It's…It's….Not chicken related. I hate it,” Onew complained.

“This is not right. Something very wrong is happening here,” Jo Kwon noticed.

“I’m leaving,” Jjong stated. He started to walk out of the room, followed by the rest of the gang.

Just before they reached the doors, a voice cried out in exasperation:


“Instructor Heechul?” Kwon questioned.

“Yes, yes it is, my boy. It is,” Heechul guaranteed.

“Prove it. What’s the secret cheer of this college?”

Heechul walked over to Kwon. His eyes were full of serious awesomeness. He looked…like a stripper.

He began doing the cheer, then Kwon joined in………


“You even know the alternate ending; you are instructor Heechul!” Jo Kwon cried and embraced Heechul in a big hug.

“Jo Kwon! Thank goodness you’re here! Terrible things are happening here. They got rid of our hot tub, they got rid of our sauna, and worst of all…the got rid of all the lowfat strawberry cheesecake!”

“GASP!” Jjong shouted at the cheesecake remark.

“Oh, Jjong. When did you get here?” the y instructor asked.

“I’ve been here.”


“I’m not so sure anymore. It began with chickens, and then I found out that Kwon was my brother...”

“Everyone knows that he’s your brother.”

“………………………………………………………….Well, poop! I’m leaving!” Jjong exited the room.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you - the enemy college Strippers 4 U just invaded our school and made this circus, which they plan to take over the stripping industry (and the world) with.”

“EGAD!” Jo Kwon shouted.

“You’re our last hope, Jo Kwon. We need you to help us. Your failure stripper of a brother would never be able to fix something like this.”

“WELL THANKS A LOT!” Jjong shouted from behind the trash can.

“C’MON PEOPLE! WORK IT HARDER! WORK IT! WORK IT! No, no. Passion! Arms in the air….graceful…JAZZ HANDS!” a familiar face shouted. “I am Eunhyuk, the famous stripping instructor, and I have Justin Beiber! Yeah, me and Justin are tight. We’re BFFs. I know you’re jealous. You hear me? YOU HEAR ME, GI KWANG?! I am a belieber! I got the fever! The Bieber fever. Ain’t nobody gonna take Justin away from me! I stole him from some random guy that had him stuffed in a mirror. He’s still in a mirror, yo! He’s in my back pocket! You hear this? Ya’ll, he’s my back pocket!”

“UMMMM….excuse me? You have MY JUSITIN and MY MIRROR?” Jo Kwon shouted at Eunhyuk.

“UMMMMMMMMMMM……no! What would make you think that? Who is Just-on Bee-bear? I am from Thailand; I don’t know whachu talkin’ 'bout.”

“I can see the mirror sticking out of your pocket.”

“That? OH. That’s not my pocket. I’m watching it for a friend.”

“Oh, really? Why is the name Eunhyuk bedazzled on it?”


“I can see Justin.”

“That’s my Uncle Larry.”

“BABIES!? BABIES?!” a voice called from the mirror in Hyuk’s pants.

“I just heard him.”

“No, I don’t think you did.”

“I know I did.”

“Are you sure? I really don’t think so.”

“What? This is ridiculous. I can SEE HIM!”




THAT’S IT!!!!!!!!!!!”  Jjong yelled as he proceeded to walk over to Eunhyuk and tear the mirror out of his pants. He then smashed the mirror on the ground, setting Justin free as everyone watched with awe-struck faces.


Everyone stared at him with blank faces, unable to understand him.

“Yo. ENGLISH? No? Babies? Anyone?”

“OOOOOOOOOH. Baby, baby!” Everyone replied.

“Yes. Babies. Where are they? Where can I find one?”

“I taught yoo’d alwhayz b meine?”

“NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” he exploded and crashed through a wall like a maniac.

“I’m done here,” Jjong said as he walked away with everyone following.

“Guys, I’m not coming with you,” Kwon said seriously. “My school needs me.”

“Okay! KOOLBYE!” Jjong screamed .

“JJONG!  Your only brother is risking his life *BLAH BLAH BLAH* possible danger *BLAH BLAH* and muffins *BLAH* just for his safety. Is that ALL you have to say to him?” Taemin lectured.

“Yeah, pretty much. Bye!”

All of a sudden, a mail carrier walked in through the door, carrying a letter. He said to Onew: “I have a message for a Mr. Jinki?”

“That’s me!” Onew shouted with glee.

“Great, sign here.”


After he signed the form, Onew opened the letter.

It said:


Hey Horsies, if you wanna find your beautiful chicken, go to the Land of Sweetness. I’ll be watching.


They all gasped.

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P-PEANUT?! - Runs and hides -
i'm just as pleasantly confused as i had hoped!... possibly even more so... i can't help but hear the d;pkkl... cat typing!! again... i can't help but hear the 'deep in the night' to the tune of the one and only gunther... no no kiss on lips!
i'm still waiting!! hahaha
Ooo :O New reader here > < I hope theres a sequel :D This story's awesome. WEEEEEEEEEEEEE~
my day has been made... no no... my week!! hmmm, perhaps it's even in the top 5 super rad things that happened in the month of february!! i patiently await a night of sore ab muscles (ab muscles? that implies i have those) from laughing so hard and something close to a brain freeze from trying to understand what's going on!! your story is like a beautiful concoction of everything in the top shelf of my dresser, 3 avocados, a pink bow, and 14 oreo cream centers!! it leaves me wanting... needing more! mainlining a fanfic is probably a problem...

aka... i'm excited!!!<3
patchiee #6
IMISSTHISSSS!!!!!!!! Aaahhhh!! XD i'm so gladdddd u decided to make it live ;~; please do :( lol
oh good god!!! you haven't updated in forever, but i subbed with the wishful hope that this story will someday live again!!! i just read all 9 chapters out loud to anyone that would listen... including my friend, her mom, her dog, and possibly her 2 brothers! it made me laugh so hard that peeing on my friend's love seat was a serious concern!! i pressed the random story button and was graced with this nugget of super awesomeness! the coffee ordering scene was the best... no i might be lying, i think the revised song lyrics were better... i don't know... i don't know anything anymore after reading this... & i like that feeling!!!<3
Whoaaaa The Land Of Sweeeeeeeeeeeetnessssssssss its my bedroom hehe lol jk jk
Everything here makes kpop sense ! Lol this has got to be the best crackfic yet !! ^^