My perfect one..

The distance between my apartment and studio isn't really that far, it was just about 1 block. So,I decided to walk to home since I really need to get fresh air and a work out. I'm not really a gym person,so most of my work out routine contains walking,jogging and running. As I was walking I noticed the guy I saw in front of the studio was following me. I can't see his face clearly because it was dark. When I saw him I began to freak out, I didn't know what to do. So, I began to walk faster and he's still following me. I turned around and he was gone but I can felt like he was still looking at me. 

Once I arrived at my apartment, I felt so safe because I knew there's no way he could enter the building without a password. I can felt my eyes closing, once I got into my apartment I immediately crashed myself to the bed. It felt good to just lay on the bed, I'd refreshed my mind and thought about the most hectic day of my life. First it was the screaming fan girls then i got stuck in the elevator with 6 guys and got followed by a guy in the middle of the night. "WOW~~, What a day...!!"

RING~~~~~~~~~~~ My phone was ringing. "Hello?" I answered. Little did I know that it was actually A TEXT MESSAGE. I thought to myself "YAHH..!! PABO.. HELLO?? WHY WOULD I SAY TO A TEXT MESSAGE" I flip my phone and saw it was Nichkhun from the elevator who texted me. 

"Annyeong Irene-shii, morning..!! Are you awake already? or did I just woke you up? Kekeke.. Sorry if I woke you up" It's me Nichkhun,in case you forgot.. <3"


"Annyeong. yeah..just woke up."


Oh mianhee.. ^O^ I was wondering if u're busy tonight? I was thinking if we can get together and grab a dinner. 


Mianhee,I'm busy.


Oh.. okey.. Anyway if you got free time texted me.. Okey?? Enjoy your day.. Don't get so tired. Bye..!! <3



Ouchhh...!! My first rejection..!! No girl ever rejected me, they called me THE THAI PRINCE for a reason. AGRHH..!! This can't happen. Is she trying hard to get or is she really telling the truth but her message seems like she didn't care about me. Why are girls soo complicated..?? The more she reject me,the more I'm interested. She's mine, I don't care who's in my way..!! Maybe I'll go to her apartment later but doesn't that makes me look desperate. Should i go or not? ARGHHH...!!!!!


After I texted Nichkhun, I went to the bathroom and washed my face,brushed my teeth and finally take shower.  Once I'm done, I went to my room and change to a casual outfit. Then I went to my kitchen and make myself an omelet. I open my fridge and took apple juice and drank it. As I went to the elevator I saw Junho, one of the guy from the elevator. He smiled at me and said "Annyeong..!" & I just nooded. The whole time in the elevator he keep trying to make a conversation with me but I just nooded and smiled back. When the elevator open, he said "BYE..!!" with a smile on his face and I wave back.

I took a bus and went to my work place. Today's a big deal for our company cos of the routine will be perform by *what my bosses said to me* one of the succesfull boyband worldwide. I super excited to meet them and present my hard work. Once I got to my boss office, he looked me with a serious expressions on his face and ask me about my routine. "Are you sure it's REALLY REALLY REALLY AMAZING..??" I answered him "Boss,relax..!! Don't you trust me?"  "I do but you always have the weirdest problem especially when people changed your routine.. remember last your stubborn..!!" "Fine. I'll be more calm this time" I answered him. "GOOD..! Take a seat then, the managers gonna come in a few minutes" my boss said to me. 

So, I did take a seat and come in Lee Ju Seob-shii and Seo Minjae-shii, the manager of the boyband. My boss ask "Where's the boys?" and they replied "They're still practicing,so we're two gonna decided on the routine" They are not playing around,they immediately ask me to show them the routine. They were satisfied with my work and agreed to hired me as the choreogrpher for the boyband. My boss gave me a pat of the back as a sign that he's proud of me.

Then the managers told me that I need to meet the boys now & teach them the moves. I agreed and followed them to this big dance studio. Then there were 6 guys sitting on the floor waiting for me. I walked behind MinJae-shii back, I move to his side and was about to introduced myself . The boys immediately stood up when they saw their managers, then I looked up. *..!!!! IT'S THEM..!! THE BOYS FROM THE ELEVATOR.. OUT ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE WORLD WHY THE SIX OF THEM..?? WAIT...SO THEY WERE THE FAMOUS BOYBAND THAT MY BOSS WAS SAYING" The boys look soo shocked as if they just saw a ghost and all of them said together "YOU.....!!!!!!!!!!" I couldn't help laugh and said "hahaha.. yeah.. me.." The managers looked at the boys and ask "You boys knew her??" Junsu replied "Not really but u know,Hyung when we said we just got trap on the elevator with a girl, SHE'S THE GIRL" I looked at the managers and smile. "AHH..!!!!! U're the one that Junsu like??" manager Lee Ju Seob said to me. I forze and said "Uhhh.. WHAT~~!!" Junsu immediately cut in "HYUNG~~!! THAT WAS A JOKE..!!" 

I immediately said "Okey, lets go! We got a lot of work to do!" The boys followed my order and I teach them the step one by one. Chansung whined a lot, he keep asking for rest and of course FOOD..!! I finally gave up and give them give them a time break. While the boys resting, I keep dancing just trying to make the routine perfect and get every move perfect. Then Wooyoung came up to me and said "You need a break..! Here *while giving me a bottle of water* Let sit." I took the water from his hand and drank it. He grab me by the wrist and sat me down on the sofa. Wooyoung was sitting besides me and we were talking. He curiosly asked me "Why didn't you tell me that you're our choreographer?" "I didn't know Wooyoung-shii" i answered him. "Aishh..don't be soo formal. It felt weird having you called me like that.. We're gonna be spending lots of time.. So,just called me Oppa~~ Nae?" "Huh?? No,I'm fine calling you Wooyoung-shii" I answered him. "But I'm not..!! I felt soo old when you called me like that..please called me Oppa~" wooyoung replied.  "Araso..!! Wooyoung oppa!! There,u happy..?" Wooyoung smile and said "YAAAAY..!! That's soo cute~~" while he pinch your cheek. "YAHH..!! WHAT ABOUT US..?" Junsu,Chansung,Nichkhun and Junho whined. "WHAT..?? DO I HAVE TO CALLED ALL OF YOU OPPA~~??" "YES..!!" they answered me. I ignored them and continued the practice. "Okey..let's continued..!! U boys got 1 month till your comeback..!! You boys need to be amazing..!!" "YES BOSS..!!" they replied me. We just continued the practice and I helped them with all their moves.



We've done with the practice at 8 pm,we've been praticing 5 hours. I can felt my legs was moving like a jelly. The boys were also tired. Junsu came to me and ask me if I wanna share ride with them since we live in the same building. At first I said no because I felt awkward I barely knew them but Junsu wasn't gonna take no as an asnwer. Junho grabbed me and said "It's very late, it's not safe for you to be alone." I answered him "It's just 8pm" "Come on~ please..!!!!" he said to me. I knew I wasn't gonna win this tiime. I just agreed to shut their mouth. I followed them to their van and they all went in first. Once I got in the bus, I realize there was no seat but besides Taecyeon. I looked at him and he realize that there's no seat left. So, he nooded and pat the seat signing he's okey with me sitting next to him. Whether I like it or not, I have no choice.  So,I sat next to him and it was soo awkward. I didn't know if I should talk to him or just shut up. We keep looking at each other and smiled. I have never felt soo awkward in my entire life.

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2035 streak #1
Chapter 28: Hello there author-nim :) I just finished reading this story. I thought Irene would end up with Junsu but she didn't. Then I thought Zana would end up with Junho and that didn't happen either. I was a bit disappointed but the story was nice nevertheless. However, the ending could have been a little more better. And it's just my thought. Don't be offended...
Wow its been a long time since an update... good update
I would never one it without all your support & love..
I love you all soo much..!!! <3
hottesthunnybunny #4
I think it's awesome! :) one of the best I've read!
story was great!
Yay! I'm glad i could help. This story is amazing!
@hannah : hahaha.. i'm glad you have a few laugh.. i'm laughing right now cos of your story.. Okey.,i'll end it like that.. you really have been like my co-author.. ^^
LOL! I tried 2 do the 'y u no leave me comment' thing 2 my friends in a weird accent and all of us ended up laughing our friggin arses off! U should totally end it with Taec walkin into Irenes appartment...
Thanks TaecKhun_Cess..
How do you think I should end this..??
I have no idea.. <3