2PM & B2ST

My perfect one..

We arrive at JYP building and JYP called the boys,me & Zana to his office. JYP look at us. I could felt chill. He's not a bad person but he's very strict and he really a rule follower kind of person. When it comes to business,he's DEAD SERIOUS. 

JYP : So,have you boys been practicing..?"

TAECYEON : "Nae,Hyung."

JYP : "Okey,let me see what you boys have been working on."

JYP lead us to the dance studio. I pulled put my laptop and set up the computer while the boys stretching. I looked to them and nodded. They nodded back telling me they're ready. I played the track and the boys begin to perform. I keep looking between JYP and 2PM. I could felt my stomach twisting. I am nervous as hell. JYP didn't show any expressions on his face. He didn't look dissapoint,happy or anything..!! As the song ended,I hurried and stand besides Wooyoung.

IRENE : "So..? What do you think..?"

JYP : "Mmm.. I think---"

NICHKHUN : "Nae,Hyung. You think....??"


2PM : "JINJJA...???"

JUNSU : "Hyung,don't play with us.."

JYP : "AISH..!! These kids, I say it's amazing you don't want to believe. Then,what you want me to say..? IT'S HORRIBLE..?"

WOOYOUNG : "Aniyo..!! AMAZING is good..!!"

JYP : "I'm glad that you're their manager,even through you're a girl. You really can change them." *he said to me*

IRENE : "Nae,thanks for believing in me."

JYP : "Okey because you boys have done a great work. After you finish recording with B2ST,you all can have 1 week day off."

CHANSUNG : "Jinjja..?? 1 week..?"

JYP : "Yes but you need to watch your eating habits and remember to work out. You need to be in best stamina for the performance."

IRENE : "Got it Chansung..?'

CHANSUNG : "Why me..?"

JUNSU : "Because you eat a lot."


WOOYOUNG : "Who are you kiding with..?"

JUNHO : "We live with you 24/7."

IRENE : "AISH..!! Stop it already."

JYP : "Okey,now go to recording. After that you all can have your day off."

TAECYEON : "Hyung..? Can we go on a vacation or something like that..?"

JYP : "It's fine. I guess but you need to bring your manager. Who knows what trouble you might got in..?"

NICHKHUN : "No problem. I'll make sure she come with us." *he put his arms around my shoulder*

IRENE : *cough* arms.." 

NICHKHUN : "Sorry." *he remove his arms*

JYP : "Okey,i gotta go. Bye..!!"

ALL : "Bye..!!!"

IRENE : "Come on. Let's go to the studio."

ZANA : "Let's go."

2PM : "YAYY..!!"



We came in and waited for B2ST to come. The door open and it's B2ST,we all greet each other. Then,Jenica jumped to the sofa and sat next to me. Mara sat besides Zana. 2PM and B2ST continued and immediately practice. While the girls talked.

JENICA : "Zana. You know Gi Kwang asked a lot about you."

ZANA : "Jinjja..? Why..?"

IRENE : "What do you think..? He like you of cos."

MARA : "I think soo too."

ZANA : "Aniyo,that's not true."

JENICA : "Why did you say that..?"

MARA : "Why you don't like him..?"

ZANA : "It's not that,i just ----"

IRENE : "She didn't know who to choose."

JENICA : "Choose..? There's someone else..?"

MARA : "YAHH..!! Zana,you haven't change a bit. Still a playgirl."

ZANA : "I'm not a playgirl."

JENICA : "Whose this other guy..?"

ZANA : "It's Junho oppa."


MARA : "That's a big problem."

IRENE : "I know.. Right..?"

ZANA : "YAHH unni..!! Did you forgot about your problem..?"

JENICA : "Problem..? What is it..?"

IRENE : "Nothing. Nothing interesting."

ZANA : "What do you mean nothing interesting..? 3 guys..!!"

MARA : "HUH..?? 3 GUYS..?"

JENICA : "WOW..? You're more in trouble than Zana."

IRENE : "Aniyo..!! I don't----"


The boys came out and hear me say...

JUNSU : "You don't------- what..?"

IRENE : "I don't snoore." *I just blurred it out cos I have no idea what i'm supposed to do*

WOOYOUNG : "hahaha... snoore..?"

IRENE : "Yeah. "

TAECYEON : "Do you ( B2ST ) have time off..?"

DOOJOON : "Yes,3 days. Why..?"

CHANSUNG : "We were planing to go on vacation. We were wondering if you wanna come..?"

DONGWOON : "As long as you don't hug us again. I'm fine with it."

JUNSU : "Promise."

ZANA : "Wae..? You scared being hug by them..?"

YOSEOB : "Yes. I'm scared." *he said it while pouted.*

IRENE : "Aww..cute."

TAECYEON : "YAHH..!! Why when he pouted it's cute but when I pouted you don't like it."

IRENE : "hahaha..you're jealous..?" *I stuck out my tounge*

JUNSU : "AISH..so,what you wanna join..?"

B2ST : "Why not..?"

IRENE : "Will Jenica & Mara came..?"

B2ST : "They have no choice. They had to be with us always."

ZANA : "YAYY..!!! Been so long since we go on a trip together."

JENICA : "Yeah,remember the last time,we go on trip..?"

MARA : "Yeah,that was epic. We were so childish."

2PM : "What happen..?"

IRENE : "It's none of your business."

B2ST : "What exactly happen..?"

JENICA : "Private stuff."


To be continued... What do you think..? What should happen during the trip..? Comment..!! I'll take every comment in note.. 


Who do you prefer..?? Taecyeon or Yoseob..



I prefer Taecyeon pouted.. Even if in the story I write that I don't like but who can't resist that cute pouted..!! <3

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2035 streak #1
Chapter 28: Hello there author-nim :) I just finished reading this story. I thought Irene would end up with Junsu but she didn't. Then I thought Zana would end up with Junho and that didn't happen either. I was a bit disappointed but the story was nice nevertheless. However, the ending could have been a little more better. And it's just my thought. Don't be offended...
Wow its been a long time since an update... good update
I would never one it without all your support & love..
I love you all soo much..!!! <3
hottesthunnybunny #4
I think it's awesome! :) one of the best I've read!
story was great!
Yay! I'm glad i could help. This story is amazing!
@hannah : hahaha.. i'm glad you have a few laugh.. i'm laughing right now cos of your story.. Okey.,i'll end it like that.. you really have been like my co-author.. ^^
LOL! I tried 2 do the 'y u no leave me comment' thing 2 my friends in a weird accent and all of us ended up laughing our friggin arses off! U should totally end it with Taec walkin into Irenes appartment...
Thanks TaecKhun_Cess..
How do you think I should end this..??
I have no idea.. <3