Cooking with 2PM & B2ST.. How the hell this is gonna work..?

My perfect one..

We started to unpacking all our stuff. Chansung & Dongwoon knock on our door. KNOCK~ KNOCK~ KNOCK~

ZANA : "Come in."

CHANSUNG : "UMMA..! We're hungry.."

IRENE : "AISH..!! Maknae always hungry."

DONGWOON : "I wanna eat umma..!!"

IRENE : "Now he's calling me umma.. Okey. I'll be out in a minute."



I went to the kitchen and looked at the fridge. Then I felt someone behind me,he put his hands on my shoulder. I turned around and it was Nichkhun.

NICHKHUN : "Need some help..?"

IRENE : "Oppa,you wanna help..?"

NICHKHUN : "Mm..can I..?"

IRENE : "Sure."

WOOYOUNG : "I wanna help too."

DOOJOON : "Me three."

IRENE : "Come on.. Let's all cook together."

HYUNSEUNG : "I wanna help too."

GI KWANG : "You can't cook..!! You might destroy the kitchen"

HYUNSEUNG : "I still wanna help."

IRENE : "ARASO..!! Everyone can help."

JUNHO : "I'll clean the squids."

ZANA : "Oppa,i still remember the first time you clean squids on 2PM SHOW!."

JUNHO : "I'm an expert now."

IRENE : "Where's my co-chef..?"

JUNSU : "Who..?"


TAECYEON : "I'm coming..!!"

CHANSUNG : "Pali..!! I'm hungry."

NICHKHUN : "This kid..!! YAHH..!! Do we look like your personal chefs..?"

WOOYOUNG : "We kinda look like umma with these apron."

IRENE : "Zana,can you chop the garlic..?"

ZANA : "On my own..?"

GI KWANG : "I'll help."

IRENE : "Khunnie oppa, can you chop the vegetable..?"

NICHKHUN : "Sure. Doojoon will help me. Okey.?"

DOOJOON : "Okey."

HYUNSEUNG : "I'll chop the meat."

JUNSU : "Mmm.. I'll help too.."


We all have devided our own job. Me & Taecyeon was in charge of cooking and Wooyoung is our assistant chef. Zana & Gi Kwang chop garlic, Nichkhun & Doojoon chop the vegetable. Junho willingly clean the squid while Hyunseung & Junsu chop the meat. The rest of the member prepared the table. I looked at Gi Kwang who is crying because the garlic.

GI KWANG : *crying and rubbing his eyes.*

ZANA : "Hahaha,oppa..? Still remember P.S I LOVE YOU..?"

GI KWANG : "Nae,zana. Ples don't bring that up. I'm embarassed"

NICHKHUN : "Oh,that's what you two watch till you two fall asleep in the couch together."

JUNHO : "What you two sleeping on couch together..?"

TAECYEON : "Wait..!!  Aren't you with Junho..?"

GI KWANG : "You & Junho..?"

ZANA : "HUH..?? Mmm..Ahh..."

TAECYEON : "Who are you really with..? Junho or Gi Kwang..?"

IRENE : "Stop it..!! Zana,why don't you help me here..?"

ZANA : "Nae unni."

IRENE : "What's wrong with you boys..??!!!"

WOOYOUNG : "Come on.. Let's get cooking..!!"




She was with Gi Kwang..? and what does Nichkhun Hyung means with the two of them sleeping together on couch. If Irene knew it why didn't she tell me..?? What does she like Gi Kwang more than me..? I need to find out what's going on. There's only 1 person who can tell me the truth.IRENE..!!


What she's with Junho..? Why did Taecyeon say "wasn't you with Junho..?" What's really going on with those two..? Why didn't Zana told me about him & her..? Maybe she only see me as a friend. 


Junho pulled me.

JUNHO : "What the hell..?? I thought you're on my side..''

IRENE : "I'm not on anyone side. I only cared about Zana."

JUNHO : "Then,why didn't you tell me about Gi Kwang..?"

IRENE : "How am I supposed to say that to you..? Oh yeah Junho by the way,Zana was with Gi Kwang last night."

JUNHO : "AISH..!! You're her best friend. You should have know something."

IRENE : "What did I told you about Zana..? She doesn't like to share anything about her love life."


They all done their part. So,it times for me & Taecyeon or should I say my Co-Chef. They all took a stepped back as Taecyeon & I started to cook.

DONGWOON : "WOW..!! Those two can really cook.."

WOOYOUNG : "Mmm..they always cook for us."

HYUNSEUNG : "YAHH..!! You're soo lucky to have them."

TAECYEON : "Of cos they are. We're the best chef in the world."

He grab me and put his arms around my shoulder. I could see Nichkhun & Junsu face went downhill. I quickly remove Taecyeon arms.

IRENE : "AISH..!! Come on cook."

TAECYEON : "Okey Honey."

YOSEOB : "HONEY..?? Are they together..?"

NICHKHUN : "Hahaha..!! No way those two are together."

TAECYEON : "Why not..? I love her."

IRENE : "AISHH..!! Stop it already."

JUNSU : "But does she like you..?"

TAECYEON : "Of cos she does. Right honey..?"

IRENE : "You three are really bugging me. Can I just cook with no distraction..?"



Just before this it was Zana now ME..!! Oh my god..!! Why can't life be simple..? Does it always have to be this hard..??  All eyes were on the three of us. I really can't handle this. I just put on my iPod and play song as loud as it can. I really can't handle this. Taecyeon keep looking at my with puppy eyes. I try not to look at him but I just can't since we have to cook together. 

IRENE : "Okey. Quit it Taec..!!"

TAECYEON : "What..??"

IRENE : "The puppy eyes."

TAECYEON : "Can't resist..?''

IRENE : "You really bug me..!!"

WOOYOUNG : "Hey..!!! That's my line. I'm Jason..!!"

IRENE : "Yeah,oppa..! Can I borrow your line..?''

WOOYOUNG : "Ok..!!"

TAECYEON : "So,why can't you say that you like me infront of them..?"

IRENE : "Oppa,can't we talked about that another time..?"

TAECYEON : "Okey."  * I can see his eyes is teary *

IRENE : "Oppa..!!! Please don't."

I touched his face then his eyes and wipe his tears. He hold my hands and I can felt my heart skipped a beat. 

IRENE : "Promise me. Don't do that to me again. If I'm ready to tell you my feelings,I will tell you."

TAECYEON : "Okey."


To be continued..!! Who do you Irene should be with..? Junsu,Nichkhun or Taecyeon..?? Hard to decided..!!! 


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2035 streak #1
Chapter 28: Hello there author-nim :) I just finished reading this story. I thought Irene would end up with Junsu but she didn't. Then I thought Zana would end up with Junho and that didn't happen either. I was a bit disappointed but the story was nice nevertheless. However, the ending could have been a little more better. And it's just my thought. Don't be offended...
Wow its been a long time since an update... good update
I would never one it without all your support & love..
I love you all soo much..!!! <3
hottesthunnybunny #4
I think it's awesome! :) one of the best I've read!
story was great!
Yay! I'm glad i could help. This story is amazing!
@hannah : hahaha.. i'm glad you have a few laugh.. i'm laughing right now cos of your story.. Okey.,i'll end it like that.. you really have been like my co-author.. ^^
LOL! I tried 2 do the 'y u no leave me comment' thing 2 my friends in a weird accent and all of us ended up laughing our friggin arses off! U should totally end it with Taec walkin into Irenes appartment...
Thanks TaecKhun_Cess..
How do you think I should end this..??
I have no idea.. <3