My Best Friend "Zana"

My perfect one..

RING~ RING~ RING~ My alarm clock started to rang. I woke up and saw it was already 8 am. "YAHH..!! The boys.  Their breakfast, I haven't cook for them." I rushed to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and wash my face first. I wasn't gonna go to their house just like that. I knocked their door and Nichkhun open the door shirtless. "YAHH..!! Khun,wear some shirts on. Are you poor or something?" I said to him. "Boys..? What do you wanna eat?" I scream. I saw Chansung half awake walking to the kitchen. "Pancake and wafel?" he asked me. "Sure." I said. I cooked their food and called the boys one by one. "Nichkhun?? Wake up already.." I yelled at him. "Mmm.." he mumble. I kneel down and said "Nichkhun?? Wake up?" i said to him. He grab me and hugged me. "Can we just sleep for 5 minutes?" Nichkhun asked. "YAHH..! WAKE UP..WE GOT PRACTICE LATER." I smacked his head. "Nae,i'm awake.. Okey?" he said to me.

I came to Junsu & Taecyeon room and tried to wake them. "Junsu-shii..?? Wake up. I already cook breakfast. We got practice later." "Yes.,I'm awake." he said to  me while rubbing his face. "Oppa?? Wake up." i said to Taecyeon. "Honey,morning." he said to me while smiling. "Finally,you're the only one who wake up easily." I said to him. I walked out of the room. Taecyeon put both his hands on my shoulder as I walked with him to the kitchen. I already saw everyone awake in the dining table. "Finally..!! Geez..!! You boys are hard to wake up." I brought the wafel and pancakes and said "Here,dig in." "Irene,you're still wearing your pjamas." Nichkhun mocked me. "Yahh..!! At least I'm still wearing something unlike you." I answered him. "So,you're amazed by my abs?" he teased me again. "EAT..!! You gonna need every energy you could get. You got practice in an hour." RING~ RING~ RING~ my phone rang. 

"Yobosaeyo?" I answered. "Irene? Where are you? I'm in front of your apartment.Why don't you answered.? "Oh my god..!! I forgot. Zana I'm at next door. Wait for me." I said to her. "ZANA..? WHO'S THAT?" Junho asked me. "My best friend, be nice with her. Okey?? I'll killed you if you bother her. Got it?" I warned them. KNOCK~ KNOCK~ KNOCK~ "ZANA...!!! I MISS YOU" I hugged her. Junho cough, I turn around. "Oh yeah, boys this is Zana. My best friend and she'll be helping with me teaching you rascal." Zana bow and said "Annyeong." "Zana,this is Nichkhun,Taecyeon,Junsu,Chansung,Wooyoung and last but not least Junho." I introduced Zana to the boys. "Why do you need to introduce us?" Wooyoung asked. "Well,she didn't really knew who you were." I answered. "Jinjja?? You two are the same now i know why you're best friend." Zana laughed. "Zana,why don't you go to my apartment and wait for me." I said to her and gave her the keys to my apartment. "Okey,bye boys..!!!!" The boys wave back and said "bye..!!""BOYS,get ready in an hour. Okey? I'll be back and we're gonna go to the studio." i order the boys. "Okey." the boys replied me.  


"So,Zana.. What do you think about them?" ""They are really something?'' she reply me. "Hahaha..Okey. I gotta take a bath. Why don't you watched some movie or just watched your BEAST. Since your really a TRUE BEAUTY" I . "Okey,you don't mind.. don't you?" she asked. "Nah..It's okey. Enjoy your Gi Kwang." i said to her. 

''Boys!!! Faster..!! Me and Zana waited for them in the van. I got out of the van and i saw Junho running from Wooyoung. "Hyung,SORRY..!! I didn't mean to do that." he ran to the van and immediately sat beides Zana. Using her as protection. "Hyung.. Irene is gonna killed you if you touched her BEST FRIEND" Junho said while hiding at Zana's back. "YAHH..!! I'm not a shield." Zana move her back making Junho remove his hands from her back. "Mianhee. I'm Junho. Where are you from?'' They began talking. I knew they would make a cute match. I just hope Zana and Junho didn't realize what I planned. 

I saw Junsu,Chansung,Nichkhun & Taecyeon walking together. "YAHH..SUPERMODEL PALI AH..!!" I yelled at them. Then I saw Junsu running towards me. He grab my hands and pulled me into the van. "Come here this time you sit next to me." Junsu said to me. "Nae." Once Nichkhun and Taecyeon came into the van. They looked at the both of us and gave Junsu *how dare you look*. I laughed at them and Junsu and I were talking about our scedule today. "We have vocal practice at 11 am until 2pm & 5pm until 8 pm we got dance practice." I told him about their sceduel. "So, until 8pm and then we're done for the day." he asked me "Yeah." I answered. "Looked at your phone." I open my beg and I saw a text message from Junsu. 

"So,what about if we hang out tonight? Just the two of us. Please.......... I never spent some alone time with you only. Okey??"

I looked at him and I agreed. I don't know why I agreed but I couldn't turn down his offer. He smile at me and he laced his fingers with mine. I couldn't help but blush when Junsu saw me blush. He pinch my cheeks then I heard Zana laughing soo loud at the back. I turn around and saw she really having fun with Junho. Unfortunately, I mumble the word "YES..!!". Junsu look at me and said "You're excited for tonight. Aren't you?'' he whispers in my ears. I stuck out my tounge and said "no". Junsu played a song on his iPod and he offered me one of his earphone. I took it and put it. It was MARRY YOU by BRUNO MARS. We began to fool like a fool.

It's a beautiful night

We're looking for something dumb to do

Hey baby

I think I wanna marry you
Is it the look in your eyes

Or is it this dancing juice?

Who cares, baby

I think I wanna marry you
Well, I know this little chapel

On the boulevard we can go

No one will know

Oh, come on girl
Who cares if we're trashed

Got a pocket full of cash we can blow

Shots of patron

And it's on, girl
Don't say no, no, no, no, no

Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

And we'll go, go, go, go, go

If you're ready, like I'm ready

When we arrive at the studio, I got off the van and I waited for Zana but MY DEAREST BEST FRIEND FORGOR ABOUT ME..!! She walked pass through me and she didn't even realize me. She was soo close with Junho. "I wanna be mad but  I'm happy that my plan work out." When the boys are at recording studio, I went out to buy lunch for them with Zana. "So,Zana. I see you're having SOO MUCH FUN with Junho that you even forgot about me.!!" "Please, Irene..!! How naive do you think I am? she said and look at me. "Wha--t..?? What do you mean?" I nervously asked her. "Please..I knew you since we were kids. I know when you lied or you planned something." she said. "Okey,okey,okey. I admit it. Yes,I purposely set you up with Junho because I knew you two would be perfect for each other." I explained myself. "Okey, Irene~~~" "Oh no..!! What do you want now?"  i asked her. "What do you mean?" she asked me. ""I knew you very well. You're going on date with Junho aren't you?" I told her. "Yes,you really knew me.So,can i?" she asked for my permissions. "How can I say no. Sure." I agreed. 

"YAY..!! Thank you.." she said to me and she began to text. "You already got his number?'re really good with this dating thing. You should teach me a few of your secrets." I . "You don't need my help. Those 3 were already falling for you." she backfired me. I stay silent because I was soo embarrased that she knew it. "Okey,let's go the boys must be hungry by now." i told Zana. "Mm..let's go..!!" she said happily after I allowed her to go out with Junho.

The days passed and before we knew it. It was already the end of our sceduel. Junsu knew Junho was going out with Zana. So,he knew I would be home alone. We seated together again in the car. 

So,Junho & Zana gonna go out on date. So, Zana wouldn't bother us. Be ready by 9. We're going out to somewhere. It's a suprise.

I saw the text from Junsu and I look at him and nooded. Once we arrive, the boys went to their own apartment and me & Zana went on to my apartment. Zana & I were getting ready together. She picked my outfit and I pick her outfit. Junho said that they were going to somewhere fun. I make her wear short white pants with big blue blouse,

Zana choose a purple dress for me to wear because she found out that Junsu like wearing purple.




if you're confused. Just to be clear.. Zana is going out with Junho.. Irene with Junsu.. I'll update Zana & Junho date tommorow..

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2035 streak #1
Chapter 28: Hello there author-nim :) I just finished reading this story. I thought Irene would end up with Junsu but she didn't. Then I thought Zana would end up with Junho and that didn't happen either. I was a bit disappointed but the story was nice nevertheless. However, the ending could have been a little more better. And it's just my thought. Don't be offended...
Wow its been a long time since an update... good update
I would never one it without all your support & love..
I love you all soo much..!!! <3
hottesthunnybunny #4
I think it's awesome! :) one of the best I've read!
story was great!
Yay! I'm glad i could help. This story is amazing!
@hannah : hahaha.. i'm glad you have a few laugh.. i'm laughing right now cos of your story.. Okey.,i'll end it like that.. you really have been like my co-author.. ^^
LOL! I tried 2 do the 'y u no leave me comment' thing 2 my friends in a weird accent and all of us ended up laughing our friggin arses off! U should totally end it with Taec walkin into Irenes appartment...
Thanks TaecKhun_Cess..
How do you think I should end this..??
I have no idea.. <3