My Protector

My perfect one..

I walked out the bathroom and I didn't saw Zana. I thought she was downstair with the others. So,I quickly changed my outfit,as I went downstair I didn't saw Zana anywhere. I went to Jenica & Mara room,maybe she's there. I opened the door and she's not there. Jenica & Mara was talking and saw me.

JENICA : "Oh,Irene."

IRENE : "Mm.."

MARA : "What are you doing here..?"

IRENE : "Nothing,I'm just bored."

JENICA : "Well,come on here."

IRENE : "So,what are you doing..?"

MARA : "Reminiscing the past."

IRENE : "Oh.."

JENICA : "So,since high school. What happen to you..?"

IRENE : "Nothing much,I continued to dance and then continued being a choreographer."

MARA : "Last time,I saw you. You were still with Yoojin."

JENICA : "Yeah.what happen to you two..?"

MARA : "Both of you were inseparable."

IRENE : "Oh,him.."

JENICA : "What happen..?"

IRENE : "Well,we got engaged in a year and then...."

MARA : "and then what..?"

JENICA : "Wait..!! Engaged..?"

IRENE : "Then 1 day, I found out that he got my friend pregnant."

MARA : "WHAT..!!!!"

JENICA : "Then,what happen..?"

IRENE : "I cancel the engagement and since that day I haven't dated."

MARA : "Why..?"

IRENE : "After I broke up with him,my life had been a messed. I was supposed to go abroad and dances but when it happen,my life been a total choas. That's why I became a choreographer."

JENICA : "Why haven't you dated anyone even 1 person..??"

IRENE : "Yes. I was soo scared of being hurt again."

I confessed everything to them and my tears began to fall like a waterfalls. Just remembering him,I felt all of this emmotions. I immediately got flashback about all our time together. How we would go out on night and dance at the park, how he held my hands,how he looked at me and..... Jenica snapped her finger in front of me and snapped out.

JENICA : "You okey..?"

MARA : "We're sorry,we didn't meant to make you cry."

IRENE : "It's okey. I actually felt a bit better. I haven't really talked to anyone about this.''

JENICA : "Really..? Why..?"

IRENE : "I just wanna forget about him but deep down I know I can't."

MARA : "You still love him..?"

IRENE : "Of cos I do."

JENICA : "Really..? How can you be soo confidence..?"

IRENE : "We've been together for 3 years. I know I still love him but I hate him at the same time."

MARA : "That's a bit confusing."

IRENE : "I know."



I went to Irene's room but no one was there. So,I went downstairs and I didn't saw here to. As I passed Jenica & Mara's room,I heard them talking. The door was slightly open,I peeked in and saw Irene was in the room. I was just about to open the door and then I heard Mara mention the name Yoojin. I froze when I heard Mara said that they were inseperable. So,does that means it's her boyfriend.

I listen closely and heard Irene explain everything about the guy and at that moment I remember what Irene said about her past when we were on our date. Then after I thought that things couldn't get any worst,I heard she said that she still love him. I was taken back with her word,she didn't hesitate when she said she love him. I saw tears falling from her eyes and I wanted to protect her with all my strength. I never wanna see her like that but I know that I couldn't do anything at that time. I just burried my will to go in and walked away from the door and went to my room. 

I lay on my bed and keep thinking about her tears,words and all of it keep spining around my head. It just wouldn't go away. I tried to close my eyes but everytime I closed my eyes I keep seeing her crying,the tears and how I would love to be there and protect her. I couldn't bear it anymore,I looked at Taecyeon and he was sleeping. I walked out the of our room and went to Irene's room. I knocked the door and she opened the door. Her eyes were swollen,she tried to looked down and covered her eyes. I knew she had been crying, I lift her head up and I looked at her directly.

NICHKHUN : "What's wrong..?"

IRENE : "Nothing."

She walked to her bed and sat. I enter the room and closed the door.

NICHKHUN : "Don't lie to me."

IRENE : "It's about..."

NICHKHUN : "Yoojin..?"

IRENE : "How did you know..?"

NICHKHUN : "I heard when you were talking in Jenica & Mara's room."

IRENE : "I--"

NICHKHUN : "It's okey. Let it all out."

I hug her and she lay her head on my chest. I can felt my clothes getting wet because of her tears and we hugged for a while. I held her tightly and she was shaking..!! My heart was shocked,seeing her shaking and I can felt my heart broken.

NICHKHUN : "Talk to me. I'm here for you."

IRENE : "I still can't forget about him."

NICHKHUN : "Why..?"

IRENE : "I never meet anyone like him."

NICHKHUN : "Why? No one can take his place in your heart."

IRENE : "No."

NICHKHUN : "What about me..? I will protect you."

IRENE : "I know you would but it's hard for me to open my heart."

NICHKHUN : "I will prove to you that I'm the one for you."

She held her head up and saw me crying.

IRENE : "Why are you crying oppa..?"

NICHKHUN : "I can't see you like this. It's too hurtfull seeing you sad."

IRENE : "Don't cry oppa. If you cry,I will cry too."

NICHKHUN : "I can't stop. No, you don't cry."

IRENE : "You don't cry too."

NICHKHUN : "Don't worry,I'll never make you cry."

IRENE : "Thanks oppa. for being there for me."

NICHKHUN : "Thanks for coming to my life."

I looked at her eyes, I wiped her tears and kiss her forehead. Then, I looked at her, I couldn't help myslf and I kissed her lips. I have been wanted to kissed her since our date. I promise to myself that no matter what I always be there for her like I always have been. I pulled away my lips and hug her again. 

NICHKHUN : "You need to rest."

IRENE : "Nae,oppa."

I lift her and lay her on her bed. I tucked her in and sat on the floor while holding her hands.

NICHKHUN : "You sleep. I'll stay here to looked after you."

IRENE : "It's okey oppa. I'm fine."

NICHKHUN : "No,I want to be here for you."

IRENE : "But---"

NICHKHUN : "Just sleep."

I saw Irene closed her eyes and she's still holding my hands. She hugged my hands like a pillow. I lay my head at the end of her bed and I watch she sleep. Eventhrough she looked soo tired,beaten up and at the same time she looked soo peacefull when she's asleep. Finally,I fell asleep too. 



To be continued..!! What do you think..?? Comments please..!! Do you like this chapter..?

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2035 streak #1
Chapter 28: Hello there author-nim :) I just finished reading this story. I thought Irene would end up with Junsu but she didn't. Then I thought Zana would end up with Junho and that didn't happen either. I was a bit disappointed but the story was nice nevertheless. However, the ending could have been a little more better. And it's just my thought. Don't be offended...
Wow its been a long time since an update... good update
I would never one it without all your support & love..
I love you all soo much..!!! <3
hottesthunnybunny #4
I think it's awesome! :) one of the best I've read!
story was great!
Yay! I'm glad i could help. This story is amazing!
@hannah : hahaha.. i'm glad you have a few laugh.. i'm laughing right now cos of your story.. Okey.,i'll end it like that.. you really have been like my co-author.. ^^
LOL! I tried 2 do the 'y u no leave me comment' thing 2 my friends in a weird accent and all of us ended up laughing our friggin arses off! U should totally end it with Taec walkin into Irenes appartment...
Thanks TaecKhun_Cess..
How do you think I should end this..??
I have no idea.. <3