My perfect one..

As always in the morning. I'll always make them their breakfast. This time Wooyoung asked me to cook bacon,eggs,hotdogs and orange juice. I walked through the living room and saw Junsu sleeping in the living room. Wooyoung who's already in the kitchen is whining how much hungry he is. 


WOOYOUNG : "IRENE........!!!! I'm hungry. Hurry up and cook..!!"

IRENE : "YAHH..!! Can you just say please..!!??"

WOOYOUNG : "PLEASE...!!!!!!!" he yelled.

IRENE : "FINE..!!! Why is Junsu sleeping in the living room?"

WOOYOUNG : "Because Taec Hyung locked the door."

IRENE : "Locked the door..? Why..?"

WOOYOUNG : "I don't know. Why don't you asked Junsu..?"

IRENE : "AISH..!! You're no help at all."

Junsu came to the kitchen and help me with cooking.

JUNSU : "Need help..?"

IRENE : "Sure,THANKS oppa."

JUNSU : "You're welcome."

IRENE : "See..? Why can't you be like Junsu Oppa and helped me here..?"

WOOYOUNG : "Alright..!! Fine,let me help you with that."

IRENE : "Thank you oppa..!!" 

JUNSU : "So,did you sleep well last night..?"

IRENE : "Mmm, i sleep just well. Oppa?? Why did you slept in the living room and not in your room with Taec."

JUNSU : "He locked me out, when he came home. His hand was bleeding. I tried to help but he mad at me."

IRENE : "What do you mean BLEEDING..? Like with blood..?"

JUNSU : "Yeah. with blood."


I reach for the top shelf and take a first-aid kit and went to Taec's room.


IRENE : "OPPA...!!!!!!!!!!!!! OPEN THE DOOR...!!! OPPA...........!!!!!!!!! IF YOU DON'T COME OUT,I'LL-----


IRENE : "Come here..! Sit..!!


IRENE : "SITTTT.......!!!!!''

TAECYEON : "I'm fine, I don't need you."

IRENE : "What..?!! You don't need me..? Then, FINE..!! I was actually worry about you and you said you don't need me."


I was upset and I left him in his room. I went to the kitchen and I saw all the boys were there. All of them were eating.


IRENE : "Wooyoung oppa, you already cooked everything..?"

WOOYOUNG : "Yes..You always cooked for us.So,this is just a way to help you a bit..How's Taec Hyung..?"

IRENE : "Don't even bother about him, I try to help but he said he don't need me. So,fine with me. Be ready in 10 am. JYP wants to see us. Okey..?

NICHKHUN : "Bye Irene."

IRENE : "Bye Oppa..!!"


Taecyeon saw me heading on his way. He grab me in the hands.

TAECYEON : I'm ----------

IRENE : "Be ready at 10 am. JYP wants to see us."

I took his hand and remove it from my hands.


I went to my apartment and woke up Zana. She woke up and saw my face.


IRENE : Nothing, be ready. JYP wants to see us.

ZANA : "Okey."


When we were in the van, I sat next to Junsu. I really didn't want to think about Taecyeon. After what he said to me, i really try not to care about him. Junsu & I were talking and laughing. Like always we sang this time, we sing ONLY YOU. Junsu and I were laughing how stupid we two sounded. We got off the van and went straight to the studio.

We waited at the studio. I was with Junsu all the time. We talked and jokes. Nichkhun saw that Taecyeon acting weird. Taecyeon haven't said a word since I yelled at him. Nichkhun pulled me.

NICHKHUN : "Why are you suddenly closed with Junsu..? Weren't you and Taecyeon were unseperatable..?"

IRENE : "Nothing, I'm just having fun with Junsu Oppa. Me & Taec are friends."

Nichkhun just let it go because he knew he won't get anything from me. 


JYP came in and said he have an announcement to do.

JYP : BOYS..!! I have something to say. This is an exciting news. We have decided to do a collaboration with BEAST.

BEAST : Annyeong. We are BEAST..!!

2PM : Annyeong. We are 2PM..!!

IRENE : Annyeong,I'm Irene.. I'm their manager and choreographer.

ZANA : Annyeong, I'm Zana.. I'm their co-choreographer.

BEAST : This is our manager, Je--

IRENE : "JENICA..???!!!!"

BEAST : "Yes,how did you knew..?"



We all run to each other and make a group hug.

CHANSUNG : "Irene..? How did the 4 of you know each other..?"

2PM & BEAST : "Yeah..!! How..?

JENICA : "We used to go to the same school."

ZANA : "We're best friends."

MARA : "They are like my big sisters."

IRENE : "They are part of my life."

2PM : "Okey,we got it."

BEAST : "We got it too."

JYP : "I got it three."

ALL : "hahahahahaha..."

JYP : "All of you can use this time to get to know each other."

Me,Zana,Jenica and Mara talked while 2PM & BEAST talk to each other too.


To be continued... What do you think I added a few new characters.. What do you think..? Comment please.. subscribe to me.. 

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2035 streak #1
Chapter 28: Hello there author-nim :) I just finished reading this story. I thought Irene would end up with Junsu but she didn't. Then I thought Zana would end up with Junho and that didn't happen either. I was a bit disappointed but the story was nice nevertheless. However, the ending could have been a little more better. And it's just my thought. Don't be offended...
Wow its been a long time since an update... good update
I would never one it without all your support & love..
I love you all soo much..!!! <3
hottesthunnybunny #4
I think it's awesome! :) one of the best I've read!
story was great!
Yay! I'm glad i could help. This story is amazing!
@hannah : hahaha.. i'm glad you have a few laugh.. i'm laughing right now cos of your story.. Okey.,i'll end it like that.. you really have been like my co-author.. ^^
LOL! I tried 2 do the 'y u no leave me comment' thing 2 my friends in a weird accent and all of us ended up laughing our friggin arses off! U should totally end it with Taec walkin into Irenes appartment...
Thanks TaecKhun_Cess..
How do you think I should end this..??
I have no idea.. <3