
My perfect one..

MinJae-shii called me and asked me to come to his office. I wonder what does he want to tell me. I enter his office and he suddenly was being nice to me, usually he'll give me advice and critic me, but this time he was saying how i should called him oppa since we're gonna be working for a long time. "Huh? but we've gonna be working for only a month. That's not soo long." "Well, here's a thing. I'm gonna be gone to Japan because I need to be with 2AM for their tour. So, there's no one else." "What do you mean no one else?" "You're our only hope,the boys really obbey you. So,it suits perfectly. Would you consider being their third manager?" "Are you insane? Those boys are -----.. TROUBLE.. yes,that's what they are..!! TROUBLE.." I answered. "But this is a big oppurtunity for you." "What oppurtunity? Get myself in hell?" 

"We already talked to our company and they agreed. So, I'm sorry but you got no choice." MinJae OPPA said. "Well,THAT'S NOT FAIR..!! I SHOULD GET A WORD IN SINCE IT'S MY LIFE." I said to him. "But you already sign a contract with us and here's the contract. It clearly state that the employee which is YOU, need to to obbey the employeer which is US." "ARGHH..Oppa..!! FINE..!! You owe me one." "I know you would said yes". "Here's the contract. Sign here." I signed the contract and MinJae oppa gave me all the detail. I'm in charge of the groceries,their meal,chores and finally their practice. Since  I live next door to them, it makes my job easier to do. The next thing I have to do is tell the boys. MinJae oppa tell me that they're in their apartment at this time. So, I could go there and tell them myself. MinJae oppa couldn't go with me because he need to catch his flight. 

KNOCK~ KNOCK~.. Junho open the door and his shirtless. My eyes got wider as I was shocked looking at him like that. He immediately closed the door slightly and used the door to cover his body. "What are you doing here?" he asked me nervously. "We all need to talk." I answered him. "Oh.. NOW!!!??" he asked me "Yes.. NOW..!!" "Okey..wait..!!" he said to me and closed the door. I could hear Junho screaming "IRENE'S HERE..!! CLEAN THE PLACE HURRY....!!" "WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE??" Nichkhun asked. "She said we all need to talk." BOOM,BAM,BONG..!!! I could hear all the noice. I wasn't sure if they were trying to clean up the place or turn it upside down. I laughed to myself. 

Then Junho open the door again. "Come in" he said to me. I nooded and came in. I sat on their couch and said to them "Uhmm.. I dont' know how to tell you guys this but I'm gonna be-------" "What..?? You're gonna be what..?" Wooyoung asked. "your new manager" I said then lowered my head. It was all total SILENT. I could see in their face. They didn't expected that at all..!! Then I hear Nichkhun said "YAY..!! I'm soo happy." while he hugged me. "Of course you're happy but what about me? I'm dead." ''So,you'll be here EVERYDAY?" Taecyeon asked me. "Unfortunately,yes." I answered him. "Well,this called for a celebration." Chansung said. 'No need. It's not a big deal." I said. "NO!! We need to celebrate. What if we cooked dinner. Just the 7 of us and tried to get to know each other. Okey?" "Okey" the other said and they all looked at me "Fine!!" I said. "Okey, we need to divided our duty. Me and Irene's gonna buy the ingredients" Nichkhun said. "Why she gotta go with you? You don't know how to cook. Taecyeon is the one who should go buy." Junsu said. "YES..!! Hyung.. u and Irene go buy the ingredients. You two figured out what will you two be cooking." 

"Chansung and I gonna decorate. Nichkhun, Wooyoung & Junho gonna clean the house." Junsu said. "But why we got to clean the house??" Wooyoung complaints. I laughed looking at how they act just like a 8 years-old. "Sorry,we're really this childish. So,bear with us." Junho whisper in my ears. "Because the three of you are the cleanest out of all." Junsu backfired him. Then when we devide our job equally. Junsu pushed Taecyeon & Me and told us to go buy the ingredients. We use the black car while Junsu & Chansung used the white car. They were going to buy some decorations and they three housemaid clean the house.

As I watched Junsu & Chansung gone off, Taecyeon looked and said "Shall we go?" "Okey." I answered him. "So,if you think that taking care of us is such a pain in the . Why did you agreed to be our new manager?" "I had no choice, I already sign a contract and my boss and MinJAe Oppa tricked me." "Did you just called MinJAe Hyung OPPA?" he asked. "Oh..Mmm.. he told me to." I answered nervously. "So,if I told you to called me Oppa. Would you do it?" he asked me again. "You're serious?" I asked him because we don't really get along that well. "Yeah,why not we're gonna be together for FOREVER." "I guess. Why not?" I answered him. "Good. Now let me listen you called me oppa." he said with a big smile on his face. "Taecyeon oppa..!!" I said. "That's better" he said while laughing. "Yah..!! Why are you laughing?" "Nothing." he said and I pouted. "Sorry i didn't mean to you upset." he said considerately. 

As he was driving, I began to wonder. "Taec, why does it seems like we're going out of Seoul?" "YAH..!! I told you to called me oppa..!!" he said to me. "Owh..!! Sorry..!! but I'm not used to it. OPPA..!!!! WHERE ARE WE GOING??" I scream at his ear. "YAH..!! ARE TRYING TO MAKE ME DEAF? We're going to this outdoor market. They have fresh ingredients there." "Oh..So,Oppa you're the chef in 2pm?" I asked him. "Hahaha.. yeah.. you can say it that way."  he answered. "So,what are gonna be cooking?" he asked me. "I have no idea. What does the boy like to eat?" ""Junsu really love Ddeobooki ,

Nichkhun love Samgyeopsal,

and the other will eat what ever that is eatable." Taecyeon answered. "Oh..then we'll just have to cook it." I said to Taecyeon. "Yeah,poor us. We're the chef." he pouted. "Hahaha.. YAHH..!! Don't be like that it doesn't suit you. Big guys like you with a face like a baby." I told him. "No,you like it. Don't you? Admit it..!!" he said while he make a cute.

"NO!! I don't like it." I said to him. "Okey..maybe not now but sooner or later.. You'll love it." he said with confident. "Never." I said and stuck out my tounge. He laugh at my childish act. 

Once we arrive, Taecyeon was trying to find a parking place. He parked the car and got out off the car. "Oppa.!! Wait..!! Don't you think they'll recognize you?" I asked him. "No,it's full of old people. They are not gonna recognize us." he answered. "Oh. Okey. Let's go..!!" I linked my arms with him and we find the shopping trolley. It was fun shopping with him. We keep arguing but in a good way. "YAH..!! Oppa,let that go. Why do you nedd that? We're making ddeobokki,we don't need cheese plus it smells." I said to Taecyeon. "but I love chesee,can we get it.. PWEASE..??" "That's not gonna work on me." I asnwered. "PWEASE...??" he said again. "YAHH..!! PABO..people looking at us. STOP IT..!!" "Ani, SO,I DON'T STOP,I CAN'T STOP UNTIL I GET MY CHEESE." he began to sing. "ARASO..!!" i said. I couldn't do anything,people begining to look at us. "I knew it would work." Taecyeon said. I stuck out my tounge and said "I hate you." "Aww..I love you too." he said and hugged me tightly. "Op~~~~pa, can't bre~~ath." "Mianhee." he said and he kiss my cheeks. "Yah..!! ert." i stuck out my tounge. He stuck out his tounge too. Peolpe beginning to looked at us and laughing.

Then I want to buy fruits, I pulled Taecyeon to the fruit section. "Oppa,can we get some fruits?" I asked him. "Sure" he answered me. "Ahjumma, can you give me some fresh apple..?" "Sure" the old lady reply me. "So,what do the lovely couple want more?" "No--" i was just about to said no but Taecyeon cut me. He put his arm around me and said "Ahjumma,can you give us some fresh mangoes?" He looked at me and smile. " two are an adorable couple." the old lady said. Taecyeon bow and said "Gomawo ahjumma." and then take the fruits,put it in the trolley. 

"That's it? Do we got all the ingredients?" i asked him. "Yeah. I think that's all." he answered me. "Then,let's go and paid." The counter lady looked at us and said "It's not often,we got a young couple shopping here." We're both got soo used to be called "COUPLE". We just bow and smile. The counter lady said to "Your boyfriend is soo handsome, you're lucky. Don't let him go." I put my arms around his arms and said "Don't worry,I won't let him go." I was just playing with the counter lady. Taecyeon laughed because he know I was fooling the counter lady. He put his arms around my shoulder and said "She's cute too..right?" he pinch my cheek. "Yes,she is" the counter lady said. I whispers to Taecyeon "Oppa,I think the counter lady like you,hahaha." "She's like 30 years old." Taecyeon whispers back at me. Taecyeon paid all the ingredients and I was trying to help him carried it because it was like 5 bags but he didn't let me. "Oppa,let me help you." I said to him. "Ani,it's okey." He hold the groceries on his right hand while his left hand hold my hands. It really felt like we're a couple. 


To be continued..!!! What do you think..? Comment and subscribe please.. Hope you like it..

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2035 streak #1
Chapter 28: Hello there author-nim :) I just finished reading this story. I thought Irene would end up with Junsu but she didn't. Then I thought Zana would end up with Junho and that didn't happen either. I was a bit disappointed but the story was nice nevertheless. However, the ending could have been a little more better. And it's just my thought. Don't be offended...
Wow its been a long time since an update... good update
I would never one it without all your support & love..
I love you all soo much..!!! <3
hottesthunnybunny #4
I think it's awesome! :) one of the best I've read!
story was great!
Yay! I'm glad i could help. This story is amazing!
@hannah : hahaha.. i'm glad you have a few laugh.. i'm laughing right now cos of your story.. Okey.,i'll end it like that.. you really have been like my co-author.. ^^
LOL! I tried 2 do the 'y u no leave me comment' thing 2 my friends in a weird accent and all of us ended up laughing our friggin arses off! U should totally end it with Taec walkin into Irenes appartment...
Thanks TaecKhun_Cess..
How do you think I should end this..??
I have no idea.. <3