My perfect one..

We all went home after spending the whole day together. Beast,Jenica and Mara already went back home. We still standing at the beach deciding who's gonna with who. Taecyeon pulled me and said.....

TAECYEON : "Irene is going with me."


JUNSU : "Taec,why don't you take Wooyoung & Chansung..?"

TAECYEON : "I don't want to. I'll take Irene & Zana. Junsu hyung,you take Junho and Chansung. Nickhun,you take Wooyoung. Okey..?"

Before the rest can protest Taecyeon pulled me and I pulled Zana. Zana sat at the back,Taec is driving and I sat in front right besides him. He the engine and look back at Zana. He nooded and whispers please. Then, I saw Zana wearing her headphone and turn up the volume. She was listening to Rainy Days by BEAST. Of cos no doubt about it. Taecyeon looked back at me.

TAECYEON : "Why would you agree to that dare..?"

IRENE : "I didn't knew he was gonna say that. I thought maybe he'll dare me to------ I don't know..!!"

TAECYEON : "AISH..!! That Nichkhun is such a spoiler."

IRENE : "Why are you soo mad about this little thing..?"

TAECYEON : "Who wouldn't be mad?? you kissed me and then next the thing I knew you're going out on a date with my friend."

IRENE : "It's not a date..!! I already said it's------

TAECYEON : "Yeah,yeah..a friend spending time with other friends but still you'll be alone with him."

IRENE : "Dont' worry,I won't do anything stupid."

TAECYEON : "I know you won't but I don't know about him."

IRENE : "Don't worry oppa."

TAECYEON : "What if you fall for him..?"

IRENE : "So..? Is that a problem..?"

TAECYEON : "YAHH...!!! What did you said..??!!"

IRENE : ''Relax Oppa..!! I was just joking. Geez.."

TAECYEON : "Dont scared me like that."

We arrive at our place and Taecyeon park the car. He even walked me to my front door. He looked at me with a worried expression on his face. He hugged me like I was about to be gone for forever. Then, I heard noice and footstep, I looked and I saw the boys. Me & Taecyeon are still hugging when they came.

CAHNSUNG: *cough* "Excuse me..?? Lovebirds..??"

TAECYEON : *he snapped out* What..?

CHANSUNG : "Nothing,let's go in." 

He pulled Taec and looked at Nichkhun,he was helping Nichkhun. He purposely pulled Taecyeon away because he knew Nichkhun wanna talk to me.

NICHKHUN : "Hi *he said it awkwadly*

IRENE : "Hi Oppa."

NICHKHUN : "Tomorrow I'll pick you up at 4 pm. Okey..?"

IRENE : "4PM..??? FOR WHAT..?"

NICHKHUN : "The DARE. Don't you remember..?"

IRENE : "You weren't playing with me..? You're serious about that..?''

NICHKHUN : "I'm dead serious about it. No buts. We're going."

IRENE : "Fine,oppa.. see u at 4."

Nichkhun wave and said bye to me. I closed the and said to myself.

IRENE : "What have I gotten in to myself. Date with Nichkhun..?"

ZANA : "Who told you to be soo closed with them..? I just hope this doesn't turned out like your past relationship. It was hurtful,I don't even think you're over it."

IRENE : "Can we not talk about the pass..?I don't wanna talked about it. There's no used talking about that."

ZANA : "See..?? You're still not over him..!!"

IRENE : "Okey,I don't need your lecture. I'm going to bed."

I went to my room and thought about what Zana said. I know in the back of my stupid head that I wasn't over him. I still remember everything clearly. It felt like it was just yesterday. I shook my head trying to forget about him. I just can't control my feelings when it come to him. I put my headphones on play a song randomly. My iPod palyed the song "Keep Forgeting by JoJo. The song was perfect,the lyric just goes well with my situation.

Thinking back when we got together

In our hearts we were saying forever

So in love, boy we were so in love, mmm

Jealousy wasn't what we wanted, we broke up

And when you looked into my eyes

I should of spoke up

And held you near, then I wouldn't be alone

And here it comes again.

Everytime, I think when we're together. I still felt something for him. I knew he's still apart of me. 

Cause I remember every word that you said

It all just keeps spinning around in my head

But it don't matter what I try to do

I keep on forgetting to forget about you

And I don't want to think about you baby so much

All the things we did and all the way that we touched

Just when I think about someone new

I keep on forgetting to forget about you

Forget about you, forget about

Watch me turn around and forget, forget about you

Forget about me and you.

His every single words still in my head whenever I think of him. All the feelings came back whether it's good or bad. When I started felling something for Taecyeon & Junsu. I will always remember him. Even if I don't want to,he's always somewhere in my head hiding. I tried to forget him, I have turn around a million times just to forget about him but I lways find myself going back to him. Not in reality but in my head.


The way we laughed, the way we kissed
I never though that I would miss
All the things I used to complain about you
The football games, the hometown friends
I'm just glad to see an end
But tell me why I feel so alone without you?
Every single move I took always reminds me of him. I always complaint certain things about him but I never thought those little things that I always hate is the one that I missed the most. I always tell myself that not being with him is the right thing but why it didn't felt right..??
I listen to the song all over again until I finally fell asleep. Time goes by and it was already 4 PM. I knew my "date" with Nichkhun is coming. I felt guilty for Taecyeon but I'll even felt bad for Nihkhun. So,I decided just to go with it. Nichkhun came to my apartment. Unfortunately I wasn't ready yet. So,Zana help me open the door. She invited Nichkhun to wait and said that I'll be out in a minute. I decide to wear a red dress.
As I walked out of my apartment, I took a deep breath. Then,I saw Nichkhun in chocolate suit while holding ballon and a teddy bear.
He scan me from up to bottom. He lookes at me and smile.
NICHKHUN : "Wow..? What a concidence. I brought you a red teddy bear and you're wearing a red dress."
IRENE : " unexpected."
NICHKHUN : "Here you go..!!"
He handed me the teddy bear and ballons. I took it from his hands and put it on my room. Nichkhun offer me his hands and I just hold his arms. We walked down and we bumped into Chansung. He definitely looked happy. Nichkhun wave at him and he wave back. We walked to the parking lot and he open the door for me. I never thought he was a gentleman. He got in the car and begin to drive but we were heading out of Seoul.
IRENE : "Oppa..?? Where are we going..?"
NICHKHUN : "It's a suprise. I love going to this place."
IRENE : "Okey."
The long drive makes me bored and I fell asleep. Nichkhun is still driving. I don't know where he's going to take but the drive took about an hour.
Finally I got the time to spend with her. She's been soo closed with Taec and I can't stepped back without doing something. If after this she didn't felt anything for me. Them, I'll accept it but I just have to find out if there's a chance that we can be together. Aww.,she's asleep,she look soo cute when she's asleep. RING~ Oh.. It's her phone. I took her phone and saw it was a message from Taecyeon. I felt soo guilty for reading it but I have to know what's in it.

"Annyeong Honey, I know now you're on "date" with Khun. Just wanna checked if my honey is alright. I LOVE YOU"


What..? Honey..? but they are not together. I purposely plugged in her headphone and play all the music. So,it would be out of battery and Taec wouldn't bother our date. I looked at her wallpaper and it was a photo of her with Taec wearing an apron. It must be the time when they cooked together. I know I'm a bad person for doing it but I want this day to be perfect. I looked at her and she sleep soo peacefully. I just had to took a photo of her. I stopped the car for a minute and took out my phone, I took a photo of her and save it on my phone. I continued to drive and in matters of minutes. We already arrive at the place. It was already 5 pm and the sunset was about to happen. I woke her up.



NICHKHUN : "Irene..?? Wake up.. We here already."

IRENE : "Mhhmm..,we have arrive..?"

NICHKHUN : "Yes,come on. I wanna show you something."


He grabbed me and lead me to this place. It was soo romantic,it almost looked like painting but it's real.

IRENE : "Wow..!! Oppa..this is soo beautiful."

NICHKHUN : "I knew you would love it."

IRENE : "How come you knew soo much about me. We barely talked to each other."

NICHKHUN : "I don't know. I just know you very well."

Nichkun took a blanket at the car and he even prepared food and drinks. We have a little picnic on the ground. It's was soo mesmerizing. I sat down and Nichkhun lay his head on my legs. He looked up to me.

NICHKHUN : "Irene..? Can I asked you something..?"

IRENE : "Sure oppa."

NICHKHUN : "What would you do if I tell you that I LOVE YOU..?"

IRENE : "HUH..?? But didn't even knew me that very well."

NICHKHUN : "That's not true. I know who you are. I do."

IRENE : "About myself,yes you know that..but what about my past..?"

NICHKHUN : "Your past..? That's not important. There are reason why they called it the past. The past doesn't defined who you really are."

IRENE : "Maybe you can accept it but I'm still trying to get over it. I need more time to recover."

NICHKHUN : "You can take as much time as you needed.. I won't force you to do anything. "

He stood up and he took off his jacket and put it on me. He hugged me and we looked at the beautiful sunset. I felt warm in his comfort. We talked about the first day we meet how it was soo unbelieveable. Then,he said he want to confessed something to me.

NICHKHUN : "I need to tell you something but don't be mad. Okey..?"

IRENE : "Ok--ey..?"

NICHKHUN : "Remember the first time we meet on the elevator."

IRENE : "Mmmhh.. yeah.. i remember."

NICHKHUN : "You still went to your little studio at the middle of the night. Didn't you..?"

IRENE : "How did you knew that..?"

NICHKHUN : "You realize that someone is following you. Didn't you..?"

IRENE : "It was YOU...!!!!"

NICHKHUN : "Mmm.. it's me."

IRENE : "Why did you do that..?"

NICHKHUN : "I was worried about you. I want to make sure you're safe."

IRENE : "Aww.. thanks oppa but it was kinda scary."

NICHKHUN : "Mianhee.. If I scared you."

He lay me down and we looked up at the sky. It was soo beautiful,the stars felt like inch away from us. It felt like it was raining stars. He looked at me and stared at me for a while. I turned around and then I saw him looking at me. He was blushing when I caught him staring at me. I couldn't help but giggle when I saw him like that. I turned around and looked at the sky again. I closed my eyes and I felt soo calm. Then, I felt a lips on my cheek. I looked at him and yelled.

IRENE : "Why did you do that...?"

NICHKHUN : "What..?"

IRENE : "Don't play stupid I knew you kissed me."

NICHKHUN : "You want me to kissed you..?"

IRENE : "Ani..!!! I'm fine."

I closed my eyes again and I felt a warm breath on my cheek. I open my eyes and turn around. Nichkhun was just about to kissed me. 

IRENE : "hahaha..!! Gotcha,,!!

NICHKHUN : "Okey. Fine. I did it."


We finally decided at 8pm that we're going home. We packed all our stuff and went to the car. While Nichkhun drive, I the radio and started to sing with Nichkhun. I had soo much fun hagging out with him. I never knew that he was this fun. Before this we always talked about our sceduel,routine and work stuff. 


To be continued.. Why does there is 600 views but only 16 subscriber.. :(( Please comment.. tell me what you think...? Hope your enjoy this chapter..


Here's some Khun..



Taecyeon was injured and Khun is there to help him.. FIGHTING TAECKHUN..!!!


The way Khun looked at Taec is soo adorable..


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2035 streak #1
Chapter 28: Hello there author-nim :) I just finished reading this story. I thought Irene would end up with Junsu but she didn't. Then I thought Zana would end up with Junho and that didn't happen either. I was a bit disappointed but the story was nice nevertheless. However, the ending could have been a little more better. And it's just my thought. Don't be offended...
Wow its been a long time since an update... good update
I would never one it without all your support & love..
I love you all soo much..!!! <3
hottesthunnybunny #4
I think it's awesome! :) one of the best I've read!
story was great!
Yay! I'm glad i could help. This story is amazing!
@hannah : hahaha.. i'm glad you have a few laugh.. i'm laughing right now cos of your story.. Okey.,i'll end it like that.. you really have been like my co-author.. ^^
LOL! I tried 2 do the 'y u no leave me comment' thing 2 my friends in a weird accent and all of us ended up laughing our friggin arses off! U should totally end it with Taec walkin into Irenes appartment...
Thanks TaecKhun_Cess..
How do you think I should end this..??
I have no idea.. <3